I'd like to start this chapter off with an apology. I've disappeared for a while, struggling under writer's block. Total Pokkemon Action is offically on hiatus, and as of right now I have no plans to continue COR. I have some ongoing projects on my AOOO account, but even they are slow progress.

I'll admit it guys, I'm struggling. It feels a little irresponsible dropping all of my work to write yet another brand new story, but maybe with a deadline and a fresh idea I'll get my spark now. Who knows?

So, to my judges, my fans, and hopefully brand new viewers: let's try again, shall we?


In a world without humans, the method for becoming a licensed Battle Pokémon has changed drastically. As Pokémon have evolved to think and act like the trainers they once followed, education is necessary if one wants to prove themselves in combat. There were many schools and learning establishments, scattered across the regions, but none were as prestigious as the fabled Fuzzy University, the only school taught by legends. Every Pokémon strives to go to this school, to learn from the ultimate forces of the universe.

Unfortunately for the many Pokémon striving to attend this incredible school, it was by far the hardest to get accepted into, much less graduate. To qualify for the entrance exams alone one had to be scouted, and of the thirty students only fifteen would be accepted. These fifteen would make up the only class of the semester, the only Pokémon allowed to learn from legends.

The entrance exams of FU were a famous event, so when the thirty eager applicants began to arrive to the golden city of Saffron, folks gathered and pointed, sizing up the various students and trying to determine which of them stood a chance at being accepted. The massive form of the leering Dragonite was about the only one they agreed was sure to make it in, and they were equally sure that the tiny, scuttling Joltik wouldn't stand a chance.


Bayleef stepped off the magnet train, wincing at the golden lights of Saffron. She had been from Ecruteak, a quite, conservative place with little fanfare beyond religious festivals. She had never been out of the region before, so it was a little overwhelming.

"You doing okay, Lee?" Her friend Noctowl asked behind her, giving her a reassuring pat on the shoulder. "I know how you get in big crowds."

"I'm okay," Bayleef said, glancing back to smile at the flying type, grateful for his support. "Admittedly, I'm more worried about the exams. I feel a little bit out of place."

"You guys applicants for FU?" A new voice replied, cutting off Noctowl. They glanced up to see a bored looking Kadabra twirling his spoon.

"Teenagers use the magnet train all the time," Noctowl said, giving the psychic an odd look. "Why make the assumption?"

Kadabra gave a noncommittal shrug. "Eh. You're carrying overnight bags. You're about my age. It was pretty well known that the only starter Pokémon that was scouted this semester was someone from the Chikorita line. But I guess I'm just guessing."

Noctowl gaped at Kadabra's quirky nature, before shaking himself and nodding. "Well...er, your assumptions were right. We are indeed planning on taking the exams. I assume you were as well?"

Kadabra nodded back. "Yeah. I live here in Saffron, so I've been sitting here, taking notes on the competition."

"That's smart," Bayleef said in an attempt to be friendly. "But… it's about to start. Aren't you afraid of being late?"

Kadabra gave a lazy chuckle. "I can teleport, can't I?"

"What a weird guy," Bayleef said as soon as they were out of earshot. "Think he'll pass the exams?"

"There was definitely a spark of wisdom in his eye," Noctowl murmured. "At the very least, he'll be a threat."


Delcatty skipped through the Saffron streets, unable to resist visiting Fuzzy University's grounds. She was practically hopping in her excitement, which made Riolu's stomach turn.

"I wish I could be as confident and cheery as her," Riolu said to the Skarmory next to her. "It feels like my nerves are chains holding me down."

"We'll both do fine," Skarmory said in his metallic voice, though there was worry in there as well. "Besides, you don't necessarily even want to attend FU. You just want to be scouted."

"That won't happen if I don't make a splash," Riolu muttered. "And we're facing the best of the best!"

"Well, if they're all like Delcatty I think we'll be fine," Skarmory said with a shrug. The normal type had accidentally crashed into a few pedestrians in her excitement.

Riolu smiled at the steel type. He always knew how to calm her nerves.

They both stared as a limousine drove past them at high speeds, forcing poor Delcatty to dive out of the way, and screeching to a stop in front of the school. A Pikachu sauntered out, swarmed by news reporters and adoring fans.

"Yes, yes, I know you all want to talk to me!" Pikachu said, greeting the crowd with an arrogant wave. "I'm so happy you're all so willing to support me!"

"What a douche," Skarmory snorted.

"I don't get it," Riolu said. "What is he even famous for?"

"He's a Pikachu, the whole world goes bonkers over them," a new voice replied. Riolu and Skarmory spun around to face a peeping purple face that was phasing out of a building wall. "Hi."

"Yeesh, give a girl a heart attack!" Riolu shouted as she stumbled back. "Who the hell are you?!"

"I'm Gengar, the friendly neighborhood ghost," the purple Pokémon said, his permanent grin widening. "Repping Lavender Town in these exams."

"You're another applicant?" Riolu asked. Gengar responded by floating back into the building wall with a giggle.

"The top students of the world sure tend to be quirky," Skarmory muttered.


Fuzzy University took place in what was once the Silph Company Building, a massive establishment literally paved in gold. The students knew they were in for the real deal when they saw gorgeous fountains on the first floor.

"That's er… overwhelming," Ursaring muttered as he scratched his arm.

"Hehe, what a place to be in," Jigglypuff agreed with an evil giggle, taking pictures and licking her lips. "Think of how much money I'll make on these once I capture a real legend on film!"

"What's up with her?" Electabuzz muttered, looking suspicious.

