Hello everyone and welcome to another chapter of Total Pokémon Mystery Dungeon. I've kept you waiting for all this time and I do apologize for that. Writers block is a pain and it's just difficult trying to force something out at the moment. Anyways, I must thank a great friend of mine Jewelwriter for helping me out with this chapter. I really owe her one and couldn't thank her enough. Anyways, let's move on to the next chapter!

Chapter 2: Forest of Illusions

Once the teams got their badges, many of the teams left the office as they split into their respective teams. This was after Dew and Mystic told them that their guild training will begin within 10 minutes. Team Gold decided to head to the training grounds. Mizu was quick to find the nearest equipment or training dummy to use, as he knew that his siblings would bring up a certain topic.

"So, are you going to talk about it?" Hikari asked in a teasing tone. The Dewott who ignored her. Not wanting to hear it from his sister.

"Stop it Hikari, you know how little bro gets when he thinks someone is after his secret sword." Yoru interjected with a smirk. Mizu to grip the shells attached to his hips, gripping them tightly.

"Oh Mizu, please make me yours." The Zorua said in a seductive tone, imitating Rhonda's voice almost perfectly. "I just want to feel your big powerful-OW!"

Mizu and Hikari both turned around to Yoru to see him bawled over holding his head. A certain Marill stood over the Zorua with a glowing blue fist. Behind her stood Deja, Keyana, and Rosa who were laughing at what just happened.

"What do you think you're doing you idiot!?" Rhonda snapped as she had a massive blush across her face. Mizu who took notice of it quickly turned away from the spectacle while Hikari stepped forward to the Marill check on the dark type she hit.

"I would say that I didn't see that coming, but he deserved it." Hikari said shrugging off what just happened.

"Way to stick up for family." Yoru muttered under his breath, loud enough for Hikari to hear who continued to ignore it.

"I do apologize for my brother's rudeness." Hikari continued where she left off. "Judging by your auras, it seems like you wanted to speak with us?"

Rhonda snapped out of her anger for a second before turning to Hikari while the rest of team Candy Pop approached Team Gold. "Why, yes. We just wanted to speak with you guys."

"Real talk, we want to know you want to hang with us a bit more?" Keyana asked.

"Yeah, we don' have nun much to do. But we just want to have some fun." Deja tells Hikari

Yoru shook off the hit from earlier as he turned to Team Candy Pop. "Um, sure. Aside from the small chat we had earlier, we really haven't got to know each other that much."

"I mean, we still have plenty of time. What do you think Mizu?" Rhonda turned to the Dewott who ignored her to continue his training much to her disappointment.

"Don't worry about him. He's just afraid that he would lose to a much stronger Water type." Hikari said in a teasing tone. Before Mizu could even respond to what she said, he quickly ducked a ball shaped tail that aimed right for his head. Barely grazing him by the hair.

"It's fine, I have ways in making him talk." Deja said with

"Yo, just don't go overboard." Deja sweat dropped


"They are genuine; however, I do sense different motivations from each of them. One is more selfish than the other." Hikari said rubbing her chin. "It'll be best that we can keep close to them. Besides, it could help Mizu open up more as well."


"Look, I'm not into deceit or anything, but sticking around with the Guildmaster's kids, that would give us some brownie points." Rosa revealed smiling a bit.


"I am really going to feel that in the morning." Yoru groaned rubbing at the bump on his head.


"Dammit Esther wait up!" Claire shouted at the Beheeyem. The Psychic type was floated quickly to the upper levels of the guild as the Glaceon followed suit.

"Observatory here I come!" She shouted, however, she was stopped in her tracks by a massive skull appearing in front of her.

"BOO!" a giant Duskull shouted causing Esther to jump back and ramming herself into the Glaceon behind her.

The Glaceon groaned from the initial impact while she and the Beheeyem looked up to see Erika back to her normal size laughing at her two victims.

"That… look...so priceless!" Erika was bawling in laughs before blinking when feeling a sudden urge of DOOM aiming to the ghost fem as she looked at what is coming.

"You got in my way…. of the OBSERVATORY!?" Esther snapped while her fingers flashed multiple colors aimed directly at the ghost type. "Get ready to be a mindless dolt!"

"HOLD IT! Hold it Hold it!" Erika yelled as the ghost was plucked by the mask by her Hoothoot partner.

The psychic type had eyes glowing before putting both hands together to aim at the two in the air. "YOU WANT THIS TOO FEATHERDUSTER!?"

"Esther! Stop!" a voice shouted before Claire had the chance to speak. The group of Pokémon turned around to see Michael who was rubbing his head from seeing the chaos that was about to go down on the field. "We don't need to give our Guildmaster's a reason to start dropping teams and I can tell you blasting two mon in the air trying to run is going to give them reason to send us home like bad postage."

She did stop but had her hands aimed though with watery eyes. "But...but-but..."

"And it means you'll be using a cheap telescope instead of what's in an observatory." He said as he got her paws apart...the fem sighed out.

Terrell then rolled up to the rest of the group. The Venipede looked around confused at the situation. "Hey guys? What's up?"

