AN: Hey there! I'm back! Here is the second part of Squid Hangout. Now where we're we...oh, yes! Team Citrus spotted Blossom and Swift jumped onto Blossom...

Bonus Story 3: Squid and Octopus Hangout Part 2

Meanwhile, on the other side, Cadet and Red were walking together to find Hunter and Blossom. Oro had to take a leak, so he went to the toilet for a quick whiz. During this, Cadet taught Red how to change his hair color at ease in which Red changed his hair color to purple.

"So you're the youngest!" said Red during his and Cadet's conversation. "No wonder you look so small."

"You know that we are at the same height like the other inklings," said Cadet. [1]

"Say, Cadet. You know where I came from; what about you? Were you born here?"

"No. I was born in Australia. I'm an Aboriginal Australian." [2]

"Oh. I thought you are local-"

All of a sudden, Red gasped. Cadet stopped. He saw what Red was looking at. Upon seeing Blossom lying face down with a retarded Inkling punching her on the head with a ticked-off Hunter watching, he realized what's going on.

"BLOSSOM!" screamed Red.

In anger, Red ran up to the confound Swift and kicked him off Blossom. Swift flew through the air and banged into a wall. He then fell onto the ground with a loud 'OOF'!

"My #&%$!" said the pained Swift. [4]

Red growled at the battered inkling before taking his eyes on his sister.

"Are you OK?" said Red quickly helping Blossom to her feet.

"I'm…" said Blossom, slightly dizzy though not mentally hurt. "I'm alright…thank you very…"

She slowly trailed off as the angry Alex came up to them.

"What are you two doing here?" she said in a gruff voice.

"What?" said Red confused.

"Let me rephrase that again; WHAT are you two OCTOLINGS doing here and are you here to STEAL the Great Zapfish again?!"

"WHAT?!" said Blossom shocked. "Nonono! It isn't what you think-"

"YOU'RE LYING!" snarled Alex grabbing Blossom by the hood and Red by the collar. "TELL me what you're DOING HERE!"

"I swear," said Red calmly, trying to end the argument. "We aren't here to do trouble!"

Cadet recognized the signature orange hair color. He realized one thing.

"It's Team Citrus," he groaned in his mind. "The nuisances Olivia mentioned about last night. They might have been good in keeping the New Squidbeak Splatoon secret, but that doesn't mean they hide their hatred on octolings from everyone."

Cadet caught a glance at Hunter's suspicious look. The Skull Sniper sighed.

"I have to make a bloody oath to Team Citrus," he thought. "But I could not let Hunter hear about this."

Cadet decided to walk over to the fiery arguing. Luckily, there weren't many people in the shop as the shop was nearly closing so nobody else was watching. It would be good since he didn't have to be worried about telling the truth.

"Hey," he said.

This caught the attention of Hunter, Blossom, Red and Team Citrus. Even Swift woke up and saw Cadet.

"Oh…uh…" said Aki surprised to see Cadet. She was nervous to see the Skull Sniper joining the argument. "Hi there…we haven't seen you for so long…"

"What's going on?" said Cadet crossing his arms.

"These two octolings broke into the shop…" grumbled Swift getting up.

"What?!" said Red. "We didn't…"

"Then what are you trying to do?!" snapped Alex threateningly.

"Hold up for a minute," said Hunter separating Alex from the octolings. "What's going on?"

"Hunter," said Cadet. "I suggest that you stay out of this. Wait outside for us."

"I'm not going out clueless. Tell me; what's going…"

"I said stay out of this…NOW," said Cadet with a nasty, angry glare.

Seeing the look on the Skull Sniper's face, Hunter sighed and obediently left.

Cadet looked back at Team Citrus.

"These two octolings are just here to explore around," said Cadet. "Leave them alone."

"But aren't Octarians are enemies, dude?" said Lil-X. "Remember the Great Turf War? They might be here to take over Inkopolis as revenge!"

"Yeah," said Aki. "I'm not sure if we could trust them. They could do something wrong."

"What you are saying is IFFY. They AREN'T doing anything wrong," growled Cadet. "They are just here to look around."

