I dangled the tickets in front of her stupid face.

She looked at them in awe.

It was all according to plan.

It took a full three weeks to set up but it all paid off that night.

The one thing I learned about planning...It's like super hard!

I was without my muse for three weeks. I really was suffering. Lincy's passion fueled my passion. It was fortunate that before that stupid Luna stuck her nose into our business, Lincy had already thoroughly reviewed a dozen of my lingerie designs. It's not like I was worried, as I knew I'd get him back, but it did set a damper for getting stuff for next season in early. Totes rude of her.

So stupid of her… I'm the one with all the cards.

I was a bit lonely through the weeks but unlike when Lori first left, there was a light at the end of this tunnel. My angelic Lincy. He was waiting for his most dependable sister to rescue him.

Soon. Oh so soon.

The morning after stupid Luna interrupted us, Lincy was so scared. Like a skittish coyote he scurried off at the first sight of that bitch. Her stupid face looked at him in disgust and at me with suspicion. Like I've said before, she was stupid.

I called her stupid bluff.

She didn't really know if I was awake or not… Just like Lincy.

I had so much practice. Of course she couldn't tell. Her little outburst was just a stupid, feeble attempt to bait out a reaction from me.

It didn't work.

Unlike that stupid bitch, I could keep my emotions under check.

This played to my advantage.

I was just her 'stupid', her stupid words not mine, older sister who was too naive. I was being tricked. I didn't know the implications of my words to Lincy.

Like I said stupid.

Her stupid mind trying to make stupid connections that ultimately caused her to make a fool of herself. Had she just been paying attention she would have seen our love and minded her own FUCKING BUSINESS!

I'm sorry about that.

Where was I?

Oh yeah, the plan.

To put it simply, I had to act for her instead of Lincy. Which was fine because Lincy was avoiding me at this point. I was everyone's favorite big sister still. Beautiful, Smart, a breadwinner, everyone was still thriving off what I provided. Mom and Dad's lives became much easier. My little sister's lives became more free. No longer constantly strapped for cash I began buying everyone gifts.

For Mom, Lucy, and Lisa I got them new laptops. They were so excited. Mom and Lucy started typing out their novels and poems to a cloud or something. Lisa was excited by the more gigabytes she was getting. I didn't know how big a giga was but I told her not to take a bite out of anything cause it wouldn't taste good.

For Dad and Lana I gave them budget to add stuff to Vanzilla. I must have given them an unlucky number because when I first told them they seemed scared by it. I did just randomly choose a nice looking number but they like totes freaked out. I really liked the look of four of those big 'O's but I guess they thought differently. They took off an 'O' and said that's all they would need.

Luan, Lynn, Lola, and Lily were super hard to buy for. I took Luan to that tacky store she goes to and just pointed to a shell she was looking at dreamily. I asked her if she liked that shelf and she said 'yeah, why?' So I just bought it. She seemed happy and really surprised by it. I tried to do the same for Lynn but she just bounced around a lot. I just got her a year pass to a game she liked. Lola...wanted some real diamond earrings. That was totes easy but the first ones I bought were too big or something. For Lily, I had no idea so I just got her a new blanket.

I had to make a show of it for stupid Luna.

Everyday I acted the same as before.

For the first week I kept up my smirks.

When my sisters came up to ask for help, thank me, or just hang with me rather than her, I'd give her a smug smirk. Her eyes were still filled with suspicion. After a week, I relented on the smirking, even when I still wanted to gloat. Even with her stupid mind she took notice of it. I tried for a look of empathy. It served to just confuse her.

I kept my acting at night as well.

Lincy wouldn't show up. I knew it but it still ached. I wanted to touch him. Feel him. To be needed by him. I bided my time.

Stupid Luna couldn't accept the fact I was asleep and checked on me frequently during this dry period. Unlike Lincy, she didn't keep a schedule. At first she would sneak into my room, lift up my nightmask, see I was 'asleep' and leave. One night she came and hid in my closet again seeing if Lincy was keeping his word. Luckily he didn't come. He was being a good boy! But I wanted my naughty one back.

I almost ruined it one night.

Stupid Luna was coming to check on me when Lincy also happened to be going to the bathroom. He was walking right in front of her door as he groggily stumbled through the dark halls. She flipped her lid on my poor Lincy. As she pulled him into his room again to tell him off, I could hear his sobs of pain. I wanted to go and wait by the stairs for her to finish. When that stupid bitch came out I would just push her down. Just enough of a tumble to break that neck of hers…

But only a monster would do that. Hehe.