"We should go…" the Infernape instructed while dragging off Esther. Claire started off at the scene before turning to the members of Team Spoopy for a few moments. She then ran off to catch up with her team.

"Weirdos…" Erika muttered


The Beheeyem lightly mumbles. An orb of energy floating in her hand. "I got the mind to edit their brains! I just need one chance."


"I worry about her. I mean what does the stars got to say when it's in the middle of the day?" Claire said as the Ice type was looking to the camera.


"So… so worth the threat of being done like the MIB!" chuckled the Duskull laughing before falling off her seat.


"I already know what's going on." Terrell drawled. "I doubt we need to worry much about space girl, but I'll still keep an eye out."


"So, the first challenge has to come up somehow. But it shouldn't be an elimination, or they'll be jumpy as a Skitty in a Dog Pokemon Expo." Mystic said as she got some looks from the others. "What? I saw it first paw and I nearly popped a laugh out in it all."

"ANYHOW…" Dew said as he pulls the idea of Mystic's imagined situation out of the head. "How about we give them a bit of a challenge that gives them room assignments? It'd be a way to help make bonds grow between teams if they are all not paired up in the same room."

"Even our kids?" Mystic said as she had to say that like she knew how much a mess this can be.

Dew in turn had to ask… "Have you any idea how good the three work together at times?"

The two looks at each other for a moment before saying…


"Doesn't make it any easier. How we sort who is where?" Dew commented. "I mean it isn't like we're-"

"Assigning a Leader or Roomie for each room to go together?" a voice rang in his head.

"Assigning the rooms with a Leader and roomies to go together. Huh?" Dew said before looking up as Mew was walking on the ceiling while they were on the ground. "! Mew! Get down here. We need to talk for a bit!" The feline was all too happy to as he floated down to them.

"Already done the work in a sense. Though someone is going to have a four Pokémon room to work with though they got five teams so that should luck them out if a team gets a full set." Mew said with a smug grin which was bugging the Samurott.

"There is one issue with that." Dew said.

Mystic interrupted before Mew spoke up. "I think that last bit will be on us otherwise. If anything, it would mean we have to find out WHO has which and be sure they didn't switch things up so the rooming wouldn't be used for shipping fuel." The dark type finished up on that as Dew can get behind it as he was having a nod to that.

"Don't even worry about it, I'll make sure nothing would happen."

"Why am I inclined not to believe you?" Dew asked with a squinted look to the psychic cat.

"Because I'm your supervisor. That, and none of them are a dark type sans your joker of a child. Which helps for the nosy amidst the groups." Mew chuckled on that.

"You may not need to worry about that. I do have a way to keep the boy busy." Mystic replied before heading out to the door until she stopped and looked at the others. "Dew, Mew. We could apply the room assignment idea to today's challenge. I'm already sure you have something else in mind too."

Dew walked up to his wife but smirked. "That I do, and I'm sure Mew would approve of it as well. First of all, it's-"



It's clear having no limbs can be a task in of itself. It's another task when having to do certain, basic things as we find our Sunkern trying to slip into one of the rooms without alerting one of the guild leaders. Thinking that there's something he can listen for in the next challenge to get his team ready and maybe get a bit of an advantage since a Pokemon like him is small and… well hard to catch first notice of if you are as big as the two guild leaders. Though he felt something was watching him.

"Not cool man. I'm like having them Ducklett pimples nowz. Clearly not bitchin' the green room." the small Pokémon said to himself in worry before an uneasy feeling grew stronger…. stronger...and stronger still. Cyrus is not feeling so good from it.

The Sunkern eeped as more his anxiety peaked causing him to jump and float into a nearby wall causing him to fall onto his back, groaning in pain.

"Bro, are you ok?" The Sunkern opened his eyes to see Byron checking on him. Flow followed as she levitated on her tail.

Cyrus said nothing before letting out a sigh. "I-I'm fine. Just freaked out for a second."

"You really need to be careful. I know you get paranoid sometimes, but still..." the Tyrogue trailed off picking up the smaller Grass type.

"Panicking isn't going to do you any good. It's not a good look especially on the first day. How about we go to the training grounds? I bet ya we could convince one of the water types to create some killer waves." Flow said

"You'll think they'll do that?" Cyrus questioned.

"Most likely, that Mizu guy look like he's strong enough for something bigger than an ankle buster. Besides, we haven't talked much about the others. I'm sure Team Candy Pop or Gold wouldn't mind chilling with us." Byron suggested.

"Right on dude." Cyrus said before speaking up. "Any how let's take-"

Before Team Sunsurf had a chance to do anything, the intercom sounded off to all the teams.

"Attention All Teams! We have the first challenge if the season! Everyone to the main Hall now. It's SHOWTIME!" Sounded off by Mystic as the PA charm for ending an audio broadcast play.

"Well, at least we know which one of the Guildmaster's is the lively one." Cyrus jokes.

"Come on guys, we should go now. Hop on." Flow tells them as Byron and Cyrus hopped on her back, she floated to the main hall carrying both of her teammates.


