"My mom's cookies are better than yours anyway!" Superboy glared to Granny Goodness.

"Burn!" Thunder Lad laughed to that.

"Do you think that I actually like to bake cookies?!" Granny Goodness glared at the boy of steel.

"I thought old ladies loved baking cookies." Superboy replied innocently.

"Are you kidding me?! I hate baking cookies!" Granny Goodness told him.

"Well, that's a shame." Superboy replied.

"Oh, get out of here!" Granny Goodness glared in annoyance.

"Anyway, give up; you already know we're gonna beat you." Thunder Lad told Granny Goodness.

"I don't think so," Granny Goodness glared. "You boys can't be a match for my Female Furies."

"Ooh..." Thunder Lad said before looking to Superboy. "My parents say I can't hit girls."

"Dang it, same here." Superboy groaned.

Stompa soon stomped down in front of them.

"That's a lady?" Thunder Lad asked.

"I'm not sure." Superboy shrugged before being kicked down by Stompa.

"SB!" Thunder Lad cried out.

"You're next, big boy," Stompa grinned darkly to him and soon tackled him, only for him to suddenly disappear like he had teleported away. "Where'd you go, coward?!"

"Thunder Lad...?" Superboy asked, a bit concerned.

Thunder Lad blinked as he was suddenly outside of the school now. "How in the world...?" The teenage warlock asked as he didn't seem to know what he did.

Stompa soon ran up behind him to tackle him. Superboy soon blocked her path. Stompa soon grabbed a hold of him with a growl.

"SB!" Thunder Lad cried out.

"Time that I knock you down a size." Stompa smirked at Superboy.

"You can try," Superboy glared. "I should fight you. You're no lady!"

"Oh, you're dead!" Stompa glared back to that.

"You can do it, buddy." Thunder Lad told Superboy.

"Thanks, Thunder Lad." Superboy replied as he soon kicked Stompa off from him, sending her back against the school slightly.

"Ooh, you'll pay for that." Stompa glared at Superboy.

Two people seemed to be flying in the air.

"Now, Super Hero High should be around here somewhere." A blonde woman in a red, white, and blue outfit told the teenage girl with her who seemed familiar.

"Hey, that looks like Cherry's friend Cathleen." Atticus said, pointing at the screen to the teenage girl.

Drell was soon heard whistling innocently.

"Is there something you wanna share with us, Uncle Drell?" Thor asked, suspiciously.

"Surprise!" Drell smiled.

"Why is it whenever he says that, I feel anxiety?" Cherry commented.

"The reason why that looks like Cathleen is because that is her." Drell told them.

"Of course it is, I mean, Power Girl is her aunt, and-" Cherry replied before cupping her mouth. "Oops. I don't think I was supposed to tell anyone that."

"Her aunt is Power Girl?!" Atticus, Mo, Patch, and Thor smiled.

Cherry looked a little nervous.

"They had to find out sooner or later," Drell told her. "It's okay if you tell them, I mean, your godfather is Batman and Atticus's is Superman."

"Thanks..." Cherry sighed in relief. "It's just that Cath trusted me to keep that secret for a while."

"We understand." Atticus said.

They soon continued to watch until Cathleen and her superhero aunt came in front of the school.

"I guess we came at a bad time?" Cathleen commented to her superhero aunt.

They soon saw Patch running through the battle field and was making his way up stairs.

"Was that a dog?" Power Girl asked.

Cathleen shrugged. Patch soon came to help out even though he was told to wait in Superboy and Green Lantern's room, and where he was making his way to the roof as Granny Goodness was now up there.

Stompa soon burst into the school and shoved Beast Boy out of the way, even if he had morphed into an elephant. And where Superboy was soon seen flying towards her to put her in the ground.

"You again?!" Stompa sneered to the Boy of Steel.

"You're going down, girly." Superboy glared.

"Ooh, you're asking for it now!" Stompa glared back as she soon charged at the Boy of Steel.

