
This idea has also been on my mind lately (With it being shown over and over again by my Nephews and Niece).

This story once again; like my others, have a Crossover with a female Harry Potter. But it's going to be a Crossover Category with Megamind as such; with mostly having few heroes/villains from other franchises being involved with certain locations (Marvel, DC, and Some other series you all may know, in an eventual future part).

So without further ado, enjoy the story as it will take place during a certain time period of the movie, but with a hint of AU in it as well; so no spoilers this time. But I cannot at all find the year setting or date when it was done, so I'm going with Summer as such, and Early 2008 for the year; for FemHarry Potter's age.

I do not own any franchise mentioned in this new story I written. I only own the plot or ideas I used to do this as such, and my own Personal OC's yet allow others to use their own as submitted as such from My Profile or mentioned in my works. If I did, however, then maybe some more of Megamind's/Metroman's race would have survived and lived in the peace of sorts in different parts of the universe (Which gives me an idea later).

"Whisper or Reptilian/Draconian (Parseltongue) Speech"


Hidden Meanings in Words

"Cellphone" or "Powerful Voices"

($) = OC Introduced the suggestion of other Users/Authors/Readers for the Very First Time

(Number; 1, for example) = Number for mentioning things at the end.

Enjoy guys!

(Added to Site: December (12) 5th, 2018)

Outside a building that oddly has a model of an Observatory on top; July 31st, 2008:

A person was currently driving in a black, modified, 1951 Hudson Hornet vehicle, singing to himself as there was a box of donuts next to him in the passenger seat.

The person though was not a man per say, but of a creature that serves someone while using his mechanical hands to park the car, and get out of the Hornet itself, and locked the car up while easily carrying the donuts box. Said person; like the man he serves ever since they were little, is an alien that resembles a fish; more specifically a piranha with big light brown eyes and sharp teeth. He is also in a robot suit that resembles a black gorilla with some of the metal being dull-like silver in color. He was also within a dome-like bowl that is filled with water for him to breath and stuff; built into the robotic suit, and secretly houses a purple castle for fish he calls a home as well within said robotic suit.

This was Minion, and he was a kind yet faithful servant to the man that this city they always lived in; Metro City that is, and are known as this cities Main Villains; him as the Sidekick for a Villain that was enemies to a Superhero… Former Superhero named Metroman.

Minion was currently on his way to enter their base when he heard a sniffle to get him to pause; as the air was a slight bit cold today while being around summer from an odd effect that occurred a few days ago at night when the odd green comet passed and exploded in the Arctic, and his curiosity won over then his logic as he went around to the left side and blinked in slight surprise at seeing a little girl.

She resembled; facial wise that is, to a Young Rias Gremory yet with sunken cheekbones and slightly frail form, of sorts. Although her figure was hidden by the large clothes meant for a boy (Hand-me-downs) on her shivering form, she also had chopped mid-length black hair that looked to be as night, emerald-green eyes that Minion thought was odd to have from what he guessed was a six-year-old child's frame. The clothes she wore, were meant for a supposed "Big-Boned" male child which consisted of a ratty yet stitched long-sleeved shirt in grey while wearing tan jeans with a few rips on the legs, and old sneakers that were black-regular in design with straps.

"Hey… You ok little girl?" Minion asked gently to make the child jump and look at him in small fear, and the fish saw the bruise she had on her face while wiping away some tears yet she then blushed by Minion hearing the girl's stomach rumble slightly. Thinking she was perhaps one of the runaways he usually saw, he opened the box and grabbed the last custard long john; making the child's eyes wide as she stilled in place while he gestured to the donuts, "Go on, take it," and she hesitated yet she reached and quickly grabbed the donuts and was confused by it; making Minion confused by her actions yet stated gently to her, "You eat it."

The child despite her fear, was more curious at the moment and did take a large enough bite for her size, and then beamed before quickly; to make Minion blink in minor surprise, ate the whole thing within one bite before swallowing. Must be one of the power-based runaways, Minion thought while not knowing anything about the child, decided to rub her hair in which he ignored her flinch of slight surprise before seeing he waved and left her there.

Though he didn't realize that the child was following behind him and blinked in surprise as he went through a wall that her mind quickly memorized before seeing the time from the large clock tower the city has, and fearfully ran to where she was supposed to live in; with her so-called family.

Minion meanwhile was carrying the box of donuts while singing to himself, while seeing his Boss/Best Friend ever since they were kids was moving around in odd excitement while marking things here and there.

The man has blue skin with pink accents at his ears, cheeks, and lips, a large head, a very slim body, big grass-green eyes, and a black goatee. He wore an outfit that consists of a black skin-tight leather suit with a blue bolt in the chest, black custom baby seal leather boots, black gloves with spikes and a high-collared black cape with spikes on the shoulder pads.

This was, in fact, Megamind: Current Evil Overlord over Metro City and is currently cooking up a plan.

"Enough Minion, it's time to get to work on making a New Hero," Megamind states to pause Minion's singing before getting his fish companion to than give him then, a look of absolute shock while also stating to him; seeing the blue man running about in excitement, "Create a Hero? What, what…What?! Why would you do that?"

"So I have someone to fight," Megamind began while looking into his research and was satisfied with his results and continued speaking to his fishy friend/servant, "Minion, I'm a Villain without a hero. A yin with no yang! A bullfighter with no bull to fight. In other words, I have no purpose!" Seeing the look of doubt from Minion, Megamind went to the curtain as the Sidekick states to him in both wonder and doubt still, and heading over to him, "How are you gonna do it?"

It was here that Megamind revealed the poster boards he's made with all his ideas on this topic while speaking; moving around as well while displaying them as well, "I'm going to give someone, I don't know who yet, Metroman's powers. We're going to train that someone to become Metro City's new hero. Over here, follow!" Megamind then headed to the last board while continuing his words in hidden excitement and his eyes gleaming at the Project itself, "And then finally, I'm going to fight that Hero in an epic battle of Good and Evil. We'll put everything back the way it was when the world was perfect and rosy."

Minion felt off about this idea, yet didn't want to worry about that if Megamind himself was in one of his experimental moods, and merely decided to let things flow while the blue man himself gesture to follow him to reveal a familiar cape Metroman himself wore, along with his skeleton that their Sun-Based Deathray killed him with within the Old Copper-Lined Observatory, "Behold, Minion, Metroman's cape! Look closely."

Minion did look closely once he saw clearly what Megamind was setting as he saw dead flakes of sorts on the cape itself, "Tell me what you see?" The blue man asked while Minion responded quickly though to what he states back at his blue friend, "Dandruff?"

"Ha…Ha…Yes! It's his DNA! From this we'll extract the source of Metroman's awesome power," Megamind states as he headed to their recently fixed DNA Extractor with Minion now worried about this crazy idea Megamind had, as he went over while Megamind began doing the process, "Sir, I think this is a bad idea-" Minion began while they observed the Extractor now doing its task yet was interrupted by Megamind himself, "Yes, this is a very wickedly bad idea for the Greater Good of Bad!"

Seeing he was too focused while they were both surprised two carriages were made as the large machine itself turned off during the last hour of doing this, Minion began stating his doubts about this to his Boss/Best Friend now, "But I'm saying this is a kind of bad that, okay, I think it's good from your "Bad" perception, but from a "Good" perception, it…it…it's just plain bad!"

Grabbing the two cartridges while placing them into a Special Gun he designed himself for his idea overnight for, he looked at Minion as he ducked when he was then moving the gun around him a few times before it was warmed up, "Oh, you don't know what's good for bad!" Megamind though didn't see the hurt look briefly on the fish alien's face before getting confused by a tune from a cell phone going off.

