Nea didn't really know much about Dwight. All she knew was, he was some guy who used to deliver pizzas and now for some reason, was elected as the group's leader. He was elected before she got here, of course. She never would have voted for such a pussy. Dwight did come up with some good plans and kept note of the killers powers and weaknesses but, despite this, he had been sacrificed in almost every trial. Even when the exit gates were open, he'd still find a way to mess up and get caught. He was sacrificed more times than David. And David was a moron. Dwight seemed like a smart guy but, he really did make some dumb mistakes which ended up with him hanging on a hook.

Nea looked around as the fog cleared and instantly recognised the sound of crows and the rotting wooden walkways. The swamp. Great. She made her way to the nearest generator, crouching and keeping an eye out for whoever was hunting her this time. When she reached the generator, she froze, watching as the reeds began to rustle with movement. The tension in her shoulders loosened slightly, when Dwight emerged. He gave her quick nod and began working on the generator. She soon joined him and the pair worked in silence. Nea's eyes flicked towards the bespectacled man and she began to wonder why, in all her time here, they never really spoke. She shook her head, as if trying to forcefully remove the thought from her mind, and got back to work.

The trial went by in a whirlwind of unhooking and avoiding the hag's traps. Something Dwight didn't do very well. He was currently on a hook, while Nea, Ace and Jake powered through the last generator. "You two finish up here, I'll go get Dwight", Jake whispered, moving away from the generator before anyone could protest. Nea scoffed, "He can risk his ass all he wants. We all know the dork's gonna end up back there anyway". Ace simply shook his head, as the generator powered on, and the signal for the exit gates blared through the swamp. Nea and Ace began the trek to one of the gates when they heard Jake's scream in the distance. Ace sighed and beckoned towards the gates. "Go on, looks like our boys are havin' a bit a trouble". Nea simply rolled her eyes, at their heroic efforts. "Idiots", she mumbled to herself, pulling the handle for the door.

Dwight watched in horror as the hag chased Jake around, while simultaneously struggling to keep the Entity's claws away from him. Jake howled in pain as the killer finally landed a successful swipe. He held his side as he began to run farther away from the hook, leaving Dwight to lose all hope of survival. He shut his eyes and waited for the end. But it didn't come. Instead, he felt himself being roughly pull off the hook, and arms wrapping around him. He opened his eyes to see Ace, winking at him, "come on kid, our luck hasn't run out yet". He placed Dwight's arm around his neck and half dragged, half carried the injured man towards the exit gate.

Nea stood in the gate, leaning against one of the pillars, humming absentmindedly to herself. She whipped her head around at the sound of Jake's voice; "We gotta move". He sprinted towards the gate, soon followed by Ace and Dwight. The four moved towards the exit, when they heard a loud pop from under Nea's foot. "Oh for fu-", her exclaim was cut short by the hag emerging from the ground and wrapping her claw around her neck. Nea watched Jake pass through the threshold, as she struggled for breath. She was thrown to ground, the hag quickly climbing on top of her. Time seemed to slow down. She prepared herself for impact, when she suddenly heard a yell and the hag was dragged off her. She watched, wide eyed as Dwight's throat was ripped open by the killer. His screams ringing in her ears, as Ace pulled her across the barrier.

Nea paced the campsite, her mind racing. "What just happened? Did he do that on purpose? She should have died back there". Claudette's voice snapped her out of her thoughts, "Nea please, let me check you for injuries". Nea slumped down on the ground, next to Jake. She watched as Claudette covered his wound in bandages. Anger slowly began to bubble inside her. "Why did you leave?" she hissed, "We could have all made it out if you'd fucking stayed". Jake didn't answer her. "You hear me, pussy?", her voice began to rise. "Oh fuck off Nea, since when do you care what happens to anyone? You think I didn't hear what you said at the generator? You don't give a shit about him, or any of us". Claudette looked nervously, towards Bill, while the pair seethed at each other. Taking the hint, Bill laid a hand on Nea's shoulder, "Let's take a walk, kiddo". "No, fuck you...fuck all of you. I don't need a babysitter". Nea stalked off to the other side of camp. "Why wasn't he back yet? Was this finally the thing that would kill him for real? If she'd been faster, more careful maybe…". The crunching of leaves, pulled her from her panicked thoughts. Looking up, she watched Dwight stroll back towards the campfire, looking bewildered and bloody but alive, with his throat intact. Dwight made a point to not make eye contact with her, and plopped himself down on a log.

Nea couldn't sleep that night. She rubbed her eyes, and sat up, scanning the camp. Most of the group were sleeping or quietly chatting. She stood up and awkwardly made her way to the tree Dwight was propped up against. He raised an eyebrow when she sat next to him, shifting himself away slightly, obviously uncomfortable. An awkward silence fell over them. Nea watched, as Dwight began to fiddle with the strings on his PizzaWhat! hoodie. She cleared her throat to speak,"Why?", was all she managed to get out. Dwight flicked his eyes towards her, "Why what?" "Why did you let that swamp bitch give you the world's worst hickey?". Dwight snorted, "I dunno. I was injured, you weren't. I probably wouldn't have gotten out anyway". "That's bullshit and you know it". Dwight curtly nodded, and began to pick at the leaves on the ground.

