RE: I only own my two OCs, the slight adjustments of the plot, and the small side plots. The story and characters belong to J.R.R. Tolkien and the makers of The Hobbit films.

I've decided that allof the Mili POVs will be in first person because it makes it easier to distinguish and I think it'll make it more personal. If it's really annoying can you message me?

Chapter 3


"Remind me again why I agreed to do this?"

The question was tossed to us by Kili as we marched through the muddy streets of Bree. Fili and I both gave him an amused glance, "for adventure, to restore vitality to our people… gold?"

"Aye, I think the gold might be the core answer there sister," Fili said to me, wrapping his arms around mine and Kili's shoulders.

"Is all the gold really worth it if I have to spend time with you nitwits?" Kili asked aloud, a mock philosophical tone to his voice.

Fili slapped him upside the head in retaliation and I sighed, "can we sell him?"

"Nah, we wouldn't get anything for him," Fili said decidedly.

Kili snorted, "really, I bet all those ladies that flirt with me instead of you at home would come running."

I guffawed with laughter at the look on Fili's face and he elbowed me, "you're meant to be on my side Mili, that's what twins are for," he said glaring heatedly at me.

I desperately tried to quell my giggles but it didn't work and Fili rolled his eyes dramatically. Kili looked rightfully proud of himself and I led the two of them towards the Prancing Pony where we'd planned to stay for the night.

"Try not to flirt with everyone here Fili, I don't think I could manage the attention," Kili said, adjusting his bag.

Fili glowered at Kili and instead of giggling I glanced up at my youngest brother, "yes, the pity they show you can be irritatin' sometimes, it can."

Fili looked satisfied until Kili grinned suddenly, "no, it's understandable when I have you two as siblings."

"Mili! you were meant to help!" Fili practically yelled at me.

"Bu… But I tried," I blustered out.

"I'm never asking for you to argue for me again," he said, tugging on the halter of his poor pony who huffed with agitation.

I raised a skeptical eyebrow and snorted, "good luck with that. The next time Amad asks you to clean your part of the room you'll say 'oh but Mili doesn't mind, do you Mili?' and then blackmail me into arguin' on your behalf that your bloody mess doesn't matter. Which, it does because your daggers always cut up my desk."

Fili smirked, seemingly not ashamed with it, "aye, but it does get the spotlight off of me."

I shook my head and Fili handed our Pony off to Kili, "book them a stall in the stables brother," he ordered, "Mili and I will be getting us a room."

Kili gave Fili a look of annoyance, "what? Why me, what if I want to get us a room?"

"I'm the eldest…"

"What!?" I asked jabbing him in the ribs, "Nay, I'm the eldest so Fili, you can go hand the Ponies in. Kili and I will get the room."

Kili shoved the leads into the hands of Fili with a grin and Fili rolled his eyes, "I was going to say eldest dwarrow."

"Aye, I hope to Mahal's Hairy Thighs you were," I called back, "…although I'd be interested to know when you come back, why that's of any relevance?"

Kili rolled his eyes and I sent him a questioning look.

"You're so sassy!"

"I am not sassy," I said snippily as we walked to the Prancing Pony, "says the one who has problems puttin' Ponies away and rolls his eyes for an occupation."

Kili murmured some colorful words in Khudzul in reference to me, and I opened the door to the tavern and inn. We got a small two bedded room because two unlucky people would be switching places for keeping watch in the middle of the night. We knew the Inn was safe but Thorin had given us strict instructions to keep watch every night.

The night flew by with me ending up being the first 'unlucky person' and Kili being the second. I hadn't had my own bed in ages and it was so weird that I moved to sleep with Fili who didn't even stir when I invaded his warmth. While Kili and I were light sleepers, Fili could sleep through a 50 year long Orc raid. No joke.

The morning came with Kili waking me up by tossing me out of bed which caused me to scream – and in turn wake up Fili.

We gathered ourselves together and chose to eat on the road. I shared a Pony with Fili (originally we had attempted at putting me and Kili together but we had gotten into an argument) and as the day passed I found myself with no end of entertainment.