"Oh, she doesn't even really care about Fuzzy University, she just wants to use it as an excuse to make money," Ursaring said, disgusted.

"Well, one less Pokémon I have to take seriously," Electabuzz said, snickering.

The thirty students shuffled to the auditorium, where they murmured to each other in surprise. On the stage were the legendary Pokémon Suicune, Raikou, and Entei. Suicune stood in the center, watching the Pokémon take their seats with an amused smile.

"Hello applicants," Suicune said looking around at the seated students. "If you're here, it's because you were noticed. The thirty of you were scouted by our agents: the top thirty students of the world. All of you are prodigies, who strive to be the best Pokémon battlers and receive recognition from the legendary pokemon themselves."

Dragonite snorted at this, rolling his eyes. Suicune's eyes flashed to him.

"However, only one of you will get that opportunity," Suicune muttered. "We legends don't even bother with the cream of the crop, but the cream of the cream. Only one of you is worthy, and to succeed against your equally competent classmates you'll have to break yourself, go beyond mortality."

He went quiet a moment allowing his words to sink in. In truth, the applicants' reactions to his speech was his favorite part of the exams. The mingling of defiance, worry, and anticipation in their eyes, being able to determine, just by their expressions, who would make the cut….

"We don't believe in wasting time on useless conjecture," Raikou said, vibrating in excitement.

"Your task is to escape the city," Entei growled. "Avoiding us."

"Better start moving!" Suicune said, as the three legends charged up attacks.

"Lee!" Noctowl growled, flapping his wings. "We need to MOVE!"

The three legends unleashed deadly attacks, lighting the room and practically obliterating it. The thirty Pokémon tried to avoid the attacks, but not all were successful. Ursaring roared in pain as lightning struck him, incapacitated instantly. An Arcanine and a Roserade fell as well, to Suicune and Entei's attacks respectively.

Kadabra teleported on the spot, and Gengar phased into the floor, but the others had to make a mad dash for the building's exit, shoving and attacking each other in their panic.

"As always, under pressure they fail to rally," Suicune said with a sad sigh.

"Shall we go after them?" Raikou asked, giggling.

"Yes lets," Entei agreed, and the legendary beasts took off in pursuit.

Bayleef took a deep breath, dropping the light screen she had set up. She peeked up from behind the seats she was hiding behind. "That was….scary."

"E-excellent quick thinking," Noctowl muttered, in shock himself. His friend had pushed him down and thrown up the screen to protect them both. "As I've always said, you're worthy for these exams."

"Oh shh," Bayleef said, blushing a little. "Playing dead isn't exactly a viable battle strategy."

"No, but it kept us alive in the exam," Noctowl argued. "Still, we need to hurry. Everyone else, for better or for worst, is ahead of us, and only the top fifteen can win."


Kadabra folded his arms, staring at the layout of Saffron City from his perch at the top of the Silph company building. "So we're definitely in a simulation, hmm. Only explanation for the lack of civilians and cars. Hmmm..."

He couldn't cheese victory by teleporting out of the city, he had learned that quickly enough. There was some psychic influence preventing him from teleporting long distances. So that was annoying.

Though there were no civilians in the city streets, they weren't empty. Fighting type Pokémon, likely members of the fighting dojo, patrolled the streets, no doubt to make the students jobs' even harder. The legendaries themselves were causing havoc, splitting apart the Pokémon and forcing them to sprint off in different directions.

"I sure hope they keep track of where they're going," Kadabra said as he teleported. "If they get lost in a big city like this they have no way of passing."


"I'm lost!" Delcatty shrieked, turning in circles to try and get her bearing. "Why are skyscrapers so tall?"

"Delcatty, the school is literally right behind us," a Mudsdale said, taking deep breaths. "God, what a madhouse. Good thing earthquake hits all targets."

"Yeah, good thing," Delcatty said cheerfully, leaning comfortably on her back. "Way to knock away all the threats..."

"Would you kindly get off?!" Mudsdale snorted in frustration.

"So," Skarmory said, chuckling awkwardly. "Perhaps we could all work together and pass this round as a team?"

"That's a laugh!" Dragonite snorted, eyeing all of his fellow applicants with disdain. "As if a filth ridden clydesdale and his dim witted pet could hope to fight beside a dragon elite."

"I'm a woman," Mudsdale snorted in indignation.

"Ha!" Dragonite snorted in laughter. "Tell you what, peons! Jump in front of the three dogs and you can be my meat shield."

Skarmory sighed. "So what's your plan then, 'dragon elite'?"

Dragonite chuckled. "I'll challenge them head on, as expected of my bloodline."

"You're insane!" Riolu gaped. "You'll be a grease stain on the pavement."

"Maybe you extras will," Dragonite said. "But even for you non dragons, if you aren't willing to take risks, why are you even here?!"

With that, he shot a hyper beam in the air, so that it would be seen even above the high skyscrapers.

"O-our location!" Skarmory gaped.

"You are insane!" Mudsdale whinnied. Riolu, however, look conflicted.

"I don't know guys," Delcatty said with a giggle. "I think he kinda has a point."

A second later Raikou and Entei landed on adjacent buildings, leering at the four Pokémon.

"Oh shit!" Delcatty said, scrambling back. "I changed my mind!"

"Damn…" Skarmory mumbled, looking up in horror. Mudsdale merely snorted, getting into a fighting stance, while Riolu bit her lip.

"Yes!" Dragonite shouted, triumphant.

"You know, ordinarily we attack first without any hesitation," Raikou said conversationally. "But I gotta admit guys, I'm curious. Who would actively seek us out?"

