Another ending, something closer to what I had originally planned to portray. Just recently I had a flow to write it. Cross posted on archiveofourown under the pen name YokaiShinari.

"He did this to you?" - she still couldn't comprehend why this particular akuma had downed himself to be this brutal. And to Chat especially, What had he done to cause it?

But it was a conversation for another time. Not now, when Ladybug had to ensure her partner's safety first.

Chat tugged at his chains frantically and the girl snapped into action.

"How does this work?" - she asked, examining the metal, quickly running her fingers along every circle.

"The crank. In the floor."

He didn't stop jerking his arms. Now that freeing himself from these restrains was so close. He wanted out. OUT with them!

"The key?"

"I don't know! Get them off!"

Ladybug startled with his outburst. But she understood quickly where did it come from. A chained cat is scared. Chained AND hurt cat needs to escape. Acting on pure instincts to flee to safety.

She jumped on her feet and to the workshop tables around. She searched the shelves, knocking off some tools and what-nots. Still having her partner's distressed groans in the back of her head she herself growled angrily and grabbed the first handsaw she laid her eyes on.


Then the same voice as her partner's sounded from the basement steps and they both froze. The voice drawled and hissed.

"Looking for something?"

He stood there. A perfect copy of her partner. He looked the same and sounded alike, but that's where the similarities ended. He regarded himself more arrogantly. Boasted more, as if having these powers he obtained (was given) made him invincible. Entitled for his position.

And for her.

His eyes were different. Now she saw it. They were both dark and gleaming with mischief. He wanted to harm, to have, to hurt. And Ladybug mentally kicked herself for not noticing those things the moment she saw him.

Chat whined at the sight of him and she clenched her fists, one still gripping the handle of the tool she collected.

"You free him right now."

"He's not worth it." - Copycat scorned, taking a few steps towards Ladybug and the still chained real cat. For more, his words made Ladybug turn her face into the same angered expression as her partner was sporting, growling at the akuma.

" Once I take his miraculous you can team up with me. I'm far better than him. I'm not afraid of powers I have. Look at him - he's weak. And stupid. Went right into my trap..."

"Shut up!"

That was Chat Noir's yell. He strained and tugged at his chains forcefully. Keen on being freed; wanting to block the words that spilled from their enemy's mouth like poison. Of course he was stupid, but he didn't want Ladybug to hear it from that cat. To hear everything he'd done.

Ladybug threw away the saw she held and moved to kneel next to Chat, putting a hand on his shoulder comfortingly. Glaring intensely at the fake, her frustration slowly made its way out, but she had to remember, that that wasn't a man of his free will. He wasn't the real threat. Hawkmoth was.

But that couldn't stop the emotions of being directed at the closest source of danger. Copycat.

"You don't know him! You can't just torture, mock and throw away a person, just because you want his position!" She paused, regarding her partner. Then wary of his wounds, she carefully pulled Chat's zipper up, enveloping his skin with their magical, protective leather and smiled kindly at him. Her look and her kindness didn't reassure him, though, and he just turned his eyes away with shame. It surprised her only for a moment, and then she glared at the copycat again. "You hurt others. You think only of yourself and what you want. I'd never team up with anyone who's like that! Just because you have his powers, it doesn't make you my partner!"

Her words enraged the copycat. Seeping with wrath he scowled at both of them.

For a second the butterfly symbol appeared on his face and then he flashed his fangs with finality.

"If I can't have you, then no one will!"

From where he was still laying on the floor, Chat could mostly hear the Copycat summoning his powers and then hard boots quickly closing in. Ladybug stood there next to him, her weapon ready, casting bright light in circles in the dimmed basement. She against an enraged cataclysm. Alone. Because he still couldn't break free.

He could only keep wrenching the shackles, until they began to painfully cut into his wrists. He didn't want to see the fight. His Lady could be capable of fighting that guy off, but it always takes the two of them...

Stupid. Why hadn't he thought about waiting for her earlier?


His inner turmoil disrupted a sudden black figure thrown his way. Chat flinched and recoiled to the side as far as he could... And rolled away a few more meters; the remnants of the chains withering from around his wrists. He was free.

From there he and Ladybug quickly pinned down and freed the akuma from the villain that bore his face. Chat couldn't stay long, though. First, because of his miraculous wearing off. Two...

He couldn't. All he had before his eyes was that face and his own disgust. His body was still in pain, which slowly was creeping more, due to adrenaline subsiding.

And the shame.

Ladybug reached for him, but his broken pride led hid away from her.


He shrugged her off. Ladybug. His adored partner. The one he trusted the most. No. He felt awful. Both physically and at heart.

Without looking back he fled from the warehouse. Theo's workshop. It all started here.

Adrien barely managed to jump into the closest alley, stumbling when his transformation dropped and he himself fell on the ground. Aching in his body erupted anew from the earlier tortures he bear. Cowering on his knees, he groaned, taking shallow breaths trying to release his hurting.

Miraculous ladybug cured most of his wounds, but the phantoms from his earlier experience remained.

All should be well now. He was free, no miraculous was stolen, Ladybug won this fight, but still... A sob wrenched his chest, surprising him. After a second, he succumbed to these feelings and he let himself choke on those tears.

Right next to him a little black creature raised his head at him from the ground.

"Kid? - he meowed weakly. A still buried sniff answered him. - Are you okay?"

No. That was the first logical answer. How the hell would he be okay?

Adrien grit his teeth when another whine escaped his lips.

Breathe in. Breathe out.

Those glowing green eyes will forever haunt his dreams. Or even days. Because... those were his own eyes. Though threatening and creepy - those were his eyes. Eyes of a copycat. Evil glow, the consequences of his own actions.

Being Chat Noir was supposed to be freeing. Finally he got a channel to escape his responsibilities.

But there was another set of new ones he had to. HAD TO face.

Has he failed..?

A low growl rose from his throat as he tried collecting himself. Ladybug wouldn't like him to think like this. He will take care of this another time.

Him first. His body screamed at him. When his crotch throbbed in pain and his neck itched after being torn with teeth, though now healed. He wasn't okay now, but... But... After the pain is gone, he will make sure no one. ever. touches him. like that. Again.

He should be more careful. Both with what he does and what he says.

Adrien finally took in a deep calculated breath, suddenly feeling a bit better. No thinking now. He gently picked Plagg from the ground and breathed.

"Y-yeah. I will be. - he swallowed, straightening to his feet. - I will be okay."

Coping chapter is still in progress! Stay tuned! Take care.