Hey guys Guardianofstarclan here with another chapter of The blood maiden. In this chapter Naruto will finally return to earth but at a great yet personal cost. Hope you all enjoy the chapter.
Naruto woke up with a startle as he looked around at his surroundings. He was in a strange place that looked like a ancient stone city filled with wandering souls. He must be in the realm of life and death. He stood up as he realized that he was no longer feeling any pain from the torture at the hands of his former parents and village. He was instead surrounded by surges of red energy which he welcomed as he noticed Kurama was sitting next to him. The fox smiled at him as her tails wrapped around him holding him close.
"Kurama is this?..." Naruto asked.
"Yes Naruto this is purgatory where the people who died are judged before they ascend to Heaven or Hell." Kurama answered.
"Wait how are we seperate I thought Minato's seal merged our souls together"
"We are still merged Naruto, I'm just free to leave your body at will now"
"Well at least we will spend eternity together." Naruto smiled.
"Such a hard life you have lived Naruto." said a voice behind him.
Naruto and Kurama looked to see who else was here with them in this strange place They then saw a bright light that forced them to shield their eyes for a bit. It eventually passed to the point that they saw a woman of immense beauty that was beyond explanation or words.
"Who are you," asked Naruto.
"My name is Kami and welcome to the land known as Purgatory," she answered as she landed on the ground.
As she did, the ground lit up as she walked towards Naruto and held his chin with her hand so that she could peer into his eyes. Naruto was unable to look away for both the reasons that she wouldn't let him and even if he could move his head she was too beautiful to look away from.
"So your here to judge my soul is that it?" Naruto asked Kami.
"Yes I am" said the woman as she let go of his face and stepped away from him.
"So do I finally get some peace that I deserve and get to ascend to the heavens above," sighed Naruto since if this was Kami, she would be able to see into his heart and mind and see that he was innocent of all that his abusers had said he was guilty of.
"I wish it was that easy," said Kami with a heavy heart.
"What do you mean," said Kurama as he did not like where this conversation was going.
"While it is true that Naruto's soul is deserving of the Heavens," said Kami as she circled around him with her hands behind her back, "I am afraid that he can't enter it."
"Why," growled Naruto since he would not be denied what was rightfully his since he was innocent.
"Because of the seal placed on you by your father, your soul has merged with the demon that once resided within you. Because of that reason you cannot ascend into the heavens and I have no choice but to send you into the depths of hell to suffer for the sins of the Kyuubi."
"Now wait a minute Kyuubi only did that because of your creation of mankind." Naruto said defending his friend. "Kurama isn't to blame for how she turned out."
"I'm only judging based on what I have seen" Kami said annoyed.
"So now your saying I must suffer from the actions of my father not only in life but in death as well!?" shouted Naruto who was furious about what she had said. He was innocent and she was going to send him to hell anyways.
"I am afraid so." She sighed. "I don't make the rules I follow them."
"Bullshit your Kami for fuck sake!" Naruto shouted again. "You said my soul was deserving of the heavens but now because of what that bastard sperm donor and that walking incubator of his did to me I have to suffer more. Are you you out of your fricking mind!"
"Hold your tongue you insolent brat," said Kami as the ground around her began to crack as she got angry, "for you are addressing a god!"
"Oh? Really a god who would sentence an innocent child for the sins of his good for nothing piece of shit father. Ooooh yeah your a real piece of work. Some goddess you are, the Shinigami probably has more brains than you do. At least she punishes souls the right way."
Kami grew angry at being addressed as such by this mortal and made her anger known by slapping him hard across the face.
"You know what I had felt bad for you at first, but after that little tantrum I am now over it." She said as she composed herself once more since a god needed to look the part.
"Oh spare me your fake concern Kami." Naruto scoffed. "You want to send me to hell fine go ahead. See if I care maybe Yami herself will welcome me since she would know the difference between tainted evil and Innocence."
"You really are a smart ass aren't you" Kami fumed. "I should just send you to the lowest pits of hell and let it devour your soul."
"Oooh my my look at this the might Kami threatening to kill a child. I didn't know the all might goddess of light and life had a dark side." The boy taunted her with a sneer on his face.
"That's enough you have left me with no choice," said Kami as she summoned heavenly chains that wrapped around Naruto and held him down. Doing so made him remember his execution and his anger rose up once more as he did.
"You may send me to suffer for an eternity," said Naruto as he felt as his body became squeezed by the chains around him, "but know this Kami, I have left a legacy when I gave my love to Lila. She's probably had my baby by now. I may be dead but my legacy will complete the revenge I crave on my former parents and village."
