AUTHOR'S NOTE: So sorry about the huge delay. I have no excuse for being late with this.

Time to start the show.

Chapter 6: LET'S MAKE A DEAL

"Wow, talk about ancient," Kyoko comments as she, Sayaka, Homura, all in their normal attire, and Kairi walk up to the entrance to the city of Thebes. After venturing into the main plaza at the entrance, the Magical Girls take in the Greek architecture, the tens of people walking about; going about their daily business.

"Best to keep those kinds of comments to yourself," Kairi says with a smile, "remember best not to mention where we come from. At most they would think we're from some distant country."

Some light chatter continued between the group. Kairi soon notices something out of place. There was a large podium in the middle of the plaza, but it is missing a statue of a certain hero. She explains to the others the statue of Hercules was supposed to be there. After talking with several artisans, they learned that the city was recently attacked by a giant monster and the statue was practically destroyed to the point that no one would recognize it. Homura asks that if it would be difficult to make another statue of Olympus' hero. To Kairi's shock, the artisans were confused on who Hercules is. Kairi quickly recovers and asks what they are planning to build here. Apparently, the city of Thebes has a new hero, one that supposedly stopped the latest attack and the artisans were figuring out how to build the statue of the newcomer. After thanking them, the group of four splits up and asked around the plaza about the son of Zeus. Unfortunately, they all received similar responses as the artisans from earlier. They later slip into one of the nearby alleys to discuss what they have learned.

"Seems like nobody here remembers anything about this Hercules guy," Sayaka starts off as she leans on the wall behind her; hands behind her head. Next to her is the Keyblade Wielder with her arms crossed.

"I tried asking around about that monster," Kyoko follows up as she stands a few feet away from the bluenette, "but apparently no remembers what it looked like. You'd think that it would be the talk of the town."

Homura brings a hand to her chin standing to Kyoko's left, "I'm thinking this place may have been affected by the Forgotten already." She looks back up to the group, "We should search around the town and take them out."

"That may not be enough though," Kairi adds, getting the Magical Girls' attention. "For some reason, the people here don't remember Hercules specifically and have their focus on a new hero. This brings up two questions, where's Hercules and who is this new person replacing him?"

Homura gets an inkling of what Kairi's thinking, "You think this new person is behind Hercules' disappearance?"

Kyoko shrugs before giving her two cents, "That, or maybe he had some important business somewhere far away and got someone standing in as a substitute for the time being."

Sayaka nods, "It's possible this new guy may have taken advantage of the Forgotten and is probably making everyone think that he was their hero all along."

Kairi pushes herself off the wall, "Regardless, something isn't right. Our best bet is to go to the coliseum."

"Coliseum?" the Magical Girls respond at once.

"I had heard someone mentioning that they are looking for strong competitors. Maybe we can find out more about our mystery hero there. Besides Phil, aka Hercules mentor, should give us more insight on the situation." The girls nod and Kyoko mentions about Kairi taking the lead. The Keyblade Wielder nods and starts leading them. After a few steps she turns to the others, "Oh by the way, about Phil just a heads up, all of you are probably his type." Sayaka questions what she's talking about, but Kairi says they'll figure it out with a giggle.

About half an hour walking through the city they make their way through the stairs to the Coliseum. To their surprise, as well as suspicious, not once were they attacked. After opening the main gate to the Coliseum, the young women make their way through the empty plaza. Standing in front of the main building's entrance is something the Magical Girls are having trouble believing, a short creature with the legs and tail of a goat facing the same entrance. "Oh man, this is a real mess. Where's Herc when you need him the most?" he groans out loud; slouching forward.

"What's the matter, Phil?" Kairi asks.

This prompts the satyr to look back. His down-trodden expression is suddenly replaced with glee; turning around. "Well, aren't you a sight of sore eyes." Phil walks towards them, prompting Kairi to kneel down on one knee. "Haven't you seen you around since you did some training here, Kairi. How've you been?"

"Not bad, still got a ways before I catch up with Sora. By the way these are my friends, Sayaka, Homura, and Kyoko."

Phil walks around the Keyblade Wielder and takes a few seconds studying their features.

"Well, you got a good taste in friends, I'll give you that. So ladies, I was wondering-"

"Forget it," all three responded at the same time with disapproving looks.

"You all don't have to say it at once!" Phil complains with a slouch. "You didn't even let me ask."

Kyoko looks up from the satyr to Kairi, "Is this guy seriously gonna help us?"

The older woman responds with a giggle. "By the way Phil, where's Hercules?"

"Wait, you still remember him!?" Phil asks exuberantly. Kairi quickly confirms before Phil continues, "Thank Mount Olympus! Finally someone that knows who the real hero is!"

"What happened?"

"Well," Phil starts before turning to the side and starts walking, "Ol' Herc and Megara , along with their kid, went out for vacation somewhere out of Greece, and let me tell you he deserves it. So I was setting up this tournament to see who can take on Herc's place in the meantime." The satyr stops before turning around to the young women. He continues on, waving his hands, "Unfortunately, some monsters came out of nowhere and trashed the city. They even pulverized Hercules statue beyond recognition along with anything else with his likeness. Among that bunch is one that is big as the Hydra, no way I'm forgetting that thing anytime soon. But that's not the worst part."

Sayaka brings her hands behind her head, "Let me guess, everyone in town started forgetting about Hercules."

The satyr sighs, "Don't remind me. Not only that, this new weirdo in an orange cloak just waltzed into town. All of Thebes were practically celebrating and praising at their feet. I'd betting my horns that this hero-wannabe is somehow tied to all this," he says in a huff, arms crosses as he looks to the side.

"So where is this jerk now?" Kyoko asks, hands on her hips.

"Well, this so-called 'hero'" he says with air quotes, "signed up for the tournament. Since then this fella went into hiding after clearing the preliminaries. Other than that, I only have one other contender all set to go. All I need is couple more entries that can make it through the preliminaries and I'll be all set." At that moment, an idea hit the satyr, "Say, Kairi, you wouldn't be interested in joining in the tournament?"

The Keyblade Wielder smirks, "I'm game. What about you three?" she asks as she turns to the Magical Girls.

"Eh, why not," Kyoko states with a shrug before smirking. "Besides I could use a challenge."

"Perfect!" Phil states excitedly. "Oh, one note, all contenders are allowed to have a partner."

Sayaka places a hand on Kyoko's shoulder, "In that case, I'll be on your team."

