A/N: Thanks for the comments.

Guest - Seeing they have already messed with Lena a lot I hope they don't mess up her or the friendship more during the crossover.

"The prodigal cape returns." Cat said as she joined Supergirl on her balcony.

"I've been around." Supergirl said.

"True, but it's been a while since you've visited here. The last time was when the Children of Liberty were throwing me off my building. Now I don't want to micromanage you, but if that happens again, rescuing me before I am thrown from the balcony would be preferable."

"I will bear that in mind." Supergirl said.

"So what brings you here?"

"Leviathan and the Children of Liberty aren't truly gone are they? I mean they will always be lurking somewhere." Supergirl said. "And Talia is still out there."

"True, that hidden underbelly of evil is something that has come to be associated with humanity." Cat agreed. "But if it didn't exist people wouldn't really be choosing to walk the path of right, it would be their only choice. As biblical as it may sound, we need temptation."

"They came so close. I mean the people weren't even questioning."

"That is why journalism still matters." Cat said. "And why you matter. Yes you may throw the odd prison towards the sun and fight off the occasional alien invasion, but your true power is the hope you bring and the self belief you can instil in others."

"But that is based on a lie."

"It is based on your actions and your selflessness."

"But I'm not. Sacrificing my own life was so much easier then loosing anyone else I cared about."

"There is nothing wrong with valuing others over yourself." Cat said. "Besides, you had others perform the role you were going to do. Something tells me if Power Girl and your mother hadn't been here you would have chosen a different path."

"Maybe. Perhaps I should have chosen that path anyway. I mean by doing what I did I gave Talia a way to get powers."

"So Talia and her goons get powers? So what? You know more than anyone how much of a curse they can be. In fact the only thing that appreciates that more is my handrail." Cat said nodding at the metal that had been bent out of shape by Supergirl's grip.

"Sorry." Supergirl said releasing the rail.

"I don't mind the rail, I care about why you did that. You can pretend you are fine, but it is obvious you are not. If Talia does come back stronger, this planet will need you on top of your game and right now you are nowhere near it. Which is not surprising, you have been through more than anyone should. But until you face the demons those experiences created, you will never be able to defeat someone like Talia. So what else is bothering you?"

"When I was with Talia, she exposed me to both the drug and Red-Kryptonite. No one was expecting that combination and as a result the cure almost killed me."

"But you are worried there is still some Red-Kryptonite inside you? Or they could use it on you anytime?" Cat guessed.

"Yes. You know more than most how dangerous I can be."

"Living on this planet you are immune from the effects of drugs and alcohol?" Cat asked.


"So your experience with Red Kryptonite was the only time you have ever really lost control and given in to your inner thoughts?"

"Yes. And it scared me then. But since then I have been through so much and I know I am meant to be better than this but I know deep down I have these feeling of resentment towards everyone. I don't want them and I feel terrible for having them, but I know they are there and if I get exposed again I am terrified I will act on them."

"Then release them now while you are in control." Cat said. "Your inner feelings of jealously and resentment are normal. But you insist on denying their existence. You believe having them makes you bad. It doesn't. It makes you human, and maybe you view that as bad, but like it or not you are one of us."


"Alex? What are you doing here?" Kara asked confused.

"It's sisters' night."

"Isn't it meant to be date night?" Kara asked.

"There will be no date night until I'm sure you're okay. So you can either keep being stubborn and prevent Kelly and I dating, or you can let me in."

"You're blackmailing me into talking?"

"Maybe. Is it working?"

"I don't know. Are you ready to talk about what happened to you?" Kara countered.

"I kind of have already."

"You have?"

"When you were in your coma I kind of had a panic attack. Mom found me and we talked."

"I'm sorry I wasn't there for you."

"Well you were in a coma." Alex reminded her.

"I'm meant to be strong, but I feel so weak, so broken right now."

"You are not weak and you are not broken." Alex said hugging Kara.

"I flew across town in my pyjamas because I had a nightmare." Kara reminded her.

"Yes you did." Alex said.

"Hence broken."

"Kara, in the last few months you have been tortured on multiple occasions, nearly died, several times, found out you were split in two and your other half is your most harsh critic. Even you are going to feel the strain from that. Especially if you try to fight alone."

"I tried to talking to Cat today." Kara said.


"She said I should fight my demons and be open about how I feel."