"I swear on Mahal if you don't stop poking me I'll throw you off the Pony," Fili threatened heatedly.

Kili head turned instantly as my fingers continued to assault Fili's side and my younger twin let out a growl of desperation, "Kili, you're having her next," he snapped.

Kili gave Fili a look, "you wish," he said sarcastically.

"You're not meant to be the annoying one," Fili practically wailed to me, "Kili's the annoying one."

"Oi!" Kili said, a look of offense on his face.

I almost groaned aloud as Fili sent Kili a look, "don't act all offended… like you don't know you are Kili."

Although Fili wasn't one to argue much, he tended to throw insults that offended both Kili and I. To make matters worse, he was way too stubborn to apologize and a lot of times Dis or even Thorin had to get involved.



"That was rude and uncalled for, if you're annoyed at me don't blame it on Kili," I practically ordered.

Fili turned to look at me with a raised eyebrow, "it's true."

"Don't make me throw you off the pony," I snapped although we were both aware that there was no way I could get that done, "I'm not havin' any of it."

Fili snorted and we rode in silence for the next half an hour before he gave up, "sorry brother," he finally murmured before glancing back to me, "you needn't have said anything though sister, I would've apologized anyways."

I rolled my eyes although not in doubt, more because I refused to admit that my lecture was unnecessary.

"S'Okay Fi, but can I have the rest of your water?" Kili asked with his crooked grin.

I always was shocked by how forgiving Kili was. It was a bit odd seeing that he was a Dwarf, but some part of him had never hung onto the stubborn trait that was passed on to most generations.

Fili shook his head with a smile but handed over his water. I buried my head into my brothers coat which permanently smelled of something stronger and more bitter than tea leaves… probably his pipeweed. I didn't even realize that I'd fallen asleep until Fili woke me up with his shifting around, "we're at the stables sister," he told me gently.

I yawned and slid off the pony, reaching to grab the mares lead as Fili dismounted. It was then that I began staring around in shock, The Shire was something that I'd never experienced before.

Green rolling hills with simple flowing streams, small chubby townsfolk and wooden carriages. It was simple yet completely unique in the way it was built. Houses were built into hills, something that I supposed was similar to the way in which Dwarves were meant to live, although we had never really lived that way. By that I mean in a mountain.

Fili smiled at my blatant curiosity, "how odd," I said, "the doors are round."

The place was utterly serene and peaceful. Then I realized we were being stared at, "do I have somethin' on me' face? Why are they starin'?"

"Either because they realized we're really handsome or because they've never seen something quite as fish looking as you," Kili said decidedly.

I sent him a look, "hilarious, or maybe they're tryin' to figure out if you're a girl or boy."

Kili's cheeks flushed and Fili snorted with laughter before interrupting our childish argument, "or, brother and sister, they don't like newcomers."

It was at that moment that a Hobbit came out of the barn. The barn itself wasn't so big but more so brightly colored, I supposed they didn't really have guests, "aye, maybe so brother," I agreed wrinkling my nose at the obnoxious colors of paint. I hadn't even realized they had paint of that shade.

The hobbit, a pudgy little fellow with an odd wide brimmed hat took the horses from us, gave us a rather stern nod and began discussing prices and such with Fili. I huffed with a slight smile on my face, a littler perturbed at how irritated the hobbit seemed with us.

Glancing to Kili I pushed the thought away as I watched him struggle to pull the belt of his quiver over his head. When he finally succeeded he gave me a look as if to say 'what?' and straightened up, crossing his arms and facing the poor Hobbit who seemed very confused and irritated at my laughter.

Fili finished up and we followed Kili who walked with a determined stride and was seemingly still a little irritated with me, "wait, where do we go?" he asked suddenly, stopping mid stride. I crashed into him and blew a strand of hair out of my face in annoyance before glancing behind us at Fili.

Fili stomped past us in his typical swagger and Kili glanced at me, I rolled my eyes, "he likes pretendin' he knows what he's doing."

