A week later the meeting room was set and already sitten where the world leaders and representatives that were secretly allied with Starwatch. They looked to the secret hidden door and then soon coming in through the other doors were the invited representives and world leaders. Various kings, chancellors and other leaders came and sitted down surrounded by their personal security detail.
"I thank you all for coming and I believe we all known by now the dangerous state our world is in. An invasion of alien creatures we know are called Mobians, started with the first appearance of Sonic in the United Federation. It has been causing riots and unrest around the world but I think we can come up with a solution. Now this meeting has been set up by a special benefactor and he will be our host." One of them greeted before pointing to the hidden door.
"Now can I please ask you give a warm welcome to our host, a man who has the best interests for our planet and race at heart. Please welcome the head of Starwatch: Colonel Percy Granite!" the man introduced and about everyone who didn't known this was coming became alarmed.
Then entered Granite and then in came the hidden Starwatch soldiers who surrounded the place, when the security guards went into attack formation they were taken down. Then the Starwatch soldiers began aiming at everyone not in on the plan and forcing them to remain in their seats.
They were terrified and angry and one of the masked what kind of game they were pulling there, "This is no game and I am very sorry for what must happen. Alien invaders are being welcomed by ignorant governments and my men and I have been branded as terrorists by the rest of the world for being brave enough to stand up and fight proactively against the alien freaks. It is with a heavy heart that I must act and do what it takes to eliminate all threats to our planet." Granite told them with a false reassuring voice and the soldiers began getting to work putting the mind control tech on the hostages.
"Okay Dr Robotnik, please activate the technology and have them order their police and military to stand down for the moment." Granite said through the communication device in his ear. Soon enough their eyes widened up and they looked like they were in a trance. They began giving orders to their governments to have their militaries step down.
Of course they would be confused and some military officials may kick up a fuss but they were having them be giving it as official orders from the leaders of their government. Hopefully they can get this done before their governments start asking for an explanation.
After about half an hour Granite then gave the order to Robotnik to start sending his robot army to all their countries. The officials and world leaders as his allies had already gave the orders several days ago and had them ready for this.
With the might Starwatch will have with several countries under their rule and a huge robot army, the rest of the world will soon be forced to listen to their demands. If not then they will be crushed by Starwatch. They will be begging for forgiveness for labelling them all as terrorists.
It will come but with conditions.
In the past week Commander Tower had been talking with President Hurst and then with the British Government about what to with Knuckles. After some talk Geoffrey St John had relayed a statement from the British Prime Minister after discussing it with his cabinet. The fact that he had stolen a Chaos Emerald from Starwatch who had ended up becoming a rogue terrorist cell (with them wondering what it could have meant if they kept the Chaos Emerald) became something to overlook. The message said that as long as the United Federation and GUN kept a close look on Knuckles, they were willing to have him pardoned.
Commander Tower and President Hurst ultimately decided that Knuckles would be allowed to continue to stay at the Mobian Refugee Center provided that he serves his time with community service. Knuckles agreed and he still seemed silent about it.
Sonic and Tails at the moment was with Topaz on the elevator down to the Mobian Refugee Center, they had been allowed to be giving day offs from their tutoring (to Sonic's relief) to be allowed to attend this special occasion. This was the ceremony for the official formation of the council of the Mobius Refugee Center.
5 Mobians had been elected seats on the Council and would meet regularly, there would be a rotating chairman for each meeting but it would be a meeting of equals. They would have equal power and each decision they would make would be made with a vote between them. They would run as the government and representatives to the Humans and GUN.
They reached there and saw the crowds of Mobian walking to the stage that was set up in front of the Government building stage where this ceremony would take place. They then began walking to the crowds but then saw an excited yellow blur coming their way.
Sonic moved out of the way stopping Mina from pouncing Sonic with a huge, he then smirked as she stood there looking disappointed and Sonic told her "not bad Mina but you're still too slow to catch me by surprise a second time! I hope you don't have any dreams of overtaking me as the fastest thing alive!"
Topaz rolled her eyes as Sonic's cocky attitude and Tails began asking Mina if she was excited. "Of course I am excited, we will have representation for our species here and my Mum was the councillor elected with the most votes!" Mina said excitedly jumping with joy on the spot with her hands clapped together.
