A/N: Yo you all got me back for another round. Hey dudes I knows it been about two months since I last uploaded and things got sad for me. After closing my Danny Phantom and Star Wars fics I kind of got depressed. I wondered if people didn't like that I was trying to add into the lore of those universes. But after talking, reading a lot of lewd comics, and reading some other fanfictions it finally hit me. I'm not a lore writer I do mostly lewd stuff. Sure yes some of my other stuff has lore and some background stuff. But that stuff was added in after I established the main guys love life and well how lewd he'll get. So I'm once more back on track and I plan to keep doing what I do best. Write stories that are very weird and lewd for those that like it. So again thanks you all for your support and lets jump into the comments.

Guest: There is a poll that is currently open on my profile asking you to decide, which story fandom you think I should write my next lewd story for dude.

PS thank you to everyone that has left a vote on the poll. Yes I will leave it open for another month or so. I hope you all like the pick because right now the leading three are just two or so votes apart. So please if you can drop your vote or leave in the comments what is your pick.

The future is way sexier then you think!

Zane's POV

Working with this Femsistance has been interesting. From my poking it turns out that Nixon had his mad scientists hack the network for multiple reasons. One disables the respawn on non-military, priority, and government personal. Two spread a virus that effectively kills major cities of mixed alien and foreign species to Earth.

Three provide a fake immunity drug that makes large groups of men infertile and unable to get sexually excited. And finally to eliminate any groups that don't agree with his human's first policy by any means. From what I've found Nixon's military is commanded by a complete group of idiots.

I won't be surprised if this war is just so that Nixon can distract and kill people simply because he's angry at being a head in a jar. Sending this information through the concealed channels to Amazonia I wait as my ship slowly travels to Mars.

Finally after over a week of traveling I've landed. Parking my ship in a crevice I walk to examine the Martian ruins. The ruins show their culture truly was a simple society with so little to worry about. I run my hand over the walls feeling the rough red clay.

I exhale to say, "Reminds me of home... 'Sigh' I hope this won't take long I have to be there when my kids are born no matter what."

Searching the place for close to ten hours I find a few beads, feathers, a odd looking blaster, and a nicely made poncho. With my sightseeing done I exit the ruins to spot several Doop soldiers looking around the place.

I raise my special card to say "Odyssey Green allow me to hear what they speak."

The multi skulled green ghoul of a creature comes from my card to drift down to the soldiers. After killing so many Pickers the source of their powers became mine. Turns out very few have such rare mental abilities. And my suspensions that others without such mental strength can't see Odyssey was confirmed every time I walked through the halls of the Femsistance base.

But they have noticed the faint green of Odyssey changing the paths of my rounds in battle.

A Doop soldier says, "I don't get why the Wong's want us to search these ruins again? I mean how many times have they picked at this place and found only scrapes?"

Another soldiers answers "That's cause the slaves do their job and we do ours. We keep the varmints away so they can keep picking and mining. No hush up and keep scanning we just need to look for an hour more then we can spend some time on the strip. I heard some fancy wigs are going to be at that gambling event this month. And that one of them has some big titties."

I say "Odyssey Green mind link show me how those here dress."

I'm surprised to see that people here dress two ways. Sharp and business wise or flamboyant with model like grace. I can pull of the business angle but I won't be able to show my business if asked. Looks like I'll be dressing as a model.

Slipping on my hybrid worshippers guard I hitch a ride in the Doop truck. For three hours I lay in wait as they travel. But finally in the cool night they stop and I see the glamor of a place dripping with more money that Las Vegas of old. Mars Vegas has a casino on every corner, an exotic worker perched at every door. And a loan shark or pimp looking to smooth talk someone they wish to swindle.

Finding a tailor shop I slip into the back to say "Odyssey Green slip into the fair seamstresses mind and see if she can help me."

Doing as asked the seamstress is very docile as I poke at that latest male model fashion from her. Thanking her with a kiss to her hand and two pure gold coins. I exit onto the street. Through my cross bared sunglasses I can see a few women whistle my way. As well as a few interested male prostitutes.

My clothes are as such, my undershirt is a very thin almost see through pink and white stripped tank top. My pants are a simple cream color with black spirals starting at the knees all the way down to the bottom of each leg. My shoes are slip on slippers black of course. And finally the worn looking deep brown leather jacket.

The style for this jacket is that it only zips up a third of the way. The collar is popped and the wrists have wide exaggerated cuffs as well. Walking down the street I see several drunken soldiers harassing the girls at one corner.

I want to help but I can't draw attention to myself. I need more information on the family that runs the city. As well as getting to know its layout and how strong the Doop forces are here. But that doesn't mean I can't make some quick friends for being nice.

Third person's View

Two full days of flirting and eavesdropping later Zane finally has a good idea of what Mars is about. The wealthy Wong family runs the whole planet. With the help of Nixon the natives have become the planets work and labor force. They get paid next to nothing but a few are feared for their skills. And even the Wong's know not to cross them. So they are employed and allowed some power.

The wealthy kids of Earth are taught at the University and even live there. While the parents and other big business owners of Earth gamble and revel in any pleasure they feel like. Some even are allowed private floors in casinos to go wild. But Zane managed to get a tip that some natives aren't looking to keep quiet for much long.

Zane knocks twice for the door latch window to open. He slides a few casino chips in and he's let inside.

The guards hold him at blaster point as they say, "Place your card holster there. You'll get it back when you leave."

Zane nods but even as they pat him down as a double check he keeps Odyssey Green's card hidden. Zane walks in slowly as the thick smoke and sparking haze of drugs fills his senses. Zane finds a seat by the stage as several natives walk around all catering to others while avoiding him.

Zane thinks 'It's been a while since I felt like an outsider.'

