WOO-HOO! A new multi-chapter fic! I've wanted to do this for a long time XD
Okay guys - this story was suggested by my brilliant friend, "Write-To-You", and I know I've shouted her out a lot but she deserves it. Like, she has some of the GREATEST Snowbarry stories. EVER. So like, when you're done reading this, go read her fics. You'll love every minute of it. :D
I'm really excited to write this - this is going to be very interesting XD Hope y'all enjoy this!
(guys I've never said this - but I seriously adore the fact that two people, Barry and Caitlin, have THREE different ships: Snowbarry, FlashFrost, SaviFrost. Like isn't this couple just amazing? :D)
Frost and Barry walked back into the room, currently very energized from taking down Cicada (again!).
"Frosty, I almost forgot how cool you were," smiled Barry.
"Was that a cold pun? I dig it," smirked Frost. "And thanks. That makes me glad to hear that you think I'm cool..."
"Only the coolest," Barry added.
"Stop it," Frost giggled.
Caitlin, meanwhile, was mentally beaming from ear to ear - Frost got along so well with Barry. It was almost like she was a totally different person around him now, before she was cold and distant and smart to anyone... now, with Barry, she let loose a lot more often. She would agree to do more fun stuff, and even asked once to go out with him for coffee (both Barry and Caitlin instantly agreed).
But as of late... Frost seemed to be getting a lot closer with him.
Caitlin wasn't complaining, she was getting closer with Barry as well. It seemed as if his rough break with Iris drove him back to her and Cisco, and while she felt terrible for him (she knew how much he loved her, but it had been showing she was reciprocating more for "Flash" than "Barry" lately...), a part of her was so happy to have him back in their little trio. But she didn't say this - she barely was able to think it and not feel ten thousand pounds of guilt in an instant.
The three had provided comfort to him - maybe that was why?
Either way, she was happy. He was happy. Frost was happy. Everyone was happy.
And that was what mattered.
However, once Barry left the room, Frost retreated into Caitlin's mind, and let her take the reigns.
"We need to talk," Frost said.
"Okay... what's up?" Caitlin asked. She was always ready to talk with Frost - they had also grown a lot closer too. She was very thankful for this... she couldn't imagine the constant arguing that would happen if they hated each other.
But her response... well, it didn't make her upset. But it was certainly more blunt than she was used to.
"I'm crushing on Barry," Frost said. "Like, hardcore."
"W-What?!" Caitlin exclaimed, almost laughing out of shock - that certainly wasn't expected, from Killer Frost no less!
"Please... don't make me repeat it," Frost said, seeming... nearly timid. "I said it once. I really hope you heard it."
"No I heard it! I'm just... taken aback," Caitlin muttered. "You usually aren't that blunt... and I figure if I knew what you'd say, I would only be shocked at how blunt you are about it."
"You mean... you don't have a problem?" she asked.
"Well, you know he just got out of a bad relationship... and we share a body," Caitlin added. "Frost, I... I just don't see how it could work."
"I know... I just don't want him to feel like he doesn't have a woman in the world who loves him," said Frost.
"That's... that's really sweet of you, Frost," Caitlin said, smiling lightly. "But... if you're gonna do anything, take it slow. Don't rush him, and... I'll try to figure something out."
"That's my plan," Frost said. "So... can I just go talk to him without being scolded?"
Caitlin scoffed. "Frost, you know dang well you can talk to him! If I can talk to him, then you can."
"Good thing then," laughed Frost. "I'm so glad you can talk to him. Imagine if you couldn't."
Caitlin sighed. "Really don't have to imagine that..."
"Oh... Oh, I'm sorry," Frost said, with sincerity in her voice.
"Its fine," Caitlin said. "Hey... why don't you go hug him?"
"Hmm?" Frost asked.
"Barry loves hugs, friendly or romantic," she smiled. "He always needs one, too. I've hugged him a lot since we started becoming friends again... you should go hug him!"
"A-Are you sure?" Frost said nervously.
"Yes, I'm sure!" Caitlin laughed. "Go give him a hug, you dork."
Frost sighed, then prepared to take control. "Okay..."
And in a few seconds, Frost walked out of the room, ready to do a more daring task than kicking Cicada's butt...
Because she did that without any fear at all.
With this, she was just a tad nervous.
Frost now strutted through the halls of STAR Labs, significantly in a better mood since Caitlin had given her the go on hugging Barry - despite her nervousness, she still felt better.
Truth be told, she knew friends hugged - like, a lot. Barry and Caitlin hugged. So why would it be weird/imply anything to let her give a squeeze to the dork she adored?
So she was very thankful to find him so quickly. She felt like she was going to explode if she didn't do at least something.
He heard her come in, and smiled at her. "Hey Frost. What's up?"
Frost sighed. "Barry... I need a hug."
"O-Oh," he said. "Y-Yeah, okay, sure..."
He extended his arms, and Frost gladly sank into them. Caitlin instantly felt Frost get much, much happier - she started smiling, and her grip on him tightened, but not too much as to the point of where he was feeling much different.
"You feeling okay?" Barry asked.
"Mhmm," Frost said. "I'm just a little tired... and being a little tired just makes me a little sad..."
"I understand," Barry nodded.
Frost sighed happily, and sank deeper into the hug.
The two could've stood there for hours - and they would never have known. The only sounds were their occasional shuffles and Barry's very quiet watch.
When they finally separated, both were grinning widely.
"Feel better?" Barry asked.
"Much," Frost nodded. "We should hug more often."
"Believe me, I agree with you on that," Barry smiled.
Frost smiled back once more, and she walked out of the room feeling much better. Caitlin felt much better too - but it was in a different sense than romantic.
At least... she thought it was.
Please let me know what you guys thought! I really hope ya enjoyed :D Once again, BIG thanks to Write-To-You for the story idea! You da best pal :D