I do not own My Hero Academia
Being engulfed by the black mist was weird. Despite its dense appearance Izuku had no problem breathing, neither did he feel or smell anything at first. But then he felt his footing disappeared and he became weightless. He only fell through darkness for a split second before being blinded by light. After his eyes got used to the light, he noticed he could feel wind streaking against his face and through his hair and gazed down a dazzling depth.
As tears build up in his eyes, he realized he was falling at least 50 meters down and no plan nor idea to stop him from becoming a splatter on the concrete ground below.
'Wait! I can use OfA to slow me down by finger flicking the air below me! I don't know how well it'll work though, not to mention the backlash on the rest of my body.' As he approached the ground further the student decided it was better than dying here and now and pointed his finger to the ground, his hand forming an 'O.K.' sign in a situation that was definitely not O.K.
Before he could enact his plan however, he started 'falling' to the side. The momentum of his vertical fall causing him to start spinning in mid-air whilst he flew horizontally over the rocks below him.
After a few seconds he finally collided with an object. Luckily for him it was soft yet sturdy enough to break his fall. Once he came to from his vertigo inducing nightmare flight, he heard a robotic voice ask him if he was alright.
Izuku quickly looked up to see him staring into the eyes, or screen rather, of pro hero 13. 'He must have been teleported to this place as well.' the boy deduced.
"I'm okay." the greennette continued out loud. "Just a bit dizzy. How did you catch me? And, where are we?" Izuku looked around him as he stood next to 13 on a rooftop, abandoned and clearly unsafe building surrounding them.
After putting the boy down 13 looked around. "I used my quirk to suck you towards me. Don't worry though, I've done stuff like that before and closed my finger tops on time to prevent you from actually being endangered by my quirk." The professional hero looked around him. "It seems that villain brought us to the Ruins zone. No doubt to counter my quirk, I won't be able to use it willy-nilly down in those streets, what the buildings around us being so unstable."
"Well said 13." a familiar deep voice came from behind them. As they hastily turned around to face the mass of black mist he continued talking. "Whilst I don't know the boys' power, I have made back-up plans to keep you in check at the very least. Now then, let's start the fight for real this time, hmm?"
To the sides of a pair of electric yellow eyes two vortexes opened, their swirling pattern almost seeming to have a hypnotizing affect. Before Izuku could even think up a battle plan two beams of an unidentifiable make-up shot out of the portals destroying everything in their paths, hitting the ground, or roof, right in front of the two good guys. Debris and dust flying up into the air as once again the ground under Izuku fell away and he continued falling, this time with companionship.
As he fell down the alleyway in-between two buildings Izuku spotted a fire escape on the side of the adjacent building. Grabbing blindly, he managed to snag a hold and with his other hand quickly took 13's hand.
As rubble and dust fell down around and on them, they could do little to shield or protect themselves in some way. As Izuku held onto the railing of the fire escape he heard an ominous groan and could feel the iron ladder giving in. In a few seconds he was falling for a third time that day until both he and 13 landed harshly on the ground. As he felt himself impact on to the ground ans lose all the air in his lungs the young hero tried to roll with the fall as best as he could. And good too, for not a moment later a steel ladder along with some more rubble fell on the spot he had been previously occupying.
There, covered in dust and cold mud from the ground, coughing his lungs out while trying to fill them back up again, laid Izuku. He quickly looked around him and saw 13 on the other side of the alleyway. He quickly ran towards the hero hoping the professional knew what to do.
"13! 13! Are you alright?" Izuku asked quickly, helping the hero sit up right. The astronaut's visor was cracked, and their suit dirtied and almost ripped on multiple places.
"I'm alright Midoriya, just a bit winded." the white cladded humanoid shook their head. "What about you?"
Izuku did a quick one-over. His own visor was cracked as well and he decided to take it off for now, as much as it helped shield his eyes against the dust and falling debris, now it would only make it harder to see whilst wearing it. His suit was dirty and ripped much like 13's, but he'd live. "I'm okay, just dirty, cold and drenched."
"Drenched?" 13 stared at him. "That's strange... the only water source in the ruins zone is under ground in the sewer."
"My my, you certainly are persistent."
Before Izuku could react, he was pulled out of the way by 13, barely dodging another destructive beam.
Wordlessly, the two heroes decided it was best to run for now, and quickly exited the alleyway, onto the open street.
"if you think you'll give yourself a better chance of surviving by entering the open you're wrong!" the voice taunted behind them. Not needing to look both heroes threw themselves to the side as another beam crashed onto the pavement before them. Izuku could only watch in horror as said pavement cracked and split open with water and chunks of rock flying everywhere.
Think! He needed to think! He needed OfA charged up as well, but he still needed a second or two for that. He quickly looked around and spotted a car, maybe he could hide under it? He remembered what that beam did to the pavement and decided that he didn't want be under a car if it were to be hit by such a beam.
He heard a yelp only to turn around and see 13 having just as much trouble dodging the enemy attacks. He ran to 13 with a vague idea of a plan in mind, once within speaking range he decided to act. "13! Cover me!"
"Wait, what?" 13 asked in surprise but before he could inquire further his student had already crouched behind him with a look of concentration on his face.
Surprised by Izuku's 'plan' he may have been, but he was a professional hero for a reason and seeing no option to dodge the beams in fear of them hitting his student he started sucking them up.
"Oh dear, hoping for a break in the middle of a battle? What a sad and pathetic boy you are." their attacker said out loud and
The amount of attacks was doubled and 13 could barely hold them at bay.
'I certainly hope you know what you're doing, Izuku.'
Out of nowhere, he was blindsided by beams shooting at him and his student from different directions.