"Cyrus has only joined us for at least a month or so." Flow stated "He's a grom yeah, but but I have good faith in him. Just gotta give him a boost."


"With dudes and dudettes like Flow and Byro-bro, I'd be Ricos for sure!" Cyrus grins out as he was smiling it up as he was feeling quite light even when rolling about his seat.


The teams made it to the main hall as they can see two Lucario heading out as they go in while 5 teams are seeing the Samurott, shiny Zoroark, and Mew greet them for what is going to be their first free-for-all challenge. Some of the guild members are surprised to see the pink Mythical

"Wait….wait…. When did this guild have a mythical on the board?" Claire said as the dropped jaw look is likely what happened to her mind: Clearly blown.

Mew let the commentary come in for a moment before speaking out to them. "Oh I'm not officially a part of this but I'm an Overseer. Though I do have a few connections with these two."

"As did us." one of the Lucario spoke. The voice indicating that this one is male.

"Mom? Uncle Jesse? Hikari was the first to speak running up to the other Lucario as one Lucario was coming back to the sight but without the bag that she was carrying.

"Wait, you know these guys?"

"Well...yeah, it's a long story, but we're also related to them as well."

"I mean...she is my wife as well." Dew said shrugging a bit, though through the corner of his eye, he sees Mizu rubbing his head as he was well aware of how this lover's triad can get so complex with how relationships were and that was when he counted the number of misadventures, he heard his parents had. At least he had some comfort in knowing one of his moms was a lot more focused and determined to keep things cleaned up in the house they all ran.

"Do we have something to do or are we just taking Ankle Busters?" asked Liza as she had a paw up.

"Moving on." Mystic said as she nudged Dew to pull out a few image cards to show off what is the task at hand.

"Today's challenge will involve you all searching for your guild bags. Each team will have one bag with enough items that will allow them to make it out of the forest near the training grounds. Each one of you must work as a team in order to progress through the challenge." Dew stated before continuing

"The goal: Find three special bags (four in the case of team Candy Pop) that hold a few charms that will determine which rooms you will have. By the way don't open them before the trial ending. They have been boobytrapped to do something to the one that opens them too early. Once you find the bags you can exit the forest either by navigating your way out, or with the badges. You can also use it to track your teammates and map out the area around you. It's much simpler than I'm explaining it though." he finished explaining

"Also, your rooms will be assigned based on your performance too, not to mention any form of sabotage will not be tolerated. Not only that, but enemies will also be guarding the bags on the lookout so think on your toes everyone." Mystic added.

"That seems simple enough."

"Oh, the team who performs the worst will get expelled from the guild." Dew tells the group in a dead serious tone. Silence is only met with the wind outside that clashes with the windows.

"WHAT!?" Echoed each team entirely.

"Good luck everyone. Your challenge starts now." Mystic tells everyone with a smile.

"You are all dismissed!" Dew ordered as the rookie teams all rushed to the training grounds.

After a few moments...

"Wow, and you thought that I was a jerk of a host." Mew said chuckling before writing some notes down before teleporting the notepad away.

"I'm trying not to be too harsh, cut me some a break."

"Nice way to leave an impression. Trust me, if this bites you in the tail then I know what I'm doing tonight." Mystic said as she gave the Samurott a very familiar look to him.

Dew in return gave a blank expression before quickly changing the subject. "We should make sure that the challenge goes on without much difficulty."

The Zoroark gave a pout before smiling while the female Lucario, Ally giggled at the exchange between the two. "Time to show you where Dew and I placed the items." she said taking Ally by the paw and leading her to a different area to the forest. Jesse and Dew soon followed.


*Cyrus is hyperventilating*


"I couldn't read father's aura when he said that." Hikari said feeling nervous. "They won't kick us out of the guild, right? Right!?"


"Ain't that bogus." Deja said with an annoyed tone "If we get kicked out, it's whatever."


"I-I am really not feeling this…" Cyrus said as they got deeper into the forest. Prior to entering, the sky is as clear as day but in a forest like this, it's hard to tell night from day sans for the coloring being somewhat teal.

"Chill, we should be able to find something nearby." Byron said carrying the Sunkern in his arms. Flow looked around as she noticed something is very off. Looking at the surroundings, she noticed that they passed the same tree every ten or so feet.

"I'm getting some really weird vibes about this place." Flow tells her teammates.

"What my say that brah?" Byron asked confused looking around the forest. The moment Flow looked at her teammate, it appears that they are surrounded by trees.

"What!? I think we've smoked too much of that Bellossom's Passion." Flow said immediately noticing the change of scenery. Her cheeks are sparkling electricity as now they feel like they are surrounded. Each time one of them blinks it seems like the trees are closing them deeper into a tighter space.

"I-I think that Zorua is messing with us!" Cyrus said with his voice immediately turned from nervous to annoyed.

"Well I have one way to stir up the waters." Flow answered before firing off a a Thunderbolt at random areas around them.

The trees immediately disappeared revealing a clearing of the forest. The group then see a shadowy figure retreat into the trees.