"I heard that and Ido know what I'm doing thanks very much, it's Mili who's walking blind," Fili established.

I wrinkled my nose but skipped to catch up with him, "so where'd we be goin'?"

"Mr. Baggins is the name, he's…"

"Nay, tisn't, it's Boggins," Kili interrupted.

I looked to my youngest brother skeptically, "Kili, Fili is the one with Uncles letter, not you," I pointed out dryly.

"Aye, an' I can read can I not?"

I opened my mouth to respond and Kili shot me a dark look, "don't even try to speak. Here, read the script there, it's clearly says Boggins."

I snatched the letter from a now irritated Fili, "Kili, that says Baggins you irritant," I said rolling my eyes, "Uncle has perfect writin' how do you not read Baggins?"

"It's Boggins."

I waved the letter around, "no it isn't, are you daft?!"

Fili snatched the letter from me, "gimme that," he snapped, "this is precisely why Uncle gave this to me."

Kili scoffed, "Fili he sent that to Mili, Amad just chose to give it to you," Kili said raising an eyebrow at him.

I winced and elbowed Kili in the side. Thankfully Fili had a shell of iron and didn't seem insulted in the slightest, "Oh… ," He shrugged, "well thank goodness Amad has good judgement."


"Amads not even here Mi," Kili said rolling his eyes.

I pushed him away, "besides the point."

"Oi! Don't push," Kili said swatting at me.

"Oi don't push, my name is Kili and I can't keep me feminine looks intact if you push me," I mimicked in a high pitched voice.

Fili guffawed with laugher and Kili jabbed me in the ribs, "ouch! Stop… hey!"

Finally we seemed to reach the Hobbits house, Gandalf had left a mark on the door and it sparked and shone in the night air, "I call knockin'," I said.

Kili rolled his eyes, "how old are you?"


"We're 82 Mili," Fili said dryly, not even a shard of amusement in his voice.

I fell silent and knocked on the door while Kili smirked, "remember your manners Kili," Fili and I said at the same time and the smirk fell off of his face almost instantly.

He shot us a look (that we ignored) as the door opened and I smiled sweetly, "Mili," I said cheerily.

"Fili," Fili added

"And Kili," Kili also added with an overload of enthusiasm. We ignored him.

"At your service," we said together bowing.

"You must be Mr. Boggins!" Kili said brightly.

I rolled my eyes, "it's Baggins you illiterate primate."

"Oi, watch the names!" Kili snapped.

The Hobbits eyes were so wide I was curious as to why they weren't falling out, "No! You can't come in, you've come to the wrong house."

"Sorry?! He didn't mean anythin' by it, he's just a bit daft," I explained.

The Hobbit gave me a confused look before Kili butted in after elbowing me in the gut, "What?! Has it been canceled?" he asked stepping in the doorway as the Hobbit tried to close the door.

"No one told us," Fili and I said at the same time as I slipped my head through the gap in between both of my brothers.

"Can…! No, nothing's been canceled," he said, as he glanced to each of our faces, he seemed flustered. Was he shy?

"That's a relief," Kili said practically throwing the door open and stomping in.

Fili followed suit whilst removing his daggers and swords, I shoved my own twin swords and double axes into my twins arms. He sent me a slightly irritated look but shoved them into our hosts arms, "Careful with these, I just had them sharpened," he announced loudly.

I raised an eyebrow at him but removed my coat and hung it up on a rope beside two others, "Heye, someone's here? Who's come?" I asked the Hobbit.

"Two others…"

"It's nice, this place. Did you do it yourself?" Kili asked wiping his foot on… on a glory box?!

"Kili!" I practically screeched.

"Uh…no, it's been in the family for years…" he had been staring at me in confusion until his gaze caught on Kili, "That's my mother's glory box, can you please not do that?!"

Fili looked highly amused as I fixed Kili with a cold stare and our younger brother tried his best to look innocent. My outburst had attracted the attention of the two other Dwarves who's coats were handing on the racks and I closed my eyes slowly as Dwalin ducked into the room, "Mili, Fili, Kili, come on, give us a hand."

