This will be a short story featuring my oc paired with Joker, Scarecrow and the Riddler.
This is purely for fun, I own only my oc and my ideas. This is already a finished work, and I will be updating every Monday. In all honesty, the only reason I'm uploading anything is because I saw a commercial on Hulu, the one about sharing your work. This has been collecting dust since Suicide Squad came out, and only really took direction after hearing New Rules. Months later, this is what I have.
Well, I hope you all enjoy. To new readers, welcome. To anyone stalking me, welcome back!
I'm nobody, who are you? Are you nobody too?
1- Don't pick up the phone you know he's only calling cuz he's drunk and alone.
"You have 17 new voice messages. You have one saved voice message. To listen to your messages press one-" a sigh leaves soft lips, storm grey eyes roll.
"17? 17 messages. Jesus Harold Christ." a raspy voice mutters as she rolls over onto her back.
"Whatcha doin doll face? I've got rum and a collection of those stupid cartoons you like, call me back." she rolls her eyes, it was going to take more than that.
"To erase this message press 7- message erased. Next message."
"Dolly, where are you? I'm starting without you!" his voice is playful with a hint of anger at this point. She sighs again and rubs her temples. This is going to take a while.
"Message erased. Next message."
"You're pissing me off sweet cheeks. Answer meeeeeee." at this point his words slur and she knows he's more than halfway through the bottle.
"Message erased, next message."
From there the messages get worse, more belligerent, more mean, more personal. 14 messages of his temper tantrum should have tired him out at least.
She tosses her phone on the bed and runs her fingers through her black choppy bob. Some days she misses her long locks, days like today she's happy she changed it. She makes her way to the bathroom and takes a too long to hot shower.
She sits on her bed and turns on the tv, ready to sit through a marathon of Rick and Morty.
"These five words in my head scream are we having fun yet?" she groans as her phone begins to ring. She stares at the phone, fighting herself.
"Maybe if I answer and tell him to fuck off he'll leave me alone?" she mutters and before she thinks better she answers. She should have known better.
"Dolly?" god hearing his voice did things to her, knowing it's not a recording makes her heart skip a beat, she tells it to calm its ass down, that she isn't fuckin with him. He sounds exhausted. She wonders if he's slept.
"I'm nobody, who are you? Are you nobody too?" she says as she turns the tv down and leans back into the couch, closing her eyes and allowing herself one second to enjoy his voice in her ear.
"You didn't call me back. why." she can hear the temper trying to turn, and she fights back another fucking sigh.
"I had a long day, just not up for company." It's not completely a lie.
"No. you're avoiding me. Why?" he asks, she hears him take a breath. Smoking then, so he's not completely shit faced anymore, but he's not exactly sober either.
"I don't want to step on Harleys toes J. I don't need that little psycho lollipop after my ass." she pretends she's not bitter, fights down the voice screaming at her that Harley has no right, that she should rise and fight her for him. She was the one there for him, not Harley. "Fuck I'm tired.' She thinks idly.
"If she ever touched a hair on you id kill her." his possessive growl makes her believe it...but still, she never did like drama, not to mention Harley would probably murder her before J could do anything about it.
"I'd probably end up dead first." she answers back, steeling her resolve, building it up, she had to.
"Have you stopped talking to them too?" she should have expected the question, but it was slightly left field.
"Yea actually I haven't seen them either." not a lie in the least and her heart aches over it, hurts terribly.
"Come back, Harley doesn't have to know." his voice is like honey, that deep growl that makes her toes curl. She pulls the phone back and stares at it. 'This mother fucker is trying to get me murdered. AND wants me to be the other woman. Fuck You dude!' her thoughts rage on her behalf.
"Where is she? Sleeping? Working at the club? You only call me when she's gone." and when he's drunk, or Harley pissed him off, or just because.
"I wanna talk about us Doll." the pet name rolls off his tongue in a way only he can do, he was doing a splendid job of keeping his temper. It surprises the hell out of her if she's honest.
"I told you J, I'm the only one or not at all. I can't handle tip toeing on glass around the man that supposedly loves me because of his psycho pet, any of them really. I was your ride or die, even when you were in Arkham. Harley doesn't, can't and won't love you like I do and you fucking know it, but you've made your choice and I've made mine J. I can't put myself through this anymore. Goodbye J." She tells herself she's not crying over him, but that's a lie.
"You're the only one?! When we've been sharing you?!" he yells in her ear and she guesses she is being just a smidge hypocritical. Just a smidge though.
"You all agreed to it, talked me into it is more like it, you all wanted it this way, I couldn't tell you no then. I am now." she hangs up and shuts off her phone; if he called again she'd crack.