Sayaka Miki is losing her mind because of all the battles she fought and she lets it out by fighting Angor Rot.


No flames!

Don't own either!


Clang! Clang! Clang!

The sound of blades clashing together echoed throughout the Hero's Forge as a blue haired girl dashed at an ash gray troll as he tried to stab her but only got her cape which made an audible tearing noise before she let out some laughter that nearly sounded like she was insane or something...

"Ha ha you wanna know why we magical girls fight witches? Hehehe..." She let out some more laughter as the smile on her face twisted into a cruel smile like the Joker, the blood ran down from her cheeks like small red waterfalls as the sounds of tiny patters were slightly heard from the assassin.

"Why...?" Somehow, deep down, he regretted asking the question before being grabbed by the neck and slammed into the wall.

"I DID IT TO SAVE SOMEONE!!! I DID IT BECAUSE I LIKED HIM!! AND NOW HE DOESN'T EVEN KNOW ME ANYMORE!!" She screamed out loud as she banged him against the wall, even though without a soul, he could still feel the pain.

"Hehehehehe...AHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!" She laughed out maniacally as she stopped to take a breath and then she held out the sword to stab him before saying something she regretted.

"SAY HELLO TO YOUR DEAD FAMILY!!" She said as she thrusted the blade forward but was shattered upon impact as he grabbed it and pulled her for a tight hug in which she struggle but it was no use.

As he held her close, she stopped laughing and she started to cry as the clothing disappeared into her uniform.

"I'm sorry..."

Covered in bleeding cuts and bruises, she punched him before grabbing her sword and jabbing it in her neck before the blue gem cracked into a miserable beast by the name of Oktavia Von Seckendorff.

"Sayonara...Sayaka Miki..." He said before leaving a dead blue rose right next to her.