After another awkward silence, that seemed to last forever, Nea stood up. She had an idea. She moved towards Claudette, who was sound asleep, and took one of her medkits. She hurried back to Dwight, who had started to doze off, in the few minutes she was gone. She bashfully began to slowly unzip his hoodie, not wanting to disturb him. Dwight jolted awake, wrapping his arms around himself protectively, as if he had just been assaulted. "What are you doing?!", he yelped. "Healing your wounds", Nea replied, slightly offended at his reaction. "I don't need to be healed", Dwight mumbled, pulling his zip back up. "I find it hard to believe hag lady didn't fuck you up a little, Fairfield". "I said, I don't need to be healed". "And I said I find it hard to believe-", she was cut off by Dwight suddenly moving to get away from her. "Hey! Get back here!", she reached to pull on his sleeve. "Seriously Nea, I'm really not in the mood for this". Nea let go of his sleeve, hanging her head. "Look Dwight, I'm not...good at this shit but I...what you did in the trial...I just...wanted to say...thanks". "You're welcome", Dwight said, coldly, continuing to walk away. "What the hell is your problem?!" Nea yelled, grabbing his shoulder, in an attempt to make him face her. Dwight let out a cry, "S-stop". He carefully removed himself from her grasp. "So you are hurt". Nea pointed towards the medkit. "Come here". Dwight let out an exasperated sigh, but obliged.

He slumped down onto a log, Nea hopping over it to get behind him. She could already see a dark bruise on the back of his neck that crept down under his red t-shirt. She began to search through the medkit for anything she might need. When she turned back to Dwight, he was staring off in the distance, absentmindedly chewing his nails, as he often did. "You know how gross that is, right?" "Hmmm?" "You. You're always biting your nails. You're probably eating dirt, and shit. It's pretty nasty". Dwight just shrugged, wiping his hand on his jeans. "I'm sure you've eaten worse", he said with a coy smile, tilting his head towards Meg, who was sleeping near the campfire. Nea was taken aback by this comment, before shoving Dwight playfully, a wicked grin spreading over her face. "Touché". She was starting to like this guy.

"You're gonna need to take this off", she said, tugging at the hood on his hoodie. "Yeah...I guess so", Dwight slowly removed the navy fabric from himself. Nea cocked an eyebrow, at the gashes, cuts and bruises crawling down his arms. "You should probably take your shirt off, too". Dwight sighed, "Fine...but don't...just don't say anything". Nea snorted at his self-consciousness, "Come on Fairfield, we all know you're no body build-". Her mouth hung open in shock, as her eyes sprawled over his body. His back was covered in gashes, some old, some crusting over with infection, and some painfully new. His stomach was bruised. His sides had deep claw marks and his chest and neck were stained with blood, assumably from the mori he'd endured earlier that day. "Jesus Dwight, you're a mess". "Thanks", he said sarcastically, hanging his clothes over the log. "What the fuck happened to you?" Nea was in shock. She'd never seen anyone injured this bad before. "Um…the trials?" Dwight was being too nonchalant about this for her liking. "You know what I mean. No one else is this messed up. Why did you not go to Claudette?" "Because it's not a big deal, Nea. Other people need those medical supplies more than me". Nea shook her head, "Just sit still, let me deal with this".

Nea worked away, cleaning and disinfecting the wounds, which emitted the odd yelp or whimper from Dwight. "Seriously dude, you should have put bandages or something on some of these". "I did. Where do you think my work shirt went", Dwight nervously chuckled. "Wait seriously?" Dwight just shook his head and looked at the ground. After a long pause, Nea pushed the subject again, "Be real with me here for the second. How are you this messed up?" "I'm shit in the trials, remember?". "I wouldn't call what you did for me back there, "shit"". Nea's eyes trailed over the collection of wounds again, tracing the larger ones with her fingers. A knot began to form in her stomach, when she started to figure it out. "You do that a lot, don't you? Take the hit for others? Do you fuck up on purpose to take the attention off everyone else?" Her eyes grew wider as guilt washed over her. She doubted him all this time. "I...I guess so", he replied, softly.

Nea moved to sit on the log next to the man, and really took a moment to look at him. He looked tired. Drained. "Shit, maybe you're not a giant pussy after all". Dwight cracked a genuine smile. "Thanks….I guess". "Don't mention it. I should get this stuff back before Claudette wakes up. Try get some sleep". Dwight started to pull his clothes back on, "I'm not sure I'll be able to. You've really creeped me out with how nice you're being". Nea stuck her tongue out, "Fuck you, Fairfield". Dwight watched her start to walk away. "Hey Nea...Thanks". He received a quick shrug and a nod in return, before rolling over to fall asleep.