I wouldn't do that. I'm not the monster in this story. I was Lincy's angel. Even how terribly she treated him deep down Lincy still cared for his poor, stupid sister. That's why my plan was important.

We would all be happy.

She just needed to learn her place.

I held myself back calmly that night. I even held myself back when I saw red marks on Lincy's wrist the next day. I tried to ask about them but he couldn't say it. Don't worry, Lincy. I would rescue you soon.

My act continued.

I bought gifts, pretended to be asleep, and continued to be everyone's best sister! I could see stupid Luna's eyes soften towards me. She was buying it. Slowly she began trusting me again. I could see it in her stupid face. Sympathy. Her misguided sympathy.

Really, I should be the one feeling sorry for you.

It was the weekend of the second week into the plan when I started taking the final steps. I could tell she finally felt comfortable with me again. That's when I approached her.

"Hey, Luna. How's it going? Working on a new song?" She was strumming her guitar on the lower bunk bed.

"Huh? Oh hey, Leni… W-what's up?" She looked at me sadly. At that point in time she did it quite often. I sat next to her about a foot away. I still didn't know if I could stop myself from scratching her eyes out for coming between Lincy and I.

"I actually want to apologize for something…" She raised a stupid eyebrow at me. "I don't think I've been a good big sister to you."

"Well, I mean…" She scratched her neck stupidly.

"No, it's okay. I've been doing something like really mean and I think you need to hear why."

"Is it because of Lincoln?" This stupid bitch couldn't go one minute without interrupting the speech I wrote out. I had to practice a lot so the vile in my voice wouldn't be noticed. I even broke a nail punching a wall while imagining talking to her like this.

Still I expected this question…

"What does Lincy have to do with this?" I delivered the line perfectly. I could see it on her stupid face. In her stupid mind she 'knew' I was just as naive as she thought. Again, she's stupid. I can't stress that enough.

"L-lincoln. Lincoln he's been using y-you." *Tsk* Stupid bitch.

"What do you mean Luna?"

"No… Never mind. What's up luv?"

"You know how I've been getting gifts for everyone?"


"You've been really hard to buy for…" I reached into my pocket and grabbed two pieces of worthless paper.

"Leni, it's okay. You don't need to-" Her mouth dropped as she saw the words on the tickets. "Are those VIP Mick Swagger tickets?" I restrained a smile of victory.

"Yes, two of them. So you can like take a friend."

I dangled the tickets in front of her stupid face.

She looked at them in awe.

"It's in another town so we may need to get you a hotel room or something." I told her.

"Wait," Luna looked me over but her hand was still reaching out for the tickets. "W-why are you doing this?"

"Because I've not been being a good big sister." Her eyes were still suspicious. "Look, Luna… I've been a bit jealous of you."

"O-of me? Why luv?"

"Just...When Lori left," I clasped my hands and began my act. "I wanted to be the best big sister ever! But… I don't think anybody else thought I was. It's okay though. Now with my job I think everyone is finally seeing it. Just before… I saw them going to you and I got really jealous. I'm sorry for being selfish."

"Oh Leni." She hugged me, "I never meant for you to feel that way luv. Someone just had to be there for the little dudes, and well… you need time to get ready. I'm so happy you did."

What was this stupid bitch on about?

"Anyways, here." I shoved the stupid tickets into her lap. "Have fun."

All this fake sentimentality made me feel sick. I needed to get out of there before I threw up. I began walking out of her room.

"Hey, Leni wait!" I rolled my eyes before looking back with a smile. "Um, I noticed your door's been unlocked a lot."

"Well that's because one of our siblings might have needs that only a big sis can take care of." I told the poor, stupid girl.

"Well could you um… start locking it. They can knock if they need you." *tsk*

"Okay I will." As I walked to my room I kept my annoyed face in check. I wasn't mad at the rest of my family, why should they have to see me like that?

Over the week leading to the concert stupid Luna began checking my door at night. The first night, I didn't take her seriously and she scolded me. As if I was the younger sister.


But I played along.

Just like Lincy, but more stupidly, stupid Luna would check my door at around a set time. Unlike Lincy, once she became confident in my ability to lock she stopped checking. It only took her three days for her to be happy with it.

Again, she's stupid.