"Follow em!" Byron shouted as they ran after the figure.

The trio ran after the unknown Pokémon. However, Cyrus noticed that the Pokémon they're after appears to be carrying something.

"They have the bag!"

"I got this bro." Bryon said tossing Cyrus to Flow. He caught up to the Pokemon once he sped up passed his teammates, but it's too dark for him to identify whom they were about to face.

A burst of energy flashed as Byron was feeling his head get hit with an energy before the entire team saw the Tyrogue fly into the treetops.

"Woah! Gnarly!." Flow said wincing in pain watching her friend getting knocked way. This was all the Pokémon needed before disappearing entirely.


"Ok, I am convinced that they are messing with us." Cyrus said with an annoyed look.


"You see anything?" Terrell asked popping out of the ground. The Venipede was met by Gregory and Erika

"Hard pickings...especially for plucking from easy souls." Erika sighs out as she was clearly disappointed at how hard it is to shake the souls in this area. For a ghost like her, not spooking someone out of their belongings for at the best a while was a clear sign she was thoroughly 'defeated' as far as being a gal to haunt someone.

"We should've asked for hints on where they would be. But then again, it feels like I've been stuck in the same spot. Even as great as my eyesight is, I haven't found much." Gregory tells his team

Hmm... do you think you could reach above the forest and see if you could find anything?" Terrell asked

"I don't know. It's pretty dense, I could find something with Foresight but I don't know how effective that will be." the Hoothoot replied.

"Then what are you waiting for, hop to it!" Erika tells him as he flew up above the treetops. It didn't take long to realize something was off. The trees appear to be growing more and more, It's as if the vines. "Ok… you're seeing this too since this is weird even by my standings!"

"It's not you it's- oh you're kidding." Gregory said as he slowly flew turned around… and was seeing a swarm of the one thing that normally isn't a good thing. "BEEDRILLS!"

"That is one thing spoopier than us! Let's book it!" Terrell exclaimed as the two went to make their escape, though with Erika, she stayed behind, her skull like mask barely making a smirk.

"You think a few needles scare me?" She said almost mockingly while the buzz of the many beedrill near. Though she saw it wasn't just more than a few Beedrill...It's a wave of Yellow, Black, and sharp… SHARP white. Add to it one of them looked like it was wearing Beedrillite and…

"Yeah...we must go…" with that all the team was rushing by with unrivaled speed!


"I mean really, you think that they left us a few items to use!" Gregory shouted

"I think that's the point." someone pointed out.


I must say, this area is kinda nice, it will be excellent for Spoopy HQ" Erika said gleefully


The trio of siblings was looking about as they had a time trying to find a foe in the direction they took as they kept a bit alert while Hikari was taking a look with her aura to their destination. While avoiding many bug types that appear to be docile, Mizu and Yoru only found a heal seed and an Oran berry each.

"Anything sis? I'm getting like second degree bored." Yoru commented as he yawned.

"Finally. There's someone ahead and looks like they are holding something." she said.

"Just one? Our parents were smart to make this last longer than it should." Mizu said as he pulls a scalchop blade to his paw. "Let's try to get this one to try and get more quickly."

The sister yelped as she rushed after him. "HEY! You don't know what we are getting into!"

The Zorua grins, following after though used his own illusionary power to turn invisible as he had a feeling, he can get the last laugh while the other two at least are busy with their own proving of who's better.

It didn't take too long for the Water and Fighting types to catch up on what just happened. Before Yoru had a chance to even take the bag that appears to be left behind onto a nearby tree, he was narrowly blasted by a blue orb of energy scaring him out of his illusion.

"Yoru!" Hikari called out to the Zorua while running to the two Pokémon up ahead.

"Hikari, keep track of them with your aura. We can't lose our bags." Mizu ordered in which she obliged as there is no point in arguing right now.

"Wh-what the!? My aura sensing is being distorted." Hikari warned to Mizu as her vision became blurred shapes.

"Whatever helps, as long as you can track them." Mizu called out the orders as he was knowing something was screwing with them as something closed the distance between them but not enough for a close-range fight.

Coming into view was a familiar blue, black, and cream form. Spikes on the back paws and one on the chest. It is the evolved form of a Riolu known as a Lucario but this one is familiar to them.

"You still have quite a bit to learn Mizu. I see why your father wanted me to train you." spoke the Pokemon as aura energy was radiating around the mon to blur sight with those with aura. The familiar Lucario appeared carrying 3 bags on him.

"Uncle Jesse!?" Hikari exclaimed, being surprised and now aware of how come her aura senses were going haywire to where she couldn't make clear heads or tails of the area around the three.

"Hmm…Hikari, I am actually impressed that you were able to still sense with your aura with that interference trick too. Though now it's not the time for idle chit chat." the older Lucario tells them. He snapped his paw fingers which signaled several Paras and Parasect which surrounded Team Gold. All three Pokemon had to get ready, knowing they were in a great mess now since not only do they got to deal with bugs and keep Yoru out of a jam but also battle Jesse, one of team Ivory's best. Yea, the kid gloves are off.