"What on earth is that?" Megamind states in confusion while setting the gun on a stand, and Minion knowing what it was and where it was coming from, points to Megamind's behind while stating to him, "It seems to be emanating from there, Sir."

Realizing it was Bernard's Cellphone he took before dehydrating the man with his smaller gun, he took it out and answered it, "Oh, hollo…" "It's 'Hello'," Minion corrected his blue friend while Megamind nodded and states to the cell normally, "Oh. Hello?" Though he turned to Minion and whispered quickly to him as the fishy alien nodded, with a smile, "Like that?"

Roxanne Ritchie, a news reporter that has been involved with their kidnapping her, and last nights events, began speaking through the phone quickly, "Bernard, it's Roxanne."

"It's Roxanne!" Megamind whispered to get Minion to be puzzled yet in shock once again by the reporter calling the blue skinned man, yet he also wondered who this Bernard was, "I just want to thank you for inspiring me the other day." Megamind was touched while confusing the fish alien further as he then told Roxanne through the cell, "Oh! You inspired me too," his voice though secretly held actual honesty in it while the female reporter began speaking in agreement back, "Great. It's time we stood up to Megamind and show him he can't push us around."

"Oh! Oh, really?" Megamind states to her with Minion doing a double take at the monitors and didn't at all here his blue friend state she was cute to him as she continued speaking to the blue man; Minion trying to get his attention, "I'm already hot on his trail." Amused, Megamind replied in kind back through the flip-based cell phone, "Uh-huh. And what gives you that idea?"

"Uh, sir?" Minion states to finally get Megamind's attention, with Roxanne's face appearing on the security TV Screens with one showing her full image. Roxanne is a very pretty woman of average height; despite being thirty, with big blue eyes and a short pixie-cut chestnut brown hair that is parted to the right. Her face is a bit squarish in shape, and she has a smattering of light freckles across her nose and cheeks. She also has a beauty spot a bit under her mouth and to the right. She has an average chest size of being a C-Cup and wide hips; making her body pear-shaped in appearance. She also wears a white short-sleeved button-up shirt, with a black belt, a light grey plaid skirt, and black high heeled shoes.

"I just found his secret hideout!" Roxanne states excitedly through the cell phone while some of the speakers stated it as well, and Megamind covered the speaker to the cell while shouting in disbelief; mostly to himself then Minion, "How did she find my hideout?!" He turned back to the cell and then asked hesitantly to Roxanne then, "Uh, how did you find his hideout?" Megamind then looked to a now whistling in place Minion by her quick answer as Minion looked a bit sorry for forgetting, "This is the only building in Metro City with a fake Observatory on the roof."

Looking at Minion still, he then reassured his fishy alien friend; not seeing two people, like Minion not seeing at all, around the building as well; one waiting at the city news van and another hiding in fear, on the two monitors, "Okay. There's no way she'll find the secret entrance." It would seem karma was against them though as they then saw Roxanne at the entrance while she stated through the cell as the entrance was muted on that monitor, "Haaa! There's a doormat here that says 'Secret Entrance'."

Minion looks to be sneaking away until he turned once Megamind stated his name, "I kept forgetting where it was!" Megamind gave him a look for later while he began to quickly hide Minion, and a few things while stating mostly to himself, aloud, "She'll discover all our secrets! This is bad; And not in a Villain way."

Megamind thought he saw a flash of sorts and screaming of kids in fear on one of the monitors, yet shrugged as he turned into his Bernard Disguise while preparing things still. The Bernard Disguise is slightly taller than Roxanne. He; Megamind now has disheveled dark blond hair, brown eyes and wears thin glasses (Outfit from the movie; Couldn't find it sorry).

"Roxanne?" Megamind now asked while she saw he made her jump while seeing the entire lair cautiously, and was then relieved on seeing him; oddly touching the blue man in disguise as such. Wow! She still looks fantastic- Focus Megamind, focus. "Oh, I'm glad you here. Wait, how did you get here so fast?" Roxanne states before being curious how would the man get here.

"Well, I uh, I happen to be speed walking nearby when you called," Megamind fibbed with Roxanne looking a little skeptical yet nodded as they were walking next to each other than, "In your suit?" She decided to ask as he quickly nodded while adding onto her words in reply, "Uh-huh. It's called, formal speed walking. But that's not important. I'd better take the lead. This way looks exciting." He then showed to confuse Roxanne a metal door that had the word sign, Exit, on top in neon-green letters. "No, it says exit," Roxanne states to Megamind still in Disguise in minor confusion as he, in turn, replied back to her words, "Uh, which is the abbreviation for ex-citing, right?"

Roxanne then shook her head as Megamind stood back and quickly changed back to normal while heading away, and snuck up on Roxanne while she moved away from him and also seeing Bernard was gone and began to accuse him then, "Megamind… What have you done with Bernard?"

Megamind had a sudden idea popped into his large head quickly due to Roxanne's words and began to state, his hands together mischievously while speaking to her now, heading slowly to a trap door nearby as well, "Bernard? Oh, yes. I'm doing horrible things to that man. I don't want to get into it, but lasers, spikes," he then opens the trap door and then puts his head in; pretending to be Bernard shouting from within, "Oh, please, don't! Not the lasers and the spikes!" Megamind lifted his head to see Roxanne was oddly buying this yet continued by speaking to her then, "You know, the drill." He then puts his head back in the trap door once again pretending to shout as Bernard, "Oh, no! Not the drill? Aaargh!"

"Let him go!" Roxanne demands to the blue bald man as he chuckled to himself before answering in retort, closing one of the doors to the trap door, "Or what?" He paled briefly as Roxanne seemed to be winging it at this point, and grabbed that very gun that held the Former Hero's DNA Cartilages in it; with the gun already warmed up and also pulsing from them both.

Megamind panicked slightly from Roxanne unknowingly aiming it right at him and states quickly, to then confuse her once again, "Oh, god! Don't shoot that gun! I'll just- I'll just go get him." Roxanne looks as the trap door opens once Megamind went in, and it's Megamind transformed once again as Bernard, "Unhand me, you fiend! It's his strength's, it's too much!" Megamind then transformed back as himself while he pops his head out of the trap door, "Aargh! I work out!" The trap door opens and it's Megamind transformed as Bernard once again; confusing Roxanne even more by what was going on yet was inwardly rooting for Bernard, "It's really paying off! You're so fit and strangely charismatic!"

The door closes one last time and suddenly Megamind transformed as Bernard, is thrown out fully, and landed on his behind with Roxanne carrying the gun still, went quickly to him in concern, "Are you okay?"

"I did my best, but he's too fantastic!" Megamind declared while acting still as Bernard while strong wonderful things about him still, yet he left her separated from him as he changed back to his real self and shoved Roxanne through the door that was labeled as an Exit, and quickly righted herself while looking down at a room filled with music, disco lighting, and alligators. Megamind then pulled Roxanne away from the room quickly as she was relieved for the small savings, and admitted back to him while Megamind gulped from his hand accidentally touching her sides while quickly standing in place, "Oh, Bernard! You were right about that door being exciting."

Roxanne then got separated by Brainbot's suddenly appearing out of nowhere, and oddly made Megamind gulp with mixed feelings about her now whacking his creations with a wrench in one hand while holding onto that gun still, in the other, as she told him to run, and he did… before changing back into himself while she whacks away the third Brainbot after her, and began to have a struggle match with each other now.

"Bernard run!" She states aloud while thinking Bernard wasn't at all Megamind, and he rolled his eyes while they were struggling with each other.