"Mister Dwalin," Kili said, sounding oddly wistful. I was pretty certain that had Dwalin been a woman Kili would have had a crush on him. Kili was at a state of infatuation currently.

Fili was about to 'swagger' into the kitchen when I caught the back of his coat and he made a dramatic choking noise, "oh… sorry, coat though, take it off."

He gave me a cross look and I ventured into the kitchen where there was a large table shoved into the corner, someone doesn't have much company I decided.

"Let's shove this in the hole, or otherwise we'll never get everyone in," Balin said.

I was pushed aside by Kili and Fili as they lifted the table and I rolled my eyes but decided that standing around doing nothing was better than picking up and moving a table.

During this, Mr. Baggins had been rambling and freaking out and by the look on his face I was beginning to wonder if he even knew he was having company, "Ev…everyone?! How many more are there?" his face turned an abnormally pale color as the doorbell rang, "Oh, no! No, no. There's nobody home! Go away, and bother somebody else! There's far too many dwarves in my dining room as it is. If…if this is some blockhead's idea of a joke, I can only say, it is in very poor taste!"

"Aye, ah don't think he knew we were comin'," Dwalin said speaking in my ear.

I jumped and glanced back up at him, "aye, you could say that again."

Kili, who lived for the chances he could annoy either me or Fili, opened his mouth to 'say that again' but he was interrupted by a bunch of yelling. Heads swiveled to the entrance and I raised an eyebrow at the amount of Dwarves that had somehow fell through the round green door.

Kili and Fili came to stand beside me and I abruptly turned to the two brothers, "alright, Kili, you are not allowed to get drunk. You say the weirdest things when you get drunk," I ordered, "and Fili, you are, in fact, the crown Prince so please don't get drunk. Anyways, when you do you always end up on top of a bookshelf or on the roof and we find you the next mornin' and you have no memory of how you get there."

Kili looked offended whilst Fili raised an eyebrow, "aye, and can you not get drunk because last time you did you called Thorin an imbecile."

My eyes widened and a scorching blush spread across my cheeks, I opened my mouth to reply but before I could say anything Fili and Kili were making very different but equally disgruntled faces, "what? What did I do?"

"For once…" Kili started

"…you did nothing," Fili finished.

I turned around and a huge grin spread across my face as I realized what Kili and Fili were glaring at. Across the room was a Dwarf with an odd sort of hairstyle even for Dwarves. It was sort of star like with braids here and there, and a pair of braids extending from his eyebrow to his hair, "Nori!" I called ignoring the groans from Fili and Kili.

The star headed Dwarf turned our way and frowned for a moment before grinning and walking towards us, "Nori, it's been too long," I said pulling him into a hug, "you've barely changed! I see you've still got that hairstyle."

Nori had been my best friend when I was younger and after awhile he and his brothers had moved away to the town nearby. It hadn't been necessarily so far, but life had caught up with us by then and we saw each other less and less. In fact, I hadn't seen Nori for ten years at least.

"No, couldn't get rid of it. But I barely recognized you, you've gotten taller… that's a lie actually, maybe it's the hair. Is it the hair? Has the hair gotten longer?" he asked aloud before his gaze shot to the two Dwarves by my side and his grin grew sneery, "Fili, Kili it's great to see you."

I rolled my eyes at his fake cheery tone, "Fili I think you've shrank. And Kili… that beard never did grow in did it? Ah, it's too bad, that's what it is."

I winced slightly and glanced up at my brothers who were turning a brilliant shade of red. They had already hated Nori before and if Nori had wanted them to like him now he had absolutely no chance, "oh… I think I struck a nerve."

Apparently Nori didn't quite care if they liked him. I personally loved Nori dearly (As a friend) but Kili and Fili had hated him since they day they'd met him. As my first best friend that wasn't one of my brothers, Fili and Kili had been jealous and not very welcoming. Of course Nori was also devious, sly and he spent his free time stealing, so Fili and Kili developed a hatred for Nori and that had a lot of basis yet made me want to smack them upside the head.

