Yo! What's up!?

So, I decided to try something out, that being a different perspective. So far, every story I've ever written has been in third person, so I wanted to see how first person worked out. I've never done this, but I feel like it is a better way to elaborate on the characters thoughts and emotions. (Well, duh... That's what first person does).

Also, I noticed I got a comment on from VioletStarVN on the evil Yuya idea and I felt I'd share my inspiration for it. (Also I'm glad you love the story!) So, I was chillin' reading Wattpad stories when I read an amazing story by Aliceminna called "Poison Seduction" which I loved and helped inspire me to make this story and gave me the idea of doing an evil Yuya thing. Though I also grabbed inspiration from Yuya's berserk mode and Zarcie too!

Anyway, I've bored you enough, on with the show!

[Yuya's P.O.V]

The halls were rather quiet since everyone was in class, except for me of course. Mr. High and Mighty had a mission for me. Though I was hoping he'd at least be nice enough to excuse me from class. I mean, I skipped or slept through so many classes it wasn't even funny.

To most people, they were stunned that I was even able to still attend with my terrible attendance rate. Leo's kinda got a thing about that since it has a reputation and having lazy slackers like me around isn't good for that image or something. So normally I'd be kicked out in a heartbeat, but Reiji wouldn't really let that happen. He kinda has a thing about keeping all of his Lancers on a short leash, I'm no exception. Though I get why. He can't risk us getting caught or something like that, but come on, how often does that happen. Never! Though how that never happens with how a few of us are... I will never know.

Pulling myself back to reality, I arrived at a door that read something about only certain personal being allowed, but I disregarded that completely as I walked right up and the door clicked open.

You see, all of the Lancers have these little jewelry things to track us and also open any door in the entire city basically. Reiji thought it would be a great idea, but I still feel like the earring really cramps my style. It's just a little black gem, but I don't really wear black a whole lot. It's way too depressing for me... But then again... It isn't too depressing for Zarc who I think of as another me in a way.

"Hey! You're late!" I heard another Lancer yell at me as she drew me from my thoughts.

"Not my fault I have a long commute here." I answered in an annoyed tone. I was in a good mood, but sometimes Serena could get on my nerves.

"Just hurry and get ready, I have a date tonight and I am not changing my reservations because of you." Serena said to me as she walked off just like that.

Serena was new to the Lancers as she was only recruited about a month ago, but she was already walking around like she was a hotshot. She also had the worst alias in my mind. While on duty she went by Celina, which may look different on paper, but it was really close to her actual name. And if anyone was gonna get caught, I was pretty sure it was her or Shingo. Either one of them but I would never be the first to get caught by anyone! I swear it!

Heading towards my room I decided to get ready before Serena yelled at me for being slow again.

The room was pretty empty as I didn't use it much. Reiji gave us all places at the LDS building, but I preferred by small apartment downtown instead. Though I did keep my 'work clothes' here.

I tossed my school jacket on the bed as I headed to the bathroom. Facing the mirror, I held the crystal of my necklace between my hand as I focused on it. Closing my eyes I could feel a small spark of power emerge from within as when I opened my eyes, they were a demonic yellow and my hair was silver with a dash of green. The gem on the necklace also had turned black.

Yeah, I had some kind of magic or something like that. I'm not really sure to be honest, but I just know I have it. Reiji says he's investigating what it is, but I doubt he cares or is doing anything about looking into it. Though it is handy when I'm lazy or need to hide my identity.

Grabbing a comb and some hair gel, I fixed my hair so it spiked more upwards and I made it so a few strands went around my face. Satisfied with my hair I headed back into the main room as I grabbed a plain black shirt from my closest and quickly tossed that on before picking out a black jacket with bright green accents. I also picked out a pair of black pants as I grabbed a different duel disk from my normal one. This one was black in color and had a different deck than my normal one. Snapping it onto my left arm, I grabbed the last piece. It was a black mask that resembled a dragon as it had bright green markings.

"You almost done!?" Serena yelled at me as I could see was was impatient.