"That would be me, Dogs," Dragonite said, clenching a fist.

"We aren't dogs," Entei drawled.

"Whatever!" Dragonite growled. "You, red one. I challenge you to single combat."

"Hmmpf," Entei growled. "You have balls. I accept your challenge. Raikou, I trust you to handle the rest."

"Like a shepherd cutting up his sheep," Raikou said with a wicked grin, hopping down in front of Mudsdale. Dragonite and Entei took off, searching for a place suitable for battling.

"What kind of metaphor is that supposed to be?" Mudsdale asked, raising an eyebrow.

"One where you end up bruised and bloody," Raikou said, charging forward.

"Fair enough," Mudsdale muttered.

"Mudsdale, you're a ground type, aren't you?!" Delcatty shouted. "Stop his charge, give us some distance."

"Right!" Mudsdale shouted, ignoring the cat's sudden change in character. With a grunt of effort she brought down her feet on the pavement, creating an earthquake that forced Raikou to jump back, out of the horse's range.

"Skarmory, set up spikes!" Delcatty snapped...

"On-on it!" Skarmory said, taking to the sky and shaking his wings to dish out spikes that surrounded the tiger, preventing him from charging. He growled, shooting a bolt of lightning, but Mudsdale's ground typing allowed her to absorb the blow easily.

"Good," Delcatty said, narrowing her eyes. "Now's our chance to get out of here."

"Where the hell did that tone shift come from?" Mudsdale asked, eyeing Delcatty with a new light in her eyes.

"Well, who's going to take the purple kitty cat seriously?" Delcatty said, not without some bitterness. "You can whine about it, or use the stereotype to your advantage."

She glared at the trapped Raikou. "There was a reason I was scouted."

Skarmory chuckled. "Guess the old adage about judging a book by its cover rings true. Wait, Riolu, what the hell are you doing?!"

The fighting type charged Raikou, ignoring the pleas of her friend to break off the attack. Dragonite had been obnoxious, but he had a good point. If she wanted to be as strong as she could be, she'd need to take risks, to push herself-

Raikou shot a bolt of lightning, blasting her through a building window without much effort.

"Riolu!" Skarmory squawked, flying between Raikou and where his friend had fallen. Raikou aimed an attack, but the steel type screeched so loudly it stopped him in his tracks.

"Do we help him?" Delcatty asked, looking conflicted.

"We've trained to be battle Pokémon, not superheroes," Mudsdale said. "We better use this to our advantage."

She galloped off, Delcatty turning back to watch Raikou chase after Skarmory.


Electabuzz jogged down a city block, cursing himself as he tried to make sense of where he was running.

"Dammit, why is Saffron so hard to navigate?" The electric type growled. "All the streets were numbered in Castelia. Why does this have to be so-"

He turned a corner before sliding to a stop at the sight of two Sawk attacking a Floatzel, before jumping back behind cover. He chanced a glance to to see Floatzel's progress. The Floatzel student was clearly no slouch, dodging attacks and taking out one of the Sawks with a swift hydro pump. Without wasting a movement, she lunged forward in an aqua jet, taking out the other in one swift strike. She grinned at her victory, but that grin turned to an expression of horror when Suicune landed in front of her.

"Not bad, but you'd do well to be less careless," Suicune said, launching a freeze-dry so powerful it covered the whole block. Electabuzz gulped, managing to throw up a protect, but Floatzel couldn't move in time and was overtaken by the super effective attack.

When Electabuzz's protect dissipated and he opened his eyes, Suicune was gone, and Floatzel was unconscious, trapped in a snow sculpture.

"So the fighting types reveal our location to the legendary beasts, eh?" Electabuzz said with a smirk as he backed away from the massive ice pillar. "Good to know."


Bayleef stepped back, hurling razor leaves at the Machamp in front of her. The fighting type winced in pain as the leaves cut into his beefy arms, but she only managed to halt his movements.

Machamp aimed his four fists in a cross chomp, but yelped in pain when Noctowl struck him from behind with a wing. Snarling in anger, he turned to face his attacker, only to be met by a psychic force that struck him hard, putting him to sleep.

"Thanks for playing," Noctowl growled, using a quick psychic blast to knock the fighting type out.

"Wow, Noctowl, impressive as ever!" Bayleef said with a smile.

"Don't flatter me," Noctowl said with a sigh. "It would have been far more difficult without your distraction."

Bayleef snorted. "Yeah, well-MOVE!"

Noctowl took to the sky as Suicune fell from above, landing where the owl had been mere moments before. The water type aimed an ice beam attack that Noctowl took a sharp turn to avoid. Bayleef winced as the ice managed to clip his wing, and Noctowl hit the ground rolling.

Suicune turned towards his fallen prey, but Bayleef struck the legendary dog with a vine whip, forcing his attention on her.

"Leave him alone!" Bayleef said, far more bravely than she felt. "Your opponent's me!"

She launched another razor leaf, but Suicune merely batted them aside with his two flowing tails.

"Ah, it's you," Suicune said with a small smile. "The Pokémon I scouted."

"That's right!" Bayleef said. "Usually starters are very common applicants, but this year it's just me. I'm here to show you that you weren't mistaken like so many seem to believe!"

Suicune smirked. "Well I hope you do. I hate being wrong." With that he launched a powerful blizzard that Bayleef threw up a barrier against, in a desperate hope to block as much of the attack as possible.


Torkoal hummed to herself as she tottered through the city at a leisurely pace, not too perturbed about the exam. After all, she was a force of nature. What could possibly put up a fight against her?