The day before the concert I heard her scolding Lincy. Telling him that she would be away for one night and that if she hears anything about him and I, hell was coming for him. Still all part of the plan. Sadly she didn't know I had arranged for the others to be out that night as well. With how little we had before, my sudden income allowed my family do more things. Theater tickets, sports games, monster truck derbies, all the things we couldn't do before. All possible because of me… and Lincy, though the rest of the family did not know it.

While arranging their activities I told them to keep quiet about it, which honestly was easier than I thought it'd be. They had grown very trusting over the steps in my plan. What I did learn was stupid Luna had a secret assistant that was supposed to tell her about Lincy when she was gone. Obviously, it was Luan but one ticket to her favorite comedian was enough to change her mind. Instead she asked me, her loving big sister, to see if Lincoln snuck out of his room at night.

I promised her I would.

I'd keep a good eye on him.

Luna was the first to leave that wonderful night. Leaving early to check into the hotel I reserved under our parents' names. Then to Lincy's surprise, everyone else started leaving as well. One by one the house slowly emptied.

We were finally alone.

"Lincy~" I knocked on his door. I heard a scuffling as if my voice alone would bring about stupid Luna's wrath. But I came to you Lincy. No need to worry. The door slowly creaked open.

"Y-yes, Leni?" Through the sliver crake, I could only see a single, scared eye. "I-is something wrong?"

"No, dinner's ready." Lincy's eye looked past me.

"Luna's gone right?"

"Yes. Why don't you come down to eat with me."

"*gulp* Is it just us two?"

"Yes Lincy~ come now, I worked real hard on it."

The door open more so I could finally see Lincy's full head, white hair and all. He nervously nodded before exiting his room. I walked in front of him waving my hips from side to side. I wasn't much of a cook but I could make due with a bit of pork chops. I had already served two plates at the dining room table and sat the placings right across each other.

"A-are we really the only ones home?" Lincy asked me again, still fearfully.

"Mmmhmm." I nodded to him as I took my seat. "Just us. We got the whole house to ourselves all night long. Now c'mon eat with me Lincy." I kept the sensuality in my voice subtle but beckoning. It was enough to lull him into relaxing.

We made pleasant, idle chit chat through dinner. Nothing extravagant, just two very comfortable people having a meal. This is the atmosphere I wanted to keep until we had finished. I was so happy to finally be sitting and talking to Lincy again. My muse finished his plate.

"Did you enjoy it, Lincy?" I leaned forward a bit and looked into his eyes.

"Um, yeah. Thanks for cooking." He averted his eyes from my gaze.

"Did you want dessert?" I spoke softly towards him.

"There's dessert?" He cocked an eyebrow at me. I shook my head no.

"No there isn't, well, not yet at least. I just need a bit of help. Your help Lincy~"

"*gulp* W-what kind of help?"

"I was hoping we could have some smoothies for dinner." Lincy's eyes widened and moisture dotted his forehead. I continued. "You know, like the ones you made me before I went to sleep." He looked at me fearfully but my calm presentation steady him enough to speak.

"L-leni," He stuttered out. "I-i can't. L-luna says they're bad for you… and she's right. I'm sorry I shouldn't have made them." His eyes glanced downwards in guilt.

"Oh? Since when did stupid Luna get to decide what's good for me or not?"

"W-what?" Lincy's confused face was sooooo cute!

"I'm the oldest sister her now, and I think stupid Luna is just being a big meany." I started to pry at his final wall. "I get to decide what I want and what's good for me. You know Lincy, I've been really tired recently."

"Y-you have?"

"I have. It's been like really hard to make new lingerie without your opinion. I've been working real hard and it's been affecting my sleep. I really need you to make another one of those smoothies again." I moved my hand to try and hold his. He moved it back.

"N-no, I can't. I agree with Luna, I did something I shouldn't. I won't do it again."

"C'mon Lincy~" I emphasized my next words. "One last time."


"One last time, Lincy."

"L-leni what do you mea-"

"One last time, okay? I really need to sleep Lincy! Please, please, pleaseeeee!" I rounded the table and pulled him to my chest.

"Leni please! I can't!"

"C'mon Lincy!" I lowered my mouth to whisper into his ear. "No one will find out. We're all alone. One last time. It's okay. I'm giving your permission again. It's okay. Please Lincy, I need it." I began rocking back and forth, chiseling that remaining restraint he had.

