Chapter 14


The following day at school, Yasutora came in as normal, he was healed completetly after he visit to the man with the striped bucket hat. He came into class as normal and assumed his normal activities in class. Whilst listning to his home room teacher, he looked to his left where Rukia was sitting

Rukia hadnose in her book, but Yasutora noticed that she was was frowning, he had onticed that she wasn't as talkative as she usually was. Yasutora stared for a little while and then Rukia noticed him at the corner of her eye, she her head whilst keeping her face covered in her book.

"What?" She whispered, she rose a eye brow in confusion.

Yasutora didn't say anything in response which made her even more confused. He glanced and saw Orihime staring at him, he full turned and her eyes widened and her mouth fell open slightly and then she immediatly faced the front. At this Yasutora rose a brow in confusion.

When classes ended Yasutora was packing his stuff away, Rukia got up from her desk tapped Yasutora on the shoulder.

" Why were you looking at me?" Rukia asked.

"You looked sad." Yasutora answered,

"I'm fine, don't worry about me." Rukia said looking away.

Yasutora didn't say anything, he just looked at her.


That night Yautora had come out of the bathroom and went to the the front room and flicked the light swtich, he looked around but he didn't find Rukia, he looked at the clock and saw that it was almost two-o-clock. He ran some ideas through his head, he noticed she was withdrawn during school and when they had gotten home she wanted to be left alone.

"This never happened before, why is she acting like this now?"

"I knew there was something up, I bet its that Soul Society place." He said

His eyes caught glpmph's of something on the table, he walked towards it and saw that it was a folded piece of paper, he opened it and saw that it was a message but it didn't make any sense. He went over it a cuople of times but it still didn't make any sense.

" Do not look for me or worry. Burn this letter after you finish reading it and if you can... go into hiding." Yasutora read. He crushed the paper in his hands, his suspions were confirmed, but what could he do? Without Rukia he wasn't able to transform.

"Fear not young man." Yasutora immediatly whipped his head to his window, and what looked like a giant computer screen was floating right outside of Yasutora's window and on the screen appeared a famlair face, and the large teen's widened his eyes in susprise. He ran to his window and opened it.

"You're that guy from the cemetary." He said at the screen where a man with ginger hair was being presented standing in an empty looking room.

"Indeed, my name is Ovi Kintobor, I am an expert in the field of robotics and the like. " He bowed his head, "I know where you're friend is and I can take you to her if you wish."


Rukia ran through the dark streets of Karakura with a frown on her face and her eyes cast on the ground as thoughts raced through her mind.

Hey Rukia! Do you like Sado Yasutora?

Rukia narrowed her eyes"Wheather I like him or hate him. Love, companionship and friendship... are nothing but saddening emotions!"

"Am I... getting too attached to this world?"She said outloud.

"Yes! So you knew after all!?""

Rukia froze and looked behind her and she saw standing on a telephone pole, a young man with a spiky red pony tail, wearing a black robe and wieliding a sword. He smirked firecely," You can only live for jusr a little longer!" He shouted.

"Abrai Renji could that be you?!" Rukia exclaimed.

Suddenly, the young man jumped down and swung his sword down at Rukia who instinctively stepped backwards. The sword hit the ground and a massive explosion of energy erupted from the sword's strike.

"A hunter from the Soul Society is standing right behind you... and you're too losr in your own thoughts to notice! Ypu've become soft in these last three months!" Said Renji, he lifted his sword off the now damaged ground, put it over his shoulder and loomed over Rukia," Call him Rukia. Call the Human who stole your powers!" He snapped.

Rukia remained silent.

"Don't just stand there and stare at me with that human-like expression!" He spat," You're from the noble Kuchiki clan! You should not be holding that human expression! Don't you agree. Kuchiki-sama?"

Rukia tuend around and saw another young man but a but older than Renji. He wore the same attire as Renji but, he wore a scarf around his shoulders and on his long black hair with headpieces on the top and side of his head

"Byakuya-Aniki!" Rukia said, she began to sweat.


Yasutora scarched the back of his head nervously. Suddenly, the screen fizzled out like a tv and then when the picture returned it showed Rukia being cornered by two shady figures wearing black robes, one of them had stepped forward and swung their sword verically at Rukia who stepped backwards.

"Wait, who're they?!" Yasutora asked, alarmed.

" Shinigami sent from the Soul Society," The man's voice said,"They've come to arrest Rukia."

"Arrest?" Yasutora said alarmingly, he continued to watch the screen.

"Yes. rUKIA has commited a serious crime when she trasnferred her powers to you and because of this she will be setenced to death."

Yasutora seized up,"Setnenced to death, but I was the one who took her powers in the first place! It should be me dying not her."

On the screen a blue arrow flew past and then it showed Uryu on screen holding a bow aimnig at the Shinigami.

"Wait, how are you even getting this?"

"Nanobots, handy little things fitted with satalites like a television allowing me to view whats going on, where I want."

Yasutora blinked,"Is that how you found out about me?"

" I'm afraid so, don't worry!" He quikcly said," I only looked at your battles against the creatures you fought."

Before Yasutora could think about that he saw that on screen that the Shinigami quite easily dodged Uryu's arrows, Yasutora narrowed his eyes he knewUryu quickly got himself into a tight bind,"Uryu's in trouble, he needs to get out of there, there's no way that he will be able to beat those guys."

"Quite right," The Ovi said,"But what will you do?"

"Get Uryu out of there." Yasutora answered.

"What about the young lady?"

Yasutora paused,"I'm... not sure, I can try and get her out."

"I can help, just focus on getting the boy out of there first."

The the screen turned white and suddenly Yasutora was dragged in by a white light.


Uryu laid on the ground unmmoving with blood pouring out from his side and Renji stood over him with his sword over his shoulder, the Shinigami grinned," I told you so." He remarked..

Meanwhile Rukia looked on in terror

"He's gotten stronger, a lot stronger." Rukia gulped,"I won't even be a match for him."

Renji raised his sword,"Remember this before you die. Abrai Renji! This is the name of the man who killed you!" Renji swiftly brought down his sword.

All of a sudden the a large screen appeared out of thin air and from it Sado Yasutora fell out bathed in a strnage white energy, he hit the ground in front of Renji.

"What the hell?" Renji said, he looked up at the computer screen that was blank.

Yasutora picked himself off the ground and went to Uryu and gently shook him,"Uryu, can you hear me?"

" did you get here?" Uryu coughed.

"Don't worry, because we're heading out."

Meanwhile Rukia didn't know what to feel at the moment, she just remained still.

"Ready!" Yasutora shouted and then the screen unleashed a brust of white enerfy that swamped Yasutora and Uryu and then it was abosrobed back into the screen and with that the screen disspeared.

"What the hell happened? Who was that guy? and where did they go?" Renji said with a mix of surprise and anger


Yasutora hit the ground with Uryu on top of him,"Ow."

"Oh ho! We finally meet Sado Yasutora, its indeed a pleasure to finally meet you."

Yasutora looked up and saw Ovi standing with the computer based robot that he saw in the cemetary.

"Tin-Tin, take the Quincy to the recovery room."

"Brrish!" The machine extended its tube-like arms and took Uyru off Yasutora and carried Uryu over it to door that opened by itself.

Yasutora stood up and looked at the man, he was a little shorter than he was and he didn't appear to be quite old.

" Hello Kintobor-san" Yasutora greeted

