Brian & Ellie's First Christmas

Based on the TV Series "Family Guy"


It's Christmas!

Christmas Day

The next morning was Christmas Day, as Brian Jr. and Frank walked downstairs after their trip to the bathroom to see what they find. They gaped in their excitement as they saw presents under the Christmas tree, the cookies were bitten, the milk was half drank and half the carrots were eaten, indicating that Santa came.

"Oh my gosh." said Frank. "Brian Jr., do you know what day it is today?"

"What is it, Frank?" asked Brian Jr..

"It's Christmas Day!" said Frank.

"Christmas Day already?" said Brian Jr..

"Yeah, we gotta go tell the others." said Frank. He and Brian Jr. ran upstairs.

"Pups, come on out," said Brian Jr. and Frank, knocking onto their bedroom doors. "It's Christmas!"

"Christmas?" said the waking puppies getting up.

"Yeah, we gotta go tell Mom and Dad." said Brian Jr.. The puppies got out of bed, opened the doors and followed Frank and Brian Jr. to their Mum and Dad.

In Brian and Ellie's bedroom, Brian and Ellie Griffin are still asleep in their bed and Vinny is still asleep in his sleeping bag, until the puppies bursted in and jumped onto their Mum and Dad's bed with their tails wagging. "Mom, Dad, wake up!" cheered the puppies bouncing on their bed. "It's Christmas!"

"Oh, my head." moaned Brian. "Don't you kids know, what time it is?"

"It's morning, Dad." said Sally.

"Oh." he moaned.

"Don't you know what day it is today?" yawned Ellie.

"Why it's Christmas, Mom." said Genie.

"Come on, Dad, we gotta get up!" said Martin.

"Oh, all right." moaned Brian, then he yawned.

The puppies jumped onto Vinny. "Come on, Uncle Vinny." said Brian Jr.. "Wake up." Vinny opened his eyes.

"What day is it today?" moaned Vinny.

"I say, Uncle Vinny," said Frank. "It's Christmas!"

"Today is Christmas?" moaned Vinny.

"Yeah, Uncle Vinny." said Dean.

"Come on, Uncle V, we gotta go downstairs." said Brian Jr..

"Oh, all right." moaned Vinny, then he yawned.

o - o - o - o - o

In the living room, the puppies gaped at the presents in their excitement with their tails wagging, as the two mates and Vinny walked down the stairs after getting their collars on. "Oh my gosh, oh my gosh, oh my gosh." said Mitzi excitedly. "I can't wait to get our paws on our presents."

"Me neither." said Brian Jr.. "My claws are hardly waiting to tear up that wrapping paper."

Brian chuckled. "It looks like our pups are too excited to see what to open first." said Brian.

"I know, dear." said Ellie giggling. "It seems that they're excited for their first Christmas."

"Now hold on, kids." said Vinny. "Let's just wait for your Mom and Dad to sit on the sofa." After the two mates sat on the sofa, Vinny gives Brian and Ellie each present. "Here's for you, brother, and for you, signora." Brian opens his present from Vinny.

"A woolly sweater?" said Brian.

"Not just any sweater, Brian." said Vinny. "My mama knitted that for you, it's got you and Ellie on it." Brian wears his sweater.

"Wow, thanks, V." said Brian.

"You're welcome, brother." said Vinny.

Ellie opens her present from Vinny. "A same sweater." said Ellie.

"My mama knitted you that too." he said. Ellie wears her sweater.

"Thank you." she said. "I knew you can depend on our marriage."

"You're welcome, signora." he said. "At least I can count on you two."

"I'm sure you can, V." said Brian. "I'm sure you can." Brian gives Vinny a present. "Here you go, brother."

"It's from us." she said.

"I wonder what you two got me." said Vinny, then he opens his present. "It's a family portrait." he looks at the family portrait of the New Griffins and smiled. "Grazie."

"You're welcome, V." said Brian.

The puppies have opened their presents tearing each wrapping paper with their claws. "Awesome, I've got a Quadcopter Drone." said Coco.

"I've got an MP3 Player." said Dean.

"Amazing, I've got a Blu-Ray of The Theory of Everything." said Eli.

"I've got a big book of Wordsearch." said Frank.

"I've got a My Little Pony Rainbow Dash figure." said Genie.

"I've got a geometry set." said Martin.