Minion, however, was finally untangled from being shoved into a closet full of spare wires and noticed; stunning him as it was too late as both DNA Bullets shot out quickly, and began bouncing all around the walls and objects; with them ducking as they went to two separate pipes. One pipe went to a man that was still outside near the entrance, but near said pipe while waiting for Roxanne to return, and the other was that very same little girl from before on the other side at the back.

The twenty-eight-year-old man; Hal, is short and fat with short red hair and brown eyes. He wore a four-pocket vest with a black t-shirt stating the words, Error 404 Request Not Found, and black jean shorts with regular black and white sneakers.

"Who on earth is that man?" Minion states while Megamind also added; both of them pointing to the two monitors they are mentioning as both victims got hit. Hal in the nose, and the child by her scar she had revealed from the center of her chest while being flown back, "Who is that child? Why did it have to be a child for the blasted Backup Bullet?" Roxanne though didn't hear them yet she dropped her wallet when she was running from the Brainbots, and ignored Megamind while thinking Bernard escaped.

"Minion… You go handle the child while I go see to our eventual Hero," Megamind states firmly yet hastily as Minion nodded or merely bobbed within his dome to know he understood, and quickly went out to the back part of the building while Megamind went to the front, and Disguised himself once again as Bernard.

Once outside, he saw Roxanne was aiding the fat man while having his nose plugged, and his head tilted downwards and stated; to get them to jump yet relax from seeing it was him as Bernard, "Is he ok?"

"Yes… At least I think he is, aren't you Hal?" Roxanne states to Megamind before asking Hal that question, "I think a bee flew up my nose. I was just about to make my frontal assault to rescue you, but like, fifty ninjas tried to attack me. So, I uh, had to beat them all up and I, I did and they were all like, crying and stuff…" Megamind rolled his eyes as it seems the fat man was exaggerating slightly before he decided to add though; from seeing it get them to look back at him once again, "Wow! Brave one, isn't he?"

Hal though narrowed his eyes distrustfully at Megamind and asked him rudely as well, "Who are you?" Roxanne bit knowing Hal's tone, decided to introduce him, "Oh, thi…this is Bernard. He's my partner." Hal though had a look of slight betrayal on his orbs at those very words while he decides to state a stated-question to her mostly, "Partner?"

"Yes, yes. Partner." Megamind agreed while not liking the look Hal gave him then before getting up and stating a few things, "Well, look, partner, I'm her partner. She doesn't know what she's saying, she's been through a traumatic experience." Though he stumbled due to him being slightly dizzy as such, and Roxanne grabbed him before looking back at Bernard with an apologetic look, "I better take him home," Roxanne than put Hal on the passenger's seat while seeing he was too dizzy at all to drive, and went back over to make Megamind his a blush he had when she then hugged him and stated gratefully, "Thanks again, Bernard." The two, however, didn't see the look on Hal's face at them, yet he merely shrugged while sitting in the seat. "I'll call you tomorrow, partner." Roxanne states as she lightly pinched his shoulder on a friendly manner without even knowing why his heart thumped as it did, but agreed with her on that, "Yeah, okay. I'd like that."

As they were leaving, he overheard Hal then state randomly to Roxanne while wondering who the man was in the first place, "That was weird for everybody. Cause you accidentally hugged him instead of me." Megamind though paled after they were gone while he then recalled the other bullet and stated to himself, and heading to the back of his lair, "Bullocks."

Once he got there, he was shocked before looking at a stumped yet mystified Minion before asking, "It seems it worked for her… More then it should from what I had written down."

Near some fancy apartments to where Megamind's Lair is; Before the bullet incidents went down or even the arrival of Roxanne:

We take our gaze to some fancy apartments that the very same child mentioned, ran to in fear of being late as recently her family moved here since her Uncle gotten a better job offered working in America, since he was laid off from the British Company known as Grunnings.

Though until they could afford a new house in which secretly, a secret society was in existence as such; quite a few of them in which one the child was born into without knowing, would place what was called Blood Runes by the very old fart that even placed her there with them; the Dursley's as such, before the age of one.

The child as mentioned is the very last of her Magical Clan, from her secretly Blood-Adopted Father's Side of the family; making her the Sole Heiress as such, and also the Hidden Clans long past; from her Mother's Side mostly, and her True Father as well her Blood-Adopted Mother's. She was well known as in the One Society as The-Girl-Who-Lived, and in a few others, well… that would be telling, and her name is Merida Rose Potter.

The family she was nearing though; to apartment number four, was Petunia, Vernon and her cousin/their son, Dudley Dursley (They are the same in looks from my other works).

Once she went inside, she was instantly grabbed by her hair firmly by her Uncle, and he firmly told her in a stern voice, "Your late, Freak. But you lucky I'm going to let this slide since I just got promoted back to the office… Now go and do your current chores you have at the moment, while your unfortunate Aunt and I head out, Mute."

Merida hid a frown as she couldn't help that at all from his past actions when she was five years old at messing up their party for him, back in England, and subconsciously rubbed the scar the doctors said would remain as a reminder by his actions and the family's entire time with her, without a chance to tell them at all her abuse. Especially the odd things she done as such during her schooling and the old home.

"Now we want you to finish your chores, and then go outside as we're leaving Dudley in charge for when we leave soon, Freak." Vernon then told her to make her pale at that, as when he is placed in charge, it wasn't all that good. He then shoved her then to a wall in the small hallway they had, and she silently whimpered as he left with a smirk on his face; causing a bruise to appear on her left arm slightly.

Getting up with a minor wince to show she was in pain yet acted like she wasn't, she began doing things while they berate her and whatnot: Vacuuming, washing their dishes and cooking them their lunch as she only had scraps, and many other things a child isn't supposed to do until they were older for an apartment or abuse; even making her do their bills as they have moved in for at least a month and a half.

Especially since this was her birthday for the recently turned eight-year-old, they make her do more since as a Freak; to them, she at all doesn't deserve anything related to a birthday. Though they do tend to let her roam for a specific time of this day that is, that was mostly what they could freely offer her.

Eventually, Petunia and Vernon Dursley left with a smirking Dudley looking at once again, a paling Merida as once the door was closed, he grabbed her roughly by the hand while stating firmly, "We're going to go outside for a bit, and hang out with that promising gang I heard about." Not letting her get a chance to clean the grime off of her outfit, she silently yelped as she nearly tripped from going outside as he was forcibly leading her oddly enough; to her realization, to where she met the nice, fishy-man.

They soon came to a group of preteen males that glanced at them while nodding their heads at Dudley, as he earned their respect from secretly shoplifting without getting caught a few days ago to prove he was worthy, and shoved the Merida near the same back alley to where the lair was, "Ok Freak, I told them we are going to play a game of sorts. It's one of your favorites that is-" Merida went wide-eyed and took off before he could say anything, and they without words, began to chase her; not knowing this was being recorded by Megamind's Camera System.

She didn't get too far though as she was shoved by one of the brawler-like preteens and she silently yelped in pain as her back was hit hard against the wall, and they began to punch her, kick her, and even pull or yank her hair painfully while Dudley watched as per agreement by them, since he only crossed his arms and just smirked. The boys also began tearing her clothes as well while revealing an odd looking scar of sorts that resemble a Heartless Symbol, but fell-green in color, in the center of her chest; to where her neck is on her frail chest.

As they kept hitting her, her magic within her that was fully blocked; except leaking a few times for accidental magic, suddenly broke free from all her treatment and this last set of abuse set it off.