Kairi turns to Homura, who looks back at her. "I guess that leaves you with me. If you're up to it."

The time manipulator closes her eyes with a small smile. "Very well, if you insist."

"That's a surprise," Kyoko states with a toothy smile. "Here I was thinking that you would rather stay on the sidelines. Unless I imagined your face just now, you're just as eager as the rest of us." Homura turns to her and makes a challenging quip to the red-head Magical Girl. For the next minute the two pairs girls make all sorts of small challenging gabs between them.

After clearing the preliminaries, which consisted of local monsters, the girls are in one of the coliseum's competitor lounges. Kyoko and Sayaka are leaning against one of the walls as Kairi and Homura sat on the stone bench. The red-head Magical Girl is currently thinking about her pair's last match. They were up against a blue centaur, known as the River Guardian. Quite to say he was rude. Especially making some derogatory remarks against her and her partner. His last comment solidified one thing between her Sayaka. They would crush him, and crushed him they did. Not just for themselves but for all women. It turned completely one-sided and the so-called guardian's last vision before getting knocked out was the two girls standing above him; their eyes glistening as they wore sadistic smiles. She is certain that the next time he would see any lovely girl, especially either her or her partner, that he would run for the hills. She smirks at the thought, Serves him right for treating women like that.

Before she can contemplate further Phil enters the lobby, getting all the young women's attention. "All right," the satyr starts out, "First match in the finals is Kairi's team. Your opponent's already in the ring. After that is Kyoko's team, you'll be facing off against that orange-cloaked warrior. Just like in the prelims, the match ends when the leader is knocked out, gets tossed out of the ring, or surrenders. The leader can call in their partner at any time, but once the partner is knocked out or is out of the ring, they can no longer participate in the match. Any questions?"

"Yeah," Sayaka raises one hand lazily, "Does Kyoko and I have to stay here or can we watch Kairi's match?"

"Oh, you're more than welcome to watch the match. Just be sure you're in position when your match is up. Anyone else?" No one else says anything. "Well, I wish all of you the best of luck. And remember, I'm counting on you to show how much of a fraud that wannabe is." With that, the satyr takes his leave.

"Looks like you guys got the easy opponent," Sayaka states as she looks at the other pair.

"Maybe," Kairi shrugs with a smile, "But if they made it through the prelims like we did, we may be in for some tough competition."

"Well, I'm going to hit the concessions and get the best seat on the house," Kyoko says with hands behind her head before heading to the door with Sayaka right next to her.

Homura smiles at her partner when the latter looks at her. "Are you ready?" she asks.

Kairi nods and the two make their way. After going through the long corridor, they are greeted by the cheerful shouts and boasting cries of the crowd in the stands. Homura takes in the site as does the red-head next to her. After stepping onto the stone ring and stopping after going a few feet in, the Keyblade Wielder directs her attention to their opponent. "What!?" she exclaims. Her shout catches her partner's attention. She turns to their opponent. Standing on the other side of the ring is a tall man, with spiky, bold red hair wearing a red blazer jacket, black slacks with a chain hanging from the right pocket and red shoes. He looks over his left shoulder, his teal eye catching her.

The man gives a big smirk, "Well, what do you know?" He turns around revealing his jacket is open to show off a yellow shirt. "Never thought I'd see you here, Kairi."

"Lea!? What are you doing here?"

"Same as you I'm guessing. Heard the little satyr was looking for a substitute and that he needed someone to take down the new hero in town. So I decided to stick around and have some fun. Besides how often does one get to show off his skills in front of battle-hungry crowd?"

Kairi sighs, shaking her head with a smile. Homura on the other hand, simply looks between the two back and forth. So they know each other she thought. Not only that based on how he's dressed, he's an outsider like us.

Before she thinks on the matter further, Kairi calls to her. "How about you sit this one out?" The raven-haired girl snaps her attention at her partner with wide eyes. Homura quickly sees that Kairi has a competitive gleam in her eyes. Apparently, she wants to fight this competitor one on one. Considering the two know each other, she leans towards the possibility that the two have a rivalry with each other and Kairi does not wish to have a victory over him because of her. There's also the possibility that she doesn't need Homura's help at all. Either way, there is no doubt that the Keyblade Wielder wishes to face this man alone.

"Very well," Homura says with a nod. "Make sure you win." A playful smirk escapes her lips, "Otherwise, you'll face punishment from me, Sayaka, and Kyoko."

Kairi couldn't help but laugh. "Just be sure it's nothing too embarrassing." The red-head winks at the time user, "Don't worry. This guy has nothing on me."

"Hello, I could hear you two, you know?" Lea says with a teasing grin. "You sure~ you want to take me on one on one?"

"Save it, Lea. I'll show you how much stronger I've gotten."

"Hah!" the older man responds with a shrug, "Then I'm definitely going to enjoy this."

Kairi looks at Homura once more. The latter nods and makes her way to the stands. After settling in at the top of rafters. She looks at the cheering crowd around her. Before she can look down at the ring, her eyes shoot wide open in fear. Impossible! Staring directly ahead of her, on the other side between two members of the crowd on the back seats, is a familiar, white creature. She closes her eyes and shakes her head. No! They're all supposed to be… her thoughts stop as she looks back at that same spot only to find nothing. She takes in a shuddering breath. It's…It's only a figment of my imagination, she tries to assure herself taking in a deep breath before she can contemplate further someone calls to her.

"Homura?" Kyoko calls to the raven haired girl, who turns to Kyoko, who is standing behind Sayaka. The red-haired girl asks with a raised eyebrow, "What are you doing here?"

Sayaka follows up, "Shouldn't you be with Kairi down there?"

Homura shrugs, "She insists to fight him one on one. From what I gather, they know each other."

"Really?" the bluenette asks as she and her partner sit down.

Kyoko narrows her eyes as she looks at the red-headed man. "Hey," she starts out getting the other's attention before she points at him. "Doesn't that guy look familiar?"

Sayaka and Homura looks at the man more carefully. The former brings a hand to her chin, "I don't know… maybe," she turns to her partner, "why do you ask?"

"I get feeling that I've seen him frequently," Kyoko shakes her head, "But I can't exactly place where?"

"Wait," Homura looks at Kyoko with pensive eyes. "Are you saying you saw him in our world?" That is the logical conclusion since they haven't stayed in Radiant Garden for too long. Meaning the only place they would have seen him frequently was back at Mitakahira Town.