The sun seemed to be brighter around the fire type, and she seemed to radiate heat. She looked up slowly as a dozen fully evolved fighting types ran her way; Throh, Hitmonlee, Conkeldurr...

With a yawn, she opened her mouth and shot fire in the air, and soon meteors rained down on the fighting types, creating chaos in her wake.

As Torkoal walked past her unconscious opponents, she opened her mouth to make a powerful smog around herself; a cloud of poisonous smoke that would prevent anyone from getting close to her.

She had no fear about beating the others out of the city; slow and steady won the race, after all.


When the blizzard finally let up, Bayleef was still standing, but it felt like her entire body had gone numb. The ground around her had frozen solid, and her broken barrier was covered in frost.

Taking a deep breath, Bayleef sank to her knees. There was no way she'd ever be able to take another attack like that.

"Not bad," Suicune said with an impressed nod, noting the grass type's considerable constitution. "None of it matters, though, if you aren't able to persevere."

Bayleef took heavy breaths, her mind running wild with fantasies of possible escape scenarios. Just when she was considering grabbing Noctowl and making a mad dash for it, she caught sight of the melting ice. It was unnatural. In fact...it was hotter than it usually was.

She exchanged glances with Noctowl, and he understood at once, but Suicune was too focused on Bayleef to notice. That would be his downfall.

With a sudden effort, Noctowl shot a hypnosis at Suicune, who jumped in the air to dodge with ease.

"Yah!" Bayleef shouted as she unleashed a fully charged solar beam. Suicune, who was already in the air and thus unable to dodge, howled in pain as the intense beam of light struck his shoulder. The super effective attack was powerful enough to blow him into a building, and he did not rise at once.

"Ingenious," Noctowl muttered as Bayleef used a quick synthesis to heal off the damage from the blizzard. "And quite a potent solar beam."

"We're lucky someone used sunny day," Bayleef said, refusing to take credit for their victory. "Now lean on me; that Machamp was stronger than the other fighting types we've fought so we must be closed to the exit."

"I wasn't planning on giving up just yet," Noctowl said with a weak chuckle as he allowed Bayleef to support him.

By the time Suicune had recovered, they were long gone.

"Not bad at all," Suicune said with an impressed chuckle. "But you were lucky that time. It's time for you to really prove yourself, Bayleef."


Skarmory flew through the damaged building, hunting for any sign of his fallen friend. She had spent every hour of every day agonizing over this exam, was so devastated she couldn't evolve in time….

"Riolu!" Skarmory said in relief. The fighting type was kneeling in the corner, critically injured, but not….

"You... you managed to endure the blow," Skarmory whispered in amazement.

"Y-yeah," Riolu said, struggling to a sitting position. "I managed to use the move… at the last second. If I hadn't, in a single attack he would have…."

A tear rolled down her cheek. "I knew I wasn't ready. It's...it's already over."

"It's not over, Riolu," Skarmory said, giving the fighting type a firm glare. "You're more driven than anyone I've ever met before. You've bitten off more than you can chew, but like always you'll spit it back out again."

Riolu looked up at him, her eyes shining through her tears. "You think I can do it? Survive the exam and make it into the Pokken Tournament?"

"Personally," Raikou said as he peered through the wreckage, lightning coursing down his body. "I think you're about to fail. But that's just my opinion."

"We'll do it together, Riolu!" Skarmory shouted, standing in front of the fighting type defensively.

Riolu sighed, putting a hand on Skarmory's back. "I'm sorry, old friend. But we won't be doing it together."

Skarmory gave a confused look. "What? But I thought-"

Riolu's force palm blasted the poor bird into Raikou, causing them both to fall off balance. Riolu took off in a run, desperate to escape.

"I still plan on winning," Riolu growled as Raikou struggled to recover. "I'm sorry, but the only way to do that is sacrifice you. Try and understand."

Raikou jumped to his feet with a roar, tossing an unconscious Skarmory aide, but Riolu used force palm on the wall, and the very building itself caved on the electric type.

Riolu rolled free of the wreckage, taking off down the street.

"I will get into Pokken Tournament. Whatever it takes."


"It's about time I knocked you down a peg!" Entei growled as he shot beams of fire at Dragonite, who dodged the attacks with ease.

"Say that line when you actually manage to hit me, you doddering old fool!" Dragonite roared in laughter as he lunged forward, landing a dragon claw on the lion.

Entei shouted in pain as he jumped back, but froze in surprise as a static shock shot up his leg, slowing his movements. Where had that come from?

He looked up in surprise to see Dragonite launch a hyper beam at him, the fire type launching back a fire blast a second too late. The hyper beam beat the fire attack in power, shooting into the fire type and crashing him down to earth.

"An easy victory," Dragonite snorted, triumphant. "Even the power of the legendary dogs can't overcome a dragon elite."

He touched the blowing fields outside of the city, where a Darkrai was waiting for him.

"Ahahaha! First place!" Dragonite roared.

"Second, actually," Darkrai muttered without interest. "Joltik here beat you."

"What?!" Dragonite roared in shock.

"Hahaha!" Joltik chattered. "You all underestimate my small size, but I use it to my advantage. I was attached to you, Dragonite, the whole time."

"You little-" Dragonite lunged for the little electric type, but he was too fast, hopping out of his range.

"You two made it here in record time," Darkrai said, watching explosions light up the simulated city. "Though I assume your fellow classmates won't be as lucky."


"Wahahaha!" Walrein bellowed as he surfed the streets, shooting blasts of water to keep Entei away. "I missed the feeling of the wind in my mane in the heat of battle, the feeling of my heart thumping in my chest!"

