Hi, my faithful Draco/Ginny readers and those of you who are interested in the crazed writer who made sweet, little Ginny a prostitute. That writer would be me.

Okay, there's a bit of explaining that I need to do about this story. It isn't going to be a happy one, not in the least. It's a dark story that deals with the emotional states of the two main characters, Draco and Ginny, and why they made the decisions they did. It's not going to be a fluffy, happy romance. I know I've written them and I know you may have read them, but this story isn't going to be one. I want to do something serious, rather than sugary-sweet, like what my old fic was going to be.

This story is going to be rated R due to content. It's going to deal with sex, violence, and war. It's not for those of you who don't feel like they can handle these themes, and children shouldn't read it at all.

So, this is the author just saying that this story isn't going to be a light-hearted frolic through fan-fic land. And that you read at your own risk.

Now, go ahead and read! And make sure you leave comments, good or bad.





Scarlet Woman



She walked down the street, her stiletto heels clicking a steady beat that echoed in the empty road. She shivered in the street as a cold wind swept the first leaves of fall into the sky, streetlight making their vibrant hues beautiful in the pitch black night. Leaning, slowly, against a streetlight, she waited for her first customer of the night.


Draco was tired, he was angry, and he was alone. The main problems with his current state of mind were revolved around a lingering memory, one he couldn't shake. So what if it'd happened almost five years ago? The damned thing wouldn't leave him alone.

So, he was going to do what he always did in this situation: get himself a cheap "date," release this horrible tension that was threatening to overtake him, and get on with his life.

That is, until you need to do it again. And again. He thought sardonically. Glancing towards the corners, he checked out the merchandise in the area. Draco usually looked for red heads, a trait that wasn't common on the street. So, when he saw a flash of red moving under a streetlight, he immediately went towards it.

As he got closer, the characteristics of the prostitute became more apparent. She wasn't tall, only about 165 centimeters tall, and she had a slender look about her. Her hair was long, wavy, and sent light refracting in hues of gold and fire-red. Draco couldn't help but think she was a perfect match.


She'd seen him from a mile away. He was, of course, the reason she was on the streets now, but she had never thought that they would run into each other again. Fate had it out for her, though, ever since her first year at school. There was no way to escape the fact that Life wanted her to suffer. That was why, when he walked over, she decided to let him know the truth, if he asked. And, of course, he did.


End Prologue