Percy Jackson/Twilight story request from bribri1300

Phases of the Sea

Chapter 1

Charlie POV

I stood in the doorway of Bella's bedroom, looking at her with despair. It had been a month since that Cullen boy left her heartbroken in the forest behind the house, and all she had done in that time is stare out her window like she was expecting him to show up again.

A sigh left me at the sight of my lifeless daughter, who didn't give any indication that she heard the noise leave me. I was out of my depth here, and I knew it. I didn't know how to help Bella, Renee hadn't been able to help her when I had asked her to come. I only had one more option for help.

Checking the time on my watch, I figured the time difference between here and New York was decent enough, and headed down to the phone. I knew that my cousin Sally had a daughter around Bella's age. I had even met Persephone, or Perci as she preferred once when she was little. Sally had taken care of my father when he fell ill, and he had told her about me, the child of a one night stand. Sally had found and contacted me after his death, and invited me out to meet her and her daughter when Perci was three.

Taking a fortifying breath, I dialed the number that I hadn't called in what felt like forever. After three rings, the familar voice of Sally Jackson answered.

"Hello?" Almost against my will, a small smile curved my mouth at hearing her voice again.

"Sally, it's Charlie." I greeted. Immediately, her melodic voice became cheerful, and I hoped that meant she was happy to hear from me too.

"Charlie! How are you, how is Bella? I remember you saying something about her coming to live with you, how is that going for you two?" She asked in rapid fire, and I chuckled a little bit before answering.

"I'm doing alright, and yeah, Bells came to live with me. That's actually why I'm calling. She had a boyfriend, who broke up with her last month, his family moved, and she's just been a zombie ever since. I had Renee come out, I thought maybe moving back in with her mom might help her, but when it was suggested, she threw a massive fit. I'm a a loss on what to do here, Sally. I was hoping maybe Perci could come out to help her get over this since they're both 18?" I asked.

She was quiet for a minute, before I heard muffled speech away from the phone. I waited patiently for about five minutes, before Sally's voice was clear again.

"Perci says she's game for it. She vaguely remembers you, and I know we've never gotten the girls together before, so she's excited to meet family from my side. She's terrified of flying though, so she's booking a bus ticket into Port Angeles to leave tonight." She said.

I nodded, though I knew she couldn't see me, as relief swept through me. Bella would have someone to talk to hopefully, and she wouldn't be alone while I worked.

"That's fine, it'll give me time to set up the basement as a guest room. What all does she like? Do I need to get her registered into school?" I asked. Sally's light laugh cut off my relieved ramblings, something I was mildly thankful for.

"She loves the color blue, and loves to swim. Yes, you need to get her into school, I will overnight the paperwork so she can start when she gets there. It will take a couple days though, since she's traveling by bus. She also has her driver's license, so if you could help her get a car, she would be grateful." She said.

I smiled slightly at how easy taking Perci in was going to be. I already couldn't wait to take her to La Push. If she loved to swim, I was sure she'd love the beach.

"Sounds good. Let me know when her bus gets in, so I can pick her up. I will let you go, so I can get to work on her room." I told her, earning a laugh in response.

"Sounds good. Do you have a fax machine? I can fax you her paperwork instead of overnighting it, just to make it a little easier for us both." She said.

Giving her the number for the fax machine I had, she quickly told me that Perci would arrive on Wednesday evening, before hanging up. Checking the calender, I saw that today was Monday, and all but ran down to the finished basement. I had it turned into another bedroom, including a bathroom as well. I had hoped to present the idea of Bella taking it for her birthday, but the conversation hadn't had the chance to happen.

Since change seemed to be the last thing Bella wanted now, it would become Perci's room. Checking my watch again, I saw that I had plenty of time to go get some blue paint, and a bed set for the queen sized bed. For the first time in a month, as I walked upstairs to talk to Bella, I felt hope.