"Ergh," Furfrou said, making a disgusted face. Several Pokémon, including Ambipom, Gabite, and Electabuzz, had made a chair with their hands, giving Furfrou a comfy seat as they ran through the city streets. "Should Pokémon his age even be allowed to attend this school?"

"It is quite tacky," Pikachu said, sprinting beside her. Unlike Furfrou, who had used the move attract to enslave Pokémon, the electric type had a horde of fans ready to sacrifice themselves for him. "Though I suppose it's impressive that someone with a mere GED was scouted."

"Well at the very least it's keeping those legends off our backs," Furfrou said as she sharpened her nails.

"And the fighting type small fry?" Pikachu asked.

"We'd do well to stay away from them too," Furfrou said, moving to pinch Electabuzz's cheeks. "This cute little survivor managed to tell me that the fighting types alert the legends to the students' presence."

"Well, that might be a problem then," Pikachu said, pointing ahead. A dozen fighting type Pokémon were waiting for them, and just beyond them, the exit.

Furfrou grinned. "Meat shields?"

Pikachu chuckled in agreement. "Meat shields."



"Damn..." Mr. Mime said, cursing as he pushed his barrier against the aggressive Mienshao attacking him. "So much for our hopes of making the first three places…"

"Knew we should've headed for the south exit," Banette grunted, slashing out with a shadow claw that downed the weasel. "Though, how the hell did a Joltik make it first place?"

Kadabra stood a little behind them, watching their progress. They were quite the team. Mr. Mime was the defense, his shields allowing them to slog through enemy ranks, while Banette, the offense, could attack freely without risk of being hurt. It was a good strategy, and it had led them close to the west gate, but their progress had slowed, and Kadabra realized he couldn't rely on them for victory.

"Hey gents," an exhausted, badly hurt Gengar muttered as he phased through a city wall, a tired grin on his face. "Just took a few bad hits from Raikou, so I'll be taking some health from you."

"What?" A confused Mr. Mime asked, before Gengar's hypnosis struck him in the face and knocked him out cold.

Kadabra teleported away, but an enraged Banette charged forwards, aiming shadow claws. Dodging with ease, Gengar landed next to the fallen Mr. Mime and put a hand on his back.

Mr. Mime began to thrash and scream in his sleep as the dream eater move took effect, and Banette watched in horror as Gengar shuddered with pleasure at the feeling.

"Ah, that should be sufficient," Gengar said, beginning to phase back into the wall.

"Hey, get back here!" Banette shouted. "Fight me like a man!"

Gengar gave it some mock thought, before giggling. "Nah, I'll leave it to Raikou."

As the zap cat landed and let loose electricity, the last thing Banette could hear before falling unconscious was Gengar's retreating cackles.


Jigglypuff winced as the Pokémon she'd been shadowing, Kangaskhan, was finally fighting an opponent she could not win against. The normal type had looked pretty powerful, and so Jigglypuff followed her while she took care of the fighting types, but this Primeape was particularly tough.

With a final strike, Kangaskhan went down, and the monkey looked at Jigglypuff, ready to take her down as well.

The balloon Pokémon had never liked fighting, in fact, she was only here to make a quick buck, but she wasn't helpless. Taking a deep breath, she let out a screech that caused Primeape to fall back and clutch his ears and agony, the potent hyper voice strong enough to keep him at bay. Not finished, however, Jigglypuff darted forwards and sang a quick tune, and the Primeape went down, snoring.

"I wasn't planning to go to this school, but the idea is beginning to warm up to me," Jigglypuff said as she took off in a run. "After all, think of how much money I could get with such an attractive university background! And a free scholarship no less!"

Primeape soon awoke, sniffing the air with his pig nose to catch the scent of the pink Pokémon.

"Not bad, is she?" Primeape whirled around to see Kadabra folding his arms with a bored expression.

"Not much of a fighter, and not very worthy of passing the exam, but she's the ticket to my victory," Kadabra said with a nod. Primeape made to lunge at him, but an invisible force picked him up and threw him against the building, knocking him out instantly.

"Sorry about that, but once you Primeapes pick up a scent you won't give up until you find and tear up your opponent," Kadabra said, looking down at the unconscious fighting type. "And I can't have you tearing up my new ally."


"We close yet?" Mudsdale asked as she galloped down the city streets. "It feels like we've been running for hours."

"Pretty close," Delcatty said from atop her back, reading the map she had appropriated from an unfortunate Sneasel. "Just a few more blocks, actually."

She sighed and smiled at her own cleverness. "Ah, I knew you'd be a good ally. Your typing is strong against two of the three legendary beasts, and your ground attacks are great at keeping the fighting types off balance."

"I wouldn't get too high on yourself, Delcatty," Suicune said from behind them, a wicked gleam in his eye. "After all, the finish line's still a ways away."

Delcatty cursed under her breath as the water type shot a tidal wave at the two. Delcatty dove off the ground type to avoid the attack, terrified of water, but Mudsdale didn't budge, merely kicking the pavement around her to create a mountain that split the water around it, avoiding the attack as it splashed around her.

Suicune took aim as Mudsdale sprinted away, but was interrupted by Delcatty slamming him with her tail.

"Tag, you're it!" Delcatty said with a giggle as she dove to avoid a hydro pump, hitting the ground in a roll and sprinting away.

"Bah! Damn ingrate!" Suicune growled, taking a breath before shooting another hydro pump, an action that did not go unnoticed by Delcatty. The cat dove into a building window a second before Suicune's attack obliterated the front of it.