The red-haired girl rubs her chin, leaning forward, "Yeah, but I don't know where exactly though." She lowers her hand, "But seriously, what's so special about him that Kairi wants to fight solo?"

As if on cue, both fighters raise their rights hands towards each other. After a few seconds, both combatants summoned their Keyblades. The sight surprises the Magical Girls. The hilt of the older man's Keyblade is an intricate chakram and the blade is shaped and glowing like a stream of radiant fire.

"Okay," Sayaka says with blinking eyes with her jaw dropping, "that explains why she wants to go one on one."

Kyoko's shocked expression turns to an excited grin. "Kick his butt, Kairi!" she cheers with a fist towards the air as the ensuing battle gets under way.


The two stare at each other before Kairi turns to her battle stance. Lea simply slings his Keyblade lazily over his shoulder. Though his stance seems easy going Homura can tell from the rafters that the red-haired man is no slouch. The two stare each other for a few seconds more. Lea spins his Keyblade once before pointing at Kairi, who also has her weapons tip pointing at him before both cast Firaga. The spells contact each other creating a mass explosion. The older man bursts through the explosion and swings at the female Keyblade Wielder, who parries his strikes before performing a jumping flip over him. The moment she lands, she swings behind herself, launching three frosty spears. Before they can impact, he slips between two of the them. Now in front of Kairi, he throws his Keyblade in a fiery spin. Kairi manages to guard with her Keyblade. The Princess of Light stands her ground before giving way with a small cry as she into the air. Using the momentum, she flips backwards landing on the opposite end of the ring. Lea smirks after slinging his Keyblade over his shoulder, indicating we won that small exchange.

Kairi couldn't help but smirk herself. She charges in with a battle cry. At the center of the ring, she performs a cartwheel before going into a series of flips before launching high. A blue aura encases the tip of Keyblade. She gives a loud shout as she falls upon the fire expert. At the last moment; Lea slips away. Kairi slams the ground, causing the space he was at to be covered in smooth crystalline shapes of ice. Now that he's behind her, the former Organization member is ready. Unable to see the smirk on his opponent he is caught unprepared as Kairi swings her free left hand behind her; commanding the ice to expand. The expanding ice follows her movement; creating a wave of ice to cut off Lea's counter. He manages to jump away at the last second. The moment he touches the ground; it flashes for a second. He looks down. "Whoah!" he exclaims before he was consumed by a serious of explosions between the points where Kairi performed her gymnastic routine. Lea jumps out of the smoke before wiping his cheek with the back of his free hand. As the smoke cleared, he can see Kairi standing there before she leans slightly with a hand on her hip with a show of confidence. Lea couldn't help but chuckle. He has to admit it, she got him good with that trap.

The two crouch forward in their respective stances before they charge each other. Their Keyblades lock in the clash; becoming a battle of strength. Kairi gives way as she ducks before countering. Lea jumps over her strike at his legs before launching a counter. It soon became a dance as the two dodging and parrying each other's swings. The crowd starts to rile up at the spectacle. The Magical Girls stand up in order to see above the crowd in front of them. "Wow," Kyoko says with a hint of surprise, "those two are evenly matched."

"Yeah," Sayaka agrees, "I can definitely see why she wants to take him on by herself."

"Comes no surprise," a male voice comes from behind. "Those two trained together in order to use them." The Magical Girls turned around. Shock fills their minds, all with slightly dilated pupils, at the man standing behind them. Wearing in a long-sleeved, high-collared coat, with matching pants, is a blue-haired man with an all too familiar "X" shaped scar on his forehead. Isa looks at them with a small smile.

"What the- Why are you here!?" Kyoko exclaims pointing at the man.

"Making sure my friend down there doesn't get in too much over his head." Sayaka opens her mouth before the former Organization member can speak. "Before we continue this, how about we enjoy this match?" The man crosses his arms, "It's about over." Begrudgingly, the Magical Girls turn their attention back to the match.

Lea and Kairi are still in a dance of clashing blades. They lock Keyblades against each other before pushing each other off. The male combatant takes hold of his Keyblade with both hands. His Keyblade erupts in flames before the flames are split into two; forming into his chakrams he was mostly known for during his time in the first Organization. He runs towards Kairi before pulling a reversal at the ring's center. In a seconds appears, next to the female Keyblade wielder before throwing both his chakrams with burning flames. His chakrams spin in place against Kairi's barrier. The Flurry of Dancing Flames backs off; avoiding the blast from Kairi's counter. Kairi raises her Keyblade; calling forth bolts of lightning upon her opponent. Lea manages to stay one step ahead; jumping out of the way before the magical bolts can hit their target.

After Kairi stops her magical assault, Lea stands at the opposite edge of the ring. With a feral smile, he spreads his arms letting go his chakrams. However, the chakrams spin in place with dancing flames before two more chakrams are produced from each of the originals. With a total of six, burning chakrams spinning in place. "Don't forget this!" their controller yells out, crossing his arms before throwing them forward. His weapons fly towards their target one after the other. Kairi runs forward dodging and sliding away from all six. Her opponent continues to swing his arms; in response the chakrams kept chasing her. It isn't long until Kairi gets nicked in the leg; slowing her momentum enough for two more chakrams hit her head on. She falls to one knee at the middle of the ring as all six chakrams spin in place in a circle formation. "Got it memorized!" he yells out with a swing of arms and all six converge on Kairi; creating an explosion.

The crowd goes silent. Lea smirks at his apparent victory. Sayaka and Kyoko look down at the scene with shocked expressions. Homura holds a passive gaze, much like Isa standing behind the Magical Girls. Before the smoke can settle; something bursts forth from it. Standing just before the male combatant is none other than Kairi herself; crouching forward with one leg completely stretched behind her. The former Organization member looks at her with shock as she looks at him with a telling grin. She places one hand on the stunned man before giving him a light push, causing him to stumble backwards and onto the ground below the ring.

All is silent before the crowd erupts in cheers. Kyoko and her partner hug each other. "All right!" they exclaim in celebration of their friend's victory. Homura couldn't help but smile. The blue haired man behind them gives a small chuckle through closed, smiling lips while shaking his head. He had a feeling this is how the match would end. The defeated man sitting outside the ring finally comes to senses before lowering his head. He flings his back up in laughter. Kairi giggles a bit before reaching a helping hand towards her opponent, who accepts it, and pulls up Lea back up to his feet. "Sheesh, when did you get so sneaky?" Lea asks.