The boys screamed while being blasted away from Merida; by a sudden, bright-green, chakra blue, and yellow/green ki blast colored auras, and they took off while screaming in fear as they all saw her now; while that energy surrounded her form briefly, like a ghost or something similar, and once they were gone, said energy went right back into the child; Merida panting in confusion as to why she suddenly feels… better than she ever has in her entire life.

Shakily getting up while holding onto the wall, the child slowly yet surely began to move with relief while adjusting her clothes. After sometime she was confused by oddly hearing from a pipe nearby her some odd banging sounds, and she turned her chest to then get hit by the Backup Bullet.

Merida was then sent away and onto the ground, while feeling something foreign was in her chest; quickly spreading throughout her frail body while emitting silent screams; not seeing Minion finally run yet stopped as he witnessed, unlike her, her changes quickly and permanently due to her magic getting involved.

First, Merida began twitching in place while she held back silent screams of agony as she was feeling torn inside and out; her magic absorbing the genetic material while at the same time, improving its mortal host's bodily frame both inside and out. Her eyes then glowed those very colors from before; in multiple colors mixed as Minion closed his eyes while knowing that his robotic suit when he hit record, began recording all of this as the child's clothing was blasted off of her while at the same time, disintegrating into nothing and revealing her malnutrition and abused frame before it was changing to a healthier look as her face filled out and also became healthy; slowly removing the scars and any injuries she had, and fixing any old wounds while making her look beautiful for her age.

Second, she began to grow taller to what she would have been at her current age of eight if she wasn't at all malnourished; mixed with her Secret Heritage and Metroman's DNA, and went from 3'7 to 4'7 inches in height.

Next she began to grow curves to know she would have an eventual hourglass with also having a slight developing muscle build as she gets older with her also gaining a Mid-B-Cup sized chest, and her body adjusting itself that the only hair she would have, was her own hair on the top of her head; not her body, and also from that as well her hair then gained dark-chestnut brown and Super Saiyan-blonde highlights mixed with her own original hair color, in which grew and became shoulder-length with straight hair with curls at the end.

Though a side effect that Minion gaped too, was the odd tail that sprouted from her tailbone that also resembled a reptilian tail of sorts, and her skin taking on an odd- like tone of color that's lighter than Megamind's, and when the eyes returned to normal they were now dragon-like with also having autobot-blue pupils; her main eye color taking over the rest of the eye just like most dragons or even in comparison to Smaug from The Hobbit. And lastly, to stun the fish alien as Megamind just came and was witnessing the end results, a grey robe appeared around Merida to make her at last decent, with the robe itself looking like a regular dull-grey silk dress with oddly also having Norse Runes in a long spiral; from her left shoulder, downwards.

They jumped back though as a black smoky substance left the child's chest-based scar and she for once in her three years going mute, screamed roughly before fully passing out.

"It seems it worked for her… More then it should from what I had written down," Megamind states to a stunned Minion still, and he looked to Megamind then while asking him with mixed feelings, "Sir… Do you suppose there were any odd effects to your plan for kids? Like maybe awakening a Mutant-like Gene perhaps?"

It was here Megamind went over with Minion following, and checked the child's pulse while relieved she was alive, yet she was oddly mixed between warm and cold; at the same time, "Not sure at all Minion… That male person's DNA should awaken by the morrow at least, but I think we should get this child inside, and perhaps… A DNA Test."

"Test Sir? What test?" Minion blinked while easily picking up the little girl as Megamind seemed to be thinking while eyeing that odd scar on the child's chest, closely, "To see if my hunch is correct about whom I think our mishap is."

Once inside, they blinked as a basic needle didn't at all budge her skin on her right arm; to make Megamind hit his forehead as if he was foolish, and gotten the copper needle before blinking as it somewhat pierced her skin yet didn't at the same time, Huh, seems she may have a different weakness then he did. "Get the one other needle I think, Minion, as that may be more efficient than the other," Megamind states to get Minion to nod within the dome and quickly get from the metal drawer an adamantium needle, and to stun them it indeed worked; but only slightly yet were also stunned by the odd color of the blood itself: The color was a light purple with golden flecks mixed in.

"Interesting Indeed… I recalled Metroman bleeding yet he also had the same colored blood that humans have; Not this… Minion come, we must test this," Megamind decided to get Minion to make him pause in his steps before groaning slightly and gave him a look by his unsure question, "Sir… Perhaps we should take the child with us?"

"Nonsense Minion, she is perfectly safe as she's passed out, so just place her on that lab table for a moment and just come aid me," Megamind states assuredly while waving the problem off; Minion shrugging as he did just that before leaving with the blue man; a few Brainbots following while the rest tended to the lair.

If they paid attention, they would have seen the news van was back with no Hal in it, yet Roxanne was once again hesitantly back inside and to her embarrassment, she had to return for her wallet while inwardly was thankful that the Brainbots were busy with whatever task Megamind had them doing.

She blinked though in surprise at seeing the child; she guessed that is, on a lab table while inwardly fuming at this, and headed over and easily; to her inner surprise, lifted the child up. He has gone too far this time… I gotta get this girl out of here.

Roxanne struggled a few times as despite the girl being light in weight, she nearly dropped her the next several minutes while trying to avoid the patrolling Brainbots, and finally made it to the van. She then left while oddly thinking the child was cute yet seemed oddly familiar, but shrugged as she left with the now sleeping child in tow.

Meanwhile formthe last twenty minutes, with Megamind and Minion, the two made a shocking discovery of the Gene Structure and what it the child had; Megamind somewhat excited yet also knowing he needed to prepare for tomorrow as well; with then missing the identity of the child in the scan for mostly the results, "Minion... Do you know what this means? If we can harness this child's possible abilities for our projects l, then we would have no problems; Especially the odd energy seemingly able to quickly charge appliances and even renew life from your dead flower pot we accidentally got some on," Indeed that occurred on a Venus Flytrap as it was perfectly healthy now, yet it oddly looked like; from their favorite movie together: Little Shop of Horrors' own alien plant that was innocently placed as such, on a desk nearby.

"Yes. But Sir, she is a child though and wouldn't that be well… Against the Villain's Code to do that?" Minion stated while reminding a now frustrated Megamind who then sighed in quick agreement, "Your right Minion, let's just wrap up for the day; The child shouldn't go anywhere at all for the time being."

They then retired to their living headquarters within the lair. Yet hours later, Megamind would be cinfused mixed with shouting as to where she went.

A twenty-seven-minute drive later to Roxanne's Apartment Complex…

Roxanne sighed while she parked the car and looked at the child; not at all bothered by her looks due to being kidnapped for sometime between Megamind and Metroman for years, and gotten out while carrying her small purse, went over, and began to carry the child slightly by herself to her apartment.

She was thankful though once she gotten help from the apartments aid, and placed the sleeping child with a blanket on top of the child on her large couch, and sighed while she decided to start getting around for her investigation.

Using her one of few spare rooms later while also within the last few hours setting things up, she decided to check on the child once again, and saw she was still sleeping yet she tossed the blanket slightly and was on her left side; her tail lazily moving back and forth at the tip. Despite the way she looks, she oddly is still a cute kid… Damn you Megamind for experimenting for once on kids.

Roxanne decided to make dinner for two, while also reminding herself to chit-chat with Bernard tomorrow from their flip cellphone to what she has so far, and headed to the kitchen.

Though if she was paying attention, she would have seen the child stir slightly and began blinking her eyes a few times as they were dazed before yawning big; revealing silver-like sets of teeth: the front being sharp-like teeth while her original was behind them, and a forked tongue, before she shook her head briefly and seemed confused with slow-growing fear of her current location.

