Having been two weeks into the training, Jaune's muscles ached from constant activity. His biceps were sore and his legs were burning from the long periods of exercise and training during the night with his grandfather, and the constant work he was put under during the day by his mother and father.
Speaking of which, June had entered his room with something in hand.
"Jaune, I need you to head to the market with your sisters and by some items. Here's a list of what I need and you better not come back without all of them." June's stern voice was intimidating as is, but add her piercing crystal blue eyes and you have something worthy of nightmares.
Nodding, Jaune got up to grab the list and lien from her as he would trudge out his bedroom door. In a somewhat sour mood, Jaune rubbed his forward exhausted already about the idea of having to deal with his sisters. Unlike his parents, they were more open with their dislike for him, usually complaining to him about his actions and his feelings.
Knowing he was gonna have to face the beast eventually, he trudged himself up and went for the kitchen to get something in his stomach. Walking with alight annoyance he entered the kitchen and set for the shelf containing the bagels, grabbing one he would bite down on it holding the bread donut in place with his teeth. Now exiting the kitchen he would run into Jasper, and with a smile wide on his face, he would greet his grandfather with a nod.
"Hey grandpa, how have you been?" Jaune asked knowing the obvious answer.
"I've been well Jaune my boy, quite well" Jasper's shit-eating grin was plain to anyone who could see him.
"That's cool. I'm just heading out now with Jasmine and Jade to the market."
Jasper took on a more serious face now, his smug grin still their but slightly lessened "You make sure to protect them Jaune, and remember what I thought you, hand up and keep your feet moving." Jasper had whispered the last part ensuring no one heard him.
Jaune nodded, ready for anything he waved his grandfather goodbye as he left for the porch. There sitting on the steps was jasmine, a fierce scowl on her face likely due to being forced to go to the market. To Jasmine's right was his second oldest sister Jade who looked a little more happy than the former, she was sporting a more neutral smile, albeit small, but still a smile. Stepping out the screen door Jaune took an actual bite out his bagel and began to step forward.
Looking up Jasmine let out an annoyed sigh "About time you show up, we've been waiting here for close to an hour!"
Jaune decided diplomacy was the best procedure in this situation "Sorry, I ran into Grandpa on the way here and we began to talk" Jaune was merely saying half of the truth yet believable enough so she would lay off.
"Of course you were, now let's get going so we can get this over and done with." And with that said Jasmine would haul herself up and begin down the dirt path to town.
Jaune followed as well munching on hid bagel with every other step, that is until Jade stopped him when she placed a jet hand on his shoulder. Looking back he expected to get an earful of complaining or an insult or two, that is until he saw her face filled what seemed to be of shame and embarrassment.
June cleared her throat before speaking "J-Jaune...I know that it is probably too late to say this but... I'm sorry."
Jaune's jaw dropped.
"I'm sorry for the way I treated you and how I make you feel. And I know you may never forgive but please...I'm sorry." June hung her head in shame of the way she acted toward her brother. He was her own flesh and blood, her only brother. With these feelings of regret now brewing she began to let some tears fall, the salty liquid rolling down her cheeks as she sniffled, she was only ten years old so coping with being wrong was naturally emotional with her.
And all Jaune could do was gape like a fish.
"Oh um...Well Uh...Thanks?" Jaune was at a loss for words, his sister, who had never really tried to talk to him, had actually just apologized to him for the neglect she showed.
Jade sniffles before wiping her eyes, the tears causing her eyes to be slightly puffy and red were now gone.
"Also I had forgotten about your birthday a few weeks ago, so I say happy birthday now."
Jaune was now about to faint.
Both Jaune and Jade jumped in surprise at the shouting, the culprit being the 12-year-old hot head Jasmine. She was currently further up the street, her arms crossed and her foot tapping the ground in frustration. Both the siblings looked at each other before giggling, running off now to their older sister they listened to her complain until the got to the market.
There were stalls upon stalls lined up with various goods from all over, there was jewelry from Minstral, Electronics from Atlas, linens from Vacou and trinkets from Vale. It was truly a sight to see and Jaune wasn't gonna waste it by gawking so he set off to gather the things on the list.
"Hmm...Radio parts for dad, some sewing supplies, heater pan, memory cards for a scroll. Alright, Jasmine, you go for the Atlas stalls to get the parts and memory cards, Jade you can hunt for the sewing supplies and heater pan." With that said the girls set off for their destinations.
Having nothing to grab Jaune set out to wander around the market grounds, his eyes taking in the sights. He was struck with wonder lust as he looked at the exotic goods and people, Faunus and human speaking, bargaining, and laughing together. It was enough to overwhelm the young Arc, turning he walked down a more secluded section of the market he jumped in surprise at the sound of a nearby crate falling followed by some talking. Going to investigate Jaune peeked around the corner to see three boys around his age and what looked to be a cat faunus, the faunus appeared to be a girl again, around his age it seemed. The girl was on the ground with the two boys surrounding her laughing.
