
Disclaimer: I don't own Beyblade or any of it's characters, I just write stupid, twisted plots around them.damn I'm a sad pathetic girl.uhh. Oh and I don't own the song 'Numb' that's owned by Linkin Park, who are absolutely the best!!!

Author's Note: Hey all, this is my first Beyblade fic! And best of all it's Kai/Rei! Isn't that great? Yes it is. Anyways, I happen to be a very depressing person, therefore there'll be lotsa angst, but some romanticy stuff too.don't tell anyone. Oh and I love Linkin Park stuff, so there'll probably be a few Linkin Park song fics in the future, if I can get the time to write them down that is. Okay, this fic's in Kai's POV mostly.I think..I may change it. Anyways, the song 'Numb' takes on the theme of one trying so hard to please and not succeeding, and becoming a cold, feelingless person because of it. There'll be a lot based on Kai's past that affects his actions in this fic and Rei has to try and melt Kai's frozen heart.

Heh probably said too much, but at least this way you know of the direction I'm going in so I won't leave ya hangin'. Well hope you enjoy, please read and review! Thanks!


** ** ** Breathing heavily, I dropped to my knees no longer able to stand.

"Weakling," a cruel voice hissed into my ear. The cruel being pulled me into a standing position by my sweaty, slate locks. Then he began the consistant blows, punching my stomach- his favourite place of attack.

I choked, coughing as the air escaped my lungs, I began choking harder still but his painful blows only became rougher and more abusive. He knitted his brows in anger as blood flew out of my mouth and splattered all over the cold floor of the training room.

Finally, his attacks ceased and he dropped my limp form, black and blue with bruises, and walked out the door in disgust. I lay there completely beaten and humiliated on the floor bare of my shirt, struggling to breathe. I think one of my ribs was fractured during the vicious onslaught because my chest was burning like hell as though the bones were broken and pushing against my lungs. I coughed up some more blood and soon I slipped out of consciousness.

** ** **

*~* I'm tired of being what you want me to be Feeling so faithless Lost under the surface I don't know what you're expecting of me Put under the pressure Of walking in your shoes *~*

I sat up suddenly. I gazed around the room fearfully, searching for the cold, hard floor of the abbey forever stuck in my painful memories. I pulled off my shirt and made a thorough inspection of my built chest, looking for the bruises I expected to see, but they were long gone. I breathed out a sigh of relief I didn't realize I was holding.

A moment later, after brushing away the accumulated sweat off my brow, I heard the door to mind and Rei's bedroom creak open. To my surprise, Rei's head appeared from behind the opening door. I realized I hadn't noticed Rei's absence and blamed the lingering terrifying memories for my lack of focus. As for Rei, he must've noticed me starting to sit up in the double bed we had to share and tried to retreat before I got my bearings.

"Rei," I stated, acknowleging his presence.

He looked down at his feet, looking flustered, and said softly, "I didn't mean to wake you Kai."

"You didn't, I was awake already. What are you doing? Where were you?" I asked.

"Huh? Oh, nowhere. I just stepped out for some air and to think," he responded hesitating only slightly. I studied his intriguing, cat-like, Asian features, an unknown feeling swelled in my stomach- like butterflies but a tingling thought in the back of my mind caused a feeling of concern as well. I narrowed my eyes. I considered questioning Rei furthermore, but he seemed uncomfortable, I noted as he fiddled with the end of his binded hair, carefully avoiding my cold gaze. So I merely nodded.

"Well you should get some sleep, we have lots of training to do tomorrow. I'm getting that cow, Tyson, up at 5:30," I said huffily, as the thought of the day's previous events entered my mind. The thought of Tyson's inhuman appetite made me want to gag, he deserved an early wake-up call after allowing us to watch his sickening display of gorging himself.

Rei chuckled a bit, smiling slightly and nodding his head in agreement.

Rei had to be the most tolerable person on this team. He respected me, and understood when things needn't be argued with, unlike Tyson.

By then I'd lain down and closed my eyes. A few moments later Rei had gone into and out of the washroom and laid down on the otherside of the bed. His soft breathing noises soon lulled me into a peaceful slumber. Much more peaceful than earlier when he was absent. He'd always been very calming, and very likeable.


A loud beeping noise pulled me out of the blissful sleep I'd thoroughly enjoyed. I quickly turned off the alarm so as not to awaken Rei. A dim, soft sunlight poured onto the floor of the room through the window. I twisted my body around to gaze at Rei, I watched the fall and rise of his chest as he slept there. His hair had been let loose though not completely- it was still in a loose ponytail. The rest of his glossy, raven locks had scattered themselves across the pillow. I reached out to touch the tempting silk, but pulled my calloused hand away when I realized what I was doing. Appalled at my own actions, I sighed and forced myself up from under the covers. I was showered and dressed in a matter of minutes and went across the hall to Tyson's and Max's room, Dranzer in tow.

After waking Tyson- with a good shouting, and waking Max in the process, they were down the stairs complaining in minutes. I allowed Tyson a small breakfast- according to his standards- consisting of two creamcheese bagels, a large bowl of cereal, three granola bars, a glass of orange juice and three bananas. Max just laughed all the time Tyson spent complained I was starving him. After nearly pummeling him into oblivion a number of times, and many bold threats, Tyson and Max were training their hearts out in the yard with their beyblades.

After standing stoicly against the large oak tree near the mini-bey stadium, supervising Max and Tyson's training for an hour, I decided I'd go check on Rei. Tyson's annoying complaining that I was nicer to Rei than to anyone else- especially him- was beginning to piss me off.

"Tyson!" I yelled warningly. That seemed to shut him up. Except for the annoyed grumbling he muttered to Max who just laughed but nodded in agreement.

Opening the back door of the house, I spotted Kenny sitting at the kitchen table typing rigorously on his laptop. When he noticed me coming in, he clicked on a number of files that were the new battle strategies he'd come up with for Tyson's Dragoon, and gave me a quick synopsis of each. I nodded wordlessly.

Moments later, I heard silent footsteps enter into the kitchen. Knowing instantly who it was, I looked up and received a small smile from the golden eyed neko-jinn. I couldn't help but notice he looked a little tired, and it showed slightly in his walk.

"Hey Kenny, hey Kai," Rei greeted in his normal tone. He made his way towards the fridge and pulled out a small bottle of orange juice.

"Anyone want one?" Rei asked, lifting his orange juice to indicate.

I shook my head to decline.

"No thanks Rei," Kenny said, "but would you like to see these new improvements I've been working on for Tyson's blade?"

"Sure Chief, what have ya got?" Rei asked mildly interested.

I studied Rei's agile movements, but quick and graceful at the same time. His golden eyes shone with wonder at Kenny's work and admiration glinted.

Lost in the moment of observing Rei, I wasn't paying attention when Kenny called to ask my opinion on something. I blinked back to reality, Rei and Kenny with questioning looks in their eyes. I shook my head, turned my head to hide the blush that crept into my cheeks- wait blush! What's wrong with me? I wondered at my own sanity for a moment and quickly left the room without so much as a nod of acknowledgement.


A/n: Alas I have fallen into 'I love Beyblade fics', but that's okay. Anyways I hope ya liked it, it's just getting off the ground that's why not much has happened. I'm not exactly sure if this is gonna be all lovey-feely fic or a lovey-feely fic with some wicked twisted plot I've yet to come up with. I guess we'll just have to see. I think a story really writes itself, 'cause even I- the author- never knows what's gonna happen. Well I hope I can get some reviews for this! Ja!