Baby Blues 2 - Revenge is sweet

By Todd Fan

Disclaimer: "I fear the trees are displeased with me".


*Sigh* This is it, people, the end of yet another load of random madness. Sorry if i couldn't fit all your requests in, i did try. In this chapter, you finally learn what my twisted little brother came up with for the end of Logan's beer can...keep in mind when you read it, my brother is only 10, and the idea was all his, every bit of it.....that should terrify you to your core. Oh BTW i think Magneto's helemt came off Sean when Mags got magentised.

Duskdweller - John thinks he's Harry Potter and steals Agatha's broom and pays the price?, ooooh boy!

Kate - *Sniffs* Forge and Storm can be together anyway...but that IS a good backfire idea, whoahahahhahaha!!!

Pyromaniac - Don't worry John will be returned to his normal, physcotic self. What DID happen to Kitty and Piotr's wedding?

Queen of the Jungle - Wish granted, honey, one Pyro turned Professor.

Abbie Soler Star - A family photo? Awwwww

Reality Check - Yes, more of the great and wonderfull Ray Crisp.

Classic Tinker - One Austrailian that thinks he's a Russian...this should be....interesting. Wanda is back to herself again now, the frogs terrifed her.

Rogue Worrior Spirit - Oh yes, we shall see the return of the flashbacks!!!

Steahl - Not to worry, you will find out what happened to Bastion, Moira and Sean in this one :) The arm watching the Addams Family? Nesh! Wow 2 people who want Pyro as Xavier, well, can't ignore the masses...

Jskullguy - If you read my older fic 'Sugar and Spice', i made Roberto and Kitty get married. I may do something like that in the future, my crazy brain can come up with allll sorts of scenarios.

Heka - Awww shucks, thanks


Chapter 20 - Worse than a hangover


Xavier sighed contentedly as he watched Seren move off along the house and grounds. All she had to do was find everyone, change them back, and this nightmare of nightmares would be over. He winced as he heard Duncan and Arcade's screams run through the mansion...well...two down... He glanced up as Pyro came thundering in, ahhh he'd forgotten about him.

"I am thinkink about smashink this wall!", said Pyro, is Russian accent worse than his attempt at a Cajun one.

Before Xavier could stop him, Pyro ran headlong into a wall, slamming into it and falling down with a groan.

"Oh...great", said Xavier, then gasped as Pyro suddenly sat up, then stood up.

"I can WALK!", said Pyro, "it's a miracle!".

With that, he folded his hands together the exact same way Charles himself did while he was thinking and stared at Xavier.

"I bet i can tell you what you're thinking riiiight now".


Logan had followed the arm for a while now, trouble was, bionic arms didn't give off a scent, except that of their owners, and if he tried that, he'd only end up finding Forge, and Forge didn't have his beer. He finally saw a glint of movement from the common room. He triumpanthly burst in.


Logan stared at the arm, it was 'watching' the Addam's Family as Thing walked across the screen. The arm no longer had his beer can.

"If you don't have it...then where's...".

"Cooool a can!".

Logan's eyes widened as he heard Juggernaught's voice. He pelted up the stairs just in time to see Juggernaught hold the can between his hands and crush it flat. Logan whimpered as the fluid dribbled out onto the carpet. Maybe he could still get it! With the cry of a desperate man, he dropped to his hands and knees and attempted to lick up the remaining alchohol. Juggernaught watched him for a second.

"Silly man", he said, before pushing Logan down the stairs.

Logan gave a yelp as he thudded down to the bottom. He lay there for a second, then groaned as the flattened beer can was thrown down to clonk him on the head. Logan couldn't think of anything else to do, nothing that is, except cry.


Moira glanced at her fiancee with a slight air of worry. She had been changed back and had been getting many a flashback, but Sean's behaviour was..odd. There he was, an adult, singing the My Little Pony tune.


"Awwwww do i HAVE to?", asked Xavier.

"Yes, yes ye do".

Xavier muttered under his breath, holding a hand to his temple. Sean paused and blinked, before shaking his head clear and glaring at Xavier.

"That was mean!", he said, "ye sick, sick, sicko!".

"Come on Sean", said Moira, dragging Rhane away from Sam, "we're going home".

Rhane gave Sam a sad look before she was steered out of the house. Sam sighed.

"A'h hate ma'h life".


Seren smirked as she finally made it into the common room, where Hank and Kelly were looking terrified at Forge's prosthetic limb as it watched 'Happy Days'.

"It's THING!!!!", shouted Hank, "kill it, kill it, kill it!!!!!!!".

He grabbed Forge's arm and hammered it against the first available object, which was, unfortunately for the object, Kelly.

"Owwiiieee", Kelly groan from his lump on the floor.

Seern sighed at the pair, flicking out her hands. In seconds, and adult Kelly was lying on the floor and an adult Beast was holding a rather mangled object which had once been Forge's prosthetic limb.

