-: CHAPTER 7:-

Update:- Corrected a few errors and grammatical mistakes of the last chapters.

I still don't own Naruto or high school DxD. But my master plan to obtain the rights to both of them is still in the initial stages, so who knows.

With that out of the way, let's begin!

Also, i am a bit unsure on should i allow Naruto and others to use their regular Summons or should i give a new familliar altogether.

do reply about that in the reviews

Issei Hyoudou was sitting at his desk, thinking. For once, he did not partake in the conversation his two best friends were having about the newest porn movie that had just released. He sighed again. He seemed to be doing a lot of that these days. The past week had been an utter clusterfuck for him. He had a weird dream last night which was eerily similar to what Yuuma-Chan did to him in the park a few days ago. Only it involved Rias Gremory and Sona Shitouri arriving at the last second with Uzumaki-Senpai to save him.

Yeah right, like that's ever going to happen.

Why would one of the two great Onee-Sama of Kuoh Academy along with the third most popular girl of Kuoh Academy want anything to do with him?

"Hey Issei are you even listening to us?" Matsuda enquired.

"Yeah, you seem pretty down today." Motohama asked as well.

Their friendship might have been based on a common love for naked girls, but Issei had to agree, these two were his best friends. They had been with him through thick and thin. Smiling at the concerned duo, he replied.

"It's nothing guys, I am just feeling down since the last couple of days." To reassure them, he gave them a genuine smile.

"I know just the thing to cheer my man Issei up!" Motohama declared with a closed fist pointing towards the heavens.

"What is it?" Matsuda asked in mock curiosity. He clearly knew what was going on here.

"Why my dear friend, I have acquired the latest DVD for the most popular Hentai series yet! Behold the latest addition to the series that blew every other Hentai movie off the charts! The latest issue to Euphoria!" he declared, showing his friends the files he had oh so painstakingly scoured the internet for.

(AN:/ This is an actual Hentai Anime. Someone on Reddit said that this is one of the few Hentai movies with an actual good plot. Check it out if you like such stuff)

Motohama and Matsuda wept mock tears of joy together, holding the phone in their hands as if it was some kind of sacred relic. Issei laughed yet again, these two always knew how to cheer him up.

A sudden squeal of girls diverted their attention towards the entrance to their classroom. The cause, Kiba Yuuto. The popularly dubbed Prince of Kuoh Academy strode towards the perverted trio with a smile so charming that it would have thrown most people off. Issei could literally see the stars shimmering around him and the hearts in the girls' eyes as he moved towards them, as he ignored the proclamations of undying love from the many blushing girls. As he approached the pair, Matsuda growled.

"What do you want, pretty boy?"

Smiling yet again, he held up his both hands and said, "Uh, relax guys, I mean no harm. I just came here to talk to Issei."

If the sound of minds shattering would have been audible, the entire police force of Kuoh town would have made it up to the school to check because it would have sounded like a thousand Glasses breaking at the same time.

"WHAAAT!" everyone in the class, which surprisingly included Issei, shouted at the same time.

"Stay away from him Kiba-kun! You might catch something from the pervert!"

"She's right Yuuto-Senpai! Who knows where those filthy hands have been!"

"Why God why?! First Uzumaki-Senpai now Kiba-kun!"

Ignoring the throbbing sensation of pain that was building up in his head, Kiba decided to make it quick.

"Relax everybody, it's nothing." Turning to Issei and gripping his shoulder, he said "Rias-buchou wishes to see you."

And for a second time, without his consent, Issei was hauled away.


"I've brought him here as you requested, Buchou." Kiba said, finally dragging him to the ORC Clubroom.

"You could have been a little more gentle you bastard!" Issei said, rubbing his now obviously sore shoulder.

"Thank You Kiba, you may leave now" Rias said, who was sitting behind her table, with Akeno standing beside her. Naruto sat on one of the comfy chairs near her, while Koneko sat on the couch, munching on some sweets that Rias had recently given her. Shikamaru just stood near the window, a hand massaging his temple. It was like he knew this was going to be a drag.

