Disclaimer: The following is a non-profit fan-based parody. Inuyasha is owned by Rumiko Takahashi & Sunrise Inc. Please support the official release.

Her thoughts trudged to the surface of her subconsciousness in a lethargic manner that suggested it hadn't been disrupted for quite some time. A groan of despair fumbled from her mouth as her hand reached searchingly for the blaring object of her ire. When the offending chunk of pink metal was solidly removed from her nightstand and switched off, her head grudgingly peeked out from under the equally pink comforter. One glance at the calendar on her wall confirmed her worst suspicions. She shuffled into her bathroom and winced at her own reflection in the mirror. Today is the day.

AN: Word Count: 100. If you enjoy this story and want to see more, please leave a comment or review so that I can know to continue on with my writing. Thank you for reading, and have a nice day.