Baby Psycho-

Hehe... I got bored and I started this story, it was originally about two new characters but I changed it to apply to Harry Potter. It's AU


WARNING- This story contains swearing, drugs, alcohol, murder (probably), sexual references and country music.


When two gangsters get mixed up with something that's possibly even out of their league, they need to do everything they can to survive. Along the way they are involved with everything from bitchy girlfriends, dead bodies and switched bags to police chases and Alcoholics Anonymous meetings.

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When Vile Ritchards, a man with more piercings than brain cells, woke up, he knew that he was a dangerous criminal. When Vile went to bed on that very same day, he knew he was nothing more than a common thug. This change in Vile's outlook had been brought on by a meeting with, as Vile so eloquently put it, two fuckers.

The meeting was for pure business, he would give them his goods and they would pay him the money in exchange. The Metro Café was a typical place of business, the type of place that remembered no faces and produced no witnesses. Vile had just ordered his coffee, short and black, when the bell had jangled and two men of indiscriminate age entered.

Even though they were both dressed head to toe in black, the two men still managed to attract the attention of everyone in the room. It could be the aura of barely suppressed danger that lurked around them, or the fact that they were both unusually handsome.

The taller of the two made his way towards the bar, while his companion took a seat in the opposite chair. Vile took this opportunity to get a good look at his 'clients'. The man was about 5'9 with slicked back blonde hair and pale white skin. An expensive pair of sunnies hid his eyes but if you looked closer you could see the end of a scar just poking out from underneath the glass frame.

The taller brown haired one walked over to the table, a tray off coffee in his hand. He looked to be around 6 foot, and like his companion glasses shielded his eyes. His tan face was handsome even though his nose looked as if it had been broken once or twice in the past.

Vile considered the danger involved. There were two of them, then again the blonde looked rather fragile. The brunette on the other hand seemed to be one of those new age gym goers. Vile was confident in himself, he didn't need any fancy Chinese moves in order to win a fight, he had over 20 years of bar fights under his belt.

"Mr Ritchards we have your coffee, would you give us the sugar." The blonde spoke in cool and cultured tones, making him sound like an upper class businessman. Vile knew what he was talking about, coffee was the money and sugar, sugar was the drugs. "I have two bottles of sugar, I want my 3000ml of coffee, understood."

The brunette let out a displeased noise, before turning to glance at his partner. The blonde's eyes shone with a suppressed anger. In curt tones he made the deal clear. "Mr Ritchards you might not be familiar with my habits but when I say I'll pay 2000 it means 2000, not 1000, not 3000."

He hadn't been threatened, not even vaguely, but Vile could feel a drop of sweat gather and trace it's was slowly down his back. He felt paralysed by the blonde's heated stare, so strong it was burning him through the glasses. Even as his voice said ok he could feel his arm reach into his pocket and remove the two vials.

He saw the pale hand reach out and take the vials off him, replacing them with a cream coloured envelope. The paralysis didn't leave him until he heard the jingle of the café door. Vile picked up the cup of cold coffee and took a large gulp, not noticing how much he spilt when his hands shook.

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Inside a black Lexus Sportia the two 'fuckers' were sorting out the parking attendant. The brunette handed over a hundred-dollar bill with the warning, "You've forgotten us, got it?" The valet was quite adept to these types of situations, he took thew money and left them without a second glance.

The blonde turned on his partner in disbelief, "Je-sus Harry, that was your good contact. I wouldn't even wipe my ass with him-"

"-Ain't he the lucky one."

"Shut up asshole, let alone set a deal with him. I'd hate to see the person you classify as scum."

Harry had an amused expression on his face, he flicked on the radio before bothering to answer, " If you hated him that much you should have shot him, normally you get gun happy when there's a problem."

The blonde shot a withering glare at his friend before switching the radio to a more popular rock station, smirking at the outraged look on Harry's face. "What the hell is this Drac?" The blonde sent him another irate glare before launching into a rant.

"It's tasteful music, that country crap isn't music. Its grating noise and whiney people who can't sing conjoined to make a three-minute track of shit. By the way the name's Dra-co." The conversation lapsed into silence, the only thing breaking it, the steady hum of the air conditioning.

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Harry Potter had no record with the police, in fact he hardly had a record with anyone. No credit cards, driver's license or memberships with magazines or gyms. The only person that knew more about him than the man himself, was Draco. The next person in line was probably Shoshana, his girlfriend.

They had been together for three months and things were already starting to get serious. Shoshana was a beauty and she knew it. With long blonde hair, curves in all the right places and flawless features, she was every man's wet dream.

Draco had pointed out many times that she only started going out with him for his money. Harry had no doubt that this was one of the reasons, but some how she had grown fond of him, sticking about even after he had stopped lavishing her with expensive gifts.

Draco knew why she was still there, it was the same with Harry's previous girlfriend and the one before that. She had fallen in love with Harry. He was one of those guys who could walk into a room and charm everyone in site, hell half the women walking past him on the street fell in love with him.

Draco knew this wasn't the same with him. He was one of those people who radiated 'look but don't touch', you know, kind of like the priceless antiques in the museum or maybe even your Grandma's crystal vase.

To a certain extent this was true. Draco was from a wealthy and powerful family, one of those European families full of dukes and lords, royal but not royalty. He had been brought up to be perfect and he was positive this would have happened if they hadn't of died when he was 15.

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Shoshana was waiting for them when the elevator jolted open. They had parked the Lexus in her private spot before buzzing themselves up. She was dressed in a lacy pink gown, casual in a forced way. Draco rolled his eyes before making his way into the lounge room.

It was a modern home, all steel and wood but it had the girlfriend touch to it. Photos of the couple scattered around the house, books on cooking and magazines littering the coffee table, all things Harry hated. Draco could hear the argument from his seat on the stylishly uncomfortable couch.

"Baby calm down, your horoscope doesn't matter our relationship is fine." That was Harry, now it was time for Shoshana,

"Nein ist nicht gut, nicht gut!" She liked to argue in German, as if the language change would give her privacy.

Shoshana didn't like him, in fact she loathed him. Every second argument Harry had was about him and how he was 'supposedly' holding him back from better things. Draco didn't mind, she wasn't his favourite person either, but he knew Harry would dump her the moment he was asked.

There was a loud shriek, a thump then Harry's footsteps as he approached the lounge. He was angry, probably over the red slap mark on his cheek. He looked at Darco and nodded towards the car keys. "Come on, I ain't staying here tonight." Draco sighed as he moved over to the door, Harry would be sleeping over tonight.

They silently walked down the staircase, buzzing themselves out as they went. The Lexus pulled away from the curb, both men ignoring the crying face in the third storey window.

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Draco took the back streets in order to avoid the peak hour traffic, the trip normally took 20 minutes but when you lived so close to the city area you tended to avoid the risk. He parked the car in his usual spot, glaring at the spotty teenagers walking past. This was a good neighbourhood but you could never be too careful.

He watched Harry's face as he took in the surroundings, the guy was rich but never spent more than was needed on his surroundings. Here everything from the rich Persian carpets to the elaborate water feature screamed expense and style. It was impossible to even contemplate staying here without a six-figure salary and even then you were pushing it.

Draco entered his card into the elevator and nodded as it welcomed him. The door had just shut when it started to open again, Harry looked at the door sharply he didn't want to die any time soon.

Instead the doors opened into a breathtaking room, Draco waltzed in and picked up his mail. The long day caught up with him and the last thing Harry remembered before falling asleep was Draco tossing him a blanket and lying him down on the couch.

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I hope you liked this story, if you have any constructive criticism please tell me. The next chapter will be up in a week or so!