"HOW in the world could you prove that they're 'innocent'?" said Alex.

Blossom and Red winced. They wondered what motivated those inklings to hate them.

Cadet's eyes narrowed. "You want to know why? Those two octolings are AGENTS of the New Squidbeak Splatoon. And so am I."

Team Citrus was shocked; Aki's face turned pale. Lil-X's mouth went wide opened. Alex raised an eyebrow. Swift's eyes widen up.

"W…What?!" said Aki. "Y…you're squidding me, aren't you? Ho…How did you know about the New Squidbeak Splatoon?"

"Then where do you think I got the Hero Hoodie from?" asked Cadet with the 'it's so obvious' look. "You could even ask the Squid Sisters, Olivia, Jedi, Captain Cuttlefish and Off The Hook if you want proof."

It took a while for Team Citrus to recover and came up with an objection.

"Whatever," said Lil-X. "Even if you are an agent or not, you know that octolings are DANGEROUS. It would be a DISGRACE to have them here."

"Octarians are not bad people," said Cadet. "They are just confused as we are; thinking that each other's kind is evil. Those two octolings came here because they were bullied and wanted to escape. Yet, here you are picking on them, continuing the bullying AND hatred cycle. Can't you see my point or are you just blind? You're just racking off octolings like how inklings rack each other off for no good reason."

Team Citrus went silent. Cadet wasn't sure if they understood him or rejected the idea of accepting octolings. Then, Aki spoke.

"Excuse us for a moment," she said. "We need to talk for a while."

They left and hid behind a shelf. Blossom and Red looked at Cadet.

"Who…" said Blossom.

"The…" said Red.


"Are they?"

Cadet looked at them with a sympathetic look. "They are Team Citrus; one of the known Turf War teams. They are the ones that knew about the New Squidbeak Splatoon. I guess after what Olivia told them, they aren't a big fan of you guys."

"I guess that's why you call them 'nuisances'," grumbled Red.

"Well they are; not in THAT way. They've been friendly to me, but they can be pushy at times…not to mention the stupid pranks some of them did."

Meanwhile, Team Citrus got together in a team doing their group huddle; which they always do when doing team discussions.

"I'm getting sick of these teams huddles," said Alex. "I'm one step away from turning those octolings into SUSHI."

"Please don't resort to brutal violence again guys," said Aki. "Cadet might be telling the truth. If he's now an agent of the New Squidbeak Splatoon, then he would know."

"But what if those octolings turn on us later, brah?" said Lil-X. "I don't want a double-crossing traitor here in Inkopolis."

"Just give them a chance," said Aki firmly. "The octolings don't seem to be armed with weapons or what-so-ever! Plus, Cadet said that they were bullied before-"

"Just because they were bullied before doesn't mean crap," said Swift. "We need to take precautions."

"As I was saying," said Aki. "Cadet said that they were bullied before and we saw Cadet getting bullied by other kids. I don't want us to be the bullies of anyone. By the way, we know that Marina – that famous pop star – is an octoling and we are not allowed to tell anyone about who stole the Great Zapfish. I don't want to break Olivia's promise. I say that we accept those octolings into our society AND THAT'S FINAL."

Swift, Lil-X and Alex stared at Aki for a long time, unsure what to do. It was silence until Lil-X spoke.

"OK then," he said. "I agree. I think it's best not to show hatred towards them and by the way, they look awesome."

Swift and Alex looked at each other before turning to Aki.

"Fine," said Swift. "I'm still keeping an eye on them. I'll see what I can do."

"Same," said Alex. "On one condition; if they betray us, I'll splat them to next century."

"Done," said Aki.

After waiting for a long time, Team Citrus returned to Cadet, Blossom and Red.

"Are you guys good?" asked Cadet.

"Yes," said Aki. "We are good."

At this, Cadet saw Oro and Hunter coming back into the shop. Just in time. He could breathe.

"Oh. Since you're here, I might as well introduce you four to the two newcomers; this is Blossom and her twin brother, Red."

Blossom and Red waved timidly.

"They just got here and are staying at Olivia's apartment which is where I'm living now. Blossom and Red, this is Team Citrus."