"Of course she would be elected as she has plenty of experience as a politician on a boring stuffy old council." Sonic muttered rolling her eyes and Mina had her arms crossed with a bit of a glare.
"Don't be too offended for your mother Mina; he only has slightly more respect for the President who proclaimed him a Hero on live TV." Topaz told her with Sonic just giving a shrug. They then joined the crowd around the stage as the ceremony was just beginning.
At the podium on the stage was Knuckles who was chosen to lead the ceremony and he didn't look all thrilled to be there, Sonic snickered to glares from the Mobians around him as Knuckles started reading from his card "welcome Mobians to the official formation of the Mobian Refugee Center Council of Representatives! Let me introduce to you the councillors by order of how low the vote count was. First let's introduce Councillor Hamlin Pig!"
There were a few genuinely excited claps but most were just polite claps as Hamlin tried to make himself look important as he walked up the podium in his Councillor jacket. Clearly he was not a very popular candidate in the race. Sonic yawned as Hamlin began his speech.
"Thank you for that welcome, now I realised that I got in by a slim number of votes but I am still honoured to have make the cut onto this council of representatives for our kind to the Humans and I will fight for our best interests! I will make sure the humans answer for our kind being hunted down!" Hamlin said and then finished his speech with as few claps as possible. Sonic only gave a single mock clap when nudged by Mina.
Then came Cyril Eagle an elderly eagle Mobian who got a more genuine claps for him and made a speech about hoping he can use his experience to help on the Council. Penelope Platypus a purple platypus Mobian who got a good amount of claps and made a speech about wanting to help her kind on the new planet. Then there was Mighty the Armadillo a red, black and yellow Mobian who looked confident and Sonic had a liking to him. He made a speech about making sure they were safe and gave a shout out to his best friend Ray the Squirrel in the crowd.
He was cheered as he joined his fellow Councillors with them looking amused except for Hamlin who was quite disapproval of Mighty. "Finally Councillor Isabella Mongoose!" introduced Knuckles and the cheers and claps were definitely the loudest as Isabella came to the podium to speak.
"Thank you and I want to thank those who chose me to become part of this Council of representatives and I want to thank the United Federation for giving us a place to be safe here on this planet." Isabella said through the microphone and then cleared her breath to get to the meat of her speech. She then continued "now I wish I could come up here and say otherwise but this is indeed a scary time for us right now. By that phenomenon we have been whisked away from our homes and landed here scared and confused on planet Earth. We have been taken in but we found out a cell of humans of Humans on earth called Starwatch have begun hunting us down, wanting to kill every single one of us on the pretence of accusations that we are an invading alien army. That is all true and I don't blame anyone who is still terrified but I hope that I can help you all stay united as well as reach out to help the other Mobians lost on Earth. We can work together with the Humans to keep us all safe and hopefully one day find a way to return us back to Mobius. I thank you all!"
Isabella gave a bow to the applause as she finished her speech, even Sonic joined in. He had to admit for how shaky their relationship had been; Isabella's mum sure knew how to make a good speech and put her experience as a politician to good use.
The ceremony was over and Mina looked to Sonic and Tails, "So Sonic, Tails can I ask how you have been getting on having your education in this building?" Mina asked remembering it had been a while since she last been to school herself.
Sonic sighed and with his arms crossed "pretty boring if you ask me..." he said before ruffling the fur on Tails' head to his embarrassment. "But Tails can tell you about his pet project, he calls it the Tornado!" Sonic said encouraging Tails with a nudge to talk his project.
Tails nervously explained to Mina and her friends who came over to hear "well I have been working on upgrading this plane and I plan to call it the Tornado. It can act as a fighter plane and transform."
"Glad to hear you have been busy at school Tails, wish I wasn't shocked that you don't find it very appealing Sonic. You never had much respect for the school system Sonic. It was a miracle if we could get you to attend a full day at school." Commented Isabella walking over to them and was greeted by a hug from her daughter.
"You were great out there Mum!" Mina told her with a proud look on her face as Isabella responded with a smile. Sonic then noticed Knuckles walking slowly from the stage, he then called to him to come over but he was ignored.
He was about to shout to him some more when they saw the screens on the walls said there was an urgent breaking news story which caught the attention of every Mobian and GUN Personnel there.