Naruto's eyes glowed red as his rage reached his limit and he used the power behind it to break free from the chains that Kami had used to hold him. Kami looked at him in genuine surprise since he had just broken through her heavenly chains which should not have been possible in the first place. Yet she quickly recovered from the shock and used her power to encase him in a pyramid of heavenly energy.
"Enjoy the pits of hell Naruto. I can only pray that your human soul remains untainted. Maybe one day you'll be able to enter the heavens but for now you and the ninetails will suffer together in the Fire pits of hell. But since I'm a merciful goddess I'll only send you to less torturous ring of hell."
Naruto struggled as the pyramid sunk into the ground. He ranted out how he would make Kami pay dearly for what she has done to him. His shouts of anger and hate didn't fall deaf ears as Kami took every insult, every shout of anger. She took all the hate, anger, and sadness the boy let out until he vanished from sight.
"Forgive me Naruto but this is the way it must be" Kami said before she ascended back to the heavens to continue her duty overlooking humanity.
Meanwhile back on earth things in the village hidden in the leaves weren't going so well. Apparently Konoha allies heard what happened to Naruto and thus the countries that viewed Naruto as their hero and savior broke off their alliances with Konoha leaving the leaf without any allies to back them up in times of war. They also lost lots of trading routes and other merchant guilds because of this. Minato didn't know what to do, he didn't know his former son was a hero in other countries. Lila however took the opportunity to rub it in his face and what his decisions for killing Naruto had cost the leaf.
Another problem was that the council had demanded that Lila marry Sasuke Uchiha and help rebuild the uchiha clan. Lila of course refused which had the council threaten to strip her of her clan status and have her arrested. Of course they were defeated when it was discovered that the fire Daiymo had given her immunity from the leaf village as she was the Daiymo's diplomatic ambassador. They couldnt touch her but it got worse when Sasuke once tried to force himself upon her which resulted in him being castrated which caused the uchiha line to go extinct. Unless they pardon Itachi for his crimes against the village.
The Namikaze family wasn't doing any better. Tsunade was in intense care in the hospital with Inoichi Yamanaka trying to undo the damage Lila did to her mind. Natsumi after her fight with Lilith had to stay in the hospital for a whole month due to her injuries. Kushina begged Minato to do something but Minato's hands were tied. Jiraiya couldn't think of any ideas until he finally thought of one.
"I got an idea" Jiraiya smiled. "I know how we can fix this."
"What is it sensei?" Minato asked.
"Well all of this misfortune happened because we killed Naruto right?"
"Yes so we could finally be rid of the Kyuubi why?" Kushina asked.
"Well if we want to appease our allies and bring Lila and her ball of hellfire daughter under control. We have to resurrect Naruto."
The Namikaze couple looked at Jiraiya as if he was crazy. Bringing back Naruto would do more harm then good, especially since the boy would try and kill them at the first chance he got.
"Sensei that's a bad idea you know by bringing him back we bring back the ninetails as well." Minato argued. "Remember my seal fused their souls into one being."
"Not unless you ask Kami to seperate them." Jiraiya smirked.
Kushina and Minato blinked in confusion. Jiraiya sighed as he knew he would have to expalin it to make them understand.
"Look all we have to do is perform the Heavenly divine seal and summon Kami. Then we ask her to resurrect Naruto for us but seperate him from the Kyuubi first. That way the boy will be powerless to fight against us and we can use Fuinjutsu to erase his bad memories of us. Then we can rebuild him into a loyal shinobi of the leaf." The sanin explained. "Plus as a bonus with the gaki back Lila will calm down and she will returned to her normal non vengeful bloodlust self. Since she obviously loved the boy."
"Sensei your a genius" Minato smiled. "Kushina and I will start on the seal right away"
Kushina and her husband began working on the seal as the Heavenly Divine seal was a very complex and dangerous seal to make. While they were working on it Jiraiya was tasked to bring Lila and her daughter to the office. The making of the seal took the Namikaze couple 3 hours to make and since Kushina was the better seal master she made sure that every single seal was made right.
"Minato are you sure this will work?" Kushina asked.
"It will work Kushi chan." Minato smiled. "Once this seal is finished and we get Naruto back everything will go back to normal. Our allies will return to us and Lila will finally be put on a leash and will turn away from her love for killing. Plus she will end her longing to kill us."