Issei, after having a good look at her, exclaimed


Naruto turned to Shikamaru and in an almost low whisper, so that only he could hear said, "This kid kind of reminds me of Pervy Sage."

"He certainly has got the pervert part down pretty well." Shikamaru replied.

Rias just gave the two whispering devils an odd look, quirking her eyebrow. She then coughed to get everybody's attention onto herself.

"Ahem ahem."

But before she could begin, Issei cut her off again.


"I never thought I'd say this, but this kid might be a bigger pervert that Pervy-Sage."

Koneko, who by now had finished with her sweets, and had enough of Issei's antics got up from her seat and bonked Issei on the head.

"Degenerate pervert." She muttered in an emotionless monotone voice.

Having done her bit, she went back to her seat and started munching on another chocolate, which she had somehow gotten out of her dress.

Sending a thanking look towards Koneko, Rias began.

"Issei Hyoudou, why don't you take a seat. We have a lot to discuss with you."

Short Timeskip.

It took a little time, but Issei was soon made to understand what had exactly happened since the day he had his date with Yuuma-Chan and who he was now.

He was a bit sad at first, but that soon vanished when he was told about all the perks that involved being a devil. Specifically, the one which allowed him to have multiple girlfriends. Rias, in a bid to cheer him up even gave Naruto's example.

Issei now considered himself as his disciple.

One surprising thing that came out of it all was Issei's sacred gear, which he had attempted to unlock by copying Kamehameha, one of the main attacks from a show that he liked. It was one of the thirteen Longinus, the Boosted Gear. Apparently, it housed the spirit of the Welsh Dragon, Ddriag in it.

Hearing the bell ring, Naruto and Shikamaru got up.

"It looks like lunchtime is over Rias-Chan; I'll see you and Sona-Chan later today at the Uzumaki compound."

Having said their bit, Naruto and Shikamaru left.


Kakashi and Tsunade eyed the man that sat before them carefully. In their long career as a shinobi and a Kage, they had grown quite adept at weeding out traitorous informers and backstabbing allies. So far they hadn't detected anything of the sorts from the man that sat in front of them. Tsunade eyed the file that he had handed them.

"Is this all of them?" She asked.

"I assure you, out of all the Fallen Angels under my command, I only have the knowledge of these going rogue. I did have an idea of their activities before, hence I allowed Raynare to infiltrate their group as a Double Agent working for me. If I had known they were working for Rizevim Lucifer, I would have dealt with them earlier." The Governor General of The Fallen Angels, Azazel replied.

The three of them were currently in a meeting, discussing the small group of rogue angels that was operating in the area. Sirzechs had put them up to it. He might have belonged to the enemy faction, but Sirzechs knew that he was a peace loving leader as much as himself. So he decided to give him a chance to explain before he sent the entire might of Uzumaki and his hunter squad on this little group.

"And how do you explain the little attack that she led on a defenceless human?"

"There were about twenty devils personally sent by Rizevim himself present on the scene. Not to mention Mittelt , Kalawarner and Dohnaseek himself, who has a bit of bloodthirsty streak to him, they were watching from the shadows. She couldn't have her cover blown away like that, so she had to act."

"And the second one?" asked Kakashi.

Dohnaseek has always been vocal in his protests against my decisions from the start. Had I known that Hyoudou-San already was a part of Miss Gremory's peerage, he wouldn't have attacked."

"Alright then, if that is all, we will take our leave."

Azazel gave a nod of acknowledgement as well. The two devils disappeared in a flurry of leaves.


School was finished for the day, and Naruto and Shikamaru were walking back towards the Uzumaki Clan Compound. Kakashi had just sent them a message regarding the rogue Angels operating in the area. Apparently they were holed up in an abandoned church on the outskirts of the city. So engrossed they were in their talking that they did not see the person walking just around the corner and bumped into her.


Naruto finally looked at the downed form of the girl he had bumped into, who was nursing her head after the fall. She wore a simple dark teal nun outfit with light blue accents, a white veil over her head with light blue accents, a brown satchel slung on her right hip and brown boots with black straps in an X-shaped pattern. She also wore a silver cross necklace around her neck. She had long blonde hair and green eyes. Her hair flew all the way down to her back, with split bangs over her forehead and a single strand sticking out from the top, sloping backward. Naruto offered his hand to help her up.