A pair of heels clip for an elder Martian to stand before Zane. With the ornate eye patch covers his left eye two Martian women dressed it very revealing outfits hold him by the waist. Zane stands to bow slightly were as the elder exhales a puff of purple glittery smoke to sit down. The whole room is silent as all eyes focus on Zane.

The elder says, "Sit outsiders."

Zane sits, as the two girls remain to tend to the elders needs. One holds a pipe for him to smoke from while the other holds a glass of alcohol. The elder indulges himself while looking at Zane.

The elder says "My son says you asked questions outsider but I don't smell Wong on you. Or the scent of the fools of Earth. Who are you?"

Zane simply slide him his real ID card and for the elder to chuckle deeply. But he coughs a little making the two girls worry for him.

The elder collects his breath to ask "So your majesty why are you here?"

Zane waves off his words to answer, "I came looking for a spy. She has information on the Wong's as well as the other families here. With her information the resistance on Earth can counter some things here. Maybe even return the lands wrongfully stolen."

The Elder grabs at Zane's collar to growl "And I am to trust and outsider like my forefathers trusted a Wong!"

Hearing the clicks of weapons Zane shakes his head to place several bars of gold onto the table. The elder stops, as does everyone else.

Zane say, "I came to talk not for them but for my people. I left my home, my wives, and my children to make sure this war never reaches them. I can fund you, I can gain information so your people can know the soldiers movements. And with your peoples help from the casinos we can insure that their riches return to your people, as it should be. Mars is the home to the Martians no outsider should rule over your lands without paying tribute for such an offense."

The elder lets a lone tear leave his eye to release Zane.

Zane sighs to say, "I know it has been too much to ask for your help. That is why I won't ask until I get the spy. If she has be caught I'll make sure only I'm involved. But most of all I can tell you that I have seen this happen many times in history. Invaders rape lands and worlds like yours. Plundering your homes, prostituting your people, and caring little for how you feel.

"But history has revealed a common truth. Invaders die and the people they harm stand tall and more unified after. Elder tell your people that they can still dream. That they can still hope, I will help not just because I am an outsider. But because like you I want to protect those I love and never see this happen to them."

The elder nods as Zane place five more gold bars onto the table and explain how he can fund getting arms to his people in certain casinos. With the talks concluded he points Zane to a shaman of his people. Telling Zane that she can give him a clue as to how to find his spy.

To no surprise the shaman had to be in prison.

Zane's POV

As I enter the scanning room the guards laugh to say "Hey pretty boy how much is the cunt paying you to fuck her?"

I roll my eyes to answer "Plenty and enough to tell you that she still has plenty of influence even while locked up. I suggest you watch what you do to her. You never know whose watching you."

A couple of the guard's gulp but the lead guard tells me to watch it. I don't buy his threat he's just hiding behind whatever power he has here. I place my holster to the side as I enter the glass solitary room.

Seeing her pretty much chained to the floor but still floating several feet in the air goes to show she has real power. And these fools have been trying to keep her contained is probably smart. But again foolish she's clearly still commutating with someone.

The shaman exhales to open her eyes showing she's blind. She waves her hand for all the camera's to short out. The once glass clear walls of the cell fog over with a black ink or paint like substance.

A loud speaker says, "Damn witch! Hey pretty boy when she's finished fucking with you just knock on the door real hard."

I look at the shaman for her to say, "I see the gift of extending the mind is still very mysterious as it is far reaching. So young king tell me what do you call your ghoul of a Stand?"

I nod to say, "He's called Odyssey Green. And even though he has a ghoulish appearance he is still a close friend that has helped me keep my mind from splintering. And has earned his salt from battling along side me. Honored shaman another elder tells me you can help me find my spy. Her name is Amy she has information I need. Information that can help your people as well."

The shaman exhales to say, "I already know where she is. She's at that place of learning. I believe she is lying to her allies about who she is. And you will find out soon as well. But that is not all you have for me?"

I nod to slip several weapons cards from my shoe to her. The shaman chuckles to smile as the cards float around her. She taps one to reveal a glowing staff of some odd looking wood.

The shaman says, "These invaders will regret harming so many of my people and children. Before you leave the city young king find my husband Blind Joe. He will expand the current limits of your Stand."

I nod thanking her as I leave.

As I walk out the guards pat me down to ask "That was fast usually the other spend close to an hour with her?"

I smirk to point into the room showing the shaman laughing and flashing them her tits. The guards turn their heads but I see she used her power to pull a set of keys from one guard's belt. Yes she already has her escape under control.

Walking a few blocks east of the main strip I come to a huge casino with the name Wong in big neon across the top. Stepping inside the native greets and gives me a traditional bow. But I slip him the token I receive to tell others I wish to speak to the chief of the casino. Before long three natives in suites escort me to the ninth floor. They keep me a blaster point and force me into a room. Sitting a native with sunglasses steps in front of me from the shadows. He sniffs around me several times to stop and grip my face.

I say through his grip saying "Blind Joe you wife wishes you great health and hope."

He lets go of my face and I explain why I'm here. Blind Joe reaches out and punches Odyssey Green. I can feel the impact of his punch as it jolts across my sternum.

Blind Joe says "Good it is connected to you. But to expand your control you must journey across yourself. Go into the desert follow the stars until you can see a face rise from the soil. Once you reach it you will find the healer. The healer will show you the rest of your journey."

I nod to place several pieces of gold at his feet. Blind Joe lifts one to sniff even taste it. He nods and I'm escort out of the city to the edge of the desert. Giving the natives my thanks I sigh to begin walking. I heard of quests like this in novels but never thought I'd be on one.

Well hoped you liked it and if you didn't well I don't care. Drop me a review and some other fun stuff. I'll see you all later!