"I hope so. The Nightshroud family is more dangerous that any foe we faced." Kushina shivered. "The sooner their tamed the better"
"Minato I brought Lila and her daughter as ordered" said Jiraiya.
Lila stood with her daughter and her one year old son in her arms. Lila wondered what the hell Minato wanted with her now.
"What do you want this time Minato?" Lila demanded. "You better have a good reason of sending this perverted cripple to bring me here"
"We brought you here because we discovered a way to appease our allies and keep you happy." Minato said proudly.
"Ooh really, and what pray tell could you possibly have discovered that would make me happy?" Lila snarled.
"Bringing Naruto back from the dead." Kushina answered. "But according to the formula it needs the blood of a powerful force. And there is no one more powerful than the bloodlust of the Nightshroud clan."
"You're using the Heavenly Divine seal aren't you?" Lila asked.
The Nightshroud clan knows about the seal since they invented it. It was a counterpart to the Reaper death seal and it summoned Kami instead of the Shinigami. It allowed Kami to return a person back from the dead in exchange for someone else's life.
"Yes we will bring back Naruto. Then we will ensure that he forgets about what happened so that he can finally be the boy he was meant to be before the Kyuubi attack."
Lila didn't know what to think. I mean if she gave them her blood she could see Naruto again. But on the other hand Naruto would then be brainwashed by the village and she didn't want that. Lilith knowing what her mother was thinking decided to speak her peace.
"We will let you perform the seal but only if Naruto is turned over to the Nightshroud clan" Lilith said firmly and commandingly.
"Who are you to demand something from the Hokage?" Jiraiya yelled.
"Its fine Jiraiya" said Minato. "Alright Lilith you have a deal."
Lilith cut her hand and placed it over the seal. The drops of blood dropped into the center as the seal glowed a ravishing gold color. Everyone shielded their eyes as the Celestial being appeared before them. No one dared move a muscle as they were in the presence of greatness.
"Who has summoned me?" Kami asked.
"We have Kami sama" said Minato. "We have summoned you to ask for the return of our son Naruto Uzumaki."
"You mean that insufferable disrespectful brat who gave me lip. The boy who insulted me and degraded me and my status that brat?" Kami seethed.
"Naruto did that?" Kushina gasped.
"Wow didn't know Naruto had it in him" Lila laughed.
"Well you can have him." Kami scoffed. "Maybe you'll be able to best some manners into that kid."
"We shall do so Kami sama." Minato smiled. "Please return our son."
Kami nodded as she went through handsigns of her own to locate Naruto and bring him back to the land of the living.
Realm of Hell
Yami was having a drink with her new arrivals Naruto and Kurama. She listened to the stories of Naruto's life and she herself were disgusted with what Kami's creation had done to him. However Naruto told her not all humans are bad. Yamis fun time was cut short as she felt a powerful force trying to penetrate her realm. She sensed the power of a powerful seal and one she despised. She immediately alerted Naruto of the seal.
"Naruto I just sensed the Heavenly divine seal. Someone has unleashed it and apparently Kami is here to being you back to the land of the living."
"What? Who's trying to bring me back?" Naruto asked frantically. "Can you find out who it is?"
"Oh I can see Kami with your former parents and they want you back to appease their allies who abandoned them after your execution. They also want you alive so you can keep Lila under control."
"Lila how is she? She okay?" Naruto gasped.
"Yes Naruto she's fine and it looks like you have a six year old daughter named Lilith and a year old son named Lucifer." Yami answered.
"I'm a papa" Naruto cried happily. "I'm really a papa."
"Oooh dear" Yami gasped.
"What is it?" Kurama asked.
"They want Kami to seperate Kurama from you."
"What no I won't let them. Kurama is the closest person I have to a mother." Naruto shouted sounding pissed off.
Kurama grabbed him and hugged him tightly. "Its okay sochi I won't let them seperate us"
"How Kaa San?" Naruto cried.
"By fully merging together" Kurama said softly.
"W-what?" Naruto asked. "What are you talking about."
"What I mean sochi is that I'm going to become half of you. I will give up my physical form and my existence and became part of you." Kurama said with tears in her eyes.
"Kaa San no can't leave me. You've been with me since before I was born. Your all I had" Naruto cried into her chest.
Kurama ran her hand through his hair and cried softly. "Naruto listen to me, this is the only way we will be together. Now I want you to know that every moment you love being yourself. That's me loving you and loving being you. Because you'll become something extraordinary your going to be powerful yokai deity."