"FINE!" He shouted and pushed me away. An erection was poking almost out of the top of his jeans. He was ready. "This has to be the last time. The very last time. You can't tell Luna about this. Do you understand me, Leni?"

"Yay!" I clapped my hands excitedly. "Like don't worry, since no ones home you can be as loud as you want when I finally fall asleep. Don't worry about waking me up. Enjoy your night!"

I skipped away leaving Lincoln unsure of himself.

"C'mon Lincy! I want to get to sleep super early tonight!"

The taste was just like I remembered it. Kind of grape with just a hint of sleeping pills. Oooo~ it was so tasty. It was around 8:30 pm when I "went to sleep". I made a show of my going to bed. An hour later Lincy finally checked in on me.

"L-leni, you awake?" I stayed silent. He liked this response.

There was no reason to be subtle but he still tip toed. Slowly he crossed my darkened room to my bedside. I waited patiently for him to be close to me. I could see fear in his eys, but even more so I saw love.

"Leni. I swear. This will be the last time." As gentle as always, two fingers gripped the edge of my blanket before tugging it away. His eyes scanned over my body. "*gasp* Dang it, Leni."

Lincy was referring to my chosen outfit. Just for tonight I had made a special set of lingerie to his taste. I wore a modern classic. My bra and panties were both silk with intricate floral patterns that were semi transparent to tease my skin underneath. Colored green, the design was not the feature that made Lincy go hazy eyed. What he was looking at was my erect nipples that poke through two vertical slits and another along my pussy. My most sensitive parts were already opened for him to play with.

"Leni, why do you do this to me? Why do you have to be so sexy?" It's okay Lincy, go ahead and take out all that frustration on me. His head moved down to give his traditional peck. Finally the contact we both craved. His swirling eyes looked down to my face with a flush. "Please, for god sake, Leni… You taste too good."

His head came down again. Lincy's hands grabbed the back of my head as he began kissing me more. A wet, slippery tongue entered my mouth. I poked at it softly as it spun around my cheeks. He thought this would be his final taste of it, even if he was wrong, he was desperate to memorize it. It was rough and greedy, my favorite combination. My hand began to slowly slide off the bed due to the motion. I noticed it but let it fall.

My hand fell and smacked Lincy's growing erection.

He shuddered at the sudden touch.

"Leni!" He gritted through his teeth. I felt a certain wetness on my hand from long built up precum. Lincy was ready to explode just from my kisses. "*huff puff* I need to calm down. This will be the last time."

Lincy came up below my waist and looked at my panties. My slit showing through the slit of my panties. I saw a quick lick of his lips before he parted my labia. A surge of pleasure caused me to twitch and gush onto his nose. His hot breath tickled my cooch before the scent of my nectar beckoned him to taste. Lincy's long, flat tongue licked up pussy before the tip tickled my clit. I squirmed uncontrollably which only caused his attack to increase in veracity. I felt a finger plunge into me before retracting, lubed up he forced it into my ass. He drank out of me as a torrent of love shot out of me.

"Leni, you're crazy tonight. Did you miss me as much as I missed you?" Yes, Lincy! I missed you so much. "Did you want me to do this again?" Yes! Please Lincy, I need more.

"*gulp* Okay, Leni. Luna took my condoms so I can't be in you long." Actually that was me Lincy~ Why else would you still have your sleeping pills? Stupid Luna's too stupid to consider that. "It's like you made these panties just so I could fuck you in them." I'm glad you noticed Lincy~ Sorry Victoria this one is just for Lincy and I, even if you keep them in secret.

From where Stupid Luna had cut us off, Lincy aligned himself for a good old fashioned missionary fucking. Well that's how it started. I felt his raw dick press against me. We shuttered with pleasure together, totally in sync. The head pushed in. Lincy thrashed wildly. A tiny bit of blood drip off his bottom lip he was biting. He fell to my chest with clenched fists.

"God Leni… That was close, I nearly came inside you." I licked my lips. Lincy didn't notice my legs wrapping around his waist. "Maybe I should just go for a blow job before I do this."

"Aww~ Don't spoil the mood Lincy~" His eyes widened.

I pulled him into me.

Lincy back arched backwards like a howling wolf. His mouth opened and his tongue rolled out forwards allowing a bit of drool to descend from its high point. Inside me, hehe, the tip of his cock slammed against my womb and my cervix opened wide for its incoming occupants. A flood of Lincy's seed shot forth in six long, hot bursts. I could feel them swimming inside me. Lincy's little babies. I grinned toothily but with his position he didn't see it. I wasn't even cumming with him but I was the most pleased I had been all night.