Superboy gulped a little nervously as he soon did his best to defend himself against her. And where he soon got some help from Ivy. Superboy looked over.

"I got you, Superboy." Ivy smiled to her possible new friend.

"Thanks for the help." Superboy smiled back.

"Of course, I'm always there to help a friend in need." Ivy smiled.

Superboy smiled back, feeling touched to have more friends in this place since he and Supergirl would be learning here for a while until they were ready like Superman. He soon flew off to face off against Granny Goodness. Ivy then decided to take care of Stompa for him.

"Supergirl?" Wonder Woman called out as she came to the front of the school.

Artemiz then got ready to shoot an arrow right at her.

"Supergirl?!" Wonder Woman called out.

A vine soon caught the arrow and where the vine was from Nature Girl. Artemiz glared and looked over while Nature Girl waved innocently.

"Keep going!" Nature Girl called out to Wonder Woman.

Wonder Woman nodded before continuing on.

"I think you need a time out, Arrow Girl." Nature Girl glared at Artemiz.

"We'll see about that." Artemiz glared back.

"Bring it on! I dare you!" Nature Girl challenged.'

Artemiz soon shot more arrows at Nature Girl as she used her own special abilities to repel them.

"You're much tougher than I thought." Artemiz glared.

"You shouldn't mess with a force of nature." Nature Girl glared back.

Artemiz was about to shoot another arrow. Nature Girl soon took the arrows and flung them back at Artemiz, pinning her against the wall with a small smirk.

"Wow, I'm awesome." Mo smiled.

"Yes, yes, you are." Atticus smiled back to her.

"Now kiss." Cherry deadpanned with a small smirk.

Atticus and Mo simply smirked back. Cherry glanced at them before shuddering as she hoped to not hear the baby talk among them which they always did to get back at her like Big Mac and Cheerilee under the effects of a love poison.

"It's almost over," Drell told the others. "Then you'll have another new assignment."

"Spy Kids?" Atticus asked, reminding him of the text he got from his spy cousin.

"Yes." Drell said.

"Good, wanted to make sure." Atticus said.

"Eh, it's only fair," Drell replied. "I thought maybe you guys would like to see Carmen and Juni again. Hopefully Carmen gets over her crush on Ferb."

"That girl likes that weird boy?" Cherry commented. "...That's... Weird."

They continued to watch the rest of the adventure.

"Here, kitty, kitty, kitty~" Mad Harriet laughed to Cheetah. "Lemme give you a nice scratch!"

Cheetah dodged her, only to fall to the floor with her replacement phone which soon opened up and shot rays into Mad Harriet's eyes, blinding her.

"Ooh, that's gotta leave a mark." Cathleen smirked.

Cheetah then tackled Mad Harriet before stuffing her in a locker. "Who are you?" she then asked.

"I'm Cathleen, Power Girl is my aunt," Cathleen replied. "My aunt's gonna try to be a new teacher while I'm a transfer student. I guess we came at a bad time."

"Or at a perfect time to help." Cheetah said.

"I'll do what I can," Cathleen replied. "I'm still trying to find myself."

"Hmm...~" Cheetah gave a small smirk.

Superboy and Supergirl were soon both flying away from Big Barda as she chased them.

"She doesn't give up, does she?" Superboy asked his cousin.

"I guess not." Supergirl replied.

"Nice flying." Batgirl smiled as she caught up with them on the outside with Lady Gothika.

Big Barda soon broke out after the door closed on her and she growled, glaring at the Superkids once she made it out. Superboy glared back, not afraid to fight her even if she was a girl. Batgirl laughed and soon tossed a Baterang at Big Barda, tying her up.

Big Barda groaned and soon hit the floor. "Help! Granny?!" she then called out. "Speed Queen? Artemiz?!"

"Phew! You're safe." Wonder Woman smiled as she came to them.

"So are you." Lady Gothika replied.