When the smoke cleared, Delcatty was gone. Suicune chuckled a little at her cleverness at using her environment to her advantage, before opting to chase after Mudsdale. However, upon leaping atop the mountain she had left behind, she noticed that the horse was gone.

"She'll be close to the city gate by now…"

Suicune grumbled, but charged after her regardless.

From where she was hidden, Delcatty took a deep breath. "That was my gift to you for your help. A placement in Fuzzy University. Now it's time to figure out how to get myself there."


A Crawdaunt, a Yanmega, and a Noivern cursed as they found themselves surrounded by fighting types, slowly losing ground. They had performed well initially, but quickly realized they would soon run out of stamina.

Out of nowhere, Riolu landed on top of Crawdaunt, using force palm as a boost for her next jump. Crawdaunt howled in pain, falling unconscious as Riolu shot forwards.

"Well, that was rude!" Noivern growled before she let out a screech of pain. Raikou had attacked her from behind with a bolt of lightning. As Noivern fell, Yanmega gulped, and Entei came into view, trapping her between the two legendaries.

"Hey Entei, I heard you got your ass kicked by the Dragonite," Raikou said with a snicker.

"It was the Joltik that made the difference, actually," Entei muttered. "He trapped my legs in electric webs while I was distracted to hinder my movement and open myself up for attack."

"Ha, never letting you hear the end of that," Raikou said. "Want to help me destroy this poor bug?"

"Eh, sure thing," Entei said, and both he and Raikou let loose attacks. Surprisingly, however, Yanmega dodged with ease, moving faster then both legends could track.

"You boys waited too long!" Yanmega laughed as she flew around a thunderbolt. "My speed boost ability's been kicking up this entire exam, and now neither of you can actually hit me!"

With that she zoomed off, leaving a flabbergasted Entei and Raikou behind.

"G-get her!" Entei roared, getting over his surprise first.

"Right!" Raikou yelped, and they shot off after the bug.


"The east exit," Kadabra said as he floated towards the massive army of fighting types. "You ready?"

"Of course!" Jigglypuff said, determined. "You don't even have to ask!"

Kadabra covered his ears, and Jigglypuff began to sing with a microphone in hand. At the sound of her voice, a few fighting types made to attack her, but after a few notes of singing they fell asleep. Soon the whole army was unconscious, leaving the two to easily float past them without risk of summoning the legendary Pokémon.

"Well done," Kadabra said, before raising a spoon. "However…."

"Oh no you don't!" Jigglypuff said, before singing a quick few notes. Kadabra's eyes dropped, and both Pokémon hit the dirt.

"Ha, you thought you were so smart!" Jigglypuff snickered, before taking off for the gate. "But I beat you fair and square!"

She only made it a few steps before collapsing, fast asleep.

A moment later Kadabra rose, laughing at his success as he chewed on a lum berry.

"My ability is Synchronize, you fool of a girl," Kadabra said as he floated past her. "And only one of us had the means to wake up quickly. I believe this is checkmate."

He floated a few minutes, passing the east gate and greeting Darkrai.

"Congratulations," Darkrai said in a dull voice. "You made fourth.."

"Fourth?" Kadabra asked, raising an eyebrow. "Then who-?"

"That'd be me," a voice whispered behind him. Kadabra yelped, jumping, and Gengar cackled in response.

"You could've beaten me too, if not for that little power struggle you had with Jigglypuff," Gengar said, grinning. "Too bad, so sad."

"I'll have my chance all semester to beat you again," Kadabra said with a shrug.

"Hush," Darkrai growled. "I want to see what happens next."

All three stared in surprise as Entei landed with his back to them, letting loose jets of flame.

"I will not let you pass, Bug!" The lion roared. "You can't dodge forever!"

"Consequently, you can't hold me back forever!" Yanmega said, coming into sight only long enough to taunt Entei. She twirled to avoid a sudden bolt of lightning, before shooting off in another direction, flanked by an angry Raikou and Entei.

Darkrai chuckled as Gengar and Kadabra stared in shock. "Well, it'll definitely be an interesting class."


Mudsdale gritted her teeth as she charged, water and ice grazing her feet. She knew Suicune was right behind her, but she was so close…

Just as she touched out of the gate, a surf attack slammed into her, sending her flying, head over hooves. She landed on her face next to an amused Darkrai.

"Nice landing," Darkrai chuckled. "And congrats, you made fifth place."

"Joy," Mudsdale moaned.

A screeching noise alerted them to the Yanmega flying towards them at high speeds, Jigglypuff clinging on for dear life and screaming her head off.

Suicune looked up, launching his attacks in tandem with Entei and Raikou, and for a moment, Yanmega was dodging water, electricity, and fire at once. Then she landed neatly on the grass outside Saffron, Jigglypuff face planting next to her a second later.

"Sixth and seventh," Darkrai said, bored. "Nice speed there, you weren't far off from Deoxys."

"Whoosh, good thing I woke up in time to hitch a ride," Jigglypuff said with a light smile. "Cheers, Yanmega."

"Okay yeah that's pretty demeaning," Yanmega said with a frown. "I'm not some horse for you to jump on as you please."

"I take offense to that," Mudsdale groaned, still on the ground.

"Well, we'd better get back to work," Suicune said, taking a deep breath. "If we're all here, it leaves the other exits open."

"You two look exhausted," Raikou chuckled.

"I took a solar beam to the shoulder," Suicune said with a wince.

"A big dumb dragon threw me into a building," Entei grumbled.

"It's fine though," Suicune said with a look of relish. "Our aching wounds serve as a reminder that this class will be a good one."