Aki came towards the two octoling and raised her hand for a handshake.

"My name's Aki," she said as she shook Blossom's hand. "Leader of Team Citrus. Pleased to be your acquaintance. Sorry for being hostile to you at first."

"It's alright," said Blossom and Red in unison as Aki shook Red's hand.

"Let me introduce you to my team," said Aki. "The one with the comb back hairstyle is Swift; one of the fastest and agile inklings in Inkopolis. He's our special weapon."

"Yo wassup," said Swift in a cool manner.

"Is Swift as fast as Olivia, AND as agile as me?" thought Red.

Aki continued. "The inkling with the mask is Lil-X-"

"The freshest kid of the world!" interrupted Lil-X making a cool hip-hop pose.

Cadet looked at Lil-X with a bored look. "You know that STILL doesn't even ring a bell."

The Skull Sniper could always tell. Almost every inkling would boast that they were the freshest squid despite not being as good as they THOUGHT. However, Blossom and Red didn't notice.

"Huh," said Blossom. "I thought that Oro IS the fresh one."

"WHAT?!" said Lil-X shocked.

"Anyway," said Aki pushing Lil-X aside. "He's our wingman. The last person I didn't mention yet is Alex; our battle planner."

"Whatever," said Alex rolling her eyes.

"Don't worry about her," said Swift. "She doesn't get along well with new people."

Alex gave Swift a look. That was when Oro and Hunter finally arrived to find Cadet and the others.

"Well look who enters the party!" said Oro warmly. "It's the dudes; Team Citrus!"

"Oro…" said Lil-X slowly, clearly a bit upset that Blossom and Red thought that Oro was the freshest. "What did you tell them?"

"Anyway," said Hunter. "Let's go. The shop is about to close. We should get some lunch."

Cadet, Blossom and Red started to follow Oro and Hunter when Aki called them.

"Can we come along with you guys?" she asked. "Maybe we can show them around as well."

"Sure," said Oro.

"As long as you don't hurt Blossom and Red again," said Cadet gruffly.

Aki nodded nervously. Even though she knew Cadet's vulnerabilities, she was kind of scared of him. She didn't want to mess with the Skull Sniper.

The group – now with Team Citrus – started to head out into the shop. Before they even got through the entrance of the shop, Alex grabbed both Blossom and Red and dragged them to the back of the group.

"Listen, OCTARIANS," she hissed grabbing both their collars and pulled them so that their faces were almost touching. She could even see Red's eyes since his glasses were down a bit. "The only reason why I agreed to give you a chance is that my friends trust you. If it were up to me, I would throw you off the roof of this mall. If you do anything that involves bringing destruction to Inkopolis or hurt my friends, I swear I will take your eyeballs off and punch you in the face with YOUR own fists! You got that?!"

Both Blossom and Red quickly nodded. Alex let go of their collars and walked out of the shop, shoving through Aki, Swift and Lil-X; the trio shocked at what they saw.

Blossom and Red stared at each other; trading nervous looks.

"Do you think she is stronger than me?" asked Red adjusting his glasses.

"Who knows," said Blossom. "Let's not mess with her, or we might meet our fate."

They caught up with the group, slightly trembling.

"So we have another boy who NEVER took off his mask," said Red to Lil-X as they walked through the enormous hallway.

Lil-X groaned. "The reason I wear it because I am sick…most of the times."

As if to answer Red, Lil-X started to double up and coughed loudly. Swift quickly respond to this and started to pat Lil-X on the back.

"Easy X," said Swift slowly. "Breath. Cough softly if you need to."

Lil-X took that advice, and after a while, he stopped coughing.

"I hope that you will feel well," said Blossom.

"That's OK," said Lil-X. "It's just a regular thing."

"Anyway," said Swift. "Are you good in Turf Wars? What are your ranks?"

"Uh…" said Blossom and Red in unison. "We haven't played it yet."

"But we were trained in the Octarian Army," said Blossom.

"My rank is A+ while Blossom's is A," said Red. "Blossom is a sharpshooter, and I am pretty strong acrobatic."

"Strong acrobatic," said Lil-X surprised. "That's pretty dope."