To make matters worse, Nori seemed to like Kili and Fili about as much as they liked him and somehow he always seemed to get away with saying the rudest things, "I see you haven't changed Nori," Fili said in greeting, nodding tensely while Kili didn't bother saying anything to the Dwarf. I winced.

Nori smiled wide and fake and wrapped an arm around my shoulders whilst pulling me away from my brothers, "I think I'm dying, how do you do it? I've got Ori and Dori here and I can't…"

"Nori, who is this lovely lady," a sudden voice caused Nori to spin the both of us around and I watched as Nori turned a paler shade of white.

Dori, was a pugnacious small Dwarf that had a large nose, peppery hair and a sweet smile. His eyes were blue and he was looking at me like I was an angel. Nori was looking at me like he wanted to die, "tell me, have you known Nori long? He's a lovely gentlemen who just needs a lovely lady like you in his life," Dori suddenly looked at Nori with a skeptical glare, "Nori, you haven't been rude to her in any way have you?" Dori turned back to me with a sympathetic smile, "he can be a scoundrel sometimes… but he's really a kind Dwarf with a kind heart…"

What had shocked me during this whole time was the fact that Dori hadn't recognized me. When I was in my twenties and thirties I had actually been in Nori's class and he had known me as Nori's best friend. The family had moved a few years later but… I knew him, "Dori?" I asked in between his questions.

Nori seemed to be getting increasingly agitated and it had gotten worst when Ori had come wandering up (Ori being the perfect picture of innocence) and was looking in between Dori and Nori and I with complete confusion, "I'm sorry to interrupt," the smaller Dwarf said rather loudly, "…but do we know you?"

Dori, the person who had been interrupted, closed his mouth and looked at me through squinting eyes, "I doubt Nori would know someone so… honorable looking."

I desperately tried not to laugh as Nori's eyes widened in offense but any giggles that I needed to quell disappeared when Fili and Kili surrounded Nori and I. They stared at me with the look that clearly said, 'Mili we need to talk to you but we don't actually want to talk to you we just want you to get away from that fellow'. I hated that look.

I was feeling increasingly uncomfortable under the scrutinizing gaze of Dori, Ori, Kili and Fili. In fact, the only person who seemed unable to look at me was Nori… yet he was the only person who still had his arm around me and had come to talk specifically to me.


Dori looked from Kili to Fili, "…I've missed something haven't I?"

Fili crossed his arms while Kili pushed himself in between Nori and I and wrapped his arms around both of our shoulders with a completely fake friendly smile. Let me die now please.

"Fili…" Fili said shooting Nori a glare

"Kili…" Kili said, once again, completely overly enthusiastic

"…and Mili," I added my face heating up.

"At your service," we chorused although it came out at a rather low note due to my annoyance.

"Mili?!" Dori said apparently having no interest in Kili and Fili, "no, Mahal no. You're going to ruin her again Nori!"

Nori looked very offended – I didn't know he could look anymore offended – and glared at his brother, "now what's that supposed to mean?"

Dori who had started to smile and was about to speak to me dropped his smile into a frown, glaring heatedly at Nori, "Nothing."

He turned his attention back to me his smile popping up again just as suddenly as it had left, "you've gotten so pretty! Look at those eyes, you look like a little blonde Thorin!"

There was a guffaw to be heard from Kili on my left and Fili's eyes widened, we hadn't quite heard that before. I elbowed Kili harshly in the gut and he grunted, leaning away from me and onto Nori who wrinkled his nose, "thank you," I said gritting my teeth and abruptly changing the subject, "is that Ori? Mahal you've grown!"

I dodged one of the Dwarves who I didn't know as they ran in between me and Dori, "…oh," I turned back to the conversation, "you're taller than me now aren't you?!"

Ori smiled in the odd way of his, "I'm 4 foot five inches now," he said proudly.