"Now there's only one villain left to defeat." Superboy said.

"Wait... Barbara, Cherry, are you guys wearing super-suits?" Wonder Woman asked in surprise.

"It's Lady Gothika now." Lady Gothika replied.

"And I'm Batgirl," Batgirl added. "And Superboy is right. We got Granny to stop. Come on!"

Unknown to them, Patch was right behind them, ready to take down Granny as well. They soon went off while Big Barda growled about being tied up like this. Granny Goodness and Perry were soon on their way only to see some teens fly out to them, much to Granny's confusion.

"Granny, give up." Wonder Woman demanded.

"NO! The amethyst will be mine!" Granny glared. "Sic 'em, Perry!"

"I'll handle her pet." Superboy told the others.

"You sure?" Lady Gothika asked just to make sure he knew what he was doing.

"I'm sure." Superboy smiled.

"All right, go for it then." Lady Gothika then allowed him to.

Perry snarled and soon lunged out for Superboy. Superboy flew straight at Perry to fight him off. Perry snarled as they got into a tumble on the floor. However, once Perry hit the floor, he seemed to scatter into dozens of smaller versions of himself.

"What the-?!" Superboy's eyes widened at first. "I did not see that coming."

The parademons soon scattered and began to attack him along with the others.

"Wow, who knew Parademons did that?" Lady Gothika commented.

Patch soon came to save Superboy and the others in his own way.

"Patch?!" Superboy gasped to his new dog.

"What is he doing out of your bedroom?!" Lady Gothika asked.

"Uh... I dunno!" Superboy replied.

"Leave Superboy alone!" Patch barked and growled as he came to the parademon army.

The parademon army simply laughed as they didn't find Patch as a threat.

"Patch, you should be in the room." Superboy said.

"I'm going to help you!" Patch told his new owner as he began to fight off the Parademon army.

Things didn't look too good for Super Hero High School so far. The parademons began to get annoyed as Patch actually seemed to be a challenge for them to get rid of him.

"Patch?!" Superboy called out.

"Don't worry about me!" Patch replied. "Let's just say I have a work-out whenever it comes to handling my brothers and sisters all the time! Can you imagine if there were 84 more of us?!"

"Um, funny should mention that because, um, there's going to be 84 more coming to the shelter." Nature Girl smiled sheepishly once she got on the roof.

"Wait, what?!" Patch asked before looking over only to get tackled by one of the parademons.

The parademon smirked as it was able to tackle him.

"Get off of me!" Patch glared as he faced that parademon.

The parademon simply shook his head before looking like it was going cut him.

Granny was soon close to the jewel before the others came behind her and she lifted a cookie jar over her head. "Take one more step, and you'll say goodbye to Super Hero High!" she then threatened.

"You're threatening us with cookies?" Superboy asked.

"It's a cookie jar and a granny grenade!" Granny smirked. "Did you really think I liked baking that much?!"

"I'm guessing no." Superboy said.

"I HATE BAKING!" Granny glared until she was tripped by Batgirl.

"Supergirl, Granny can't break through super-proof steel!" Batgirl told the Girl of Steel.

"You know what to do." Lady Gothika added.

Supergirl nodded and soon flew off.

"YOU NON-SUPER FOOL!" Granny glared to Batgirl, shattering her Baterang as she soon stood up.

"You've kept my own abilities from me!" Lady Gothika glared back.

"No one ever thought you would have any, but your parents thought it would be good for you to go to school here to make new friends," Granny scoffed. "Who would wanna be friends with you anyway?"

"I would." Superboy told her.

"You would, you're both hopeless." Granny scoffed.

"No, they are not!" Nature Girl glared as Supergirl tied Granny up with a super steel.

"Argh!" Granny glared as she was defeated so easily.

Superboy then took the cookie jar while Supergirl tied up Granny.

"It's gonna blow!" Superboy warned the others as he checked the timer.

