Daria Winter Is Coming Pt Eleven. Rikka vs The Fashion Queen Part One

Disclaimer: I do not own the property rights to either Daria or to the Game of Thrones. Characters, plot, background and details belong to their respective creators. This work is written for recreation and ego gratification, and the author neither expects nor deserves financial compensation for this work, although positive reviews would be nice. Those readers interested in finding out more about Daria and/or A Game of Thrones should seek out the creator's official books and videos.

Author's advisory. This story is about one of Robert Baratheon's bastard daughters and her relations with the Morgendorffer family after she and her mother were brought over from Westeros to the US. There is very little Westeros in Daria: Winter Is Coming, and most Game of Thrones/A Song of Ice And Fire characters are deep background characters, if they play any role in this story at all.

Daria Winter Is Coming* Daria Winter Is Coming* Daria Winter Is Coming

The school week ended and everybody was exhausted, despite the fact that Lawndale High's remaining roofing remaining in place. Daria and Quinn got picked up after school while Jane remained behind for track practice.

Rikka was already in the car.

"Hey, kid!" said Daria.

"Hey, Daria, Quinn!" said Rikka. "How was school?"

Ten years old and this kid knows how to be sardonic, Daria thought with approval. I guess Planetos isn't good country for breeding happy bubbleheads.

"The roof didn't fall on me again, if that's what you mean," said Daria. "How was yours?"

"Pretty good," said Rikka. "I'm getting caught up with school and I'm making some friends. I miss my old ones, though."

"You had friends back in Las Vegas?" said Quinn. "Cool."

"Yeah," said Rikka, "and back in Mountain Home. I had to leave them every time we moved. I hated that. For once I'd like to stay someplace and have my friends around for years."

Quinn didn't know what to say about that, changed the subject, and started talking with Dad. Quinn's babble covered a wide range of topics, but Daria learned that the Fashion Fiends were about descend on Schloss Morgendorffer.

Quinn hadn't met Quinn's fashionista friends. This should be interesting, thought Daria.

The Fashionistas began arriving about an hour or so later. The first to arrive was Stacy, who apologized and asked if she had come to the wrong house when Uncle Ben opened the door. Tiffany arrived a little later, followed by Sandi. Rikka was there to greet her.

"Well like thank you for letting me in," said Sandi in a tone of voice that made Rikka remember some of the snobby noblewomen who occasionally stopped by the Stag's Rest when her mother was alive.

"Whatever," said Rikka. She'd had to put up with this crap back in the village, but she didn't like it. And it took a split-second to decide that no matter how snooty this girl acted, she wasn't a noblewoman anyway.

"Fashion Club?" she said.

Sandi glared at the primary schooler. Didn't this urchin know how popular she was?

"For your information, little girl, I am Sandi Griffin and I am the President of the Fashion Club," she said

To Sandi's consternation, the girl remained unimpressed. Then the girl made a face and said "Do you have a brother named Chris?"

What, thought Sandi, this urchin knew her little brother? She decided that she wouldn't dignify this urchin with a response.

"You look like him. I wondered what he'd look like wearing make-up," Rikka replied.

"Rikka, be nice," said an older man who'd come out of the Morgendorffers' living room. "She has guest-right." This must be Quinn's Uncle Ben—and this must be one of King Robert's royal brats, she thought sourly. No wonder he and Queen Cersei didn't adopt them if they were all this horrible, she thought.

Sandi wanted nothing better than to tell off this, what was the French word? Gamine? But she wasn't going to get the opportunity today. She turned away and stalked up the stairs.


Rikka was playing quietly in Daria's room after the Fashionistas left. Daria didn't know what time they'd gone home; she'd closed the door rather than have to endure listening to Sandi Griffin hand down another list of dictates for the fashion drones to adhere to.

Their quiet time was interrupted by a knock on the door. Daria was lying on the bed, reading a book.

"Come in," said Daria. Quinn came in with an angry frown on her face.

"Like you were totally rude," said Quinn.

"Me?" said Daria. "I didn't do a blamed thing."

"Not you—her," said Quinn, pointing at Rikka.

"So what did I do?" said Rikka.

"Like you insulted Sandi!" said Quinn.

"So what did she say?" said Daria.

"I told her that she looked like her brother," said Rikka. Something told Daria that that wasn't all Rikka had said.

"Does she?" said Daria. "Does he do drag?"

Rikka glared at Daria. "Of course not," she said. "I just told the Queen Bee that I wondered what Chris would look like wearing makeup and she got all upset."

It was too much. Daria started laughing.