"I've got a DVD of Beauty and the Beast." said Mitzi.

"I've got a mountain bike with a helmet." said Sally.

Brian Jr. is tempted to open his present. "Go ahead, son." said Brian. "Open it."

"You've earned it, son." said Ellie.

'I wonder what this could be.' thought Brian Jr., then he opened his present after a few seconds. He gapes.

"What is it, Junior?" asked Sally.

"Is it anything good?" asked Dean. Brian Jr.'s heart skipped a beat, as he knew something good is about to happen.

"Holy Christmas Pudding." said Brian Jr.. "It's a… It's a…" There was a long pause. "It's a Nintendo Switch, with Sonic Mania Plus! Santa is real!" Brian chuckled.

"Isn't it great, Junior?" said Brian. "It's exactly what you wanted."

"It certainly is, Dad." said Brian Jr.. "It certainly is."

Brian gives Ellie a present. "Here you go, Ellie." said Brian. "I got you something." Ellie opens her present.

"A locket." said Ellie. "And it says 'Best Friends'. We're husband and wife."

"Not only husband and wife." he said. "But also best friends."

"That's good." she said. "What's inside it?"

"Why don't you open it and find out?" he asked. Ellie opens her locket and gazes as she saw a photo of Brian and Ellie in it. "So, what do you think? Do you like it?"

"Brian, I love it." she said wearing her locket. "Thank you."

"You're welcome, sweetie." he said. Ellie gives Brian a present.

"This one's for you." she said.

"For me?" he said.

"Yeah, for you." she said. "I got you something too." Brian opens his present.

"It's an I Heart My Wife T-Shirt." he said. "Is this for me?"

"Yeah, Brian, for you." she said. "It's just to show how much I love you."

"Well, this shirt shows how much I love you too." he said. "Thanks, cutie pie."

"You're welcome, Cool Whip." she said. They both hug each other and they wagged their tails.

Suddenly, Brian's phone vibrates. "I think I've got somethin'." he said.

"What is it, Brian dear?" she asked.

"I think I've got a text from Peter." he said.

"What did he say?" she asked.

"He said "Hey Brian, me and the family are wishing you and your family a Merry Christmas. My buddies at the Clam would also wish you a Merry Christmas also. Even Ernie and his wife wish you a Merry Christmas. Now, I've gotta make dinner for the family. Bye."." he said reading a text to her.

"At least he wished us a Merry Christmas." she said, then her phone vibrates. "It looks like I've got a text."

"From who?" he asked.

"From Terry." she said.

"Who's Terry?" he asked.

"My owner." she said. "He wrote to me says "Hi Ellie, Wishing you a Merry Christmas, you and your family. Love you."."

"Ah, Terry." he said. "You mean the one I just met at the Dog Show?"

"That's him." she said, then she tells Brian her backstory. "One time, I was raised by him one Christmas Morning. Terry was excited as he saw me when I was a puppy inside his present box. When Terry asked his mom what my name was, she said that my name was Ellie. He liked that name. Terry and I used to do everything together as friends. On my first Birthday, I was given a purple collar with a diamond tag and Terry had it engraved with my name and number. And now, on Valentine's Day, before I met you, Terry trained me to be a show dog, as I was about to practice my performance, I accidentally stood on a thumb tack cutting my foot paw. I cried in pain as I saw some blood, so Terry took me to Quahog Veterinarian's to have my vet remove that tack out of my injured foot and put a band-aid on it to stop the bleeding. After my treatment, Terry had me waiting at the reception desk, while he's taking his time with the assistant, and that's where and when I first met you as I saw you walking from the office."

"And that's your backstory?" he said.

"Yeah, pretty much." she said. "At least he remembered me."

"I'm sure he did." he said. They both replied back to their owners saying 'Merry Christmas'.

"Hey Dad, check it out." said Coco flying his drone. "I'm a drone pilot." Brian chuckled.

"Better watch where you're flying that thing, Coco." said Brian. "You might not know where it goes."

"What does the box say, Martin?" asked Coco.

"The box says that the drone includes a built-in camera." said Martin.

"That just gives me an idea." said Brian.

"What is it, Brian?" asked Ellie.

"Yeah, tell us, big brother." said Vinny.

Outside in front of the house, the family stood facing Coco's flying drone aiming its camera lens at them. "Alright family," said Brian. "Look at the drone and smile." they smiled and stared at the drone. "Okay. Coco, when you're ready, press the camera button."