"Not my fault that you weren't paying attention," the Princess of Heart responds with a childish smile.

Waiting Room

Isa stands five feet away from the Magical Girls, with Kairi standing to their left and Lea slightly behind his blue-haired friend on the latter's right. "To you three," he says before bowing, "my apologies." The Magical Girls did not expect this; all taking a step back in surprise. The man continues as he straightens up, " I know what I have done is unforgivable. However, in order to maintain my façade, I had no choice. If there was some other way to save your kin, I would have sought it out."

"Your façade?" Homura inquires.

Lea speaks up, "You guys heard of Xehanort, right?" The three nod, remembering how he was mentioned from Kairi and Sora when they visited their café not too long ago. The flame specialist points at his friend with his thumb,"Well, this guy got wrapped up by the old coot's scheme. In order to bring some of our friends back, this guy was setting things up behind the scenes."

Isa shakes his head, eyes closed, "Even then, it is still no excuse for what I have done." He opens his eyes, "If I had more allies, perhaps I could have found something."

Homura gives a solemn nod, "It's all right."

The other Magical Girls give her questioning looks. "Before any of you showed up, a Magical Girl's only salvation is death. After all, who would want to become a monster with no sense of the person they once were"

Kyoko scratches the back of her head, "That's a good point."

"Tell me about it." Sayaka hugs herself, shivering from all the times she experienced the transformation in all the timelines Homura jumped through. "If I had remembered at least one those timelines, I would have stayed away from Kyubey. I would have done something else to help Kyousuke," She turns to Kairi. "Remember what you said about making our wishes come true before you left." The Keyblade Wielder nods, "I would focus more on my studies in order to find a way to cure him." The bluenette gives away a self-depreciated smile, "Although I don't think I could just ignore all the Witches and Familiars if I had remembered in the first place." She turned to the blue-haired man, "When I look back on it, I don't think I would ever approve your actions." She averts her eyes away from him, taking in a small breath. "However," Sayaka looks at him with a small smile, "in a way, you saved them from facing that fate. So I could be a little grateful for that."

"There is no need," Isa disagrees; shaking his head. "At the time, I was only focused on my own agenda. Kairi," the said girl looks to him, "in truth I was hoping you would find some way to save your friends. You, who possesses one of the seven pure lights, and gained the power of the Keyblade. And just as I hoped, you were able to do what was considered impossible. For that, you have my thanks."

Kyoko lets out a sigh, "Okay. Enough with the gloom and doom along with the apology wagon. That's all in the past," she says with a dismissive wave. She gives a big smile, "So what are you two going to do now?"

"Well," Lea rolls his arm around, "guess we'll find ourselves a gate and whack out any of those monsters that are on the other side.

"There is something that comes to my mind now that I think about it," the former Luna Diviner said as he rubs his chin. He turns to the ladies in the room, "By any chance, have you seen someone in a white coat?"

The Magical Girls gasped having an idea who they are talking about. Homura needs to confirm something however, "Was she wearing a mask?"

"No, in fact I'm positive that the figure is a he."

"A man with a white coat, huh?" Sayaka whispers; looking towards the ground with a hand on her chin.

"What was that?" Kyoko inquires but the bluenette shakes her head telling her partner that its nothing important.

Lea rubs the back of his neck; looking at Sayaka and her partner, "Anyway, don't you two have a match coming up?"

"That's right," Sayaka says with a gleam in her eyes with hands on her hips, "Looks like we'll be taking on the new hero."

"Hero, smero, we're gonna clobber them and show the whole city what a fraud they really are." Kyoko follows with a confident smirk.

"In that case," Isa nods, "we'll take our leave. I wish you all the best of luck."

"Later," Lea wears a cheeky smile, "make sure you give us a special treat when we stop by your place next time."The two men leave.

"Wait a minute," Kyoko blinks hers eyes with a suspicious tone. Hey eyes shoot open, "Now I know why that red-head looked familiar, he comes by our café every two weeks or such." The other girls blink in response.

"Well, me and Homura will go to the stands," Kairi states as she and her partner moves to the door. "Good luck," she wishes them as she looks over her shoulder. The upcoming combatants gave her confident nods.

The crowd cheers for the next match. Homura and Kairi sitting in the front row. Kyoko and Sayaka make their way onto the ring in their Magical Girl transformation. The gate at the opposite end opens up. The crowd's cheer turns feverish as a young figure in an orange cloak walks up to the ring. Their head is covered by the hood of their cloak. The figure is looking down; thus, the Magical Girls can't get a good look at the face of the crowd's new hero. The figure stops after taking a few steps onto the platform. After raising their head, the two partners eyes widen before taking aggressive stances. Their opponent bears the same mask as the young woman that cast them out of Mitakahira Town.

Kyoko summons her spear, "All right, now we know that you're responsible for taking away all these people's memories."

"Just who are you, anyway?" Sayaka demands.

"You can call me Claramond," the hooded, masked figure states with a young, female voice before opening up her cloak with her arms; revealing the rest of her body below her shoulders. She's fully covered in an orange jumpsuit, showing off her modest-sized bust, with black lines from the top of her shoulders down to her waist before stopping at a silver belt. Black lines also trace from the sides of her hip down to her black boots. Her hands are covered by white, fingerless gloves with a band of leather around each glove with three metal, round studs. "Now, let's fight," she states while leaning forward with one leg in front; ready to sprint forward.


At some unseen signal, all three fighters rush forward to their opponents. Sayaka and Kyoko charge at the same pace before Sayaka increases her speed and swerves to her right slightly to confront Claramond face to face. The latter with her quick reflexes stops, pivots, and swings a kick. Sayaka blocks with her cutlass with one hand on the flat side to brace the blow. The red-head jumps over her partner. Claramond backs off, avoiding Kyoko's dive; the latter's spear digging into the ground where the former stood. The orange-clad kicker rushes in. Kyoko jumps; revealing Sayaka thrusting her weapon at the Abandoned. The cloaked fighter dodges to the right at the last second. Before she can counter, she recognizes Kyoko diving at her with her spear poised to pierce through her. Though she manages to avoid the attack; the shockwave of the strike pushes her to the edge of the ring. Sayaka charges in and goes for a horizontal slash. Claramond jumps forward in a flip. She lands on Sayaka's back and jumps off of her causing the bluenette to stumble towards outside the ring with her freehand outstretched in front of her. Sayaka's eyes are wide at the implication before they drastically sharpen. She flips her sword to the ground before stabbing into the stone as she calls a second cutlass to pierce the side of the ring; effectively ceasing her momentum. Claramond ceases her chance and jumps high to deliver an axe kick. A chain, connected to cylindrical segments with the first segment holding a spear's blade wraps around her extended leg. The masked fighter gasps before Kyoko yanks her away from the red-head's partner and crashes onto the ground.