W-Where am I? Merida now thought in utter fear while now going into a ball; not seeing anything new from her body just yet but did feel the odd weight her chest gave off, but as such, her current fear mixed with utter confusion made her curl up into a ball on the couch while fully covering herself with that blanket.

Roxanne while she was making something simple, paused on her cooking, and oddly heard creaking of sorts from her couch she had for a few years now, and sighed while prepping herself and setting a time on the egg timer for her meatloaf, and headed into the room.

She wasn't at all prepared for a frightened child at this moment of anything, even her when she hesitantly lifted the blanket, as jewel-like dragon eyes due to the light and her pupils, looked at her in utter fear, "Hey, hey, it's ok. Just calm down," Roxanne gently states after seeing the state the child was in and noticing the flinch; to get Roxanne to inwardly fune at Megamind once again, and after a few tries, she got the girl to relax from her gentle hug.

When she pulled away while sitting next to the child now, she then asked to see a sad look after from the girl, "Can you… Can you tell me your name?"

Merida gestured to her throat a few times after sensing she could trust the adult woman before her and getting Roxanne to realize she couldn't speak, and grabbed some spare papers and a pen, and handed it to the child; who was hesitant to do so, yet began writing her name on it hesitantly.

Once she written her name down, shakily handed the paper to her, and quickly placed her hands on her lap; now looking at her in small fear, Roxanne guessed, she froze by the full name and a million questions ran through her head at who was sitting before her in what she guessed, was fear of Roxanne hitting her, and now was angered not at Megamind; But at a old coot back in England, That son of a- He lied to me!

Roxanne held her anger and rage, and other emotions in check as she gently placed a hand on the child's shoulder; ignoring the flinch once again while she handed the paper back, "Merida, can you please tell me how you ended up in Megamind's Lair?" Seeing the confused look now instead of fear on Merida's face, made Roxanne realize that perhaps Megamind merely found her by accident or worse, then what she previously thought.

The child though began to write like her eight-year-old self would do on the paper, her tales; hesitating on some parts yet from the look from Roxanne's face, began to write it as well, and when she was done a few minutes later and began reading while at the same time, Merida wrapped the blanket further around her body, Roxanne's heart dropped mixed with rage at who she was placed with, He went too far! Lily stated she never at all from my witness to her Will she made on my last trip there long ago, was to never at all place her with Petunia and her whale of a husband.

Seeing the child look to her wordlessly, she decided; confusing the girl by inspecting her throat and to stun them she made a croaking sound with small hope going into Merida's eyes at this with Roxanne sighing in relief, "It seems whatever Megamind did to you, allowed your voice back… But it would take time to speak once again, Sparkle," Roxanne states with the child's nickname; and saw small recollection of what she said on the child's orbs mixed with being not only wary but confused.

Before Roxanne could state anything, she sighed as her timer was done yet was amused slightly by Merida sniffing with a small bit of drool slightly from her mouth, at the smell, "I figured you would get hungry Merida, so I went ahead and made us a Meatloaf."

Though if Roxanne was honest with herself, she would have been shocked by how much her Godchild ate; eating everything without slowing down.

For; if I pause this for a second to explain, Roxanne was born as a half-blood that was blocked from her magic, near graduation of the American School; Ilvermorny School of Witchcraft and Wizardry that is, and it occurred by her and Lily being kidnapped by a odd man of sorts while also using their blood for a ritual; to which they didn't know if it succeeded or not as he fled, and they were saved but the block was too much and she was sadly forced to give up Magical School; With them allowing her to keep her work and books of all her years in case it was unblocked, and live out her days as a Muggle-like Squib.

Lily and her though, kept in touch while she was in America going to collage and ending up as she is now. Yet the last time she saw her was when Lily was at least seven months pregnant with Merida when she was at least four months old and was lastly; magically that is, by blood-written paper and also The Oath that made her as Merida's Official Godmother, along with Emilia Longbottom and Bellatrix Black (Who went missing after Merida was five months old).

Now back to our story.

After they ate supper, Roxanne was worried from Merida looking at herself, and sighed and placed their dishes for later, and led her to the large bathroom she currently owns that had a full-bodied mirror, and she saw Merida made a slight soft yet croaky gasp while also placing hands to her face since she saw herself for the very first time, after her change, "Whatever he did to you seems to have helped you out, Sparkle," Roxanne gently states to her Godchild before having; to her a embarrassed tint from Merida as she innocently poked and grasped firmly her chest when nude while Roxanne was also getting her bath ready.

Once Merida was in it, now playing with her tail as her dragon-like eyes held curiosity by it to amuse Roxanne while also half-relieved her Godchild still held some small amounts of innocence, began to scrub her gently down; guessing while also holding her rage of the filth afterward to then guess they hardly bathed her.

Once dressed in some of her spare nightgowns that made Roxanne be secretly happy that Merida still had her magic, shrank to fit her size, led her to her bedroom yet nearly deadpanned as Merida instantly passed out since it was near dusk outside, at this moment.

Roxanne though; in her own light-green silk nightgown that hugged her curves, bit her lip while holding onto the flip cellphone within the living room, and debated on calling Bernard again or not, and her fingers slipped and decided for her as her cell began calling his number, from speed dial.

"Hello?" Roxanne heard him; Megamind that is tiredly say while still thinking it was Bernard, "Hey Bernard… I hope I didn't catch you at a bad time?" She decided to ask gently to which she then heard ruffling and he stated back to her quickly, "No, no. I was just... Reading a book," Roxanne raised an eyebrow at this but shrugged as she was still upset earlier, and decided to ask him hesitantly then; gripping her nightgown slightly with her free hand as she stood near the couch, "Alright… Well, I know I wanted to see you tomorrow but… Something came up."

In Megamind's kitchen area which also has his theme, he too was standing while being near the counter now, and asked to Roxanne in concern as for once he guessed she was upset over something, "What's wrong? Did something bad happen?"

"You could say that Bernard… Well, can I be honest with you about something?" Megamind heard from the cell to make him curious over what she has to admit, and shrugged while grabbing a glass of milk to drink from the fridge while multitasking, "Sure, go ahead Roxanne. I'm sure there isn't anything that can surprise me as we both know from Metroman doing so."

Back with Roxanne, she sighed and debated or not to tell him, yet she came this far and decided to come clean, "Well… I oddly trust you with this bit of information and just have an odd feeling you won't tell anyone," she heard Megamind at his end was drinking gently a glass of something before he replied back, "Well if it would be you at least, Partner, then just come clean. Go ahead, lay it on me."

With Megamind, he was sipping gently his milk before holding it in his mouth and nearly spat it out in shock, but gulped it by what Roxanne confessed, "Well I was actually not from around here like everyone knows, but I was actually born as a Half-Blood Witch… Well, a blocked witch still as it occurred near the end of my Magical Schooling, and I recently found my Godchild; After being told she was killed by a madman's own doing from someone I thought I can trust back in England, was alive."

Megamind pales though after figuring things out in his big head of his that the missing child he and Minion lost earlier, and Roxanne's words as well, quickly rang a bell within his brain and he just decided to ask instead of saying anything, "So where did you find her… What's the child's name?"

"Her name is Merida. Merida Rose Potter, and from the looks of things she was mistreated and abused before she was changed by Megamind, Bernard." Roxanne tells him; tensing him for once in utter shock, surprise and oddly enough, minor sadness at this bit of news before deciding since it would be a safe bet for the child to remain with Roxanne, he decided to improvise as he and Minion have to look into that "Hal" person anyways, tomorrow, "Well, we could talk a few things to ease you slightly before going back to Megamind's Plans, and maybe let you settle with both that and your Godchild?"