Furfrou winced sympathetically as Ambipom went down to a swipe from a Medicham. They were close to the gate, and only Electabuzz still stood standing of her little love slaves.

"You know, for a over hyped celebrity you aren't a bad fighter," Furfrou said with a chuckle as she watched Pikachu move, dodging punches and kicks with ease and following up with lightning bolts in return. His own cronies had fallen a long time ago.

"Yes well," Pikachu said as he blocked a punch form a Hitmonchan with his tail, before throwing a thunderbolt that knocked the punching Pokémon back. "I was given the opportunity to train with the best."

"Yes, I suppose I'm no slouch in that regard either," Furfrou said, dodging a Hitmonlee's kick and giving it a swift head butt that sent it flying. "I've been bred to win and given only the most suitable of EVs."

She turned to Electabuzz. "Honey, go cause a distraction that allows us free access to the gate."

Electabuzz grit his teeth, trying to overcome Furfrou's control, but found himself charging into the fray regardless. He was powerful too, shooting lightning blasts that took down several of the fighting types, but he soon found himself being beaten down by their sheer number. He knelt in fetal position, desperately trying to protect his vital areas.

"Ciao!" Pikachu said, skipping down the now free road.

"Perhaps I'll send you Saffron souvenirs," Furfrou said with a sarcastic smile. "Or perhaps not."

Electabuzz winced in pain, but he wasn't even in control of what he was doing. If he wanted a chance at victory he couldn't stay her slave.

He tried to think of something, anything that could help him break free. Victory, the embarrassment of defeat…

"My dad won't let you be with me if you don't prove yourself to be strong," Ampharos said with a sniff. "Please prove to him you're worthy of me, or we can't see each other again."

A low growl came from Electabuzz's mouth, and he let out a massive burst of electricity that zapped the fighting types attacking him. Pikachu and Furfrou looked back in shock as the electric type grinned, his arms generating electricity.

"Not done yet!" Electabuzz shouted with a smirk, throwing a vicious thunder punch that sent a Medicham flying. "Power of love, bitches!"

Pikachu and Furfrou made a dash for the gate, but both were passed by Electabuzz, who slid to a stop, followed by Pikachu and then a winded Furfrou.

"You three get eighth, ninth, and tenth, respectively," Darkrai said. "Congrats for making it."

"Well, at least we made top ten!" Pikachu said with a smile, before Electabuzz pushed him aside.

"Don't you dare pull that on me again," Electabuzz growled at a shrinking Furfrou. "Messing with a Pokémon's emotions like that... it's not cool. Next time you try it I'll make sure you pay for it."

"Yes… I understand," Furfrou said, quaking under his intense stare. When he turned away she began to fan herself, flustered at his intensity.

"No man's ever spoken to me like that before," she whispered, trying to prevent herself from swooning. "Wow."

"Ew," Darkrai said, shuddering. "Gonna pretend I didn't just hear that."


"Wahaha!" Walrein said as he crossed the gate, tossing aside an unconscious Scrafty. "I hope I made it in time!"

"You made eleventh," Darkrai said. "It's impressive you made it at all, but at this point on you're on thin ice, considering you're in the bottom four of the class."

"Fair enough I suppose," Walrein said sagely. "Fair room for improvement."

A moment later, Torkoal finally crossed the finish line, making twelfth. "It's so weird. Everyone was already unconscious when I got there."

Darkrai gave a dark grin. "Interesting. Only three positions left for our school, and only four remain. Delcatty, Riolu, Noctowl, and Bayleef. I wonder which of those four won't manage to make the cut.


"Dammit," Noctowl growled. "Our progress is too slow. We're so close to the exit. We just have to make a run for it."

"You're the one with the wounded wing," Bayleef said, checking to see if the coast was clear. "If we get attacked, you won't be able to get away."


"On second thought, we need to go," Bayleef said, pulling Noctowl with her in her run. "We can avoid the legends if we're quick enough."

They made slow progress, as they had grown tired from the constant attacks from fighting types. Bayleef had been the legs, carrying not only herself but Noctowl in their journey through the massive city, and Noctowl had used up his energy taking care of all the fighting types that had attacked them with psychic moves.

"There it is!" Bayleef said, in sight of the gate. They could make it! Just a few more feet and-

"Oooh, so close!" Suicune said, jumping in front of them and shooting a blizzard attack. Without even thinking, Bayleef pushed Noctowl out of the way.

"Now's your chance, Noctowl!" Bayleef said. "I've been charging up another solar beam while we've been running."

Noctowl blinked. "But-"

Bayleef shot off the attack, and the solar beam met the blizzard in a deadly struggle.

"Go….." Bayleef managed to grunt out, doing her best to push back the overwhelming power.

"Good!" Suicune said, laughing victoriously. "Show them why I chose you, Bayleef!"

He was completely ignoring Noctowl.

"All… all right," the owl said, limping past the beam struggle and through the gate, where he was counted as the thirteenth student to pass by Darkrai. Noctowl didn't look very pleased, straining his eyes to look at the outcome of the fight.

The attacks finally gave way to an explosion, and Bayleef was sent flying back with a squeal of pain. She struggled to her feet, doing her best to heal her injuries.

Suicune stepped through the smoke, giving Bayleef a curious look. "Do you remember our first meeting, Lee?"

"How could I forget?" Bayleef said though slow breaths. "It was the most important day of my life."

"Despite your species' nature and your bashful presence, you attacked me. You demanded my attention and tutelage," Suicune said with a fond smile. "Do you remember why I scouted you?"

"I-I kept getting up," Bayleef said. "I wouldn't take no for an answer."

