Ethan Tashiro stood in front of giant a H-shaped building, known as U.A. high school. The building was covered in glass and had hundreds of middle school students walking towards it.

I… I did it. I made it to the practical skill exam. I can do this. The written test was super easy. If this is even nearly as easy as the written test, then it will be a piece of cake. Yea, I can do this!

Don't fool yourself kid. You can't pass without me. Your weak without my power.

No! I'll do this without you Aku. I will never use your power again. Not after what you did the first time you came out.

9 years ago

Ethan's mother was known as the pro hero, Starlight. People knew her throughout Japan as being so powerful she could theoretically take on All Might. When news broke of her being pregnant, people were excited to see what kind of quirk her son would have, positive that it would be amazing.

But, when Ethan was born, things took a turn for the worst. His birth had taken a huge strain on his mother's body, resulting in her becoming very sick. Due to this, she had to take a break from being a hero, hopeful that someday she would get better. But she never did and almost a year later she would die due to her body being too weak to support itself.

When Ethan's mother died, his father fell into a deep depression. He became an alcoholic and blamed Ethan for the death of the love of his life. He would regularly verbally abuse Ethan with insults. Telling him things like he was a demon and that he should have died, not his mother. It only got worse when he was drunk. He would start throwing things at Ethan and would sometimes beat him.

Ethan had always told himself it was normal and that he deserved this as a punishment for killing his mother. He dealt with the abuse until one day, when something snapped inside him.

After Ethan had done his homework for the day, he was laying on his bed reading his favorite book. It was about different popular pro heroes and their accomplishments. There were many books like this one but, this specific one was his favorite because it featured his mom in it. After learning about what an amazing hero she was, he was determined to become a great hero just like her so that he could save all the people his mom couldn't.

Ethan was enjoying his reading until he heard inaudible screaming coming from the living room of his apartment. He then quickly put his book down and ran to the living room to see what his father needed. His father was sitting on the couch, beer in hand, staring at the blank television.

"You know, I could never stand you, even before you killed her. I knew from the moment I looked at you that you were going to turn out a demon. I guess I was right, wasn't I?" Ethan's father asked in a slurred voice.

Ethan didn't answer. He was currently holding back tears.

"WASN'T I!" his father practically screamed while throwing a glass bottle in Ethan's direction. The bottle barely missed Ethan, hitting the wall to his left.

Ethan stood in the hallway, silent. He couldn't move even if he tried. He was completely terrified. Usually his father's fits didn't happen this late into the night. He was usually passed out by now.

"Why aren't you responding demon," his father snarled, "YOU SHOULD RESPOND WHEN I TALK TO YOU, YOU PIECE OF SHIT."

Ethan's dad then did something he never did before. Usually his punishments only resulted in some cuts and bruises, but this was different. The man suddenly shot up from his chair and bent down to grab a broken beer bottle. Slowly, he began to walk over to where Ethan was standing.

Ethan stood frozen, unable to move no matter how hard he tried.

Please move legs! Why aren't you moving? Run towards the closest door and lock it. PLEASE!

"Please don't hurt me dad," Ethan begged while tears welled up in his eyes.

"I AM NOT YOU FATHER!" he exclaimed while reaching for Ethan's neck with his left arm and grabbing onto it tight. He then lifted Ethan up and pinned him to the wall. Ethan began to squirm as he tried to escape and catch his breath.

"You," his father said in a sinister voice, "You are a disgrace. I can't stand to look at you. You are just as bad as every other villain out there!" While saying this, his father began waving the broken bottle in front of the young boy's face. "You will thank me later for this," he exclaimed.

Ethan was petrified. It's never gone like this before. I should just be locked up. Why am I not locked up? Why can't I make dad happy? I just want to stop the torment I put him through. I deserve this. This is all I deserve. I can never be a hero. All I am is a demon. All I will ever be a demon.

That moment was when everything changed. As Ethan's father began swinging the bottle at him, Ethan went limp, accepting his punishment. Accepting that he was a demon. Accepting that everything was his fault. But deep inside him, his anger was growing. His anger towards everything that had happened in his life so far. After the glass broke through Ethan's skin, everything went black.