She attempts to get up but stops when she sees Sayaka standing above her with a cutlass pointing at her face. "Give up," the bluenette demands stoically. The Abandoned lowers her head with her hands laying flat on the floor. Instantly, she uses her unchained leg to kick Sayaka's weapon out of its wielder's hand. With her hands already on the ground, she pushes herself into the air; grab the swordswoman's blade and cuts the chain around her leg before Kyoko can act. The red-head ticks her tongue and dismisses her weapon; causing the chained spear around the enemy's leg to disappear as well. As soon as the Abandoned touches the ground; she spins before throwing the cutlass back to its owner. Sayaka jumps to the side and lands next to her partner. The thrown weapon hits the back wall of the coliseum. Sayaka calls forth her magic; summoning the thrown sword back to her hand in a flash. Kyoko raises a hand in front of her and summons her spear, which is now intact. Both Magical Girls give a small flair with their weapons before settling into their ready stances.

Kyoko runs at Claramond with a battle cry. She thrusts her weapon with her right hand. Her opponent jumps to the side. The red-head quickly grabs her spear with her free hand and gives it a two-handed swing. The orange-cloaked girl leans back; avoiding the spear. Continuing her movement, she goes into a backflip; kicking Kyoko squarely in the jaw. The power of the force behind the kick is enough to toss the spear-user into the air. Sayaka yells her partner's name in alarm, before rushing at Claramond just as the ponytailed girl hits the ring's floor. The magical swordswoman screams angrily as she slashes down at the Abandoned; who raises her right arm. The bluenette's cutlass makes contact with the exposed limb; only to find it completely stopped and not even cutting through the fabric of the Abandoned's jumpsuit. Sayaka, surprised on how her opponent didn't show a hint of effort in blocking her attack; is wide open for the opponent to deliver a hard kick to her gut. Her eyes shoot wide with a painful gasp; spittle leaving her mouth. The force of the kick launches her to the air. Unable to focus past the pain, she is unprepared when Claramond jumps past her and delivers her a round-house kick to her back. The Magical Girl crashes onto the ring right next to her partner; leaving behind a dust cloud upon impact.

The crowd cheers at the display. Claromond drops to the ground and looks at her work after landing. Kyoko is struggling to get off her back and Sayaka is having trouble moving her body as well. The two partners manage to look at each and reach out to one another. "It's over," the cloaked fighter states before turning around. She takes a few steps before stopping at Sayaka's voice.

"Not yet," she says with a strained voice. Prompting Claramond to look back and is surprised of what she's seeing. Blue musical notes appear giving off ripples in the air close to the Magical Girls; who have their reached out hands grasping one another. The injuries they have sustained are disappearing. After the notes disappear; both girls manage to get up. Kyoko stating that this fight is not yet over.

The Abandoned clicks her tongue in annoyance. That instant healing ability is going to be a nuisance and is well aware who her opponents are after this match if she wins. Not wanting to waste anymore time or energy she gives out a command, "Now!"

A large puff of black smoke appears behind the girls. A blue, hand snaps its long fingers. Immediately, a pillar of fire blasts the girls to the center of the ring; both screaming in pain. They landed haphazardly as the pillar dies revealing an unusual figure. Kairi and Homura look at the sight in shock, the former more so. Why's he here, Kairi thinks with clenched teeth. Among her visits to this world she is very familiar with the blue, fire-haired god of the Underwold, Hades.

Kyoko, manages to turn at him before yelling, "Hey that's cheating!

"Rule number two," Hades states slowly with a bored expression, "combatant leaders can call in their partner to jump in at any time. They don't have to be in the ring at the get go."

Sayaka clicks her tongue, she had forgotten that Phil mentioned this before the finals began, "Fine!"

"Not good," Kairi says out loud from the stands.

Homura looks at her; worried from the tone the Keyblade wielder used. "What's wrong?"

"That's Hades, god of the Underworld." Homura stiffens at that. "Those two better brace themselves. This fight just got a whole lot worse." Homura turns her attention back to the match. Kyoko and Sayaka are standing back to back staring at the foes in front of them, Hades and Claramond respectively. The ruler of the Underwold prepares a large fireball in his hand; Kyoko stiffens. Hades smirks before disappearing in a puff of smoke. "Look out!" Kairi yells out to the Magical Girls in the ring. Hades appears at the side of the ring; before throwing his fireball at them. However, to their bemusement he isn't aiming for them directly; its trajectory is towards the air.

"Above you!" Homura warns them but too late. Claramond is in the air; the fireball already reaching her. She delivers a powerful kick at the fireball; redirecting it with bullet-like speeds at the Magical Girls. Both girls give painful cries as they are tossed to the edge of the ring in front of the entrance they came through from the fiery explosion. Neither one of their battered bodies are moving. Hades prepares another fireball and throws it at the Magical Girls. The fireball explodes before it could make contact.

After the dust settles from the explosion; a crystalline barrier is revealed with Kairi inside it. The Keyblade wielder's narrowed eyes lock onto the Underworld ruler. "That's enough!" she yells out. "It's already clear you two won, there's no need for you to finish them."

"No, Kairi!" Sayaka says as she attempts get up.

"We're not done yet!" Kyoko yells out.

"Actually, you are," Phil states as he walks to the girls. "I was ready to call the match. But I couldn't make it out in time when I saw that hot-head of a god already tried burn you two to a crisp." That pretty much knock them into a stupor. The fact that they were facing, let alone meeting, a literal god was too much for them at this moment.

"Besides," Homura states as she walks up next to Kairi; getting the pair's attention. "You may have the strength to keep fighting, but if you push yourselves to the limit," she brings out her Force Gem, "there's no telling what could happen."

The exhausted Magical Girls look to each other. Sayaka looks away with a sigh. Kyouko looks to the ground with an annoyed sigh. Clearly they realized that the other two have a point. "Fine," she says with a venomous tone.

"Seriously," Hades speaks in a bored tone before sighing. "Well that's that then."

"Not so fast," Kairi speaks boldly before walking up to the flame-haired god. "You're not going to get away with trying to kill my friends."