"You must be as good as me," said Swift. "Can you show us some?"

"Probably not in THIS place," said Blossom.

Behind them was Cadet who was talking with Aki and Alex while Oro and Hunter were behind them.

"Wow," said Aki once Cadet finished talking (actually whispering) about his agent career. "That's a lot you have to go through."

Alex nudged on Cadat's shoulder. "Cade, do you think it's weird to have octolings here?"

Cadet shrugged. "Not really. You know it isn't bad to have people from foreign places to come to Inkopolis. You know that the other Inklings treat others the same."

"But they could be here to plan something bad to take over Inkopolis! You know that octolings are our enemies."

"Well, that was a billion years ago. These octolings have changed, and they don't want to live on with the oppression of the Octarian Army. Besides, if they were planning something, they would have their Octoling Goggles here to contact the other Octarians."

Alex nodded reluctantly. "A question though; where did Red get that hairstyle from?"

"Well, he said he got it from the Octarian Army. He said he doesn't like it that much."

"It looks kind of cool," said Aki.

Curious, Alex sneaked up to Red from his back, observing his hair. She pokes a few of his tentacles startling the octoling. Red looked behind.

And that was when out of nowhere, a person wearing a Freddy mask jumped out and screamed at Red and Alex. [3]



Both Red and Alex fell. Red's glasses fell off, but his eyes were closed. Everyone stared in shock before looking at the person with the Freddy mask.

The person laughed. Taking off the hideous mask, it is revealed to be Angel; with bubblegum pink hair.

Alex got up and glared at the laughing Angel.

"Holy shogun!" laughed Angel mockingly. "That was so hilarious. You should have seen the look on your face!"

"YOU SON OF A GLITCH!" screamed Alex as she threw herself at Angel.

As the two flew in the air, they crashed through the door of an abandoned shop. Oro and Hunter decided to look through the window to see the cat-fight.

At first, Hunter looked annoyed, but that changed when a cardboard piece covered in paint splatted onto the window. He winced at the sight of the awful fight. Oro, on the other hand, was recording this.

"Oro…" said Hunter. "I don't think this is-"

"No, no, no!" said Oro. "It gets better!"

Meanwhile, Red gained consciousness to find Gem (with her navy blue hair) staring at him. She just looked at him with a stern look.

"Oh…" said Red trying to cover his eyes. He's a bit embarrassed of showing his eyes. "…um…"

Without saying a word, Gem grabbed Red's hand and pulled him up. She then gave him back his glasses.

"Oh…uh…" stuttered Red as he quickly put his glasses back on to hide his eyes. "T…thank you…"

Gem nodded in response. Red wondered why she didn't talk. The thought was pushed aside when a voice was heard.

"My most humble apology about that. My sister can be irritating at times."

Cadet, Blossom and Red (including Team Citrus) looked at the person who spoke. It was Angelo. He wasn't wearing his Milky Eminence Jacket and his Milky Enperrials, now wearing an open Golden Zip Hoodie (a gold recolour of the Green Zip Hoodie), a Dakro Golden Tee and Gold Hi-Horses. However, Cadet recognized him for his gold-colored hair.

"Oh," said Cadet. He even noticed behind him was Mary holding a trolley full of different items. "Hi, Angelo."

"Valorous to see thee again, Skull Sniper," said Angelo though not showing a smile.

Blossom and Red looked at each other confused about what that Angelo guy was saying. That was when the gold inkling noticed the two octolings.

"Who art those two newcomers?" asked Angelo tilting his head slightly. "I've nev'r seen people like this ere."

"Oh," said Cadet. "This is Blossom and Red. These octoling twins just moved to Inkopolis just yesterday, and they are staying with Olivia and me."

Angelo suspiciously raised an eyebrow before smirking and came up to Blossom to shake her hand.

"Nice to meeteth thee," said Angelo in somewhat a charmingly way. "It's an honor to meeteth an octoling."

"Uh…thanks…" said Blossom feeling a bit confused about what Angelo was saying.

Angelo then shook Red's hand and much to the latter's surprise, Angelo's grip was pretty firm. Red started to think if Angelo was stronger than he.