"Awww is the wittle kitty gonna cry now!" The first boy laughed as he tapped his friend's chest.
"Yeah, not only are you a freak but also a big baby" the second bit kicked some dust at the girl as she raised her arm to block the dust. The third boy had simply laughed at her expense.
Having always hated bullies Jaune exited from his hiding spot and stood center of the alley. Shouting out to them he growled his distaste for their actions.
"Three on one, what a bunch of punks. You guys are nothing but a bunch of bullies, needing to gang up on one person, especially a girl, shows how tough you guys are!"
Turning around the first boy would snicker at the sight of the new welp standing up to him.
"I don't have time to waste on a small fry like you. Handle this guy brandy." Looking at his crony he would nudge him toward Jaune.
The kid apparently named brandy had stepped up smirking, he was around Jaune size with about a centimeter height advantage, walking forward he would run at Jaune likely trying to scare him away before a real fight ensued. In the past, Jaune definitely would have run in fear of the pending conflict, now, however, he had some discipline and rudimentary training to help him in his endeavor.
With his mind up rather quickly Jaune set to his basic stance, bringing his right foot forward and his left leg back he raised his fists up to his chin, finally he bent at the knees and kept his footing loose waiting for the boy to get close enough. Once in striking distance, the boy would rear his fist back before throwing it forward half hazardly. Using his body Jaune leaned back then to the right allowing the boy's fist to simply rush past his body, not allowing him to recover Jaune threw his first jab aimed directly for the boy's cheek.
The sound of the punch echoed in the somewhat empty alleyway followed by a thud and grunt. Brandy, the boy who had gone to punch him, had been knocked off balance from the jab and had fallen down, not going to give him the chance to get back up Jaune pounced. Flipping him onto his back he had mounted him and began to throw a series of punches and jabs toward his face.
Only to stop when he felt 4 hands wrap around him.
Throwing him back, the leader and the third boy would look with slight surprise and fear at what happened to Brandy. Immediately they set to attacking Jaune, sending flurries of kicks, slaps, and punches toward his curled up body. Jaune grunted and yelled out as he felt the sting of the kicks and hits, his nose began to leak blood and his left eye was all but blackened. Finally, the attacks stopped as the boys ran to pick up Brandy who was in a similar state as Jaune, dragging him out of the alley the boys fled in slight fear they Jaune might have more up his sleeves.
Coughing Jaune dragged his body up and toward a wall to lean on, breathing harder than when he entered the fight he began to use his breathing techniques that Jasper had thought him so very long ago. Opening his right eye he looked to see the Girl crying as she walked toward him.
"I-I'm s-so sor-r-ry I-I didn't w-want t-this" She sobbed as she wiped at her eye's pointlessly.
The girl was a head shorter than Jaune, her hair was a Jet black and her eyes were a dull Amber. She had some ruffled up clothes they appeared to be dirty from the boy kicking dust at her. On top of her head were two little cat ears verifying her faunus nature and why the boys were likely bullying her.
"Don't be, those jerks would've kept bothering you if I hadn't stepped in."
The girl had wiped her amber eyes more as her sobbing had ceased yet tears still rolled down her eye's.
"W-Why did you h-help me. A-A lot of people hate faunus."
"I'm not a lot of people. You seemed to be in distress so I couldn't leave you to get her-" Jaune would've continued had he not been interrupted by a shrill yell.
Both children looked to the entrance of the alley, there stood Jade pointing toward the inside of the alley.
Jaune felt his heart stop as he saw his sister enter his viewpoint. There she was, Eldest of the Arc children, Harmless at first sight but far from it when angered. Jasmine was currently chewing on some gum, her eyebrow twitching furiously as she gripped what was in her hand tighter.
Which so happened to be the leader of the three boys.
"I didn't notice until too late that you were the only one with nothing to get" Jasmine dropped the boy as she walked toward them.
"Next thing I know these three boys bump into me on their way from running from this alley." She stepped in front of Jaune before turning her head to look at the girl.
Turning back of shook her head before lifting Jaune onto his feet. "It's and enough you got your ass kicked but to get saved by a girl?" she laughed as she began to help him limp forward.
Jaune's eye widened as he realized that all she had was some dirt stains and ruffled clothes, he also had beaten brandy pretty badly so it looked like she did it.
"I swear you're hopeless" Dragging/ helping Jaune to Jade Jaune would quickly turn his head to look at the faunus.
"I never got your name! I'm Jaune, Jaune Arc!"
Looking up the girl would yell out.
"My name is Blake, Blake Belladonna!"