"Alright, Dad." said Coco. "I'm ready."

"Go for it, son." said Brian. Coco presses the camera button and the drone takes a photo of the family.

o - o - o - o - o

Later this evening, the family are having their Christmas Dinner. "This is some nice Christmas Dinner." said Vinny. "Just as good as Thanksgiving Dinner."

"Well, this is it." said Brian. "We call it, the New Griffin family Christmas Dinner."

"Brian came up with it." said Ellie.

"That's a good name, big brother." said Vinny.

"It certainly is, V." said Brian.

"I gotta admit, Dad." said Brian Jr.. "This is some good dinner."

"I agree with Junior, Dad." said Sally. "This is scrumptious."

"Same with Junior, Dad." said Dean. "I mean, the Vegan Turkey is nice, the mash is good and the veggies are okay."

"Well, I'm glad you kids liked your dinner." said Brian. "This is our family tradition to celebrate this festive holiday."

"Amen, Dad." said Coco. "Amen."

o - o - o - o - o

After dinner, Vinny prepares to leave. "I couldn't bare to overstay your welcome, big brother." said Vinny. "Thanks again for letting me stay for Christmas."

"No problem, brother." said Brian. "We'll be looking forward to seeing you again here in Dogtown."

"I'm sure you will, B." said Vinny.

"Uncle Vinny, do you really have to go?" asked Martin.

"Yeah, it's been fun having you here." said Coco.

"Looks like it." said Vinny. "I've enjoyed being here with yous kids."

"I'm gonna miss you, Uncle Vinny." said Brian Jr. hugging Vinny.

"I'll miss you too, B.J.." said Vinny stroking Brian Jr..

"Alright, Junior, I think you've hugged your uncle quite enough." said Ellie holding Brian Jr. in her arms. "So, where are you going now, Vinny?"

"I'm going back home to my mama, signora E." he said. "She'll be wondering where I was."

"So I guess that, you'll be on your way?" said Brian.

"I'm afraid so, B." said Vinny. "But I'll be around. I might see you again, someday."

"Travel home safe, brother." said Brian.

"I will, B. See you around." said Vinny. "And one more thing, Merry Christmas." Vinny walks to his Red Clio, gets in, starts it and drives on his way home as the New Griffins waved goodbye to him.

"Well family, the best thing about Christmas is being together as a family." said Brian.

"I always thought that sharing and caring is what Christmas is all about." said Frank.

"That too, Frank." said Brian.

"It's also a time of giving and getting." said Sally.

"And also forgiving and forgetting." said Martin.

"Love and peace, that's what Christmas is." said Dean.

"Those too, kids. Those too." said Brian. "Come on family, let's have our Christmas bonding Family Night." The puppies ran inside, followed by their mum and dad.

o - o - o - o - o

In the living room, whilst having their Christmas Family Night, the New Griffins are watching Paw Patrol on TV. "We now return to Paw Patrol Saves Christmas on Nickelodeon." said the announcer on TV.

On TV, The Paw Patrollers lead Santa Claus and the reindeers to help deliver presents into the houses. "Look over there." said Ryder on TV. "Our first house."

"I wonder which Paw Patroller is gonna be the first one to fit down the chimney." said Santa on TV.

"I'll do it, Santa." said Marshall on TV.

"Good luck, Marshall." said Everest on TV.

"Boy, I wonder who Marshall's leaving presents under the tree to." said Dean.

"We'll just have to wait and see, Dean." said Sally.

"Yeah, it's not like how Dad and Stewie laid presents under the tree." said Brian Jr..

"Please don't bring that up, Junior." said Brian. "It has been a stressful delivery, since oh I don't know, seven or eight years ago?"

"That was from 2010?" said Brian Jr..

"Pretty much." said Brian.

"Ssshh." shushed the puppies.

On TV, Marshall slides down the chimney with some of the presents. "Okay Marshall," said Ryder on TV as soon as Marshall entered the living room from the fireplace. "The Christmas tree is located by the bay window, and remember, tallest present in the back, shortest present in the front."

"On it, Ryder." said Marshall on TV. Marshall lays down the presents underneath the Christmas tree and organizing them by size.