"Aye, taller than me," I established with a grin.

"Everyone's taller than you Mili," Fili said rolling his eyes.

"Aye, and your no giant either you dullard," I snapped shoving him a bit.

"Well I can see you haven't stopped that name calling," Nori commented.

I winked at him, "never."

"Lads! Stop socialisin' and start helpin' ta' hand out the food," Dwalin shouted from the entrance of the kitchen.

I waved to Nori and followed my brothers to the Kitchen with the intention of helping. Fili wrapped an arm around me, "seriously, you're still friends with that thieving idiot?"

I raised a skeptical eyebrow, "you sound jealous."

"Aye, I am, but I'm also not happy that you, my little sister, is talking to someone who steals for a living," he said snippily.

Kili gave Fili a genuinely impressed look, "well said that was, Fi."

"Don't encourage him!" I hissed, "and for your information brother, I will talk to whomever I want to, especially if it pisses you off…"


"…sorry Balin, especially if it annoys you," I said, "…that's not even a bad word."

Balin sent me a look and I quieted, surveying the kitchen space around me. It suddenly occurred to me that I didn't know all of the Dwarves in the kitchen. There was a stocky red headed Dwarf with an immense axe that he seemed to be attached to and another taller pepper haired Dwarf with a slightly hooked nose and a hearing trumpet.

In the corner was an incredibly fat Dwarf with a head of bright red hair and a thick braid across his chest that would've been considered handsome but beside him was a Dwarf who caught my eye. He wore a floppy hat, had a pair of sparkling green eyes and was laughing, he had a smile that seemed to light up the room, and those around him. Whatever he said was followed with a chorus of guttural laughter and even the Dwarf with the hearing trumpet was laughing.

As I glanced to him, his gaze connected with mine and he sent a wink my way. I tried not to turn red and nodded at him as I turned to study something else.

It was Fili and Kili that I let my gaze get drawn away to, the both of them were kneeling on the floor trying to get the ale barrel working. I watched and rolled my eyes as Kili waved a hand under the spout in complete confusion before calling over 'Gloin' (the red headed Dwarf) and asking him to hack at it with his axe. My eyes widened, "hey! No! No!" I practically yelled, "that's not a scooping barrel, it's a bar barrel."

Master Gloin lowered his axe to the floor with a 'thunk' and looked me up and down skeptically, "so you be sayin' that this isn't a normal barrel?"

I opened my mouth but was interrupted by Kili, "oi, seriously, stop leaning on me you dirty bag of…"

It was at that moment that Fili was pushed to the side and found himself sitting on the floor and glaring up at Kili, "what was that for, you could've asked nicely you half-wit!"

I glanced to red headed Dwarf with a look that clearly said 'seriously?' and the Dwarf let out a sigh, "come on there lads, quiet down and let this lady speak. That's not how you woo a lass."

I wrinkled my nose immediately and Kili and Fili looked at the red headed Dwarf as if he had gone mad, "…sorry?" Fili asked in shock as he grabbed at me, nearly toppling me over to get up.

"Lad!" the red headed Dwarf said confusion and horror in his gaze as he watched our interaction, "seriously, ye don't do that!"

"Sorry, Mister Gloin… this is Mili, she's our sister," Kili said, "…and much too ugly to be wooed."

I shot him a look and slapped at him with the nearest dishtowel I could find, "Oi! That hurts!"

"Well it wasn't supposed to tickle now were it?!" I asked in annoyance.

Mister Gloin suddenly smiled, "aye, ye 'ave Fili's hair but Thorin's face. A little kinder perhaps though. Like a blonde Thorin, aye, I see it now."

Once again Kili burst into laughter and I rolled my eyes at him, "Mili at your service," I said while curtsying, why do I always have Fili's hair? Why can't Fili have my hair? For the love of Mahal, I amthe eldest

"An' Gloin at yers," Master Gloin said, "so ye be the twin of Fili?"

I nodded, "yes… unfortunately I have to live with that horror everyday."

