Robin squirmed as Superboy's fingers closed around his throat, nearly crushing his windpipe. Robin laughed mockingly. It came out as wheezing. Robin gasped and sputtered, but Superboy was unyielding.

"Conner!" M'gann cried. Superboy growled. Kaldur started forward, but changed his mind and stood still. Artemis hadn't moved at all. She stood there, glassy-eyed staring at a spot on the wall just to the left of Robin, her hand clenched around Wally's arm in a vice grip. Wally looked frantically around, as though praying for someone to show up and stop what was happening.

"Say that again, I dare you." The clone raged at his captive. Robin coughed a little, blood trickled from the corner of his mouth.

"You're a cow'rdly, worthless object." Robin choked out. Superboy opened his mouth to respond once more, tightening his fingers around the brat's throat, but the zeta beam firing up and the announcement cut him off.

"Recognized: Green Arrow, Zero Eight" The team froze, caught in the act. Green Arrow ran over to them. Green Arrow grabbed Superboy's arm, the one that was holding Robin.

"The hell do you think you're doing, Superboy‽" Green Arrow shouted, "Let the kid go!" Glaring daggers at the Leaguer, Conner dropped Robin to the ground. The boy collapsed, coughing up blood and massaging his throat.

"He called me-" Conner began. The rest of the team backed away as Green Arrow loomed over them. He tightened his hold on Conner's wrist.

"You were killing him!"

"I wasn't going to-" Conner protested. Green Arrow cut him off again.

"You were already doing it! You were way past 'going to, not going to'!" Robin coughed roughly, spat up blood and stood, one hand on the wall for balance.

"Damn. I bit my lip." Robin said in a thick, hoarse voice. He spat out another clot of blood.

"And you," Green Arrow said turning to Robin, "Why were you provoking him?" Robin smirked grimly.

"Boss said the clone 'ad a temper, said for me t' test my teammates. Enemy won't play nice, un?" Robin leaned back against the wall, pulling out his carton of cigarettes. His hands shook slightly as he pulled one out.

"I'll a'mit, it was a bit disappointing how easy i' was to get 'im to snap," Robin turned his head to focus on Kaldur, "You, you're the leader, ain't you? You shoulda call'd 'im off. You coulda called him off. What the 'ell kinda chain a' command do you got?"

"What chain?" M'gann said, "Kaldur's in charge." Robin scoffed, slipping the carton of cigarettes back into his belt and pulling out his lighter. After lighting his cigarette, and taking a drag, he crossed his arms.

"Like children playing hero." Robin muttered mutinously. Robin shook his head as he strode to the zeta tubes, fed up with his new team.

"Recognized: Robin, Bee Zero One" the computer stated. The team looked at each other, unsure of what to do now. Superboy had attacked one of their teammates. Artemis crossed her arms, uncomfortable with the silence, and the look her mentor was giving them. Wally ran his hand through his hair.

"So," He said, speaking into the icy silence, "What now?"

Robin re-materialized deep underground. The squeaking of rats and the high-pitched chirps of the titular bats met his ears. Robin grinned as he made his way deeper into the cave. The lighting became harsher, more industrial as he went on. He walked slowly, idly, all the while finishing his cigarette to soothe his frayed nerves. He needed to be collected, calm, in control.

Finally Robin stood in the center of the Batcave. He slunk stealthily over to the chair in front of the Batcomputer, perked up on his tiptoes and reached down to tug on one of the pointed bat ears, but before his hand could even brush the tip of the cowl…

"Hello, Robin." Batman deadpanned. Robin pouted.

"Hey, Boss." Robin perched on the armrest of the chair. Batman moved slightly and Robin fell backwards into the Dark Knight's lap. Robin blinked up at his mentor, who merely gave off the impression of a raised eyebrow. Robin smiled easily, squirming around slightly to make himself more comfortable.

"How's J-"

"Sulking. He failed his multiplication test and, so he's grounded for the next week. How's your throat?" Robin tugged his collar down to display the newly forming bruises.

"Not bad, all things considered. I mean for a guy with super strength, he sure is wimpy. I've had better love-taps from the Condiment King." Robin chuckled softly at his own wit.

"I'm sorry. If I had known how he'd react…" Batman said, trailing off. His fingers lightly caressed the bruises on his protege's neck. The Dark Knight regret that he wasn't able to protect his bird, but, ultimately, he knew that Robin would deny needing the help.

"I'm fine. I'm fine. If I'd actually though' he mighta killed me, I woulda pulled my Kryptonite on 'im." Robin said, falsely bright. Batman was unimpressed, staring down on the boy in his lap impassively. Robin stared back, just as unruffled as his mentor.

"Be that as it may, you are going to have to explain the fingerprint bruises on your neck to J-" Robin rolled out of Batman's lap, popped up to standing, and snarled.

"He doesn't 'ave ta know!"

He's bound to figure it out sooner or later."

"You're not going to tell him, right?" Batman hesitated then grunted an affirmative. Satisfied, Robin turned his attention to the screen in front of them.

"What's on the agenda for tonight, Boss?" Batman narrowed his eyes.

"For me? Patrol and a stakeout." Robin looked excited.

"For you? Homework and bed. Tomorrow you'll have to go back to the cave and sort out the 'Superboy' problem." Robin's face fell. He walked to the stairs.

"G'night, Boss. Don't die too much."


"You're not going to acknowledge my joke?" Robin asked vaguely disappointed. Batman grunted in response.

"He wants you to help him study for his multiplication retest tomorrow."

With a bright laugh, Robin dashed up the stairs.