"Guys, we have to think smart about this…" Hikari tell her brothers

Yoru leers at the Riolu on that note. "Tell me about it. I'm in the worst of spots and you say that!"

"You at least learned a fire type move so try not to get caught. Mizu and I will create an opening. Got it" Hikari whispered.

Their thoughts are interrupted as a cloud of purple is spreading through the ranks as it was clear what was coming.

"Poison!" Mizu called out as it was clear that they can't fight with a status condition on them so dangerous. Hikari quickly stepped forward and used Protect, a blue forcefield quickly surrounded the trio as it broke the cloud apart though while it happened they can see there's a lot more mon to work with… Parasect, a Golisopod, and even a few Leavanny and Butterfree waiting for the barrier to drop.

This was all Jesse needs as he ran towards the group. With just a single tap with the spikes on his paws, he shattered the glass completely.

"It's Feint!?" Hikari thought as the Lucario quickly went for a roundhouse kick at the siblings. Mizu stepped forward blocking it with his shells taking most of the hit, but all 3 were sent flying.

Crashing into the group of bug type they had barely a chance to move clear as one had to make the call.

"Crap! Retreat! There's too many of them!" Mizu called to his siblings.

"Right, we can't take them now." Hikari said in agreement.

"Let's book it guys!" Yoru finished as they were able to escape, leaving only the Lucario behind as most of the bug types either disappeared in form of an illusion, or went back into the forest like it's a normal day.

"Mystic, I think you may have gone overboard...as usual." the Lucario said shaking his head while a Zoroark appeared with an arm over the Lucario's shoulder just giggling to herself.

"Maybe, but we can't go light just because they are family, right?" As the Dark type looks over to her fellow member of team Ivory as she saw the kids scramble to get out of the mess that was following them.

"Do you wish for me to continue on?" The Lucario asked

"Don't worry about that, you can report back to Dew or check on Ally." Mystic responds taking on more of the bags before snickering a bit. "it's probably torture that he's stuck with Mew right now."

"We'll finish checking on the others.


"So, what you think of the other teams? And no... not Gold. The two of us are saving them for last." Mew asked but did keep in mind whom to talk about.

"Well, all of them so far are doing well. I mean some even found bags which is good so far and others are handling themselves in combat." Dew said while he and Mew saw some events of what happened thanks to Mew's special badge.

"Good to know. Now about those three." Mew said as Dew had to sigh as he was rubbing his head.

The Samurott had to think of his wording. "Kind of wish they could do better but then again they have managed to keep out of trouble so far...I'd say they would be middle roaders."

"So…. not too ahead but got a ways to catch up?" Mew said, teasing the Water type.

"Yes. But trust me it's not easy. I mean I'm seeing Mizu trying hard and it's not easy to see how he is when conflicting with the other two." Dew said as he was thinking on it hard.

"Easy. You are going to get a headache there. Besides, you might be surprised on them." Mew commented as if to ease his tensions but looks on as he saw how things play out.


"OW...mons. That can sting a lot." Yoru whimpered out as he felt the pain on him a bit in a sense. "How dad can deal with fighting types makes me wonder WHY."


"Uncle knows how to kick tail for sure. Means I gotta get better than mom and then him." Hikari groaned as she rubs the side that has been hit.


"Kind of a downer knowing you couldn't put up a fight with family. Close family at that. Makes me wonder what things dad has done."


"Trust me, it wasn't easy for me either. But Family shouldn't have a big preference in our line of work." we see Jesse sigh as he rubbed his head.


Team Mystery found themselves lost completely deep in the forest. Unlike most of the teams, they focused on what they could find for potential items. It isn't much in terms of usefulness since all they've found so far were a few Pecha berries, a few Poke, and a throwable weapon stick.

"The Pickings are slimmer than a hungry Cacnea." Clare spoke after she sniffed the ground for anything of the sorts. So far, there is no luck.

"Probably because we can't find any good direction. It'd have to be because of the Zorua brat that is having too much fun at our expense."

"Really? A little mon like that can pull off all this? I mean give the little guy credit he's a pain, but he can't do this much."

"This is clearly Mystic's doing!" Michael deducted "I doubt Yoru would be the one since while yes, some can be quite skilled with their illusions, some Zoroark require a high level of concentration to create stronger illusions or one that is of a larger scale. And the fact we might be lost in a sense might be because of her."

"That'll help some but to what degree." The Psychic type growled out as it was a sight to see Claire is having a time looking to the sky which is looking as confusing as it was sparkly.

"Those consolations and patterns have to be hard to compare." The ice type murrrs as it was clear Ester is taking the moment to clear the mental haze from the fem.

"Priorities! If we can get a good item, then we can get our goal and get out of here faster!"

"Oh please, I am much more skilled with my abilities." a voice echoed through the trees causing all 3 members to stay on alert.

However, for one poor unfortunate soul, Claire turned around to see…herself. Both eeped and jumped back in unison which startled her other two teammates.

"Wait. Why is there another me!?" Claire shouted

"I should be asking you that faker! Why are you here!? This is clearly you are messing with our heads!" The other Claire shot back. The two are clearly matching each other's voice while Esther and Michael stood in front of both Glaceons unsure what to do.