Right on time however, he was pulled out of the way by our heroic main character. Clutching his teacher to his chest the greenette ran away, too fast for the villain to keep up.
"You can run but you can't hide!" he decided to yell instead. He would catch up to them in time anyway.
"And that's my plan. What do you think?" Izuku finally finished explaining his theories and ideas for counter measures.
After they had successfully escaped the mist man's barrage, they had found a suitable hiding place where they could rest up and come up with ideas, if only for a little while.
13 was gobsmacked, this boy had, in a matter of minutes, thought of a completely plausible theory on what the villain's attacks might be and had come up with a very good plan as to stopping the evil doer.
Where other heroes had only ever thought about facing the enemy head on with their full strength and nothing but their quirk to back them up, the boy- hero-in-training in front of him, had decided on a much more effective, if not less destructive, manner of defeating their enemy.
After thinking the plan over and not seeing any obvious holes in it he nodded in approval. "Very well, I don't like the danger this puts you in, but we don't have very much choice."
"I'd prefer to say you don't have a choice at all!" A victorious voice sounded. The two heroes barely had the time to jump out of their shelter before it was crushed a familiar attack. But instead of panicking, Izuku had the right mind to realize his plan would have to be put into motion now, or never.
"Ha!" he managed to force out. Not having dropped OfA since the last time he charged it up he was having a breeze dodging the bad guys attacks. "I can keep this up all day, for a villain who thinks he's hot shit, you sure are slow!" He made a small mental note to clean his mouth with water and soup after all of this was over. 'I'm sorry mom, but I don't have any other way of egging him on.'
"Ahh..." the villain sighed. "I always do enjoy crushing arrogant bugs. Normally, I'd go for the biggest thread here, which is not you I assure you. But destroying you first would be more satisfying, if only to see your teacher in pain." After that morbid little speech, the space breaking villain gave chase to the pre-teen.
Izuku made sure to put on a little show of dodging the attacks that were thrown his way, while also not going too fast for the villain to lose him in between the rubble. Over time Izuku started to slow down before diving into an alleyway. Once at the end of it, he turned around to face his attacker.
Said attacker he decided to transform into a wall of black mist completely blocking off any escape.
"Well now, it seems you tired and trapped. Finally, ready to die?" his thick warm voice was filled with smug satisfaction.
"One... one more thing." Izuku breathed out in between fake gasps for air. "Those beams, what are they!?"
The darkness only chuckled. "Well, I suppose It won't hurt to tell you. I'm sure you've already come to realize that my quirk allows me to make portals, yes? Well, that's just it. Portals, portals I open at the bottom of the Mariana Trench. The water pressure down there is so strong, as soon as I open a portal the water comes blasting out in a devastating fashion."
Izuku looked at him in shock, before a massive grin formed on his lips. "Really? Thank god. Otherwise, this would never work..."
"13! NOW!"
"On it!" a voice sounded behind the wall of smoke.
Kurogiri seemed to be put off by the conversations end and the sudden entrance of the pro hero behind him but quickly recovered. "I don't know what 'This' is, but it won't matter if you're nothing but a bloody puddle!"
Kurogiri opened a portal and a beam of water shot towards Izuku, who at the very last minute dodged past the beam allowing it to rush undeterred...
Right into a street wide fuse box, a common object in the city, generally used as node to connect streetlights to the city's power system. But also great for frying villains who played with water.
The abyss screeched out in fury and pain as the electricity rushed through water into his ethereal like body, completely paralyzing him on the spot.
Meanwhile, Izuku was doing his best hopping from wall to wall, trying to scale the buildings and leave the alleyway before the next part of his plan was set in motion. A loud groan from the old buildings indicated that 13 was a little more efficient that he had thought.
As Izuku jumped over the black wall which was still crying in pain he landed next to 13 who had already used his quirk to remove big chunks from both buildings. The boy's plan came to a close as both buildings collapsed under their own pressure, falling down and burying anyone in the alleyway alive.
After looking at the aftermath Izuku turned to his sensei. "You think that did him in?"
His teacher in turn looked at the boy. "He's definitely unconscious or trapped, or we'd have already been blasted off our feet by now, but I'm not sure for how long, let's just hope long enough for back to arrive and officially arrest him. But there's no time to dilly-dally or dig him out now, we still need to help senpai!"
Izuku nodded and followed his teacher back to the main plaza, hoping it was not too late to save his homeroom teacher.
I did it!
My very first fight scene, I tried to make it as clever and well thought out as possible, but it might be crap, I'll let you guys be the judge of that. If you have questions, please contact me through PM, it's easier explaining things that way instead of only being able to put out arguments once per chapter.
And now for the Reviews:
Sorry buddy, I haven't even got a single pairing planned, let alone a harem.
Thanks for the suggestions man, those are indeed a lot of plot point I must keep in mind. And some ideas to boot.
He'll be able to use 14% actually, and while that's still very strong, I've got something special planned for the licence exam arc, if I ever get that far anyway.
UNTensaZangetsu, Don't add anyone, camdawg and ThFlash
Thanks for supporting me guys, I was beginning to question what to do with Shinsou, but you're right. The whole point of the story is literally Izuku being the lone student. Putting Shinsou into 1-a would defeat that point completely.
Don't worry buddy, I dislike OC's just as much as the next guy. I'll try to use none, and if I have to, I'll give them as little attention as possible. I'd probably be terrible at them anyway. But once again, I have no plans to use OC's, nor do I think I'll ever need to use them, and if I do, I'll figure out a way to get around that.
Amadeus Amadeus
I rewrote Aizawa's reason for expelling them because they didn't give it their all, even if it hurt them. Terrible OOC reason as Aizawa cares more about efficiency than that.