"Hey miss, are you alright?"

"Huh?" she looked up to see a young man holding out his hand. She took it, as he helped her up. Shikamaru gathered her belongings that had spilled out of her bag and handed them back to her.

"Oh-I am sorry, uh-I mean thank you U-Uh" she trailed on in a mix of broken Japanese and Italian, unsure between apologizing for being such a klutz for bumping into them or thanking for helping her up and picking up her bags.

Naruto laughed and said, "It's okay, I should have looked where I was heading to. There is no need for you to apologize."

It was one of the more perks of devilhood, being able to understand other languages perfectly.

Her green eyes suddenly shone with happiness, she took hold of both of his hands and with a smile that could only have been rivalled by his own, said

"Yo-You speak Italian! Oh! Thank God! I was having such a hard time adjusting around! I just moved here and was having such a hard time communicating with anyone!" she ended with a deep bow.

Ignoring the sharp jab of pain in his head, Naruto gave her a kind smile and said, "Don't mention it. My name is Naruto Uzumaki by the way and this is Shikamaru Nara, what's yours."

"O-Oh! Sorry! My name is Asia Argento. It's very nice to meet you Naruto-San, Shikamaru-San!"

"So Asia, what brings you to Kuoh?"

Asia's face suddenly saddened all of a sudden. But she continued, "I work for the church! I was ordered by the higher ups back home in Italy to come here so that I could help in spreading The Lord's message. I will be living at the church nearby, but I cannot seem to find it yet." She said, with her voice growing smaller at the last sentence.

Naruto beamed at her and said, "Well since you are such a nice and cute girl Asia-San, and we bumped into you, it's only fair that we at least show you your way around the city, Right Shikamaru?"

Shikamaru gave a nod and a smile towards the gentle girl as well.

"Really? Thank you Naruto-San!"

"Say no more Asia-Chan! That's what friends are for! Tell you what; let's have some ice-cream as we go! C'mon my treat!" and Naruto pulled the innocent nun along with him to the nearest ice-cream shop.

And so the two young devils escorted the Nun to her destination. They couldn't go very close to it, considering it acted as the base for their enemies.

"Well Asia-Chan, it was really nice meeting you! I do hope to see you around the town sometime again!"

"Me too Naruto-San!" Asia added in a chirpy voice.

Once they had left Asia and gone far away from the Church, Naruto looked over to Shikamaru and asked.

"What did you pull out from her bag?"

"She is living in the church where the Rogue angels are holed up in; her bag contained some of the blueprints of the building. Considering she is a Nun, I decided to do some information gathering from the enemy."

Naruto gave out a light chuckle and said, "She is no enemy Shikamaru."

"And how do you know that?"

"It's all in the eyes."


"Yeah, eyes. Pervy-Sage, during our travels, once told me that if I look hard enough, I could peek right into the soul of my enemy if I wanted to. And you know what, he was right. I saw a man encompassed in so much of darkness and revenge in Sasuke that even he knew that there was no redemption left now. In Obito's I saw a broken man, a shadow of his former self, of everything he was, he believed in. I saw it in Sarada that she was born to be Hokage. I see it in hers too. She is innocent, too innocent; in fact. Her eyes are way too pure, unlike mine, yours and most of the people we know. She believes and sees the good in everybody. She couldn't even lie properly when we asked her why she arrived here. Which leads us to one simple conclusion, she is being played. And the funniest part is, she doesn't even know it yet. Probably won't, until it's too late. She has no idea how twisted and greedy this world can be. And it is our job, as the people who walk in the shadows, who embrace the dark, to protect such kind hearted souls Shikamaru. I only hope we can save this one before it's too late."

Shikamaru, who had already started to walk ahead, replied in his same lazy voice.

"And you won't be able to do that standing here in the middle of the street and giving out a monologue. We are wasting daylight here. We have work to do. Let's go."

Laughing to himself, Naruto ran after his friend.