The news report showed a massive invasion of various countries around the world by SWAT Bots, it showed them forcing people into their homes and taking down all military and law enforcement. Scarlet Garcia said that most of the government bodies in those countries have fallen already and there is a video message being played on all media there and has been sent to their station as well.
Everyone became scared and concerned and it showed the video and it had Dr Robotnik smirking while facing the camera and wearing a red military uniform jsut like the one he wore before being arrested. There were mutterings from everyone, Tails was frozen on the spot and strong glares from Sonic, the GUN agents and especially Knuckles. They listened as Robotnik made a speech:
"Ladies and gentlemen, citizens of Planet Earth and some citizens from other planets if you are watching this; it has been so long since I have been able to make a public statement but I am of course Dr Ivo Julian Robotnik! It's hard to beleive that not too long ago you hailed me as Humanity's savour during its darkest time when we all though our destruction at the hands of the Black Arms seemed inevitable! Since then I have been called a monster and several less polite terms while a blue hedgehog alien has been hailed as your new hero. Don't worry I will be forgiving to you all as I now see you need a leader to guide you! You know in the near decade of peace we had since the end of the War with the Black Arms, I had been content with being a humble inventor and businessman while you all knew me as your champion. But since certain 'revelations' have come to light, I have had time to think to myself and I have had a realisation. You have all became complacent and misguided, misguided enough to turn on your saviour. You don't just need me to act as your saviour but also as your leader! From the ashes of Eggman Inc I am now starting the all new Eggman Empire, right now I now lead roughly 12.5% of the entire globe but I assure you that number will grow. I will spreading my powerbase beyond until the entire planet is under the glorious regime of the Eggman Empire. I urge all world leaders to surrender peacefully for your saftey and the saftey of your civilians, resistance really is futile and I don't want any unnecessary collateral. I promise that once the entire planet accepts me as their new leader; there will be true peace!"
Everyone was growing restless as the video ended and the GUN agents began getting hard at work in response. Sonic was standing there thinking that though he never did like things to be quiet; it seemed that nothing did stay quiet since he had gotten to Earth.
Dr Starline was in a room outside his main lab attending to his newest guest; a large Mobian elephant who looked quite weak and was silent for the most part. He was glad to have finally been able to meet the legendary Master Mogul after arranging for his freedom from the Master Emerald.
His calculations predicted the clash between 5 Chaos Emeralds and the Master Emerald could be enough to release Master Mogul and he was so glad he was right. Of course Mogul was weak from having been in the Master Emerald for so long but he was helping him as he got his strength up.
He had been using the Warp Topaz to show him a view of Mobius today as well as Planet Earth, explaining the circumstances of how the Chaos Emeralds ended up on this planet called Earth. He had also told it was an honour to meet him and he spent his career studying him and investigating possible ways to free him.
Starline was using the Warp Topaz to show him the invasion of SWAT Bots in the countries around the world; he had to admit he was quite impressed with what Robotnik had accomplished after getting a hold of the 4 Chaos Emeralds. Shame that it seems they will inevitably have to come to blows. Oh well, the good Dr served his purpose to him for the moment.
Hopefully they will have a chance to join forces again.
Starline had also been showing him the inside of the Mobian Refugee Center which his personally selected spy was at. Starline was surprised to hear a low but quite authoritarian voice say:
"That is... The one I chose to be Knuckles?"
Starline froze and turned to see Mogul facing him as if waiting for a response, Starline grew giddy and excited that Mogul was actually speaking to him. "Yes sir, unfortunately he seemed to have lost himself since the destruction of your Angel Island."
"Disappointing, I always intended the one who I chose to be Knuckles to be the general of my Echidna army after I am freed. I finally decide it's time to go free and choose my Knuckles herald and now I find my army to be extinct due to a civil war and my Knuckles a shadow of his former self." Mogul stated with a glare to the view from the portal.
"Sorry about all that, perhaps if he knew you were now free then it would bring back his resolve." Starline offered and Mogul faced him.
"You had 4 Chaos Emeralds and you gave it to the Eggman with the metal men army?" Mogul questioned and Starline gulped nervously.
"It was part of a ploy to have you released; I can always have them retrieved later as well as retrieve the other 3 Emeralds..." Starline stated fearfully looking like he could plead for his life at any second.