Hades brings up his hands in a placating manner, "Whoa, slow down there, little lady. I was only trying to wrap up this match. Didn't want them to heal up again and prolong the fight anymore."

Kairi crosses her arms over her chest, "Don't think I would buy that for a second, buster." Kairi lowers her arms. "Now I have a pretty fair idea what's going on." She turns to Claramond, "You made a deal with her. With you having her as your champion and using the Forgotten, not only are you making the people forget about Hercules" she turns back to the Underworld god, "but you're going to make the people here forget about all the other gods or twist the story in some way that you are the rightful ruler of Olympus. Isn't that right?"

"Hmm, that's quite the imagination. Definitely a lot bigger than your boyfriend and those two dolts always following him around. Got any proof of this wild idea of yours?" he asks with a knowing smirk.

Kairi clenches her right fist, taking in a deep breath and lets it out seconds later along with her clenched hand. "Fine then." She looks up at Hades. "Let's make a deal."

"Really?" the god asks, amused of what she could ask for.

"Me and my partner will be facing you two in the final match. If we win, you must promise that Claramond will leave and have the people's memory restored."

The Abandoned stiffens at that, but Hades is unaware and simply grows a cruel smile, "Interesting. And should you lose?"

Kairi bows her head, eyes closed. "I'll go to the Underworld with you willingly. And if Sora were to come for me," she brings her right hand over her heart her face contorts in paint with the very thought she is about to say. "I will reject him, and stay with you." Hades hums amusingly as he looks to the side; stroking his chin. The Magical Girls look at the Keyblade Wielder as if she grew a second head.

"Hades!" Claramond yells out. "Don't tell me your backing off on our deal!"

"Of course not," Hades speaks softly as he looks back at the Abandoned. "However, if we do lose, and that's a big if. She'll probably chase you down until you leave or give into her demands. Besides, if things go in our favor. I doubt her little entourage will be able to move on anytime soon. Speaking of which," he turns back to Kairi. "You AND the rest of your little party are to become permanent residents of my domain." He outstretches a hand to the flabbergasted Keyblade wielder; not expecting to add her friends to the deal.

"Done." Homura says as she stands next to Kairi.

"Homura!" Kairi cries in panic.

"It's all right," Homura says with closed eyes. "I don't like the terms as well." A smirk graces her lips, "Besides, all we have to do is win, right?" She turns to the Keyblade Wielder with with glint of mischief in her eyes, "Unless you truly want to go to the Underworld."

Kairi sighs, "Very well," She shakes the scheming god's hand.

"Then it's a deal!" Hades exclaims before cackling as he lets go. "Well, we'll go ahead and leave you girls be. Just hope you have all the necessities when you move in." He disappears in a puff of fiery smoke, his laughter echoing in the air.

"You're really putting yourself on the line for that," Claramond's voice gets their attention. The masked fighter looks to the side. "Your either very brave or very stupid. Regardless, I'm not going to let you ruin everything."

"And what is it you hope to achieve through taking everyone's memory?" Kairi demands with her accusation.

The Abandoned flinches at that. "I…I want to prove my skills," she turns back to Kairi and the others. "Besides, if what she says is true," she says as he she stares of the palm of her hand. Seconds, later she clenches it, "Then I'll have a chance to take back what was stolen from me."

Homura's eyes narrow, "Stolen?"

Claramond looks down before turning around. She looks back at them for a few seconds before walking away. "You two better not hold back against us."

"ARE YOU CRAZY?!" Kyoko, no longer transformed, yells at the top of her lungs at Kairi in the waiting room with Homura and Sayaka; both no longer in their transformation as well.

Kairi smiles sheepishly "I admit, not my brightest idea. Besides I've managed to beat Hades before." Kyoko crosses her arms and continues her glare at the Keyblade Wielder. Kairi gives off a self-deprecating chuckle, "Then again, I was with Sora when that happened."

"You've got to be kidding me," Kyoko exasperates; slapping her hand to her forehead.

"Seriously," Sayaka crosses her arms, "that's completely reckless even for you." She turns to Homura, "And I can't believe you accepted those additional terms as well."

Homura shrugs, eyes closed, "What would you have proposed then?"

"Anything than betting our lives on the line, for starters!" Kyoko yells, not as strongly as she did earlier.

"Personally, I don't see a problem with it. Aren't our lives on the line either way against the Forgotten and those who created them," she glances to Kairi, "Besides, the only reason you made that bet is because you have a plan to win, correct?"

"Something like that, but this does give us an advantage," Kairi gives a nonchalant smile.

"What do you mean by advantage?" Sayaka asks curiously.

"The thing is, Hades is willing to do anything to get what he wants. But since we have a deal based on the final match, he has to tread carefully to not get caught cheating if he wants his plan to succeed."

"I get it," Homura says with a sly smile. "If either one of them cheats in the match, victory would be ours and thus would have to abide by the conditions of the deal."

"Still, it's going to be a tough fight." Kairi turns to the other two Magical Girls, "But knowing Hades, he'll find someway to skimp on the deal, like have something interrupt the match. So you two need to be ready for anything." Kyoko and Sayaka nod. "Well, then. Wish us luck."

The crowd cheers as the final match is set to begin. Sayaka and Kyoko are watching from the back of the rafters in each side respectively. Both are ready to jump if things get out of hand. On the ring, Kairi and Homura ready their weapons. On the other side, Hades and Claramond are ready as well. Phil is standing just outside of the ring with a hand raised before swinging it down; signaling the start of the match.


Hades immediately throws a fireball at the former time traveler and Keyblade Wielder, who responds with firing a Blizzaga from her Keyblade. The opposing elemental projectiles collide creating a veil of steam covering the middle of the ring obscuring the combatants' sight to the ends of their opposing sides. Claramond bursts through the cloud of vapor and goes for a swift kick, which gets blocked from Kairi's barrier. Homura 'teleports' behind the masked fighter and starts shooting. The cloaked kicker jumps back and the Magical Girl's projectiles hit Kairi's shield instead. Homura smirks and fires more shots at Kairi, leaving the airborne Abandoned confused. The barrier disperses a second later. Kairi raises her Keyblade and the light of the barrier is absorbed into the Keyblade. Kairi fires her signature Reflectga Shot. Claramond gasps and gets his by the light projectile; and is caught in a storm of flashing lights damaging her. She crashes onto the ring with a grunt as the mist fades.