Rias and Sona fidgeted before the door, before they knocked on it together. The Uzumaki mansion, in one word, was huge. It was a three storeyed traditionally styled Japanese mansion spread on a wide personal field, inside of which smaller, single storey houses were constructed. The entire estate was surrounded short simple white walls. The big oak doors on the front had the signature Uzumaki spiral painted on them, half on each door. The doors opened soundlessly, and behind stood Koyuki Uzumaki, welcoming them with a smile on her face.

"Oh you guys are already here! Come on in! Everyone else is at the training area. I'll let them know you have arrived." She ushered everyone inside, and the doors closed once again.

Rias and Sona walked in, their peerages following. As they walked, they took in the sights of the Uzumaki House. The entire ground was covered with well-trimmed grass, save for a cobbled pathway leading to the main house, small rock ponds littered across corners of the grounds in which various fishes could be seen thriving well which were looked over by trees small and large.

As they entered the main building, they saw that for the sole heir of a loaded clan like the Uzumaki's, Naruto apparently had very simple tastes. The insides were simple and moderately sophisticated. Unlike the Gremory and the Sitri's who preferred to live in huge towering castles with all the modern amenities in the underworld. Passing through the halls, they also saw a glimpse of the sole heirloom Naruto possessed from the elemental nations, his Mother's signature katana, [The Crimson Ruin], encased in a glass box on a shelf. Naruto had used it during his time in ANBU, but didn't seem the need to use it anymore. So it just sat there, now spending its time as a showpiece rather than the weapon of terror it was known for.

It was truly a work of beauty; it had been crafted by his mother and her grandfather while Uzu was still standing. The blade, originally obsidian black in colour, which was moulded from the densest chakra metal found in the mines of Uzu, now had gained a blood red tint to it due to Kushina channelling Kyuubi's chakra through it during her fights. If one looked closely, they could see the thousands and thousands of black seal markings drawn along its edge. Those seals kept the blade sharpened at all times on their own, eliminating the possibility of metal contamination by a cheap whetstone. The hilt, which was made of bronze, had leather wrappings all around. At its base, was the largest known ruby in all of the Five Hidden Continents, carved on which was the signature Uzumaki Spiral. Naruto had taken the liberty of adding Kurama's face here, so now it looked like the Kyuubi with two glowing embers for eyes and a red inferno in his mouth.

Truly, a weapon befitting a princess and her son.

Kiba, who had a sword fetish of sorts, drooled just at the sight of it. Rias and Sona too looked intrigued.

"The training area is just around that corner, on the left. You may proceed, I'll join you guys soon enough."

With that, Koyuki disappeared in one of the rooms.

As everybody else walked ahead, Rias asked Sona, "Why are you masking your presence Sona?"

It was a valid question, but Sona gave no reply, instead focusing on hiding her presence even more. She wanted to find out exactly how good Uzumaki and his peerage were.

And so the group moved without making a sound. They arrived at the training area, which was an open grassy field, littered by target logs and training dummies. Almost all of his peerage was present.

Shikamaru and Temari sat in a corner together, engrossed in a game of chess. Tenten and Sakura sparred together, teaming up on Lee. Ino sat together with Tsunade and Shizune, going over a pile of scrolls for medical ninjutsu while Choji and Sai were giving company to Team 8, who were busy in their own training. All of them wore the exact same clothing, Black sleeveless T-shirts with camouflage pants. All except Naruto, of course.

Naruto was busy in the central part of the clearing, sparring with Kakashi; he was of course, shirtless. His shirt had already been torn through the middle when he had been distracted enough for a stray kunai to find its mark. They had decided on a straight up weapons and taijutsu spar. No Ninjutsu. And it was quite visible, by the slight sheen of sweat that went down both of their bodies, the beads glinting like diamonds under the light of late evening dusk.

Almost every girl in the group blushed heavily on seeing the scene before them; He had a body carved out of marble, with muscles to rival a Greek god. That, combined with his spiky reddish blonde hair and cerulean blue eyes made him look almost like a replica of his father, Minato Namikaze.

What was happening in front of them wasn't just a friendly fight; it was more like a dance. A deadly dance which involved trying to kill your opponent it seemed. None in the audience knew they weren't going all out.