"Guys, what are you doing, just blast the fake one, it's obvious that it's Mystic!" Claire shouted.

"Not a chance, they already know who the fake one is and it's you. You can just blast her and take the bags from her." The other Claire said before quickly covering her mouth as a hint of Mystic's voice was heard. "Oops."

"Get her!" Michael shouted as the Infernape and his teammates fired a Flamethrower, Signal Beam, and Ice Beam at the now revealed Mystic. Only Claire and Esther noticed it but too late when the disguised Zoroark gave a smirk before vanishing. Each of the attacks collided into a small explosion that sent all three flying into nearby trees.

Michael groaned in pain as a result of what happened. Before muttering "Damn that fox….." as laughter echoed through the forest.


"A...A….ARIADOS!" Rosa called out as tons of spiders began dropping from the trees having them run as there's a rainstorm of Pin Missiles, Poison Stings, and Spider Webs.

"We gotta eject from this CRAP! NOW!"

"Doesn't badges got an Escape button?"

"Wait wouldn't that mean we forfeit this mission?" "We can't do that. I mean do we even got any of those ba-"

"I gotta try something, if it works, we can at least get some of our breath! Here goes!" The Shroomish yelped out as the grass type spins as she used a move in a last-ditch effort.

Deja used Sleep Powder sending green cloud at the bugs. It appeared to slow some of them down, but more appear to be irritated than sleepy as they followed after Candy Pop with great vigor.

"I'm not going to let my girl/boy go down like this." Keyana said as the Farfetch'd used Aerial Ace to cut down a number of the bugs that came up as Gregory was glad for it but saw his team is a mess as he was knowing what was almost said and considered the only way their team can at least try to keep on the board if this wasn't an elimination bout was to call an out of the game flag as it were.

The quartet is seen once again surrounded by the spiders. One of which has ensnared Keyana in the webbings. Before her teammates could do anything. The webs glowed a pink outline and snapped breaking the web. The Ariados didn't have much chance to react as he too was sent flying into a nearby tree. It must've been with great force as the tree crackled and snapped before falling to the ground. This scared off many of the bug types, however, 4 bags are seen being left behind near said tree.

"Wait, what just happened?" Deja questioned about what happened while Rosa went to get the bags. Briefly checking them for weight, Rosa passed the bags to her crew.

"Yo, you ain't gonna help a sister out? Keyana shouted in annoyance while struggling in the webs before the same pink outline surrounded her and freed the Farfetch'd from the bondage. A certain Hoothoot was highly impressed as he realized something...

"Hey you ok? I think we got everything covered here."

"Yea. I'm good now. Let's hit it like 'em drums."

"...they were going to warp! "Terrell shouted skittering forward to them while Erika followed soon after.

"Sorry but I'm hitting it hard and we're outie 9000! We got our bags and we're booking!"

"Wait...don't we at least say-"

With a floosh of light the group of four were out of sight and out of the forest.

"...-t..thank you." as it was too late to catch the ear of whom he wanted. It was clearly a downsizing moment for the bird.

"Well…. that happened." Gregory tells his teammates.

"Come on, we still gotta get our own gains before we get last place" Terrell said as he nudged Gregory on the back.

The group began to leave unbeknownst to them that they were watched by a certain female Lucario who later retreated into the forest.

A light glow appears around them as the woods are looking more spaced out than normal. But other things like the grass like bags aren't gone.

"Wait…. this isn't an illusion…" Clair said realizing that the Infernape's foolishness is going to get them into even more trouble.

"Hehe, that will show them. Quick, get the bags now." Erika whispered as she and Gregory went over and grabbed them.

"Great, now we got three and can get out of here" Terrell said while Erika took the badge and tapped it, warping them outside of the forest.

It's a surprise when teleporting out that several of the Pokemon realized they saw they only had...weeds, which would explain how come their bags were so light and didn't have something. The illusions might have faded away but there were some illusions that DIDN'T vanish. And the bags were one of them. A trick that clearly embarrassed a few mon whom fell for it.

"Wait…..we ended up with Weeds?! Wouldn't this mean we-"

"OH Super Hero In Training!"

All three members of Team Mystery just stood silent for a moment as they didn't really know what to think now.

"Let's just go…" the trio said in unison before teleporting with the bags.


"Yo, Byron bro?" Flow asked worriedly

"He hasn't come down yet? Bogus" Cyrus called out as if trying to look up for their partner who clearly was seen flying in the direction. Of course, looking fully in one direction can lead to crashing into things not meant to be hit. In this example, a Sunkern clonking into a Zorua.

*belly growl. *

…a hungry Zorua.

"Saving supplies is one thing but Hunger is always a problem. Maybe a-"

"Don't you dare start on us Yoru!" the grass type felt saved as Hikari and Mizu came over, as Yoru sighs out.

"Oh, come on guys? I was trying to scare him out of his mind."

"He seemed to have more important issues." Hikari called out as they see Flow come into view… but stopped to look to them as she spoke up.