After laying the presents underneath the tree, Marshall lapped a sip of milk, walked to the fireplace and climbed up through it. After climbing, he reached out of the chimney. "Good job, Marshall." said Chase on TV. "Whose presents were those anyway?"

"Those were for Harry." said Marshall on TV. "Now let's go to the next house." The Paw Patrollers lead Santa's sleigh on their way to the next house.

After the Paw Patrollers delivered all the presents to the children in the houses around the world, Santa drops off Ryder and the Paw Patrollers at their HQ. "Thanks for your help, Paw Patrollers." said Santa on TV. "You've helped bring Christmas around the world."

"No problem, Santa." said Ryder on TV. "We did all the hard work."

"I'm sure you did." said Santa on TV. "Tally ho, reindeers." Santa and the reindeers dashed on their way back to the North Pole. "Ho-ho-ho, Merry Christmas to all, and to all a goodnight!" The show ends with the credits rolling and the music playing 'We Wish You A Merry Christmas'.

"What a Christmas show." said Dean.

"Yeah, nothing like a satisfying Christmas episode." said Genie.

"I agree." said Coco. "Those Paw Patrollers sure helped Santa out with delivering the presents."

"Gee, Family Night sure is fun, huh Dad?" said Brian Jr..

"It sure is, Junior." said Brian. "It sure is."

"Well, I suppose it's getting close to bedtime." said Ellie. "So, come on, kids, time for bed."

"Aw." said the puppies.

"It's been really fun and all." said Dean.

o - o - o - o - o

Later that night, the puppies are being tucked in by their mum and dad after their visit to the bathroom and with their teeth brushed. "Dad, I'm glad we had our first Christmas as a family." said Brian Jr..

"I'm glad too, Junior." said Brian.

"Dad, I think I'm gonna miss Uncle Vinny." said Coco. "It's been really fun spending Christmas with him."

"At least we have, Coco." said Brian. "Maybe he'll visit us in the New Year." Brian leaves the puppies to sleep as he turns off the light. "Goodnight, pups."

"Goodnight, Dad." said the puppies. Brian closes the door.

In Brian and Ellie's bedroom, Brian saw Ellie laying on top of the bed and he gaped. "Hello Brian," said Ellie. "Ready for some love?"

"You bet I am, Ellie." said Brian grinning from ear to ear and he got on the bed with her and they both made out.

After 20 minutes of love, the two mates laid in their bed collarless cuddling each other. "Whoa, that was some Christmas lovin'." said Brian.

"I know," said Ellie. "Well, at least we've had Vinny coming over to stay for Christmas."

"Yeah," he said. "He's like a family to us."

"A big part of the family." she said. "I'd sure wish he wouldn't stop visiting more often."

"We all do." he said. "Vinny means a lot to us."

"Well, he does mean a lot." she said. "At least we've had our first Christmas."

"Yes, dear." he said. "At least we have."

The two mates nuzzled each other, then they turned off the lights. "Merry Christmas, Brian." she said.

"Merry Christmas, Ellie." he said.

"And a Happy New Year!" said Frank appearing from the covers. Brian turns on the light.

"Frank?" said Brian.

"What are you doing in Mom and Dad's bedroom?" she asked covering her chest with the covers.

"Waiting for a moment." said Frank.

"You little bugger, you." said Brian as he rubbed Frank's head.

"Stop it, Dad." said Frank. He and Brian laughed.

And so ends the story of Brian and Ellie's first Christmas. The other families had their Christmases in Dogtown, with Vinny returned home to Quahog, the New Griffins' Christmas couldn't be more better without him.

The End

AUTHOR'S NOTE: This ends my first Christmas fanfiction. Merry Christmas to all Brian X Ellie shippers, and a Happy New Year. The Brian & Ellie saga will continue in 2019.

DISCLAIMER: This is a work of fan fiction using characters from Family Guy, which is a registered trademark of FOX and The Walt Disney Company. I do NOT own any of these Family Guy related characters, they belong to Seth MacFarlane, FOX and The Walt Disney Company. The story I tell here focuses on my fantasy of Brian X Ellie is my own invention and is not purported or believed to be part of Seth MacFarlane's story canon. This story is for entertainment purposes only and is not part of an official plot. I am not making any money of this fan fiction using any Family Guy characters. I am truly grateful for Seth MacFarlane for his awesome show taking place in Quahog, Rhode Island, for without his show, my story wouldn't exist.