Kakashi threw another kunai at blinding speeds at Naruto's chest and the blade was able to graze a thin line of blood across. Sona gasped at seeing this, but sat transfixed as the wound healed upon itself with a hiss.

"Looks like I draw the final blood Naruto." Kakashi said between heaving breaths with a smirk behind his mask.

Rias eyes inadvertently went up to Naruto's chest, where a deep scar showed, almost as if someone had shoved a fist through his chest where his heart was. Come to think of it, almost everybody in his peerage had deep scars and marks on their body at various places, places where a normal deep injury would probably mean death.

Suddenly, both of them disappeared from their view in flashes of orange and blue, and suddenly appeared behind Rias and Sona, both of them had a Kunai poised directly at their throats, though it was the blunt edge.

"Shinobi tactics Rule #1" Kakashi began.

"Magic reserves aren't the only thing you should learn to hide Sona-Chan." Naruto said in a husky voice from behind her that sent a hot breath down her exposed neck and made her suddenly go weak in the knees.

'I didn't even sense them move.' Rias thought in amazement and wonder.

By now everyone else had already gathered around the two female devils and their peerages. Once everyone got comfortable, Naruto spoke,

"Alright then! Now that everyone is here, let's begin."

"There are things that have started to stir up in the underworld and out here in the human realm, that will have far reaching consequences. Considering the seriousness of the situation, Sirzechs-San and Serafall-San have allowed us to train both of your peerages. I'll be blunt here; all of you have been sheltered for far too long and have grown soft. Something like that is completely unacceptable, at least by our standards. We will grind each one of you to the ground, break you, shatter you and will build you up from scratch once again only to repeat this process, only a thousand times harder. While you are in this compound, you are trainees under our command, nothing more, and nothing less. The titles you hold in the outside world mean absolute jackshit to me here .During these sessions, you will come to loathe and scorn us, hate us even, but you will come out stronger and better." Kakashi said.

"He is using the ANBU speech." Sakura whispered to Ino.

"Ooohh I can't wait to see how he breaks them apart" Ino replied giddily.

Naruto was the last to speak up,

"Boys and girls, welcome to Hell!" And with the same shit eating grin he had on his face whenever he was about to pull a prank, he added. "You are going to love it!"

Everyone took a dry gulp and nodded. This did not look like it was going to end well.


True to Kakashi's words, the training sessions had been in one word, pure and utter hell. Rias had not been pushed so far to the limits by one man up until now. She had to resort to teaming up with Sona and Akeno to attack him and even then they made barely a scratch on him. And this all happened when he wasn't fighting back. When he started retaliating…

Let's just say that there were parts of Sona's body that she didn't even knew could hurt that were in pain right now.

Naruto himself knew how much of a slave driver his former sensei could be, so he asked Sakura and Ino to heal both of the girls and their peerage the best they could. As an added bonus, he even treated both of their peerages to dinner.

This brings us to the current situation.

Naruto sat together with Rias, Sona and their peerages, while they had dinner. Both the girls had chanced upon this opportunity to learn about the mysterious Uzumaki.

"So Naruto-kun, why choose Kuoh academy? I mean, there are a lot of other High Schools around, so why Kuoh specifically?"

Sona also had the same question in her mind, being president to the student council, she had access to all of the student files, she had seen his as well, and it showed a fairly decent academic record along with a heavy financial backdrop. He could have chosen any grade A school in almost all of Japan, then why Kuoh specifically?

She didn't know that all the documents were forged though.

"You see Rias-Chan, where I was educated before coming here; we did not have a strong emphasis on academic education." Naruto replied, trying to reveal as much as possible while hiding the truth.

"So I decided to start somewhere fairly new. Also when I met up with your brother before arriving here, he told me this was the devil stronghold, better to start on familiar territory, eh?" he asked with a light chuckle at the end.

"So what about you two? Any specific reasons for attending Kuoh Academy?"

"My family is one of the main financial backers of this school. So it was a no-brainer that I ended up here." She tried to say it with pride but Naruto could see the underlying hint of Sadness and exhaustion in it.