"Did any of you scopeout where our dude is? He should have ended his far out flight to a drop in by now and we haven't seen him since."

It was almost answered when a whistling sound went off and everyone looked up to soon see a Tyrogue falling too fast to escape crashing into something as it made a dust cloud in that area.

Yoru groaned from whoever landed on him. His siblings turned to see that Byron is the one who fell on him as the two were in the middle of a mini pit made from the impact. Unknowingly, the Tyrogue rubbed his face full of fur on the back Yoru's head.

"Duuude, it feels so soft."

"I'm not a pillow you battling skeleton!" the Zorua shouted blushing heavily. Both Mizu and Hikari tried to hold back their laughter. It's rare that Yoru is the one being a victim of humor, so this is a bit refreshing as they see the dark type huff and get from the grasp of Byron.

Mizu took the moment to check over his brother. "Looks like nothing's been broken...other than egos that is."

With the health of their team and others taken care of, the next issue should be obvious...

"How did you get here?" Hikari asked of the other team.

"I got separated when trying to get the bags for the team. We figured it was you guys who was messing with us." Byron said as he was rubbing his injuries a bit until Mizu gave him an Oran berry to heal up.

"If it was true, wouldn't there be a big change?" Mizu commented as he was aware (through experiences with his brother's...more personal trick.) on how a Zorua's Illusion power works, but it had soon hit him and also his sister Hikari. Looking to each other, the Riolu and Dewott answered.

"Mom's/Mystic's in on this!" both said as if realizing they're in for a lot more than just a simple task.

Though Hikari is noting what is about she can feel something strong was nearing them or ...is near. At least it felt odd that she couldn't sense it until now, but it didn't matter. It was noticeable and now is the time to try to strike if possible. "Get ready!" was all it took to get her brother's ready to take battle stances around them.

"Woah…. I got some freaky vibes about this." Byron said nervously as more Pokemon has surrounded them. His teammates got around to close the proverbial circle to cover everyone as they see what surrounded them.

It's by the look of it a MONSTER HOUSE! A term used by Guilds to describe a large amount of Pokemon in such an enclosed space that are waiting to assault a group or solo adventuring Pokemon. These have been known for several things. (Especially dangerous for female guild members for… specific reasons...) But in this case, this is one of the times the MH is deadly.

"Never mind. Listen, this isn't much we can do alone so I'm asking for a team attack." Mizu called out to the others as he was seeing options limited.

"Isn't that usually with long range moves?" Byron asked as he clearly never did one before.

"Don't care...we got to do it or we are SCREWED." Mizu commanded as the badges glow a bit as Water Pulse, Dark Pulse, and Force Palm charged up from team Gold, Focus Blast, Energy Ball, and Thunderbolt Charged from team Sunsurf.

"Let's AGGROOOOHHHHHHHH" Called out Flow as she unleashed her attack first as the others blasted all around in a circle where nothing seemed to be in the middle as the smoke was clearing up to show what the fudge did, they do as far as damage output.

The trees started to shake and shift around as if they were in a wild frenzy as attacks blast and then unite as any mon caught up in the middle were getting a burst of destruction around them. Clearly, Mystic knew what was going to happen at this rate and took to using an attack to taking cover as an united six move attack was coming her way and she fired her Dark Pulse. Jumping back but focusing her illusion, Mystic took to retreating. Considering she was nearly hit she had to at least admit she isn't taking a team assault like that. JUST… in her own manner as she focused her illusionary power.

Teams Gold and Sun Surf took a breather as the blast's shine was what hit their eyes for a bit before they heard something happened in it. The Zorua having a bit of a panic when he saw what he did while the others took in the sight when they finally got a chance to see it.

Mystic screamed in pain before disappearing in a cloud of purple mist. Six bags are left behind after the blast which were scattered about and the other team members were seeing the result..

"Um...what in the void lands just happened?" "That was like a movie scene."

They then were hearing a bit of an applause before audio was heard.

"Well done, you all have passed." Mystic's voice has echoed out through the forest.

"That was clearly heavy!" Liza whistled out on that note.

"I know. Here, let's get our loot and get moving from this place. I think we had a good adventure for today." Hikari said as she went to get a bag.

"I'm with you. Besides, I can only imagine the prize getting through this mess first is like. Hopefully not some Poke or we might be in the hole for a time." Yoru growled out as he was clearly feeling mixed in the moment while doing the same along with Mizu and the Sunsurf Team.

"That was quite a Nug but we outie. Lataurs Gold!" Byron called out as his team hit their badges as the members of the Gold likely had to think for a while. After all they had to battle one of their parents and that wasn't as smooth a victory as they expected since they could guess how Mystic got out of the blast in time let alone held back.

"We could figure it out when we get back with our three bags. By the way check to be sure we didn't get false stuff." Hikari said as she pets her brother while Mizu looked at his sis. Sure enough there was things within the bag and it wasn't a false item. If it was there would be nothing but air in his grasp.