"I think that would be good Bernard… Especially since I realized that I may have to give her a small birthday as well tomorrow; Since today was her birthday," Megamind heard to oddly enough recall things during his own youth before shaking his head and only nod in reply, before agreeing with Roxanne, "Perhaps if Megamind somehow finds out about her…" "Then I hope he wouldn't harm her as from what I saw… Her former caretakers could go to hell for all I care, but Merida deserves a better chance then what she has been for nearly most of her life there, with them."

Megamind has dark thoughts about that yet placed that for later while he heard her yawn briefly while deciding to stay up to research the child's name, at least, and states in advice then to Roxanne, "Perhaps you should go to bed Roxanne, from today we had was ex-citing," he decided to make a joke and it worked as Roxanne laughed slightly before agreeing with him; surpsied herself secretly on her end she actually laughed on a long time, "That actually sounds good, but I may have to lie next to Merida in case of nightmares. From what I know is that kids like her would have them by their treatment as well… But I do have to thank Megamind oddly enough though for what he somehow done, as she has her voice back as well; But that would take a long time to recover from."

My lord, they also made the kid a Mute from whom Roxanne states? Megamind briefly thought in minor shock to himself before shaking his head and just replied back, "I bet he didn't even realize that at all, but if he did... He would be having awkward feelings mixed with being surprised his plans may have aided someone, for once."

On her end, Roxanne was confused yet agreed by what Bernard stated, "Yes… Though I should go… Perhaps tomorrow at some point you can come over and meet her? She seems to trust others oddly enough; Even if she barely recalled me slightly when she woke up."

Back with Megamind, he pondered this yet shrugged as he figured meeting whoever that fat man was wouldn't take long and nodded while drinking his milk, "Perhaps. I'll just give you a call when I can come over, as I… Have to deal with stuff back at my job tomorrow, and would try and get out as early as I can." "Sounds good Bernard… Uh, bye." Megamind heard as the cell clicked to know she hanged up, and he sighed while closing the flip phone he has, and sighed to himself once again while getting ready to see who this Merida was.

The next day (August 1st, 2008); With Both Megamind and Minion in the Invisible Car, in the late morning:

"So Ms. Richie was born as an actual Witch? A Half-Blood that is, and that child we had and also lost was oddly enough, her Godchild? What are the chances in that, Sir." Minion states in surprise as they were traveling to the fat man's address as Megamind nodded as he informed Minion to what he was not only told by Roxanne, but what he found out from oddly enough, hacking into a magical site for witches and wizards here, within the United States And didn't get caught, "Yes… And I was thinking, maybe I can use my Disguise to see how Metroman's Genetic Code would work in a Magical Child, mixed with making sure Roxanne doesn't at all find out our plans."

Minion nodded without realizing Megamind had other plans for that, yet agreed with him, "Whatever works, Sir… It seems we arrived."

They did arrive while Minion parked the car near Hal's apartment building, and Megamind decided to ask Minion sinner he was the one to gather that info, "Of you know the man's name I gave you and looks?" They stilled while seeing him pass by while oddly enough, holding his nose still yet headed to his home within the building.

"Well, Sir, his name is Hal Stewart. He is twenty-eight-years-old, no criminal record… Actually no records at all. Apparently this man hasn't accomplished anything," Minion at the end of his words seem surprised by this as Megamind was now excited at this bit of news while they looked at the building, "Not yet, Minion. Not yet!"

The two then get out of their car and headed upwards to Hal's Apartment, and decided to break down his door. Hal, of course, was shocked and scared at seeing the two at his place; since Minion accidentally did break his door as it was oddly enough to humor Megamind mind, was unlocked currently.

"Is this a robbery? Cause the lady across the hall has way better stuff than me," Hal states while trying to get the two out of his home, Yet was confused by Megamind's next set of words to mostly Minion, "Oh, look, it's Hal Stewart. Quick, the spray." Minion indeed grabbed he spray and tried to spray into Hal's face, yet it was empty to Minion's sheepish look, "Oops! All out!"

Megamind mentality groaned before he stated; inwardly thanking himself of telling Minion to always have it on him, "Well, use the Forget-Me Stick."

"Oh, right!" Minion quickly states before grabbing a foam-like baton that was Megamind Themed and quickly hit Hal in the face while accidentally to make the fishy alien sheepishly look to the blue man while he secretly was amused while giving Minion a look, as he went Hal to his bed and it raised up back into the wall.

"This place screams of potential… Just look at how lame it is Minion," Megamind boasted to get Minion to actually agree on that as it was a basic, single man's look for an apartment, "Although he doesn't look quite the hero type to me. Even if his place has… Manliness around the place." Minion states.

Before the blue man could ask what he meant, they smelled something now, and looked at the glowing mattress and stated words at the same time, "I smell a hero / I smell something burning." Seeing it was happening sorta differently than Merida, Megamind quickly told Minion while fiddling with his Disguise Watch, "I think it's working. Places! Places! Pla…Places!" They got in front slightly of the pull-out bed Hal was trapped in currently, and Megamind looked at Minion while asking him quickly as he was nearly done, "Do you have your disguise?"

Minion puts on a simple apron and wig and Megamind activates a hologram; with him looking like Jor-El from the 1976 Superman Movie, and gave Minion a look as he only stated, "What?"

"You look fantastic." Megamind states in his Disguise as their wait was then over as the pull-out bed bursts while then revealing a buffed up Hal. He now was like Metroman; physically figured that is by being tall, very muscular (His biceps are 25" inches in diameter), and his current clothes clung to his new frame.

"What's going on?" Hal states while clutching his head and getting out of the destroyed pull-out to stand somewhat close to the two Disguised Villains as Megamind decided to do his own impersonation of his current disguise, "Easy, my child-" Megamind though was annoyed briefly by Hal interrupting him by asking Megamind mostly, "Who are you?" Megamind decided to continue as rehearsed, and answered the changes man then in his made-up accent, "I sent you to this planet to teach you about justice, honor and nobility. I am your father."

"So... You're like, my space dad?" Hal states in wonder mixed with surprise while Megamind blinked yet nodded at the odd outcome he made; Minion as well as Megamind then told him, matter-of-factly, "Yeah, I'm like your space dad."

"And you are what?" Hal decided to ask Minion as Megamind mentally was proud yet disturbed by how Minion acted so casually about this, "I'm your space stepmom. I've had some work done recently." Minion even touched the wig a bit to prove his point as Hal nodded before asking one last question to them both; still not at all believing this, "Is this some kind of dream?"

"This is a dream come true. You've been blessed with unfathomable power," Megamind states with Hal getting confused by the term to which he states, "What kind of power?" Megamind began to falter a bit yet kept going while trying to explain it; Minion secretly amused this time by his Boss/Best Friend and only Family Member he knows' actions, "Unfathomable. It's unf…with…without fathom."

"Wow!" Hal states while having excitement and other positive emotions showing on his face and eyes to them as both Megamind and Minion nodded to him while replying in kind; his mind inwardly pleased that his plan was working, "Yeah, we've come to guide you on your path to be Metro City's new hero and battle the super genius of Megamind!"

After trying to train Hal for nearly two hours later; with it now being at least 2:32 PM, on the dot, they told him to continue while Megamind took Minion to the side and began to complain while Minion only shook his head sadly, in minor agreement; breaking character as such, "He's hopeless. Hopeless! By this rate, it would take years before he is even ready to face me!"