His body finally collapsed on me. Twitching as extra smaller spurts came out of his balls. Lincy's breath was heavy and tickled my exposed nipple. He rested on me for an entire minute, his cock softening but not leaving me. It plugged me so nothing would escape.

"L-leni…*huff* leni… I-iiii j-just...what do I do now?" You continue till you're satisfied Lincy. I tightened my legs around his waist. "Leni?!"

He looked down to his midsection. My feet locking my legs around him. He kept on looking up and down with scared eyes.

"Leni. Please. Are you awake? Please. I need to get out of you!" He tried to pull out but I crushed him back into me. "Leni! Wake up! No, we have to, have to. I don't know! Clean you out?" He began pushing against my stomach with his hands but, being a big sister, of course I had to be stronger than my little brother. A fruitless minute of pushing later and my little intruder relented.

"Leni…*sob* I'm sorry. I'm soooo sorry." Shhhh, don't cry Lincy. I began rubbing his back one of my legs. "Leni? Are you trying to soothe me? Why are you such an amazing sister? Why am I such a horrible brother? I'm sorry Leni…"

Even with his ugly face on, I kept nudging him. Slowly my hips began to grind. His little bitty cock grew and grew till it filled me back up.

"Leni! Please." C'mon Lincy, Permission. Big sister Leni will take all you can give. "Leni, why?!" His own hips began to move. His cute face returned. As he looked back up to me.

"Are you telling me you want this?" Mmmhmmm, now you're getting it Lincy. "You enjoy getting a good night sleep from me fucking you?" It was building, I could see it in his animal like eyes. I was now Lincy's mate. My feet finally unlocked as he moved by himself. His pressing into me forced him above me as he drilled up and down into my butt hanging in the air. An arm pulled up my face as he began to kiss me while his other hand twisted at my nipple. Sloshes of Lincy's seed and my nectar began overflowing out of me with each thrust. Lincy began growling into me.

"Fine, Leni. This is our last time. I'm doing whatever I want tonight! You are my lover!" Yay! I'm so happy! Fuck me Lincy! "You know what that means? I'm going to fuck you long and hard! All night long!" Yes, yes! Lincy do me. Love me. Need me. Impregnate me again and again!

"You're right." How so? Fuck! Tell me after I cum a bit more. "Luna's mean! She's stupid! Why should I care what she thinks!"

Joy filled my heart after he finally understood. My arms wrapped around him. My lips moved with his kisses. My waist thrusted up as he fucked me downwards. This was it. This was what I wanted.

"Stupid Luna!" I called out.

"Yeah Stupid Luna!" He ripped my night mask off and looked into my eyes. "We're lovers now Leni."

"Lovers?" I asked him with hearts in my eyes.

"Lovers! Now and forever Leni!" I could see the hearts in his eyes too.

"Lovers. Now. OOOOoooo~. And. Oh shit, Lincy fuck me harder. Foooooreeevvveeeerrr!"

"Did you just cum, Leni?"

"I've been~ cumming, Lincy!"

"Good, I'm cumming again too. Where do you want it?"

"Inside me. Please, Lincy, pleasssse."

"But that's place is already full."

"No it's not you can squeeze in so much more."

"Fine you ready for it?"

"Yeah together!"

"Alright Leni, here- we- go!"

Lincy hips began buck wildly. I could feel it mounting. I wrapped my legs around him again but I'm sure he wouldn't be pulling out anyways. A syncopated rhythm finally became apparent as he finally got close. His hands pulled my face up as his tongue was shoved down my throat. My nails dug into his back. Finally, a new Noah's flood shot out of him and like a geyser I shot nectar onto his balls.

This was finally it.

We were lovers.

We would repeat this process seven more times.

My plan was not over.

"Guess what everyone!" I looked around the dining room table at my loving family, and stupid Luna. It had been several weeks since the best weekend of my life. "I'm pregnant~!" I shouted out in glee.

Several coughing fits were had around the table. Stupid Luna slammed her hands on the table and looked at me with wide eyes. My Mom and Dad looked at me in shock. My little sisters were unsure how to feel. Lincy, looked surprised but also happy.

"Sweetie!" Mom interrupted, "Did you just say you're pregnant?!"

