Dragon Nest-outskirts

Hiccup flew alongside his father, watching as they pulled the boats along. "When we get there, we need to keep in mind that we are on enemy grounds. They will know the terrain better then we do. Do what you do best, those of us on dragons will deal the damage, those on the ground will need to keep a distraction up. From what I've got on this dragon, it has no blind spot or shot limit." The people of Berk nodded, watching as the mist of the nest. "If we win this son, we will all owe you our lives." Stoick exclaimed as they flew into the mist.

Dragon Nest-Island

Hiccup eyed the area around them. A large volcano sat in the centre of the island. The dragons hovered, waiting for the mountain to be cracked open. Gobber glanced up at Stoick, who motioned towards Hiccup. Moving his gaze to Hiccup, Gobber gave a small nod to which Hiccup returned. Turning round, Gobber cleared his throat. "FIRE!" The catapults quickly fired. Slamming into the side of the volcano, causing cracks to open up. The last rock fired cracked open the volcano. Millions of dragons flew out fast, swarming towards the sky and above the mist.

Gobber blinked. "That was unexpected." Spitelout nodded. "Cowards, that's what they are." A deafening roar quickly pulled all eyes upon the small gap. Hiccup leaned forward. "Steady, steady." He ordered. He listened, hearing the large footsteps approach. Glancing at the volcano, large cracks started to appear before the Red Death's massive head burst through the wall. Stoick widen his eyes in shock. "You weren't kidding when you said it was large."

Finn shook his head before eyeing the dragon. Hiccup watched as the dragon walked out, it's entire body coming out into the light. Softly kicking the side of Toothless, Hiccup yelled out. "REMEMBER THE PLAN AND ATTACK!" Flying fast, Toothless fired, hitting the Red Death from the side. Roaring in anger, the Red Death built up a large amount of green gas in it's mouth before letting a large stream of fire out. Flying to the side, Hiccup eyed the dragon. "That thing's going to be harder to deal with them I thought." Astrid soon flew alongside him, Stoick and his Inferno King were flying all over the place, firing it's molten metal breath upon the Red Death.

"Our attack's are having no effect." Astrid stated, dodging another round of fire. Hiccup eyed the dragon, blinking before a new roar was heard. Widening his eyes, Hiccup glanced back as Valka flew in atop Cloudjumper. "Then why not even the odds." Not even seconds later, a another deafening roar was heard. From the mist, a large blast of molten metal slammed into the Red Death.

The Red Death stumbled backwards from the force. From the mist, the titan wing Inferno King emerged. Roaring a second time as behind it, Magma Forge's entire nest hovered. The Red Death Widened it's six eyes before lifting its club like tail up. Hiccup grunted as he was knocked from Toothless's saddle. Falling down fast.

Astrid widened her eyes as she watched Hiccup plummet down towards the Red Death. "HICCUP!" Astrid shouted. Stoick and Valka turning their attention as the Red Death opened it's jaws and launched up, gulping Hiccup down in one go. Astrid shook fast, anger building up as sadness also took present. All eyes fell upon the Red Death. The Red Death eyed everyone around her. Watching with little interest.

Landing on the ground, Astrid watched as the Red Death widened her eyes. Roaring out in pain, the Red Death rolled it's eyes into the back of it's head before falling over on it's side dead. Quickly rushing forward, Astrid fell to her knees before the massive body. "Hiccup, why?" Valka and Stoick soon stood next to her, watching the dragon's body.

Minutes passed, and no one dared to move the three Vikings. The sound of an axe hitting flesh soon caught their attention as Valka's axe blade punches through the thick scales from inside. Widening their eyes, Hiccup soon emerges. His body clean as ever, no sign of dragon blood, germs or anything. Hiccup walks over. "Even dragon's are susceptible to having heart attacks. Who knew." Astrid rushed forward, punching him in the shoulder.

"What was that for?" Hiccup asked. "That, was for making me think you were dead." Astrid quickly grabbed Hiccup by the collar of his shirt and pulled him in for a kiss. Separating, Astrid smiled. "That, that was coming back to me." Hiccup blinked. "I'm really confused." Valka chuckled alongside Stoick. "Son, you are oblivious to things aren't you?" Hiccup blinked before he felt Astrid's hand slip into his. "Hiccup, I love you." Hiccup quickly fainted.


Hiccup slowly awoke within his room. Astrid sat at the side of his bed. Noticing Hiccup had woken up. "I'm glad you're awake again. Somehow you managed to remain out for a week." Hiccup blinked. "And I had the strangest dream, I dreamt that you said you loved me, I had killed a dragon queen and somehow managed to evade death." Astrid chuckled. "No dream Hiccup. It's all real." Hiccup blinked. "Gods, why do these things happen?" Astrid chuckled. "Hey, at least you got the glory of killing something huge, not even I could get that king of glory or honour." Hiccup shook his head. "What. But, how did I survive getting eaten?"

"All was planned from the start. The day you were born. You were born with a gift, gifted by us. You are touched by us, marked with our courage and strength, our leadership and wisdom. You were destined to bring an end to the war. You are, our champion." Hiccup widen his eyes. The word he saw in the clouds now became clear. "The gods. They choice me as their champion within this realm." Astrid chuckled. "Yeah, they said told me something as well while you were out, but, there is one more thing you should be aware off." Hiccup eyed Astrid with worry. "I'm afraid to ask, but what is it?"

Astrid shook her head. "The day we got back to Berk from the Dragon Nest. My parents and yours talked. And, I think you might know what I'm about to say next." Hiccup widen his eyes. "We're betrothed aren't we." Astrid nodded. "Another thing I won't understand for years to come." Astrid chuckled lightly. "At least we can face what's to come together." Hiccup nodded. "Yes, but I fear one thing is calling." Astrid raised an eyebrow in interest. "What is it?" Hiccup glanced down. "The past comes calling."

Behind the seas of space and time, two red eyes open large before narrowing. "The past comes calling. Hiccup Haddock will bow before my knees in blooded chains for Omicronus will come, and I shall reclaim what was taken from me all those years ago."

Ending the story here. Stay tuned for a sequel. The name for the sequel will be The Past Comes Calling.

Title is Danish for Rising Warrior