Mogul looked like he was contemplating things before facing Starline, "Dr Starline, was it?" Mogul asked and Starline gave a nod with a big grin at Mogul saying his name for the first time. "I find the circumstances of my return different from what I expected and this new world to put into. You have giving my quite a lot to think about and I need to readjust any plans I have made. Please continue with your search for the 3 unaccounted for Emeralds and show me what plans you can put together for this Earth planet. For now I need to think and regain my strength and this is your chance to show me what you can do." Mogul told him and Starline eagerly bowed before him.
"Do you want me to alert your herald of your return?" Starline asked and Mogul shook his head.
"No, work him into your plans if you wish to but for now let's see if he can regain his resolve on his own." Mogul ordered and Starline gave a look of confirmation.
Granite and his counsel were back on Space Colony Ark with the rest of his military staff and the officials who joined with him willingly. The SWAT Bots army were now enforcing martial law and a curfew on everyone there for the time being and they were discussing. Granite and his men would take over running of the governments of the coerced countries while the rest of them will be free to run their countries as before enjoying the protection of the SWAT Bots as long as Starwatch has ultimate authority on matters involving the alien menaces.
Unfortunately in the prison cells of the Space Colony Ark, they will have to contain the world leaders and officials that would not work with them willingly. It was regrettable but extreme measures had to be taken to protect their planet.
Granite will soon make a public statement to the media and the rest of the world and it will be the only warning the world will have to recognise him as a world leader now and Starwatch as the ultimate superpower in the world. He will have to give his citizens the new laws that no action against the SWAT Bots or Starwatch officials will be tolerated and they have to report any sightings of Mobians or any aliens. They will be warned there will be grave consequences for any traitors trying to help any aliens.
"What do you say gentleman, now that I am a world leader perhaps I need a new title than Colonel. How about Chancellor or President Percy Granite?" Granite asked and he heard some suggestions from his associates. He then picked up a glass after filling it with champagne, "how about a toast to the glorious reinvention of Starwatch and the start of the fall of the alien menaces..." Granite asked only for one of the soldiers demanding to see him while charging in.
This caused Granite to end up dropping his glass and it smashed on the ground. He then angrily asked that it had better be important, he had ruined this moment. The soldier told them all to follow him.
They followed him to the screens showing the news report and blinked when they the SWAT Bots were enforcing the curfew on even then countries on their side willingly, all flags were being taken. Government officials were being rounded up even the loyal ones. The flags were being replaced by flags of the old Eggman Inc logo. All government buildings were having banners of the logo put up.
Then came the video that Robotnik had sent.
Their mouths were wide open and everyone was looking to granite asking what was going on. "Let's find out together..." Granite stated gnashing his teeth together silently promising that Robotnik had pushed his luck with him too far this time. They then furiously went to look for Robotnik only for the SWAT Bots to forcibly take them by the shoulders.
They tried to fight but were forced to the prison cells and they were all put into empty ones, the laser energy doors activated preventing them from escaping. They then saw Robotnik greeting them in his Egg Mobile and in his new jacket. "How dare you Dr, how dare you have the audacity to do this! What is this stunt you are pulling, after everything I had done for you! I had bent over backwards to help you and if it wasn't for Starwatch you would still be waiting to either rot in a prison cell forever or be executed! This is how you repay us, you ungrateful blob!" Granite ranted and roared kicking the solid door.
"Don't worry Colonel, I shared your dreams of saving the world; once I take over the entire planet I will reshape it into a Utopia! I will be sure to thank you in my memoirs for helping me get started and you will all be spared. From your luxurious suites, you will have front row seats for the beginning of the glorious Eggman Empire!" Robotnik told them smugly flying by ignoring their demands and furious rants.
He had a lot of work to do now but he was basking in this victory, Robotnik thought to himself:
"Long live the Eggman Empire!"
This was the plan I had even when writing the first arc of the fic and why I introduced Granite. It was always intended to have Robotnik arrested, Granite busts him out and forces Robotnik to work for him while he plans to become the Starscream, betray him at the right moment and start his Eggman Empire. Consider these few chapters as an arc where Robotnik was the main character and manages to put into motion the events where he gets to betray and dismantle Starwatch while building his planned Empire. Granite's purpose along with Jerome Wise were to act as Big Bad Wannabes. Hope that gets in if someone makes a TV tropes page of this story.