Fili shot me a look and I nodded to the barrel, "let me help you klutz's with that," I said with a grin. Undoing the latch I rolled my eyes as ale spilled on the floor, "you were meant to put the ale jug under it Kili."

"Oi! you didn't tell me how to work it," Kili snapped defensively.

I opened my mouth to argue back but decided against it, "…aye, fair enough, that was on me."

Kili accepted that, and my two brothers began filling up jugs as I got a tray, "alright, I'll pass the out at the table," I announced balancing the tray easily. All those years at the tavern had done me some good so it seemed.

Slipping around the Hobbit I pretended not to hear him as he rambled about how the tray was a hundred years and instead avoided the red headed Dwarf as he slipped past me. In his arms were not one, not two, but three cheese wheels, I raised an eyebrow. Bilbo however, was not impressed, "Excuse me. Ex…Excuse me. A tad excessive, isn't it? Have you got a cheese knife?"

"A cheese knife?" a new voice asked, "He eats it by the block!"

I glanced to see the happy crooked hated Dwarf with a platter of meats on his head and another platter of roast beef in his arms. He winked at me and I sent him a smile in return as I set the tray down on the table. To my surprise and delight, he joined me second's later, setting his own platers on the table. I glanced up at him a little curious but abruptly looked away my eyes widening when I realized he was looking at me.

At that moment Fili came around and clapped me on my shoulder, "here, Mili, take these ones as well."

He shoved a platter of devilled eggs into my hand and I sent him a scathing look before setting it in my left hand and moving the other tray further along the table. Glancing back towards the Dwarf I let my gaze scan his face.

Something about him was completely intriguing. Maybe it was the hat? Or his engaging smile? Or maybe it was the fact that he smiled and laughed at everything?

He wasn't particularly handsome but I found myself glancing at him in curiosity as I pushed the jugs out along the table. Finally he looked up and I glanced away instantly, a blush covering my cheeks as I was caught. This time I could feel his eyes on me and I chose to keep my eyes only on organizing the ale jugs into their correct places, not quite excited to get caught staring again.

It was then that Kili crashed into my back, wrapping an arm across my waist and kissing me sloppily on the cheek. I wrinkled my nose and slapped his hand away as he tried to reach the platter of devilled eggs; he smelled like ale, "hands off you blockhead how are you already drunk?" I whipped his arms away and he made a fake crying sound.

"But Mili…"

I waved him off, now fully blushing and there was a soft chuckle from beside me. I continued to blush and the Dwarf finished his work. Glancing back up at him, I was sure I was beet red when he winked at me and left me to organize the platters that Dwalin had brought.

Of course, I wasn't left with a moment's peace and seconds later, Dwarves were filing into the dining room and my brothers were dragging me to sit with them in the corner. Mr. Baggins sat down next to the wizard – whom I had yet to introduce myself to – and Nori sat next to Fili (to Fili's horror).

Dinner was loud as it always was with us Dwarves and food was tossed here and there. Kili and Fili of course were some of the more rowdy of the Dwarves, and with Nori next to Fili, they were determined to make as much noise as possible to interrupt our conversation.

"Mili, give us a song!" Kili yelled, wrapping an arm around my shoulders and pulling me to him.

I blanched, "Eh… no, Master Dwalin's much better at singing than I."

It went eerily quiet at the table before all of the Dwarves erupted in yells, "aye, sing for us Dwalin," Balin shouted along with the others, it was possibly the first time I had seen him look so excited in all of my 82 years of life.

Dwalin's head swiveled in my direction and his blue eyes bored into mine, a clear sign that I would dearly pay for my comment in the near future. He gave his older brother a look but his attention was drawn away when something orange landed in his ale jug. I joined in with the chorus of snorting laughs as Dwalin pulled boiled carrot out of his ale jug and shot Nori black look.

"Hey Fi' I bet you that… Fili?" I trailed of questioningly as I realized that my older brother was very, very gone.

"Who wants an ale?!" the deep voice of my brother brought my attention to the top of the table where he stepped over bowls, cutlery and straight… on top of Dwalins dinner, "There you go!"