"We're good. How about we warp it bro?" Mizu asked Yoru as he was snapped out of his thoughts and could see how the two were looking happy to grow bigger than their parents in a way. Getting him to shake his worries out of his head.

"Sure. We did enough chaos today. Let's hit it!" Yoru said as the entire team of Gold warped out with their bounty in paw!


"Congratulations everyone for a successful mi-" Dew got interrupted with a yell from the audience.

"What the heck was that about!?" Keyana shouted panting from the Beedrill that chased her left and right nearly through all the woods.

"YEA! We might be Kooks but that felt like we were seeing land versions of Men in Gray Suits."

"We were keeping watch for most of the time. We might be your Guildmasters, but we aren't always going to jump in and save you. Besides what you expect us to be, extra senpai heroes?" Dew commented as he chuckled out some. "Though you've all at least gained your goals and made it without getting harmed."

"Yeah...About that, Dew. I noticed something a bit odd and I looked in the bags. All of them are full of silly things like confetti and a ball and some candy." Mystic tells Dew

"Wait what?" Dew tells Zoroark before turning to Ally and Jesse who shrugged with their shoulders as they knew nothing about this change.

Mew suddenly teleported into the scene. "Well yeah, I figured that it would create better communication between teams. Even then, we didn't want the big surprise to show up until now. This was to determine your rooms. All of them are going to be Co-Ed since there's such a variety of teams."

"Co-ed?! I thought we agreed no Co-Ed rooms!" Dew shouted while turning to Mew whom was grinning ear to ear and seeing Dew having to endure this moment as he soon resumed.

"Change of plans. Though now each team has gained their bags and now each of you grab one of them and then open them up. We'll provide the balls for those that didn't get one of course. The first number is your room while the second is of who's got certain beds. So, each of you teams, open up your bags and check for your prize!"

1st Candy Pop

(Candy Pop's Bags [4]: {3-3}{2-2}{2-3}{3-2})

2nd Sunsurf (now first)

(Sunsurf's Bags [3]: {5-1}{1-1}{4-2})

3rd Gold (now second)

(Gold's Bags [3]: {1-2}{1-3}{5-4})

4/5th Mystery/Spoopy

(Mystery's Bags [3]: {3-1}{2-1}{5-3})

(Spoopy's Bags [3]: {5-2}{4-3}{4-1})

Mew nods to the sight. "Perfect." With a glow of the eye's names got put up on a board and then sorted out based on numbers. "Now I got the rooms assigned based on who drew what. And be ready for your housings. And they are as follows..."

(1-1)Liza "Flow" Cross, (1-2) Mizu Watatsumi,(1-3) Hikari Watatsumi

(2-1)Claire White, (2-2)Keyana King, (2-3)Rosa Francis

(3-1)Michael Zheng, (3-2)Rhonda Harris, (3-3)Deja Williams

(4-1)Terrell Ott, (4-2)Cyrus Russel, (4-3) Gregory McNair

(5-1)Byron Lopez, (5-2)Erika Flair, (5-3)Esther Jaimes, (5-4)Yoru Watatsumi

"The Last room set up for being housed for the most, so we did make a space expansion for that one only. The rest of the teams are set up into teams of three. And before anything you are to blame on if which room you get." Mew added before seeing some of the reactions ranging from thrilled to surprise to worry to… clearly flustered as well as one in absolute laughter.

"Can we get please switch!?" Mizu shouted at Mew. The Psychic cat just chuckled as a result before Dew, Mystic, or even Ally could respond after looking at each other for a moment told them. "Nope. Despite the Guildmaster's original plans, this will be a better way to form bonds between different teams, in other words, you get to know each other more." he explained


"The world must be after me if I'm roomed with two gals! And one of them is my sister. Plus, with both being able to see things beyond their own eyes, oh Arceus, Yoru is going to have a FIELD day with me." Mizu said as he grasped a pillow in front of him while he was holding the 1-2 ball. A heavy blush is seen on his face


"This Housing set up isn't too bad. Some of us of our team are still together. It's just we got blended very well thanks to the bags we were able to grab. Makes me wonder if we had any hint of how to end up where we wanted." Michael said as he was seeing he was in the Third room as he held the 3-1 ball that was in his bag.


Pawing the 5-4 ball, Yoru had to grin at it all. "It's not too bad, I get to work with a ghost type and can scare a Psychic type. Just gotta be careful of Sunsurf's Byron and I'd be golden. Add the fact I'm in the only four room makes it interesting."


"So…. this is so Bogus we got split up. I mean. I don't even see any of my dudes til rolls. Like getting Locked In" Cyrus groaned out as he balanced the ball with 4-2 on it on a leaf.


And that ends the current chapter! I know it's not the best ending and all, but don't worry, things are going to pick up more in the next. Anyways, I do apologize for the heavy delay and I once again would like to thank Jewelwriter for helping me get out of this rut too. You're awesome and I can't thank you enough. So. What do you guys think? Any predictions? Any feedback/ideas? I certainly would love to hear them. Anyways, it's like 3am here I need to get some sleep.

SD out.

Mew: Review everyone! Or I'll reveal your internet search history!