Minion thought briefly as they sat on a bench while making sure Hal didn't overhear; inwardly thankful as he was still doing as they told him on training still, "Maybe we should change tactics, Sir." Megamind pondered this before he asked curiously to his fishy alien brother, "You think so?" Minion only nodded with a smile while he replied in kind, "Oh, you know how boys are…" it was here Megamind gotten oddly enough from him checking Bernard's cell of Roxanne texting him; wanting him to meet her, "They love video games. I could throw a few parts together…" Megamind multi-tasked while listening to Minion and texted back Roxanne while unknowingly saying it aloud to get the fish aliens attention, "Can't wait. LOL. Smiley face."

"Can't wait for what, Sir?" Minion asked then while they both winced as Hal crashed into the ground yet states aloud, I'm ok, to them, "It's Roxanne… She merely wants to discuss her plans still," Minion nodded at Megamind while as he watched Hal still fail to land; not detecting Megamind lied to him slightly before he then added, "And she still wants me to see her Godchild as such."

"I find that kid, Sir… Oddly sweet when I met her on that alleyway, and thought she was a runaway at first." Minion admires to make Megamind blink at him for this, "When did you say you met her?"

"Before I came inside with the donuts, Sir… She oddly has a large appetite for a child her age though as she ate that last long john in one bite-like gulp." Minion states while recalling the small events to then get Megamind to lander this yet shrugged and they both winced as Hal crashed once again, "Perhaps though you may be right about a few changes, Minion."

Roxanne's Apartment; A hour later:

Roxanne sighed while sipping a cup of coffee in the kitchen as she was making sure Merida ate her fill with food since they had leftovers for lunch, with Merida wearing an outfit that they both went out and gotten; along with a few others.

Merida was wearing a loose grey top for kids her age with no sleeves and a long dark-red lace skirt over a pair of black knee-length shorts, as well as a pair of flame designed sneakers and a medium-length vest oddly resembling Gotenks from DBZ, but mostly crimson and dark emerald in colors. She also had a studded black belt with bronze studs within the pant loops, and had green ankle sock. Her outfits though were all redone by Roxanne as her tail fit through each lower outfit; with it wagging back and forth happily as she ate neatly yet quickly.

But I'm surprised at how much she can eat… Though I am worried why her skin is both hot and cold at the same time, Roxanne mentally states to herself while sipping her coffee once again before stating; getting Merida's attention with her mouth full of food like a chipmunk or even like Goku Son when he eats, "We need to prepare for Bernard to come to visit, Merida… He's that nice man I told you about," Merida was confused for a moment before nodding after Roxanne explained briefly as she swallowed without difficulties and finished her food, and then placed her dirty plate in the sink for washing later.

Roxanne was thankful of the contacts she had and quickly made Merida her charge by both Mundane and Magical with the American Witch and Wizard Society (1). So now someone; like old coots of sorts, can't take her away without going to either American Wizardry Prison in Alcatraz, or worse if her Godchild gets taken from her… Plus it aided her overnight; since they work with the Goblins, of her memory of said Will for Lily mostly.

Though the Dursley Household was not there when they barged into the apartment they owned currently, and stated they left on vacation they won to Mexico.

Once the place was tidy enough; since it was already clean to begin with, they then heard a knock on the door.

Merida stiffened in place along with her tail twitching by now to know she was nervous or scared; from what Roxanne saw, and sighed gently to herself before placing a gentle hand on her shoulder, and making the child look at her in mixed emotions and gently stated as well to her, in reassurance, "Everything will be ok. He's just a friend I met that has the same interests as I do about what Megamind has planned, and I offered him dinner as such. Ok?"

Merida nodded as there was another knock, and once the door opened by Roxanne, it was Megamind disguised as Bernard once again while looking awkward, "Uh.. Hello, it's nice to see you once again." He mostly states that to Roxanne as she smiled at him as she held Merida; to which Megamind saw within moments while earning points with Roxanne by not looking at her Godchild in either disgust or worse, and wordlessly gestured for him to come on in.

Once inside, he sat on the couch like the other two were, and it was silent for a few moments before he asked Roxanne; gesturing to the child as she was looking downwards and playing with the hem of her shirt, "So… This is Merida, right?"

Roxanne seeing he wanted to be the one to start talking, nodded while placing a gentle hand on Merida's lap a few times before placing them on her lap, "Yes, and she is nervous about meeting you actually; From what I guessed her Aunt's Husband may have left a bad image of sorts about strangers." Megamind's eyes darkened briefly at that before placing a smile on his face while he stated then with a nod, "That's understandable… From what I read at my job sometimes."

Megamind then looked at the child and wondered if what Minion stated yesterday was perhaps true, Metroman didn't at all had that odd tail and skin coloring… Heck, he didn't at all had those odd pupils and the dragon-like eyes, "Hello Merida… I'm Bernard," Megamind gently tells her while holding a hand out for her to shake. She looks at it hesitantly and quickly grabbed it with surprising strength yet didn't crush his hand, and quickly placed it on her lap with a shiver, Damn… She has his strength at least.

"I have been working with her on controlling that strength she gained since this morning… Sorry about that Bernard," Roxanne apologized with an inward wince as Megamind shook his hand while gripping it slightly; holding in a wince of being in pain by it, "No trouble at all… She's just scared still, that's all." Seeing Merida was uncomfortable at the moment, Roxanne decided to tell the child while Merida quickly got up, and went to her room; the former guest room that is, to do so, "Why don't you go color in your room until we get ready to leave, Sparkle?"

"She's oddly cute while being scared and shy," Megamind admits to getting Roxanne to agree with him, "Yes… But since she's not out here, you want to know what I think Megamind is up to currently?" Megamind nodded in amusement while he followed her to the one room, and was surprised she only began her task at finding things out that was on the desk; to his relief, At least it might be awhile before she ever finds out my Good and Evil Plan.

They then spent nearly a few hours or so on discussing random topics about, well, Megamind; to the disguised man's amusement before deciding from the time it would be good to go, "Just let me get Merida around as well, and I'll be set."

Megamind nodded mutely as she left him in the living room while he pondered to what he was doing, and sighed to himself before straightening up as they came into the room, and Merida had oddly enough, a folded piece of paper in her hands, gave it to him before; to confuse mostly him, went behind Roxanne.

He opens it to only freeze in place as despite it being in crayon, it oddly showed him; the true him with Merida possibly holding his hand on her left with Minion behind them, and Roxanne on her right with an odd man dressed in gold and green garbs of sorts he thought was familiar; smirking as well as he had a hand on Merida's shoulder, and above her head was two odd symbols he never saw or recalled though.

"You ok Bernard? She didn't at all want to reveal it to me, and written it was for you?" Roxanne asked in concern to then get Megamind to briefly shake his head before folding it up even more, and then placing it in his actual pocket before stating assuredly back as they were heading to the door then, "It's fine. It's a good drawing for a child her age; Plenty of rainbows and whatnot."

Roxanne gave him a quizzical look before nodding with a small smile, and the three then left.

Metro City Park; Twenty minutes later:

Merida was enjoying a chocolate cone Roxanne bought her with her secretly mixed with the way a few people treated her Godchild by merely gazed at her as if, she was a disease or worse while a few others felt sorry for her. Megamind also noticed this as he was pondering not only what he felt by that, but what he felt oddly enough for Roxanne.

They also ate takeout Mexican Food, Which was also good yet even Megamind gapped by how much Merida ate.

The three currently sat on a red and white checkered blanket at the moment with Merida closing her eyes and this time, slowly eating her treat as if, it was her last; to the twos sad understanding while they also spoke to each other.

"You know… Metroman and I were never a couple at all," Roxanne admits now to a slightly astonished Megamind as he then gazed at her from their position on the blanket while also being on their backs, and stated to her unsurely then as she merely looked amused slightly by his stating words, "But I thought you two…" "I know, everybody did, it's just he was never really my type," Roxanne decided to state to him still in honesty as she oddly felt she could trust Bernard even more; not knowing why as such.