Dwalin seemed to be getting increasingly agitated as the dinner went on and I watched with amused eyes as Fili handed a pint to him with a sloppy drunken grin. Dwalin glared at him heatedly but his glare turned to a sneer as Oin raised a grubby hand to Fili.

"Let me have another drink."

Grabbing a pint for him, Dwalin poured a load of it into his hearing trumpet and there was a bursting of laughter as Oins eyes widened considerably. In retaliation, the deaf Dwarf blew the ale out of his trumpet and all over Dwalin's still smashed meal.

I snorted with laughter until Kili stole a devilled egg from my plate, "hey! Give it back you worm!" I shouted grabbing at his ear.

"Oi! Let me go!" Kili snapped, shoving the egg in my ear and pinching me in the side.

I let out a loud squeal and jumped back whilst Kili held onto his now sore ear whilst giving me a dark look, "don't steal my stuff you goblin."

"Don't pinch my ear you Orc kisser," he snapped back.

I gave him a leveled glare and opened my mouth to respond but was interrupted by Fili plopping back into his seat beside me and wrapping an arm around my neck, "ahhh, how I love quests, surrounded by friends and those that I love most and..."

"Ergh, your breath stinks… if you don't let me go this one that you love most'll shove your face into Nori's ale," I snapped.

Fili let me go duitifully but glanced back with a grin, "I hadn't actually mentioned you yet, I was also going to say; and the dog that's meant to be outside."

I slapped him harshly on the arm and ignored his caw of laughter as I grabbed my ale and began to chug it along with the other Dwarves. Once finished, we all exhumed the gases necessary and…

Then Ori burped.

The burp was so loud I almost fell off of my stool onto Fili but instead was left staring at the Dwarf in shock, "Mahal save us, I think we've found the dragon," the floppy hated Dwarf said.

I snorted with laughter and glanced to Mr. Baggins who looked very close to getting sick, "aww don't worry Mr. Baggins, if you think this is bad you should avoid your toilet for the next few hours. Kili has a…"

Fili elbowed me in the gut, "we're at the table Mili! Mind your manners!"

I gave him a look, "since when do you care about manners?"

"Even I can't deal with Kili's bathroom deformities," Fili said, an aghast look on his face.

All but Balin and Kili laughed at this one, "Oi! Now what's that supposed to mean?!" Kili asked while Balin shook his head in disgust with the vulgarity of the joke.

I was still snorting with laugher and buried my head into Kili's shoulder, while he continuously glared at Fili, "it's okay Kili, no one blames you for your…"

Fili was interrupted as a bun hit him smack in the face and I my mouth formed the shape of 'o' as there was an uproar and soon food went flying. It was Balin's turned to look increasingly agitated and Dwalin's turn to pay myself and Nori back. I got mash potato in my ale and Nori in his by the end of the fight. The fight really only ended when the floppy hated Dwarf fell backwards off of his seat and sent us all into a laughing fit.

He got back up with his now trademark lopsided smile on his face and sent a wink my way, I blew him a kiss and traded my ale with Fili's.

Kili and I watched with avid curiosity as Fili grabbed the ale jug, yelled, "Bottoms up!" in Khudzul and took a big gulp. His enlightened and excited expression morphed to a disgusted one and soon Kili and I were bowled over with laughter. Spluttering, Fili shot the both of us a look and Kili winked at him, " what did you two do?"

"Actually it was Dwalin," Kili said.

Fili's gaze shot to Dwalin who had only just gotten a new meal and he seemingly contemplated between pouring the gross ale on his new plate. It was then that Dwalin looked up and caught his eyes, "what."

There was no question to his question and Kili and I further increased our giggling as Fili's face went a little pale, "erm… nothing."

Dwalin went back to eating and Kili fell over onto me in an effort to contain his laughter. Fili was not amused.

I know I cut this chapter off really suddenly but I realized that it was getting really long. Please review and tell me what you think about it, I'd love to hear your opinions!
