Elena: Hey Marcel, I'm heading out.

He looked over at her and nodded.

Marcel: Alright. Don't forget the originals are coming to the party tonight.

Elena: I won't.

The second she stepped out, one of the fellow high-ranking vampires, Diego approached her.

Diego: My queen.

He greeted with a smirk, knowing how she prefers everyone to call her by her name. Elena just signed and laughed.

Elena: Diego.

She smiled.

Diego: Some of us are getting nervous about all the originals being in town... Including me.

She shook her head. Everyone always gets nervous when the originals show up, even if it's just one of them. But they wouldn't do anything without having a good enough reason behind it. Even though, anything could be that good enough reason. But being friends with Elijah, and Klaus's favorite doppelganger has it's perks.

Elena: You know the originals did build New Orleans from the ground up, right?

She said whatever came to her mind to get him and the rest to calm down, and hoped it's true.

Diego: I know.

She inwardly sighed in relief.

Diego: But it's just-

Elena: That they all showed up at once. And they are all here at once.

Diego: What do I tell the others?

Elena: Don't start anything and they'll be fine. If it helps, I'll talk to them now.

She smiled.

Diego: My Queen.

He said before heading back to the compound. Elena kept walking to her destination. She knew it was wrong to mislead them, but what would she tell the people who literally built the city? Not that they would listen to her anyway.

Elena walked in Rousseau's liked she owned the place, only stopping long enough to spot who she was looking for. She walked over to the bar.

Elena: Sophie, can I talk to you.

Sophie looked up making a drink.

Sophie: Sure. Just give me a minute.

Elena: Now Sophie. This can't wait.

She said trying to stay calm and remain patient. while walking here, she kept thinking of why she coming here. She needed answers and she need them now.

Sophie: Ok. But I won't be able to if Rebekah tears my head off for not getting her and her brother their drinks.

Elena looked the bar over spotting Rebekah and Elijah. Elena sighed as Sophie walked to their table. Elena speed in front of Sophie, grabbing hold the drinks and setting them down in front of the two originals.

Elena: Now can we talk? In private.

Elena arched an eyebrow. Sophie nodded

Sophie: Yeah, let's go.

Elena: Hold tight.

Elena grabbed Sophie by the arms and took off at vamp speed. Elijah and Rebekah exchanged a look.

Once in the burial vault, Elena stopped and gave Sophie time to collect herself.

Elena: Why is there a witch dead?

Sophie: She did a spell.

Elena: I'm aware of that. Marcel wouldn't have had her killed if she didn't. What spell was used?

Sophie: She linked me to Hayley.

Elena frowned.

Elena: What?!

Sophie continued, still calm.

Sophie: If she leaves she dies.

Elena shook her head.

Elena: And so does the baby! You should of never done this behind my back.

Sophie: We did what we had to do. We wan-

Elena: Enough! An act against the Mikaelson family- including Hayley and the baby, is an act against me. You're going to do one last spell.

Sophie: I'll die for it.

She said with fear.

Elena: No you won't. Marcel won't find out. You're going to link me to you...Just a little insurance policy. You know Marcel will punish anyone who harms me.

She said crossing her arms.

Elena froze the second she stepped out of the vault. Standing in front of her were Elijah and Rebekah.

Rebekah: You had a hand in this? Luring Klaus to New Orleans? And in turn luring the rest of us here too?

Elena sighed. No use in lying about it now, Elena thought.

Elena: If we're going to talk about this we should go somewhere else.

Rebekah: Yes. Let's go. Follow us.

A minute later they were walking through the mansion. Hayley stopped at the bottom of the stairs at the sight of Elena. Elena locking eyes with her, moved forward.

Elena: First let me start off by saying, I'm sorry for what the witches did to you. If I had known I would've already done something by now. I admit it was my idea to use you to get the Originals to take Marcel down but it wasn't my idea to actually link you to Sophie, they were just supposed to lie and say they did. I'm sorry.

Hayley: You know.

She said walking to stand in front of Elena.

Hayley: I could never be mad at you for something that's not your fault. You didn't know they would go behind your back.

She smiled at Elena, who returned the smile.

Elena: I've missed you. Sorry I ran, I just need to get away.

Hayley: I've missed you too. And the way the Salvatore brothers are with you, I would've ran off too.

She says as she hugs Elena.

Rebekah: You two know each other.

She said in slight surprise, then shook her head in annoyance.

Rebekah: Of course you do. Everyone knows Elena.

She snarled, crossing her arms. Elijah just shook his head at her reaction. Sighing, Elena pulled away from Hayley and sat on the stairs, Hayley coming to sit down next to her.

Elena: I won't repeat everything, I just say the things I didn't.

Taking a deep breath, she continued.

Elena: 2 months ago, I got my emotions back. I needed a break after everything. I didn't want the Salvatores hovering over me. I especially Damon. He would just try to control me. And I know he won't react so well when he found out I wasn't in love with him, that it was the sire bond, so I left him a note. I told Bonnie and Caroline where I was going and moved here. After a week Marcel, came to me. He said he looked me up when he found out about me, that I was someone he can really use to rule by his side. And like Marcel told Klaus, we're not married. A month later I found out that Marcel has it so witches can't use magic here, death is punishment for it. I tried to talk to Marcel about it, but he would just change the subject. I went to witches to tell them I wanted help them. I came with the plan to spread a rumor that someone was out for Klaus. I got Katherine to get it back to Klaus, and by doing that he would leave her alone. I know you all stick together, and that it'll be better if took back over the place you all created. I just didn't know how to make you all stay once you found out it was just a rumor. When the witches found out Hayley was pregnant by Klaus, I came up with the idea of saying we linked her to Sophie and couldn't leave New Orleans or she would die. They were supposed to get her to play along, not actually do it.

Pausing for a minute, Elena ran a hand through her hair.

Elena: I should've known something was up when they kept me from seeing her.

Elena shook her head.

Elena: When I heard a witch was killed for doing a spell, I went to Sophie to find out why. I had her link me to her. Marcel is very protective of me, if anyone tries to go after me he'll go after them and 75% of the time he kills them. It'll keep them in check. If anything happens to Hayley or me, he'll make them pay. He'll see everything as me helping a friend out. I'm already trying to find a way to un-link us from Sophie. Which is why I missed the meeting.

Rebekah: You're helping us. She's on our side.

Rebekah frowned a little in shock of not expecting Elena's help, but she just pleased with her plan, even if it backfired. Elijah respected her more than ever, and looked forward to working together, being on the same side again.

Klaus: And that is another reason why you're my favorite doppelganger.

They all looked at Klaus in surprise, who was leaning against the entrance from the living room. No one heard him come in.

Klaus: You'll be our inside women.

He smirked.

Elijah: I'm looking forward to working with you.

Elena smiled at Elijah, who returned it.

Elena: I'll see you two at the party.

She said looking at Elijah and Klaus, knowing they'll make Rebekah watch after Hayley to keep her safe. She gives Hayley a hug before leaving.

AN: Sorry I haven't been updating anything, but I'm back now, so the updates shouldn't take as long anymore. I'll be updating "Elejah" soon.