"Really?" Megamind states in excitement to make Roxanne to look at him with a raised eyebrow before shrugging and states; not seeing he for once in his life, blushes briefly by being both embarrassed and also the same odd feeling he felt in his heart as it thumped when he looked at her, "Yeah."

Roxanne looked to Megamind then while she began to state/ask him, "Okay, now you tell me something. Something you've never told anyone." Megamind though he'd mixed feelings about that yet he felt he too oddly enough, felt he could trust her with things; Roxanne glancing to see Merida was looking at the sky currently and not at all listening to them currently, "Well, in shh…school, none of the other kids really liked me. I was always the last one picked for everything."

Roxanne now felt sorry for him then as when she also younger; from where she lived, she was picked on due to not at all filling out and stuff since she was declared a twig, yet when she did hit puberty… they regretted it instantly yet she turned down all the males during her schooling.

"Mmm, it's too bad that we didn't go to the same school," seeing his look by her words after she stretched slightly, Roxanne quickly began to elaborate what she meant, quickly, "I mean, if you were there then maybe you and I could have been friends," Or maybe more, Roxanne thought after her words to get Megamind to blink at this yet smiled softly at her, "Perhaps, Roxanne, perhaps."

The two looked at each other before turning to see Merida still looking at the sky while being slightly surprised that the child's eyes were glowing like stars slightly before blinking, and looked at them then with a small blush. That was interesting / She looked like she was daydreaming briefly, was both of their thoughts as they then talked til it was nighttime and both Roxanne and Megamind went their separate ways til later on.

If both Megamind and Roxanne paid attention, however, they would have seen Merida's Mark pulse a few times as her eyes glowed as well while she went with Roxanne.

Unknown Location Number One; After the mark on Merida stopped glowing:

On a small, planetary body with the void of space; about the size of a small state, and it's also a flat, asteroid-like mass that has a top surface with a somewhat gravitational pull that's similar to the Earth; but special, with lastly having golden-like cites mixed with natural landscape, exists. In the most important building, The Palace and within one of the rooms, a man woke up from his trance.

For you see, this man was in fact royalty of sorts; adopted royalty, yet he does not at all realize that just yet. This was a man dubbed as the God of Lies, Prince of this world, and a King to a world he does not know as it's rightful ruler. He is known as Loki Laufeyson-Odinson (2), and he scowled as he was so close on his task.

"So close to locating you at last, yet you were interrupted, My Youngest," Loki states to himself with a stressful sigh while also getting out of his floating meditation, and then stood easily within his room.

He then glanced at the bronze and gold designed chest he has, and hesitates before going over, and opened it from his magical signature to then reveal an assortment of items; items like toys, a lot of spell or informational books, and one particular item he gotten out that showed an image of him, Lily, and the others alongside Roxanne, and gritted his teeth while trying to not crumple the only magical-moving image he had of them left in both anger and sorrow; this mage being the one of several originals made.

The image showed him holding onto Lily lovingly with James Potter standing next to him in understanding yet also showed pride since back then, they agreed he would blood adopt the child; no matter the gender as such to be his heir as a Potter. Lily held their child; Merida as she was cooing at them all in wonder while Roxanne was smiling hesitantly next to the child's other relations Sirius Black (3), Remus Lupin (4), Bellatrix Black (5) after her incident of ending up immortal and de-aged as a eighteen-year-old version of herself, and Emma Longbottom alongside their son and Husband, and a few others he knew as well, waving in the photo.

"I curse that armored fool for setting things the way they were still, and even aiding the old coot to his plan's to what I hope wherever you are, My Little Pearl, are still not at all in place," Loki states to himself while he sighs once again, yet gently places the photo back into the chest, and then gotten a book labeled, "Locating Items and More" by an unknown author once again, and began to read to himself as soon, his so-called father would summon him; he betted as such, and wanted to at least try once more on officially locating his youngest child.

Unknown Location Number Two; After the mark on Merida stopped glowing as well:

In a location on earth itself; hidden from man, was a large mountain in a shape of a roaring dragon. There was plant life and a waterfall that came from the gaping dragon eyes as if, tears continuously falling down to the ground, and the mountain itself easily showed different rarity of gems, ores, and even smoothed rock that would be valuable to the mortal eye on the outer surface. This place was also a floating isle within the Bermuda Triangle as such, and it is host to dragon shifters from another world known as Azeroth (6); dragon's that was given a second chance at life as such by not only the Titan's in their old realm, but from the Gods/Goddesses within this one.

There were many tribes of dragons within this floating land that was the size of half of Australia; magic itself aiding the hiding as such, but it is deep within that a dragon female roared out in frustration alongside another as they were close to at last finding their adopted-by-blood.

The first was a dragon in human form that had Lily's own hair coloring, but with the same eyes like Merida has in design; in a darker-green color, and golden-glowing pupils. She had a delicate looking face that resembled oddly enough to Jennifer Lawrence (7), and had an athletic/hourglass figure while having a basic shoulder-length hairstyle with her ears having a black-metal clasp on both.

She was known as Keristrasza (8); a former daughter to the leader of the dragon's back on Azeroth.

The second dragon was a former commander that was killed by heroes as such in the same world, and also more magically aligned as such to magic than her lover, and she had blonde hair that was braided into a crown with two silver beads on the sides of her hair and had pointed ears, and entire body and face resembled Megan Fox (9), but her own eyes were blood-red in design with black pupils, and had Nightfallen (10) tribal marks on her body as well.

This female drake was known as Cyanigosa (11).

"We were so close this time My Love, it will be alright," Keristrasza gently states to reassure her mate who was indeed sad from their bond, but stated sadly to her while looking right into her eyes, "I know, My Red, but I was hoping we will find her sooner as you felt; Just like I have, of her blocks that fool had help with has finally freed itself, and it would only be a matter of time…" "Yes I know, My Blue, but like I tell you: We will find her and also aid her as best as we can."

Keristrasza then kissed Cyanigosa on the lips gently to reassure her mate with her feelings from the bond; making Cyanigosa smile small in mixed understanding back, "Perhaps we should try again tomorrow, My Love, and maybe have better luck?"

Cyanigosa only nodded as they gotten up, and left their bedroom and went to re-energize themselves with cooked food they have waiting for them.

Well, guys here is chapter one to my new story.

Yes, I added Marvel and bits of World of Warcraft into this fic, but it is all within good reason I assure you guys. Plus I did state that way up at the top within my Announcement as such.

Now this story will continue as such, and it will be; like Hoshiko Story I already posted, would hopefully be enough to satisfy you guys until I unleash my Weiss Story's next chapter eventually.

Now here are some numbers folks (A lot this time, sorry):

1: It is the American Version of the British Ministry

2: The Marvel Movie Version of him

3: The Movie Version of him

4: The Movie Version of him

5: Movie Version of her, but younger as mentioned (Why not as this is AU)

6: Based on the Popular Multiplayer Online Game for nearly 14 years (From 20018 that is) world

7: 2015 "X-Men First Class" version

8: From World of Warcraft Online Game, and is the End Boss in the Wrath Content of said game, and daughter to the Red Dragon Aspect Leader.

9: Transformer's 2 Version

10: A Race that's current from being added to play as in the current expansion to World of Warcraft: Battle for Azeroth (BFA)

11: A blue aspect drake and as mentioned, and was an End Boss in Wrath Version of "Violet Hold" Dungeon.

I hope you enjoyed it as the next chapter things will get ex-citing as such, until the new chapter, peace out guys!