"Yeah! Did I like say pageant again? I mixed them up when talking to the doctor."

"No, it's just-"

"Who's the father?!" Stupid Luna asked.

"Oh this guy I meet at work. Sadly he moved to Milan last week so I can't really contact him."

"THAT ASS!" Lynn Loud Sr. Slammed his fist on the table. "GIVE ME A NAME AND I'LL! I'LL!"

"Calm down Dad!" I stopped a small smirk. Lincy inwardly cringed in fear of what Dad would do if he found out. "It's totes okay. I'll be fine."

"That's not," Mom was cut off.

"I think we should focus on supporting Leni, through this difficult time." Lincy spoke. My heart soared as he looked at me with joy in his eyes.

"Lincoln. No." Stupid Luna started but was silenced by cheers and approval of Lincy's idea.

And so time passed.


Lincy took a new role as he began supporting me in everyday life. I started being home-schooled and according to the records it was simply due to my job which wasn't entirely a lie. I worked hard and began to produce new lingerie meant for pregnant women. While a bit niche, pregnant women everywhere were happy that "Loud and Proud" had made them feel sexy again. My employer was surprised but still accepting. Why would they fire one of their top sellers?

My plan had finished at this point.

I thought this would have taught stupid Luna to mind her own business.

I was wrong.

But she only hurt herself really.

Into the third month of my pregnancy, I was minding my own business just going to the kitchen. I had been sewing beforehand in my room and had to go downstairs. But as I did, I suddenly was startled by a push from behind.

Who could it be you ask?

Whose the only one so stupid to think of doing such a thing?

Why stupid Luna of course!

As I made my first step. Two hands pressed against my back. The force was small but the intention great. But I'm not stupid like her. Guard rails were built for a reason. I had grown accustomed to using them as I began to feel heavier. As I found my body rolling forward my grip on the railing tightened allowing me to spin and instead only slip, I fell a few steps. The sound was enough to alert most of the house.

Lincy was the first to come running.

"Leni! Are you okay?!" He quickly came running up the stairs to help me to my feet.

"Yeah I'm fine." I smirked slightly as the rest of the family came in. Their worried eyes and cry of horror at seeing my position made for the perfect set up. "I don't know what happened." Lincy looked behind me.

"Luna, did you see what happened." For her part, stupid Luna still tried to pretend. Unlike me, she hadn't planned ahead.

"No, dude. She just slipped."

"She's lying." A monotone voice came from the corner of the upstairs hallway. My dark little angel, Lucy, had seen it all. She shivered as she recalled the monster's actions. "Luna pushed Leni."

The words hung in the air.

The faces of my family were that of pure, unadulterated hatred. I bathed in the emotion. Stupid Luna began backing up to the wall.

"No I didn't!" She feigned innocence

"Yes you did, I saw it all." Lucy told everyone.

"Luna Loud, how dare you." Mom looked pissed~

Lincy came behind me and acted as a barrier between me and the vile, stupid Luna.

"If you come near Leni again, I swear." Lincy growled protectively.

"I'm not listening to you, you little punk!" Luna shouted.

"Luna you have no right to say anything to Lincoln!" Dad shouted.

"What?! You don't underst-"

"I don't want you in this house! You are out young lady!" Dad's words caused the stupid girl to recoil in fear. Now was the time.

"Wait!" I finally stepped in. "Let me talk to her."

"WHAT?!" My family shouted.

"I think me and Luna need like have a heart to heart." I placed a hand on Lincy's shoulder. He calmed down but was still on edge glaring at stupid Luna. "Luna my room please." My hand motioned for her to go to my room. With fearful eyes still on the rest of my family, she moved back.

"No one listen in. This is between Luna and I." I shut the door behind me and locked it. I began making my way to sit on my bed but stupid Luna started talking before I made it.

"Leni, please you don't unde-" I raised a single finger, enough to shut up a dog. She looked at it stupidly. I sat on my bed before I motioned her to continue. "Please Leni, you're baby I don't think it's the Milan guy's!"

"There is no Milan guy."

"What, dude?"

"Luna, luna, luna… Stop being so stupid."


"My body belongs to Lincy. I would never let any other man touch it."

"Leni, I know Lincoln has been raping you but don't defend him!" I began throwing pillows at her.

"OUR LOVE IS NOT RAPE!" I bashed her with my pillow repetitively. "ONLY A STUPID PERSON LIKE YOU WOULD BELIEVE THAT!"