"Well, then get rid of it!" Lady Gothika told him.

Superboy soon flew up in the sky with the jar.

"SUPERBOY!" Nature Girl cried out in concern.

Suddenly, there was an explosion in the sky.

"Do you think he's alright?" Nature Girl frowned.

"I-I'm sure he's fine..." Lady Gothika replied. "He has to be, right?"

"I... I never met another boy like him..." Nature Girl began to cry. "He was different... And special!"

They soon saw Superboy flying back down to them.

"Superboy..." Nature Girl smiled in relief.

"You guys miss me?" Superboy smiled as he flew down to the ground.

"Don't you ever make us worry like that again." Lady Gothika told him.

"Aww, you were worried about me?" Superboy asked.

"...Shut up." Lady Gothika muttered.

Patch was soon seen on top of the last parademon as he somehow got free.

"Patch!" Superboy called out to his dog.

"Don't worry, I got this!" Patch reassured as he fought independently despite being an earth puppy.

"You were actually able to take on all of the parademons." Nature Girl said impressed.

"Yeah, I guess I was," Patch smiled. "I guess I've been holding myself back a little."

"Patch, that was amazing," Superboy smiled back. "You're not just a one of a kind dog, you're a super dog!"

"I guess so." Patch smiled back.

Superboy smiled as this was going to be great at Super Hero High, but he felt nervous since Principal Waller didn't like pets in school.

Eventually, the Female Furies and Granny were all shackled and put under arrest along with the Parademons stuffed into a cage together.

"Where are they going to be sent, Principal Waller?" Nature Girl asked.

"Belle Reve Penitentiary and Juvenile Detention Center." Principal Waller replied once she found the perfect place.

The Female Furies all yelled out in total dismay and misfortune.

"At least it's not Florida." Granny muttered to herself.

"Who shall do the honors?" Nature Girl asked.

Vice-Principal Grodd soon walked in. "Let me help you take out the trash!" he then demanded.

"Oh, by all means, sir." Nature Girl allowed.

Vice-Principal Grodd soon picked up all of them and tossed them into the portal to take them away from Super Hero High School. "And take all your junk with ya!" he then added as he tossed the Parademon cage in after them.

"And they are outta here!" Nature Girl cheered.

"Oh, thank you, you saved us!" Batgirl beamed as she hugged the gorilla.

"All right," Vice-Principal Grodd blushed in the hug before pushing her aside, but patting her on the head. "Enough mushy stuff."

They soon came out of the Boom-Tubes to see the students and faculty of Super Hero High were cheering for their victory against Granny and the Female Furies. Superboy was seen holding his backpack close to him while cheering.

"Sorry if we misjudged you." Flash smiled nervously to his vice-principal.

"YES!" Vice-Principal Grodd snarled to him, Hawkgirl, and Bumblebee. "The whole lot of you are in detention for the rest of the year!"

This made the three look nervous.

"Heh, it was a joke, thank you." Vice-Principal Grodd chuckled, playfully hitting Flash in his shoulder.

"Who knew the vice-principal had a sense of humor?" Lady Gothika smirked.

Cheetah touched Batgirl's shoulder before showing the phone. "Your text saved me. Thanks, non-I mean, Barbara."

"It's Batgirl now, and you're welcome." Batgirl smiled.

"Whoo-hoo! You were all that and two bags of chips!" Harley Quinn beamed to the Superkids.

"Thanks." Superboy smiled.

Batgirl checked her phone as it went off and soon walked off to take a call. "Hey, Dad, is the spaghetti ready?"

The janitor soon came by to clean up the mess.

"Power Girl, I'm so glad you could make it." Principal Waller smiled to the new hero who came to visit Super Hero High.

"I just wish we had come at a better time." Power Girl smiled back.

"It's quite all right, and I understand you have a new student joining you?" Principal Waller reassured before asking.

"My niece, Cathleen." Power Girl introduced.