"Good advice." Alex replied patiently waiting for Kara to go on.

"I'm scared." Kara confessed causing Alex to hug her.

"I know. But you will be okay."

"How do you know that?"

"I'm a genius."

"You have spent far too much time round Brainy." Kara said.

"That is so true." Alex said. "But seriously, I know you will be okay because I know you. I know that you get scared and feel the darkness more than you are willing to admit to anyone including yourself. But no matter how scared you get, you always see the light. Not just see, you manage to nurture it. No matter the situation you always see the good. Maybe not straight away, but you do see it. I envy that more than any of your powers." She paused and said. "After everything that has happened to you the only person who expects you to be fine is you. Mom and I have no doubt that you will be fine, but we don't expect you to be fine just like that. It will take time, but I will be with you every step of the way."


"I need to get some of whatever it is you are drinking, snorting or otherwise ingesting." Cat commented as she finished reading Kara's rewrite.

"You don't like this one either?"

"It is an article that Supergirl should be proud of." Cat said putting it down. "And much more like what I expect of you. It needs tidying up but it is nearly there. So what brought about this change?"

"You were right. I let my outlook become jaded and let that influence my writing." Kara said. "And I talked to Alex. Like really talked and admitted how scared I was of everything. And she helped me see things differently."

"That's good." Cat said. "Wavering is normal. Doubts are normal. But never let them consume you."

"I'll try." Kara said.

"And Kara, asking for help is not a sign of weakness. It is a sign of maturity. Don't take on the world alone."


"Did you get the article done?" Alex asked as Kara entered the apartment.

"Yes. And Cat accepted it. Then gave me my next assignment."

"Don't overdo it." Eliza warned.

"I won't." Kara said before sniffing. "Is that chocolate pecan pie I smell?"

"It is."

"My oven can cook pie?"

"No. But Alex's can. You should really get a new oven." Eliza said.

"I don't need it. Takeaway is pre-cooked and I have heat vision for the left overs."

"Not that you leave any." Alex said before Kara looked at Eliza and asked.

"Are you leaving? Is this goodbye pie?"

"I have to get back to work." Eliza said. "I'm leaving tonight."

"Tonight?" Alex asked."Why didn't you say? I only have my bike."

"J'onn is taking me to the airport." Eliza said.

"Okay, but why the rush?" Alex asked suspiciously.

"I really do have to get back to work. And I know neither of you like long goodbyes. Besides you both have your own lives to lead down here."

"You sure you're okay?" Alex asked still concerned there was more to the sudden departure.

"I promise you I'm fine. Or I would be if you two were able to stay out of trouble."

"We'll try." Kara said hugging her. "I'm going to miss you."

"Me too. Both of you." Eliza said holding an arm out so Alex would join them. "I am so proud of both of you. Your father would be proud too." She added as the door opened.

"Sorry am I early?" J'onn asked.

"No right on time." Eliza said hugging her daughters once more before pulling away. "Look after each other."

"Always." Alex said wrapping an arm round Kara as J'onn took Eliza out of the apartment.

"You okay?" Alex said looking at Kara.

"No. Everyone keeps leaving me." Kara said sadly.

"I'm not going anywhere." Alex assured her.

"You better not." Kara replied.

"I promise I'm not going anywhere." Alex repeated. "You and me are unbreakable and unstoppable."

"And need a health warning." Kara added.


"Talia." A bearded man greeted as the woman was escorted into his office and directed to a chair.

"Father." She replied cooly.

"Your attempt to get my attention worked."

"You think I was after your attention?"

"And respect." He said. "And I will admit, I am impressed. The syndicate you built was beyond what I thought you were capable of. It made me realise I had not appreciated your talents the way I should have done. I am sorry."

"You think I am after forgiveness?" Talia asked.

"Your pride may stop you asking, but I will grant it anyway."

"I don't want your forgiveness. And while I admit part of me was always desperate for your respect, that time has gone. I don't need you, I can bring about salvation without you."

"Can you? You tried once and you failed."

"I have learned from my mistakes and I have something that will make me unstoppable." Talia said standing. "I will achieve my goal of human salvation without you." As she turned she found herself staring at the chest of two two if her father's henchmen. When she refused to back down her father nodded to the guards to stepped to one side and let her pass.

-The End

A/N: Thank you to everyone who has stuck with this. I hope you enjoyed it.