"Phew! Sounds like your family are one of those filthy rich and uptight types Rias-Chan."

"That is not even the worst part! Everybody expects me to act like the proper heiress of the Gremory clan. My entire life has been based around being a Gremory. No one, apart from some of my close friends has bothered to find out about the real Rias. Everyone knows Rias Gremory, heir to the Gremory clan, sister of the current Lucifer but nobody bothers to find about Rias Gremory, High Schooler, or Rias Gremory, Anime Fanatic."

"People see you for what you are, not who you are, they have an image of you in their mind and choose to stick to it rather than to know the real you." Naruto said in a sombre undertone.

Rias was actually surprised, it sounded like Naruto had gone through what she was going through as well. If so, how had he conquered it? How had he become the young man he was today? She wanted to know, she really wanted to know.

But before she could question him further, Naruto changed the topic, apparently it was a sore issue for him as well.

"Anyway, I don't care what anyone else thinks! To me you will always be Rias-Chan!"

"Re-really?" Rias asked, with a slight blush on her face.

"Yep! Rias-Chan, the only girl in entire history to have ever received a Sennen Goroshi from Kakashi-sensei's shadow clone." He added with a laugh.

Rias' entire face went red as steam started coming out of her ears while she remembered the humiliating incident.

Meanwhile Kakashi shouted from the other end of the table as Shizune directed her righteous female fury on him.


Naruto laughed it off and turned to Sona and asked, "So what about you Sona-Chan? Any specific reason to study at Kuoh academy? Besides making Shikamaru suffer of course."


Sona once again glared at Shikamaru and began, "My aim is to study and observe how humans interact with each other. I wish to open a rating game school for all races, be it devils, Youkai or even Reincarnated Humans"

Rias let out an unnatural cough which surprisingly sounded like 'struck-up-sensei'.

"An admirable goal." Naruto nodded in agreement.

"You think I could do it?" Sona asked in almost disbelief.

"Why not Sona-Chan?" Naruto asked.

"Let me tell you this, No goal is too large to accomplish for anyone. All you need is guts and the will to never give up. I'll even help you along, just you ask for it."

Sona smiled towards the blonde and nodded, the fact taking place deep in her heart that there was someone out there, who believed in her. Someone who did not consider her goal as unachievable.

And so the conversation continued late into the night, even after the dinner had been cleared away. They shared stories of their childhood, Naruto told them about a few of his funnier missions and the pranks he pulled on the village when he was younger. They might have known each other for only a few weeks, but they talked as if they were childhood friends. By the time everyone got up to leave, it was already night time. Naruto offered to show them the way out.

Standing outside the great wooden doors, Naruto was talking to Rias and Sona before they left.

"This was great Naruto-kun; we should do this sometime again." Rias said as Sona nodded in agreement.

"Sure Rias-Chan, drop by anytime you wish! Same for you Sona-Chan!"

"I will keep that in mind, Thank you Naruto-kun."

Both the heiresses hugged the blonde goodbye. Akeno even sneaked a little peck on the cheek for him. About which Rias and surprisingly Sona looked miffed.

As they departed, both of the girls thought the same thing, how easily they had dropped their guards around him so easily. How they had talked, not as three High Class devils of the underworld, but rather as three friends. It was a start of a friendship that would soon blossom into something more.

Years later, when someone would ask them when exactly they started falling for Naruto Uzumaki, they would probably reply on this exact day, when he started training them and invited them over for dinner.

Whew! Done! Almost 5K words! This chapter honestly took a lot out of me. But I finally did it. This chapter finally introduces the most innocent almost cow like and one of my favourite characters in the entire series. Asia Argento. She will have a brother-sister kinda of relationship with Naruto. I also made a divergence from the canon storyline by introducing Raynare as a double agent working under Azazel, but she won't be joining the devils or anything else. That plotline has been used way too much.

On a completely different note, I was kinda disappointed by the review count for the last chapter. Remember dear readers, for any amateur writer like me, all it takes is a few taps on your keyboard which gives us the will to continue. We live by those reviews.

So to help a poor guy along, Read and review.