"I believeth that Mary already knoweth thee two, right?" asked Angelo.

At first Blossom and Red found it difficult to understand what he was saying, but figured out that he was asking if Mary knew them before.

"Yeah," said Blossom. "We met her once."

Unknown to Angelo, Mary placed her finger over her mouth probably telling the octolings not to say the reason of how they got to Inkopolis.

"Alloweth me introduce myself," continued Angelo. "Thou mayst refer to me as Angelo Caramello; vaward of Team Bright."

"Team Bright?" asked Blossom.

"One of the best Turf War teams in Inkopolis!" said Swift. "He's Rank X and he wears this cool king costume when in battles! You should see how he fights in battle."

"You want to say that again, *#$?er!" said Alex in the background, though the others were oblivious to the ongoing catfight. [4]

"It's true that lest I in enseamed X," said Angelo. "This is the highest enseamed a true king could achieve-"

He was cut off when Angel was thrown from the fight and smashed into the trolley Mary was holding on. It caused the whole cart to tip over along with its items.

"HA!" said Alex, celebrating her victory. "Suck my nose, chump!"

Angelo sighed and placed his hand on his forehead. "I would like to stayeth around and talk, but I have other things to doth. See thou anon."

He went to help Mary and Gem placing the items back into the trolley before grabbing Angel by the ear.

"Doth we has't to wend through this again?" grumbled Angelo as he and his team walked away

As they watched Angelo walked around the corner, they continued to walk.

"This is going to get one thousand views on Splatnet!" said Oro as he replayed the video.

"Please no, Oro," said Hunter. "You know that is a bad idea to record such a stupid event like this."

Blossom nudged Cadet's shoulder. "Cadet, why does Angelo speak like that?"

"Like what?" said Cadet.

"Like in that 'Shakespeare' language?"

Cadet shrugged. "It's just his manner. I guess that he acts like a true, noble king from the Middle Ages."

"Like an awesome God," said Lil-X.

"How come the girl with the navy blue hair doesn't speak that much?" asked Red. "She didn't say anything when she helped me to get up."

"You mean Gem? Nobody knows," said Aki. "All we know is that she doesn't make a sound. She doesn't even smile."

They arrived at the food court. There weren't that many people, so they were able to set two tables together for all eight of them.

"So what shall we eat?" said Swift.

"I heard that there is a Crust Bucket restaurant nearby here," said Hunter.

"I might as well go there to grab some food for us," said Aki standing up. "I will be right back."

As Aki walked off, a buzzing was heard from Hunter's jacket pocket.

"Huh," said Hunter taking it out and answering the call. "Hi, who's this? What? Oh no. I'll be right there."

He disconnected the call and stood up.

"What's wrong, dude?" asked Lil-X.

"Mauve escaped from his cell and is now terrorizing the village," grumbled Hunter. "I'm going to stop him. Sorry that I have to go."

"Have fun," said Oro with a smile.

Hunter cursed something in Inkling language and ran off.

"What did Hunter say?" said Blossom slightly concerned.

"Don't worry," said Oro. "He was sarcastic. Just some stupid shenanigan my friend did that put him in trouble."


Aki arrived back with the food tray; consisting of deep fried prawns in different ways; in the form of hot dogs and some kind of waffles with ice cream on it.

"Hey," said Aki noticing Hunter was missing. "Where did the Hunter boy go?"

"He has to do something," said Oro. "Don't worry about him. He'll be fine."

Soon, they all tucked into some of the food. As for the first time eating Crust Bucket food, they found the food a bit weird. Even when they ate the Deep-Fried Shwaffle; a combination of waffle, prawn, chocolate sauce and whipped cream. It was a pretty strange cuisine, but it tasted good.

"So…" said Cadet. "What do you think of it?"

"Uh…it seemed unusual, but it tasted pretty nice," said Blossom in response.

They continue to chat and enjoyed their food, but Cadet wondered where's Olivia; she said that she's going to meet him and the others at lunchtime. By 1:56 pm, he was a bit concerned.

"Cade," said Blossom. "You said that Olivia would be here soon. Where is she?"