"Leni! Calm down!" I slammed my pillow on her head one more time. I pulled her into a hug. Her mouth hug open in shock.

"Shhhhhh. It's okay stupid Luna."

"Leni, please you're scaring me."

"You should be."


"Don't you see?" I pulled back to look her in the eyes. They were watering.

"S-see what?"

"You're life," I held up my palm. "It's in my hand."

"W-what?" Stupid Luna watched as I curled my hand in a crushing motion.

"You don't understand because you're stupid. But that's okay, I love you, Lincy loves you, this family still loves you. You did something very stupid." I told her.

"Leni, *sob* you got to get rid of that baby." I hit her with my pillow again.

"You're not *smack* Listening! *Smack* This *smack* is *smack* why *smack* you're *smack* STUPID! *smack smack smack*" I stopped the reeducation.

"Stop! Please!" She begged.

"Do you know what Lincy has done for this family?"

"*sob* No. *sob*"

"I'll tell you...He did everything for this family." I knelt down to her level. "Lincy's my muse and without my muse I wouldn't have this job. Without this job, this family wouldn't be able to survive."

"T-that's not true." She tried to argue. "We were getting on just fine before-"

"That's because you're not old enough to know the truth."


"Did you know Lori was going to only be able to go to college for a year before she would have to move back. No? That's because you're stupid." I poked her in the chest. "If it wasn't for my income we would all be trapped here. I'm paying for her college, I'm paying for your college, I'm paying for Luan's college. I'm paying for everything that isn't 'essential'."

"I-i don't understand."

"That's because you're stupid." I poked her chest. "If I go out there and tell them I don't want you around. You're gone."

"Wait! No, please Leni!"

"Shhh, listen. I could do that or… you can just accept your place. We still love you, I love all my little siblings. I'm taking care of all of them. You just need to stay out of mine and Lincy's way. If you do that, you'll have a place here. After you turn 18 I'll make sure you have another place to go to as well. Be it college or even in a van playing music in who cares. I'll set it up so you can achieve your dreams." She just stared dumbly at me. *tsk* "All I ask is you don't get in my way. Your life is in your hands now. What do you want to do?"

"Leni…" She looked at me with scared eyes. "Y-you can't have that baby."

"There! Again you aren't listening. If you tell anyone. You will destroy this family. What do you think will happen? Everything will work out just fine?" I dug my nails into her arm as I grabbed onto her. "No. Maybe they'll take Lincy away. Maybe that will cause me to lose my job. Maybe that big scary government person will come and take everyone away because our parents weren't able to stop a stupid person from saying my love was rape. Maybe this is an unsafe environment. Maybe we'll never see anyone ever again."


"What do you think about that, stupid Luna?" My nails were about to puncture her skin as I bore in more and more.

"I-iiii won't tell."

I released my grip.

"Good. Now come. You need to apologize to the family. Apologize for being so stupid."

We slowly descended the stairs into the main foyer where my loving family was. There eyes filled with disgust at my crying follower. As there anger aimed at her, she collapsed to the floor.

"I'm sorry everyone! *sob* I'm soooo sorry! *cry* I failed you! I failed Leni! I failed to protect her! *sob* I'm sorry!" The family was split, some were visibly uncomfortable with the display of weakness. "I'm sorry! I'm sorry for being stupid!"

I stood high above the fallen girl.

Don't feel sorry for her.

She did it to herself.

As the month's pass and my belly grows, I remember fondly back to those days of Lincy's first intrusion. We have returned to watching things in the evening together and Luna even joins us. She has become quite protective of us. She is no longer stupid after her reeducation. There is hope for everyone.

Lincy no longer makes me smoothies because the pills are bad for the baby. Even if I never had a single one. Instead we skip to the best part! He's very gentle right now but I totes can't wait till he can fuck me at full strength again.

Still time passes on.

I'm balancing being Lincy's lover and being the best big sister ever!

It's hard but the small kicks I feel in my womb make it all worth it.

~The end~

A yandere does not need to be a kill machine. I believe many people forget that. One of my favorite stories, Koharu no Hibi by Youkou Ooshiro, features a non-killing yandere whose scariest moment is when she tries to glue her hand to her lover's. The biggest thing is the misinterpretation of reality and the corrupt ways they view simple actions of say a sibling trying to help them. That was one of the main goals of this story. I hope you enjoyed it.