"Yeah." I replied as I quickly departed my room and she was waiting right outside the door with an annoyed look. She wore a long dark blue coat as she let her hair down and it was curled and she used some kinda product on it to make it look like a dark purple. The mask she wore had a moon and stars kinda theme and looked like it was in the shape of a cat as well.

"Let's get moving." Serena said as she didn't waste a beat as I followed after her.

Yuto's POV

School was pretty boring and I lot of stuff they were talking about I already knew. So instead I thought over what'd I learned so far.

Yuya was friends with Reiji who was in charge of the Lancers. The Lancers were ruthless and murderers. Though I began to debate on if Yuya was a Lancer, though he didn't seem like the person to do anything cruel to anyone. He was too happy and carefree, though I couldn't rule anyone out yet especially not someone who could use all four summoning methods.

"Hey, you're friends with Yuya right?" I asked the kid who was sitting to my right. He was the youngest in the class, but he was pretty smart. We were both in the Side Deck Construction Research I class. He was in the Fusion Course from what I remember and apparently he was pretty good too.

"Yeah, why?" The blue haired kid asked who was named Sora.

"I meet him this morning and he was really nice and I'd like to get to know him better." I replied before slapping myself mentality with how dumb that sounded.

"I see... You've gotta crush on Yuya." Sora teased.

"What!? No! I just don't have any friends here really." I answered as my face was a bright red.

"Alright then Mr. I'm In Denial." Sora replied before answering my question. "Well, Yuya's a nice guy and basically friends with everyone. Almost everyone knows him here and he's like one of the most popular guys in the school."

"Thanks, but um... This might be a weird question, but... Does he ever not seem happy? Like does he get angry or violent?" I asked as I couldn't just outright say 'hey, is Yuya an evil murderer for hire?'

"Not that I or anyone's seen. Yuya tries to make everyone around him smile and be happy. I've seen him cry once though, but that was a rare occasion since his mother died. He was pretty upset about it and he locked himself in his room for a week before I had to basically drag him back to civilization." Sora replied as I nodded my head.

"Though if you ask me. You two would be perfect together. You're like an emo angry person and Yuya's a happy smiley person. Opposites attract and-" Sora started to ramble before the bell interrupted him.

"Love to talk, but I've gotta go." I quickly said to Sora before leaving the room before I had to hear another word about it.

I was probably the first person out of the building as I waited for Kite and Shun to show up. Though as I waited I thought about what Sora said and what I'd learned over the day.

One, Yuya definitely wasn't the kinda person to be evil. I kinda got the feeling he was the kinda guy who couldn't even harm a fly, literally. Though I'd have to make sure later.

Two, Yuya was friends with Reiji and if I got close to him as well, I could get some information outta him and maybe be able to bring down his entire operation.

Three, Yuya was kinda cute. He had one of those smiles that just brightened the room and his hair looked so soft and- Damn it brain! What are you doing!?

"What's got you all flushed?" Shun asked me as he and Kite finally arrived as the two pulled me out of my thoughts. It was only then I noticed I had a slight blush on my cheeks.

"N-nothing. Let's just head to wherever we're staying." I quickly replied.

"Really? You sure?" Shun asked with a smirk as he didn't buy my lie. We have been friends forever and he could probably read me like a book.

"Well, our apartment is close to the outskirts of the city." Kite replied as he cut right to the chase and didn't tease me any further unlike Shun who kept asking annoying questions.

The three of us made our way to wherever we were staying as Kite lead the way.

The place wasn't bad as it had three-bedrooms, one bathroom, a kitchen, and living area. It was cozy and just enough. I quickly claimed the bedroom furthest from the street side as it was the quietest of the three rooms and had the least amount of light.

Tossing my bags to the side to unpack later, I collapsed on the bed as I decided a few z's couldn't hurt. I could vaguely hear Shun yell that he and Kite were heading out to check out the town and buy some food, but I just let out a groan that was kinda a response to what he said, but more of an acknowledgment.

And that's a wrap! Wow! This more than I've updated in a long time. Let's hope this keeps up and until next time!