"I don't know…" said Cadet.

Shortly, Olivia arrived…along with Jedi, Callie and Marie.

"Hello guys!" said Olivia.

"Oh," said Aki looking up. "Hi, Olivia. Hi, Jedi."

"Ah!" said Swift loudly upon seeing Callie and Marie. "It's Ca-"

Aki quickly jabbed Swift in the guts.

"I told you not to say their name loudly when they are in disguise in public!" whispered Aki.

"Sorry," said Swift sheepishly. "But it's the second time we get to see the Squid Sisters!"

"Are we late?" said Olivia.

"You're a bit," said Cadet. "What took you so long?"

"Well. A lot had happened at Pearl's house as we are supposed to fix her house electrical and water systems. Cuttlefish nearly swallowed a bottle of gasoline, Olivia broke the water pipes, Callie set a voltmeter to 10 Volts and the house NEARLY EXPLODE!" complained Jedi angrily before – for some reason – put his two thumbs up and smiled (though he's still wearing his mask). "You know; the USUAL!"

Cadet, Blossom and Red stared in shock.

"Huh?" said Lil-X tilting his head in confusion.

At this, Olivia noticed Team Citrus sitting with Cadet, Blossom and Red.

"Oh hi there," said Oliva. "I see you met Blossom and Red."

"You just noticed that now?" said Cadet.

"Well it was nice to meet the two octolings," said Aki.

"Uh…" said Alex checking her watch. "We got a turf war in 10 minutes at Inkopolis Plaza."

"Oh," said Lil-X. "We forgot."

"We got to go now," said Swift.

"Right," said Aki. "We got to go. It's nice to hang out with you."

"See you guys," said Blossom and Red in unison as Aki, Swift and Lil-X walked off.

Alex came up to Olivia and whispered in her ear: "And I am going to keep an eye on those OCTARIANS."

Olivia rolled her eyes as Alex walked off with her team.

"I see that some inklings don't like you two," said Marie looking at Red and Blossom.

"Yeah…" said Blossom. "At first, those four didn't like us. Now, only Alex doesn't seem to trust us."

"Don't worry," said Callie. "I think that you will be able to get along with them in a day or two."

"Ya think?" said Cadet.

AN: Whew. I'm glad to say that I finished that last chapter for the story. I would like to thank everyone who have been reading this story. It reached to 1613 views already! I'm shocked! A shout-out to BaronVirus, Enderkitty68, Infinite's Ruby, The-Story-Man1, The Sensational SpiderDom321, Pikachu025yoshi, TrimusicalDrag00n90 and those mysterious guests for following/favoring/reviewing this story! I would like to thank you guys for liking my story. Also, another huge round of applause for Infinite's Ruby and a friend of mine who helped me made some OCs for this story.

[1] Just to let you know that in my stories, the characters are the same height as like in the game. Only a few characters will be slightly taller.

[2] Cadet is actually an Australian Aboriginal. He's not really an African. I decided to put that up because he speaks in an Australian accent sometimes as he says 'bloody' sometimes.

[3] The Freddy mask comes from the FNAF game. I decided to use that to make a bit of a jumpscare for Red and Alex.

[4] Please excuse the words replaced by various symbols as the letters for that word were caught in traffic and unable to make it here on time for the chapter. :3

What's next for me? I haven't broke my promise; Yes, I'm working on my next story for Forces United; Resist the Dark. The problem is I'm trying to get back my motivation for writing it by 2 problems; getting interested in other things and the feeling of not doing anything. Luckily, I'm halfway through the story, so it should be released this Christmas holidays.

As for the Inkcredible story; it's just the beginning. Like Forces United, this one will be a series. I will be planning to make a sequel of Inkcredible called the King Tournament. I won't give out spoilers, but there will be more octolings, more new characters, more trouble and some romance...:p

If you like this story: follow or favorite this story for updates of the story. Make sure to review this chapter on what you thought of this story. I'm OK of hearing improvements from you (please no flames).

Until next time, be safe, don't feel down, be with others who care about you, may God be with you all and stay fresh (or would I say stay off the hook?)

Keep on rocking,