Hades launches a pair of Fireballs at his enemies. Both jump out of the way in opposite directions; avoiding them. Hades attempts to get them in small bursts, but Kairi slides away each time as Homura uses her time magic to relocate herself a few feet away every time the blue-skinned villain takes a shot at her. Hades blood boils as he can't get a clean shot; evident of his skin turning red. With an angry shout, raging flames burn around. He aims at Kairi and Homura with Claramond in the line of fire. The Underworld god unleashes two massive streams of fire. All the girls jump out of the way, with Kairi and Homura jumping toward the other's direction. The streams hits an enchanted barrier surrounding the ring to protect the spectators. Claramond, who had jumped outside of the valley of raging flames, yells at him in anger telling him to watch his aim. But Hades ignores her and smirks as he slowly brings the flames closer as the duo slowly walk to each other.

Kairi calls to her partner's name, reaching to Homura with her right hand. The raven-haired girl nods and takes her hand. The Keyblade wielder dismisses her weapon and raises her free hand creates a large, translucent barrier. Homura pours her power into Kairi and at the same time placing a time spell onto said barrier. This is similar to how she and Madoka would create their special barriers when they fought together alongside the other Magical Girls back at home. But this time, she made the quick decision to use her power to hold the barrier in place. After nearly a minute, Hades exhausts himself, his skin reverting to his usual color and the flames around him dying down except for his 'hair'. The barrier still holds strong before it dissipates. The two friends are panting slightly from exerting themselves to generate such a powerful defense. Hades conjures a large fireball and tosses it into the air. Claramond jumps after it and duo realize this tactic and disperse. Claramond, already higher than the large ball of fire goes into a back spin. She aims at the redhead and directs the large, flaming explosive at her target with a well-timed kick in her somersault. Kairi jumps at the last second, barely avoiding the explosion. She twists her body around and faces her opponents when she lands near the edge of the ring.

Hades appears behind the Keyblade Wielder, who swings around, only for Hades to disappear in a burst of fire and smoke. He appears seconds later with his hand poised to snap at the redhead. With a snap, a small burst explodes behind Kairi pushing her towards the edge of the ring. Homura clicks her tongue and disappears. Almost immediately, Kairi disappears as well. The Keyblade Wielder suddenly stands right next to Hades; her Keyblade already coated with a blue aura. "What?!" the Underworld god exclaims just before turning into a bald, icy statue from Kairi's spell. Kairi roars as she swings around slams her Keyblade into Hades and launching him towards the darkness beyond the open gate.

At the same time Kairi appeared next to Hades, Homura appeared at the opposite end of the ring and a storm of laser arrows pelt down towards Claramond. She is forced to jump around but the storm seemed endless. After a minute, the assault died down. Now, the Abandoned takes a chance to catch her breath before rushing at the time user. Homura fires at Claramond. However, her shots do nothing to slow her down. Just as the masked kicker is close enough to attack, the time user activates her magic and time stops around her. She moves to the side and sticks her leg out. She deactivates her magic and time resumes, and Claramond runs into the outstretched leg; tripping it over it. The Abandoned crashes onto the ring floor. She rolls onto her back and raises her upper body before stopping; seeing the Magical Girl's arrow guns pointed at her as well as Kairi's Keyblade. The masked fighter looks down, realizing she can't make a move without taking a serious hit from whatever projectile that may come from her opponents.

"Looks like you win," the Abandoned mutters before getting up. Though the match is over, the spectators remain silent. "But next time, I won't hold anything back," as she jumps off the ring and walks to the same gate that Hades was thrown into. She turns back to the victors of the match. "Oh, one more thing," she says before she walks to the right of Kairi and Homura. She raises her hand forward and the air in front of her cracks before shattering to reveal a gate. She raises her right hand, ready to snap. "To get the memories back, here," she states before snapping.


At that moment a huge, white blur rushes out of the gate. The victorious duo dive to the side before it can run them over. It crashes into the side; its massive punching through the walls. The crowd quickly disperse as they head for the exits in a panic. Kyoko and Sayaka quickly jump out of the rafters. Kairi and Homura run to the center of the ring. The other two run to their aid. All four girls take in the giant monster floating in front of them. The Muscle Brain is a large white brain black circuit lines all over it with two massive arms protruding from its front lobes. Both arms have the Forgotten symbol etched onto them like tattoos. As it turns around the girls can see the large, angry mask floating in front of it.

Phil, who is still on the sideline, points at it. "Th-That's it!" he yells out, "That's the monster that wrecked the city!"

"Any advice on how to take this down, anyone?" Kyoko asks

"Just two words!" Phil yells out, "Dodge! Block! Attack!" Coincidentally, the monster gives out a manly roar at the same time. The giant Forgotten cocks back its right arm; moving to the girls. The monster throws the punch at them. The Magical Girls and Keyblade wielder jump out of harm's way; leaving a big hole on the ring. The girls bounce back and counterattack with their respective weapons. The Muscle Brain did not register their attacks. Instead, it wraps its right arm around its front and the other arm behind. It suddenly spins; arms spreading out; nailing the girls out of the air and they all crash to the four corners of the coliseum.

The positions of the young women are in clockwise order, Sayaka, Homura, Kyoko, and Kairi. The red-heads on the left side of the primary entrance rush at it; getting the monster's attention. The Muscle Brain raises both hands before hammering into the bottom of the rafters. Both girls jump back at the last second. They spring back from the rafters and run up the monster's arms. Both girls roar as they use their respective weapons to pierce into the mask, causing it to flinch. Sayakas sees her chance; using her speed to quickly close the distance and deliver about thirty slashes at the monster in a few seconds before jumping off of it and joins with Homura, who has been charging up energy in her arrow guns. She fires the charged shot and the monster hits the ground from the explosive force from it. Everyone charges in and striking the monster with as many blows and shots they can muster. The Muscle Brain collects itself. The girls back off and regroup on top of the stone platform in the middle of the coliseum.

The Muscle Brain turns to them; its body shaking. The Forgotten crosses its arms before throwing them to the sides roaring; a red aura explodes around its body. The monster reaches the girls in two seconds; surprising them with its increase in speed. The large brain monster goes into a rampage; keeping the girls on their toes. Each attack it sends with its massive arms and fists are barely dodged. After going for a punch at Sayaka with its right fist, it swings its left arm at an airborne Kyoko. Unable to dodge she braces herself and is shot to the rafters. Kairi casts Triple Blizzaga; the spears of ice impacting the mask. The monster retaliates with an uppercut at the Keyblade Wielder; launching her to the rafters next to Kyoko.