"Oh dear", said Beast, looking at both Kelly and the arm.


Belladonna wondered how she had ended up here. The last thing she remembered was being touched by that goth freak and feeling like her whole self was dragged away from her. Now, now she was stuck in a metal room with nasty lazers pointed at her.

"Hello?.....can anybody hear me?".


Seren sighed after changing back everyone else. She was tired now. All that were left were Forge, Agatha and Magneto. She, Storm, Mystique and Lance watched as Bastion and Nanny walked past wearing Afro's and flares.

"We're eloping to Las Vegas!", said Bastion happily, "catch ya on the flip side".

"Nanny going to cash in big", said Nanny.

"O.....k", said Lance watching them go, "you think robots can get married in Vegas?".

"Anybody can get married in Vegas", said Mystique, pausing when she found Forge asleep amongst a load of machine part,. "awwwwwww, he's so cute...damn, he'd have cute kids!".

Seren sighed and zapped Forge, to his age, only to make him appear thirty six. Storm and Mystique blinked at him.

"Rorwwwwl!", said Mystique suddenly, "i dibs him!".

"No you do not!", snapped Storm, "he's mine, mine, mine, mine, mine, MINE!".

"Fight you for him!", said Mystique, getting into a fighting stance.

"Errr...can you fix this...please?", asked Lance.

Seren sighed, flicking a hand at Forge, changing him into his normal thirty- odd-year-old-stuck-in-a- 17-year-old form. Forge put a hand to his head grogilly, then noticed a plastic ring on his finger. He blinked.


He looked it it for a second, before automatically going to put his other hand on his head, only to find half of it was missing.


He glanced at the floor, where Mystique and Storm were rolling around one trying to throttle the other.



"Okay, staaaaand still!".

Wanda sighed from where she sat with Magneto on her knee. Pietro hit the button on the camrea easily speeding to the front in time for the flash to go off. Out of the camera came a very very bizare family picture that could be used as a conversation piece for the rest of the twins' natural lives.

"Awwww, so sweet", said Pietro, "we're a family again!".

There was a flash of light and Magneto suddenly found himself perched on his daughter's knee.

"How did i.....ooooooohhh", he said, shaking his head, "noooo, no noooo".


"Oh, come ON chere, Gambit was four years old, Gambit didn't know what he was doing!".

"Yeah well 'Gambit' wasn't four years old when he got engaged to that slut then never told anyone, was he?!", snapped Rogue, turning her back to him.

"Gambit so so so so sooooo sorry", said Remy, as he followed Rogue as she stormed off.

Agatha watched this in amusement from her broomstick, when suddenly, something tackled her, that something ending up being Pyro, who had made a makeshift wizard hat to put on his head and stuck it with some glitter.

"Off my Nimbus 2000 Draco!", he said, with a laugh.

Agatha glared at him before hitting him with a bolt of magic.

"You will now recover and remember every painstaking second of your antics!", she said.

Pyro blinked, then his face went pale.

"Oh dear God, what have i done?!!!", he said, shaking his head violently, "ohhhhh man!".

Agatha started to laugh, until Seren hit her with her powers, making the witch very old again.

"Awwwww...poo", she said.


A few hours later, everyone had settled down as best they could. Hank had to assure everyone that, to his knowledge, he couldn't make marriages legal The Acolytes had left, Pyro a quivering mess, Magneto feeling very drained of his powers, Remy silently cursing all women, Sabertooth crying about babies and Piotr trying to get the tiny ring off his finger before it cut off his circulation completely.

"All done", said Forge, walking out of Hank's lab with a still slightly battered arm, "okay...maybe i should just make a new one".

"Sorry about that again", said Hank sheepishly.

"Hey, it's okay", said Forge, "but i found this really weird book in my tool kit".

He held up a small leather bound book.

"It looks like some sort of dia....".

"NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!", Forge didn't have time to react as Storm dove forward, ripping the book to her hands and holding it to herself protectively, "i am going to lock this away right now!".

"Well, my work here is done", said Seren with a nod, "i'll leave you to your memories".

"OH GOD, THE MEMORIES!", shouted Jamie, rolling on the floor and holding his head.


Deep in the Hanger, curled up in a foetal posistion in the Blackbird sat a four-year-old Teryn.

"They left me!", she said, "i want my mommy".

In the Danger Room, Belle hummed quietly to herself, hoping they could get to her soon, her foot was starting to fall alseep, she shifted position ever so slightly, but it was enough to make the motion-detecting lazer pick her up and aim at her.




Woahhahoahaoahoahaoahoahahhaha. Sorry thought i'd end it with some evilness. Well, hope you enjoyed. I personally liked the first Baby Blues better, but that's just me. Do review, and i may be tempted to write a sequel. What's next you ask? I have two fics coming up. One short and one long. Ooooh yeah! Don't know which i'l;l bring out first, as i have work tomorrow. We'll see. Until next time....