Kurama's chakra and spirit begin to manifest into glowing white chakra as Kurama looked into Naruto's tearing blue eyes. She gently wiped them away as she smiled.
"Naruto this is not goodbye I'm always going to be with you even when you can't see me. I'll always be by your side." She cried kissing his forehead as she vanished completely into his body.
Naruto sniffled as his body began to change. His physical appearance changed as his blonde spikey hair turned blood red and extended down to the back of his neck. His eyes once a beautiful blue turned pitch black with red slits. He now stood at the height of 5 ft 8 inches tall. He was no longer a weak boy of thirteen. No he was now a man of the age of 21.
"Naruto Uzumaki is dead. But Naruto Kurama Nightshroud is alive and ready to cut down some Konoha ass."
"Your throwing away your humanity?" Yami gasped. "Is that wise?"
"They stole my humanity when I was born. I have no need for it anymore" Naruto said disgustingly as he felt the presence of Kami and his body vanished in a bright light.
Konohagakure: Hokage's office
Minato and the others soon saw a bright light as it took a silhouette form of a woman in the shape of Kaguya, then Kurama until it stopped and took the form of a human male. The light cleared as it revealed a tall man with black eyes and short red hair as he slowly descended to the ground. Everyone even Kami was confused at who had just appeared. The man just stood there looking at everyone without saying a word. After moments of silence Kami spoke out.
"What is this? Where is Naruto?" Kami demanded.
"He's gone" the man said softly.
"What did you say? Answer me" she demanded again.
"He's GOOOOOOOOOOOOOONNNNNNNEEEEEE!" the man shouted as a huge crator formed under him causing the floor to crack beneath their feet almost knocking them even Kami off balance.
Naruto turned to look at Lila and her children. Taking a single step he began to walk towards them. Lila could see that the man was really Naruto and she was already loving his new look.
"Where do you think your going?" Kami shouted as Naruto ignored her and kept walking. "Don't you dare take one more step."
Naruto continued to ignore her and walked closer to his wife and kids. Kami upset at being ignored by this disobedient mortal finally snapped.
"That's enough" she said firing a blast at Naruto only for him to block it with a black crystal shield. "Ahhhhh you little!" She growled firing a more powerful blast.
Naruto deflected that blast to as he was inside a dome like shield. It seems his new powers were able to protect him from the divine power of Kami.
"Argh don't you wave your shield at me. I only want you to be yourself, your untainted self if you can't do that. Then I'll do it for you" Kami shouted firing beams from all directions at the dome like shield.
The shield held pretty good against the attacks. Naruto spread his arms out dispelling the shield sending the blasts back at Kami. The deity took the hardest hit but so did Minato, Kushina and Jiraiya as they fell back. Kami hit the ground with a loud thud as Naruto continue his way over to Lila and stopped in front of her.
"Naruto" she said reaching out to touch his cheek. "You're really here?"
Naruto only nodded "Yes my love I have returned. Kurama gave her life for mine. She's become half of me"
"She did what any mom would do" Lila smiled. "Oooh these are your children Lilith and Lucifer."
Naruto smiled kneeling down looking at his eldest. She was the spitting image of her mother but she had his face. He greeted her with a hug as he picked her up and smiled at his baby boy who was a cabin copy of himself.
"They are beautiful. You made me the happiest man in existence." Naruto smiled.
"They were Naruto's?" Minato coughed making them look at him. "Naruto was the father the whole time?"
"That's right Minato before my execution and I'm not your son anymore. Kurama and I have fully merged now and because of that Kurama gave up her existence to save me." Naruto growled.
"Kyuubi is finally dead?" Kushina gasped in happiness. "This is wonderful news."
"She may be dead Kushina but she became half of me. Meaning I have become the new ninetails."
"Naruto you can still come back from this. It's not to late to save your soul. Say the word and I'll set your spirit free and it can enter the heavens when you die of old age." said Kami.
"No she's the mother I always wanted. She was there for me when the incubator Kushina wasn't. So no thanks, I'm not letting you seperate me from my mother you got that." Naruto shouted.
"The things I do for humanity" Kami sighed as she vanished since her job was finished.
"Now Lila let's go home to the Nightshroud compound and be the family that we were meant to be." Naruto smiled.
"I like that very much" Lila smiled as the whole family left the office for the compound.
Hey guys hope you all like the new chapter and now you know that Naruto has surrendered and forsaken his old identity and humanity. Let me know what you think review and leave your ideas and suggestions.