When Ethan's vision returned, he found himself standing in the middle of the living room. The first thing he noticed, besides the change of location, was the strong stench of blood that filled the room. And what Ethan saw next, would haunt him for the rest of his life. Upon looking down, Ethan saw his father lying at his feet, dead. There was a giant hole in his chest that had blood gushing out of it.

The sight made Ethan sick to his stomach and he fell to his knees. Ethan began to shake and brought his hands to his face. As Ethan looked at his father's corpse, he saw that the hole was the size of a small hand. A hand size that would be normal for someone his age. That's when the grim realization hit him.

No… I couldn't of have. I didn't. There's no way. I would never hurt him. Someone must have broken in, right?

Slowly, Ethan pulled his hands away from his face. While doing this, he noticed a warm, damp feeling on his right cheek. Fearfully, he glanced at his hands, afraid of what he would see. Ethan's entire right arm was soaked in the blood of his father.


Present day

We both know he deserved what was coming to him.

No, he deserved to live. I took everything from my father. I took the love of his life and ruined him. We both know this. And even if he did, I would never use you. All you want to do is kill. You want me to kill. Heroes DO NOT KILL.

I beg to differ. If anyone saw what he was doing, he would be arrested for domestic abuse. We both know that. He was a monster. Sure, I might want to kill someone here and there…

Ha, here and there. You always tell me to kill people for the smallest things.

Fine, I might want to kill people sometimes, you have to admit they can be annoying, but that doesn't mean your father didn't deserve to die. Some people just need to be killed.

No, your wrong. I deserved that what he did. I deserved everything and even if I didn't, no one deserves to die.

Let's agree to disagree

9 years ago

"This isn't your fault son," the police officer explained to the young boy, who was covered in blood. "We reviewed the security footage from the camera in your apartment. It appears that you were assaulted and acted in self-defense."

Ethan stayed silent. How could I have done this. Dad was right, I'm a demon and there is no changing that.

Next to the police officer stood a quirk scientist. "I should take him to my facility where we can test exactly what quirk that was. It does not seem like the boy meant to do any of this. It seems more like a sudden quirk activation," she explained to the officer to her side. The officer nodded in agreement and the two started working out the plan of transporting him from the police station to her facility.

Kill them

Ethan jumped in his seat. What was that? Who's there!?

Let me take over and kill them and leave. We don't want to be tested.

Ethan was viably fearful and now shaking even more than before. WHO ARE YOU!? WHERE IS THAT VOICE COMING FROM!?

Out of the corner of her eye, the doctor noticed that the kid seemed to be having a panic attack. "Ethan are you ok?"

There was no response

"Ethan what's going on. I am only here to help you please tell me what's wrong. If you don't, it could get worse."

"A… a voice is telling me something. It wants me to let it take over and," Ethan voice shook as he talked, and he took a brief breath, "and kill you both. I'm scared. I don't want to hurt anyone else."

Both parties stood shocked. Where was this voice he was hearing coming from? Neither had heard any other voices in the room besides the two of them.

"Don't worry Ethan, we won't let you hurt anyone else," the doctor explained to him.

Soon after, Ethan was transported to the doctor's facility to see what type of quirk he could possibly have. After many days of testing, his quirk was named Demon. The doctors explained that he can control energy and make his attacks stronger, similar to how is mother could, but if overused, he could be overtaken by the demon in his head. The doctors had no idea how the demon even existed. There had never been a quirk like this in existence. While there had been some quirks where if overused, the user would go into a violent rampage, there had never been a quirk that resulted in basically another being living inside the user's head, waiting to take over. The doctors also explained to Ethan that all his senses had increased and that he had an amazing healing factor.

Throughout all this testing, Ethan constantly heard the voice inside his head. The doctors told Ethan that the voice would probably never go away, so he decided it would be best if it had a name. Ethan named this voice Akuma, meaning demon.