"Hi!" Cathleen piped up.

"I can see a little of you in her." Principal Waller said.

Cathleen smiled bashful. "I don't think I'm as pretty as my aunt though."

"Welcome to Super Hero High School, Cathleen." Principal Waller smiled to the teenage girl.

"Thank you." Cathleen replied.

"Why is that student holding his backpack so close?" Power Girl asked Principal Waller while pointing to Superboy.

Principal Waller soon looked over.

"Um, hello, Miss Power Girl, ma'am, it's nice to meet you." Superboy smiled sheepishly.

"Is there a reason why you're holding your backpack close to you?" Power Girl asked.

"Uh... This is my special backpack." Superboy smiled nervously.

"Then why are you smiling nervously?" Principal Waller asked.

"I dunno what you mean, ma'am." Superboy replied.

Principal Waller crossed her arms, raising an eyebrow. Superboy sighed in defeat and soon zipped open his bag to show his new pet which was Patch. Patch seemed to only stay still to try and look like a stuff animal.

"What's this then?" Principal Waller asked.

"My... Uh... Good luck charm." Superboy told his superior.

Power Girl soon gave Patch a little squeeze, causing him to bark once, showing he was more than just a stuffed animal.

"It's one of those stuffed animals that has those voice boxes." Nature Girl smiled nervously.

"Yeah, so, I'm gonna take him in my room now." Superboy added, just as nervous.

"Jeez, no matter what universe it is, Atticus sucks at lying." Cherry commented.

"Luckily they fell for that lie." Drell said.

"What?" Cherry asked flatly.

"Yep!" Drell replied.

"So, uh, is it over?" Mo asked as this seemed like the end.

"For this one." Drell said.

"This one?" The others asked as there seemed to be more than just this.

"Yep." Drell nodded.

The others looked curious, but they had to stop it right there.

"That seems like a nice school," Atticus smiled. "I'm glad Supergirl decided to stay in Super Hero High."

"And so is your alternate universe self." Drell smiled back.

"I'm glad..." Atticus replied.

"So, uh, what's this about your cousin Bridget now?" Thor asked.

"Oh... Um..." Atticus said before looking to Drell, wondering if it would be okay to tell Thor or not.

Drell simply shrugged.

"You can tell Thor~" Thor cooed to his best friend.

"Well... All right," Atticus replied. "My cousin Bridget is a spy, and she knows this couple who used to spy together until they started a family, and then their kids got involved on an adventure with us at one point. She's hoping to start an organization called The Spy Kids."

"Ooh... Like Agent Cody Banks." Thor smiled out of interest.

"Sure." Drell said.

"Hmm... I dunno if I can go or not..." Thor replied.

"I'll talk to your parents about it, but yeah, that's Bridget," Drell said. "If my memory serves me well, Bridget helped Cherry, Atticus and Patch out when I sent them to Hillwood to help that Arnold kid."

"And you're right." Atticus said.

"Arnold... Something or other... That kid's last name escapes me." Drell muttered to himself.

"So, anyway, when do we leave?" Cherry asked.

"Uh... What?" Drell asked.

"To see Bridget!" The others told him.

"Oh... I guess that's up to her," Drell replied. "...I'm getting too old for this job."

"Um... Bridget says next week looks good so far." Atticus said as he checked his phone.

"So then that's when you go." Drell said.

"Does Bridget say anything else?" Cherry asked her best friend.

"Um... We may or may not meet another spy family..." Atticus replied.

Cherry took the phone to take a look with him. "Called... The X's?"

"That's a little confusing." Mo said.

"Yeah... Who are the X's?" Cherry asked.

"To be continued!" Drell laughed randomly.

"Yeah, right, like that's gonna-" Cherry started only to be interrupted by the ending.

To Be Continued...

"Told ya," Drell's voice said. "Never go against me when it comes to the Fates."

"SON OF A-" Cherry's voice complained.