The Muscle Brain goes for a haymaker at Sayaka. Homura stops time and starts shooting behind it. The shots go a short distance before they are frozen in time. She quickly runs to Sayaka. After taking hold of her hand, she brings the bluenette to move outside of time as well. The latter nods in appreciation before they make their way to the others. After reaching them, Homura ceases her magic and time resumes around them. Homura's shots impact the monster. The Muscle Brain turns around and starts smashing the empty rafters. This gives the girls a chance and after seeing that both red heads are knocked out, Sayaka uses her healing magic and the two downed girls regain consciousness. After getting on her feet, Kairi quickly casts Curaga to heal all of their wounds. The Muscle Brain calms down, its red aura dissipating, before turning to the girls. Though their bodies are now healed, they are running low on stamina.

The Muscle Brain digs its hands at the base of the other side of the ring. "What's it doing now?" Sayaka asks aloud. On cue, the giant Forgotten lifts the ring out of the ground; flipping the entire stone platform at the girls.

"You've got to be kidding me!" Kyoko yells out. The tossed stone suddenly stops just before they get crushed; along with a manly grunt. Holding it up behind them, is a large man with highly toned muscles with a gold aura.

"Someone called for a real hero," the large man speaks with a youthful voice.

"Hercules!" Phil ecstatically yells out.

With a large yell, the world's hero pushes the ring back towards the ground in the opposite direction. He jumps over the girls; landing on the falling platform and runs up it. He jumps at the edge, surprising the monster. He somersaults once; his hands closed together above his head before delivering a crushing blow to the monster. The Muscle Brain crashes into the ground; its mask shattering upon impact. The monster tries to get up but fails to do so. The defeated Forgotten slowly turns into a white mist before disappearing. Hercules swipes his brow before dusting off his hands.

The girls on the other side sigh in relief. Homura is the most thankful of the fortunate timing of the hero. She is aware that she is nearly pushing the limit of her power. She had planned on using her magic one more time to get the others to a safe distance but she feared she wouldn't move all three before she would run out of magic and leave someone crushed under the ring.

After a short while, Hercules, with Phil next to him, stands in front of Kairi and Magical Girls in their normal attire at the Coliseum entrance. "Couldn't you have timed that any better, Hercules?" Kairi says with a smirk, hands on her hips.

"Sorry for being late. As soon as I heard some monster was tearing apart Thebes I got here as fast as I can."

Sayaka brings her hands behind her head, "Glad, you showed up when you did, otherwise we would've been flattened big time."

"Seriously," Kyoko stretches out her arms, "If we had more time after getting whooped in our last match, I wouldn't have gotten pummeled so easily when it went into a frenzy. Still, can't believe you one-shot that thing."

"I wouldn't bet on that," Phil interjects. "If Herc' been here alone at the beginning, even he wouldn't take it out in one blow. You girls did phenomenal job holding that thing back," The satyr crosses his arms. "But from the looks of things you're all still rookies that just need to be properly trained. If you want, I can help you with-"

"No thanks," the Magical Girls say at the same time.

"Not again," the trainer of heroes moans.

Kairi giggles lightly at the scene before turning to Hercules. "What are you going to do?"

"Well I'm heading back to my family. Pretty sure they'll start worrying if I stay any longer."

"I get it, say hi Meg for me, would you?"

"Sure thing. And give my regards to Sora," he turns to the Magical Girls. "It is nice to meet you three. Maybe next time we can a match?"

Kyoko smirks, "Sounds like fun."

Hercules nods before whistling with two fingers. A neigh echoes from the sky. The girls look up and see a white horse with a blue mane and white, feathery wings. Pegasus circles around before landing next to Hercules. As Hercules got on, a thought comes across Homura. "Wait," she calls out; taking a steps forward.


"Who told you about the monster here?" the time user inquires. After all, how could Hercules have reached them in time when the monster made its appearance at the Coliseum.

"It was a tall guy in a white coat. He told me that a 'Keyblade wielder and their friends may need some help.' After that, he just went along his way."

"A white coat again, huh?" Kairi ponders.

"Must be the same guy that blue-haired man mentioned before," Sayaka conjectures.

"Possibly," Homura says with a hand on her chin. "Thanks, that's all I wanted to know."

"Sure thing. Well, see you around." The son of Zeus beckons his fateful steed to take to the skies. As he flies over the main entrance, the others hear comments from the nearby townsfolk; mainly praising and thanking Hercules, with one of them calling him 'Phil's boy.'

Just hearing that has the satyr have an arm over his eyes; holding back the tears of joy of everyone remembering Hercules again.

"Well, let's find somewhere to rest," Homura suggests. "After all, I think it will be foolish of us to simply go to the next world without properly resting and let our Force Gems regain their color."

"Sounds like a plan," Sayaka agrees.

Kairi turns to the satyr, "Well, see you around Phil."

"Come back anytime. And remember always keep training, got it?" The girls nod before making their way down the stairs.

Lea and Isa walk down a street on the outskirts of a modern city. The road is on top of a hill, and to their left is vibrant green grass before going down to a large river. In the distance, one can see modern windmills, a bridge going over the river and metropolis on the other side. The Keyblade wielder sighs, before rubbing his head, "Sheesh, must have taken a wrong inside that gate."

"What was your first clue?" Isa sarcastically asks.

"Yeah, yeah, whatever," the red-head waves him off. "Anyways, if what Kairi said true and that some mysterious group is connecting all these worlds. Then it's only a matter of time before…" Lea trails off before three Amnesia appear several yards in front of them. "Yep," Lea says as he reaches his hand out. To Lea's surprise, someone else is running towards the backs of the Forgotten. The figure jumps before dispatching the memory-stealing monsters one by one with one strike of his weapon. The hilt of the weapon has two guards with a small keychain dangling from the pommel. "You've gotta be kidding me," says the spiky-haired man with a smile; shaking his head.

"This is quite a surprise," Isa states.

Lea stretches his arm to the new arrival, "So, what's your name, kid?"

AUTHOR'S NOTE: Whew! When I finished this, I didn't realize it would be this long.

Hope that all the fights are to your satisfaction as well as the Magical Girls' small interactions with locals.

Be careful with COVID-19 out there. Here's to hoping we can survive this trial.

Until next time, take care.


More like a dream.


Being alone is scary.


Don't worry, I'm here for you.

Time to wake up this city.