"I beat you with ease, but it wasn't your battling techniques that impressed me," Suicune said. "It was your tenacity, your drive to win. That exuberance and stubbornness is what makes a battler. It's the same look I saw in Keldeo when we first trained together. You have potential."

"You're wrong," Bayleef said with a sigh. "My whole life...I was told I was ill suited for battle. I was never allowed to attend battling schools, my friends treated me as a joke, even my parents told me I'd never make it. You...you were the first person to tell me I could make it. That's what you saw Suicune…"

She sniffed, tears beginning to fall down her face. "You told me I could be a battler. That's just what I needed to hear."

Suicune looked at her in surprise, before chuckling. "Then are you going to prove me right, little one?"

"Yeah," Bayleef said, leaves forming around her. "I will."

"Good!" Suicune growled, shooting another blizzard as Bayleef unleashed a razor leaf. Bayleef's attack hit its mark, but Bayleef herself rolled to the side, avoiding the blizzard. The grass type lunged while the water type was off balance, striking hard with vine whips.

"Daring move," Suicune growled, even as he reeled back from her blows, but quickly recovered, biting the vine and throwing poor Bayleef like a rag doll, launching a blizzard while she was in the air.

Bayleef gulped, bracing herself and forming a quick light screen, but the blizzard was still strong enough to blast her into a building wall.

"Ow, crap..." Bayleef hissed, but blinked in surprise as Delcatty flew over her head and landed on the ice with a bit of a stumble.

"Between every blast you have to take a breath," Delcatty said, sprinting forwards and sliding between a stunned Suicune's legs. "I noticed it when we exchanged blows before."

Suicune growled, spinning around, but hopped back to dodge another solar beam. He turned to see Bayleef had freed herself from the ice.

"Eyes on me," Bayleef said, looking dead on her feet but determined.

"Heh," Suicune said. "I've created a monster."


Bayleef cursed. She had to hurry. But how to make it past Suicune?

She glanced to the side. There, hopping from building to building, was Riolu. She needed to move now.

Suicune growled, about to launch another blizzard, but Bayleef's vines shot out, wrapping around Riolu. With a grunt of effort, she swung her vine forward, hitting Suicune over the head with Riolu. Suicune yelped as he shot the blizzard straight down, creating an explosion of ice under his mouth.

Bayleef sprinted forward, launching a leech seed at the disoriented Suicune, hindering his movement. She sprinted forwards, headed for the gate….

"Oh no you don't," Riolu growled, lunging and landing a force palm that blasted Bayleef off her feet.

Raikou and Entei arrived, leering down at the two remaining Pokémon, but Suicune gestured with his head, silently warning them to stand down.

"No hard feelings," Riolu said, raising her fists defensively. "But that last spot's mine."

Bayleef pawed the ground. "Trust me, the feeling's mutual."

Riolu turned, sprinting for the goal, but Bayleef was ready, throwing a vine whip after her. It wrapped around Riolu's leg, and she yanked it back, lifting the fighting type high in the air.

Riolu turned to face her, a sneer on her face, and for a second Bayleef saw herself in the other Pokémon's eyes. The look of desperation on Riolu's face was almost enough to make Bayleef hesitate.

But she didn't, and Riolu's face struck the pavement. She didn't get back up.


"The one who sacrificed a friend versus the one who nearly sacrificed themselves for a friend," Suicune said with a chuckle. "And from the struggle selflessness won in the end."

Each of the Darkrai clones of the Saffron exits came together, and with a snap of his fingers Darkrai ended the nightmare. The thirty students who applied found themselves outside the school, surrounded by the hungry media.

"Come now!" Meloetta said, ushering the Pokémon who had passed the exam together. "Group picture!"

"You did it, Bayleef!" Noctowl said, giving his friend a hug. "I never would have forgiven yourself if you hadn't made it."

"I guess...I guess I belong here after all," Bayleef said, still shivering from the ice attacks. She couldn't help but cry a little in relief.

"You fifteen are the new students of Fuzzy University," Darkrai said, the legendary beasts gathered around him. "Don't think for a moment that you can relax."

"Our school works a bit differently than most, as I'm sure you're all aware," Entei said with a chuckle.

"It's a competition that only one of you can win," Raikou added. "Only one of you can be privy to our divine power, after all."

"Every week, one of you students will drop out," Suicune said. "It's under heavy pressure that the truly strongest among you will emerge and be worthy of our power."

"Still, even attending Fuzzy University is an incredible experience," Darkrai said. "You'll be privy to the teachings of legends and be given a chance to hone your skills beyond your imagination. Fuzzy University is a worldwide phenomenon too, so you'll be flooded with job opportunities."

Suicune chuckled. "Alright, enough gloom. Welcome class of 2018, to Fuzzy University."


Riolu finally managed to shake a reporter who wouldn't stop questioning her about Bayleef. She jogged away to catch up to a rueful looking Skarmory.

"Hey um..look… Skarmory.." Riolu said. "I'm…"

"Sorry?" Skarmory snapped. "Save it, Riolu. I want to be alone right now."

Riolu sighed as the steel bird flew off. "I probably deserved that, huh."

"Young Riolu has much promise, yes?"

Riolu turned to see a Hariyama watching her. "Can I help you?"

Hariyama chuckled. "Young Riolu will do anything to win. Hariyama appreciates that mindset. Reminds him of himself."

"Well, it's not going to do me any good now," Riolu said, flopping down with a sigh. "All I managed to do was ostracize myself from my friend and look like a heel on international television."

"Ah," Hariyama said, chuckling. "Where doors close, new doors open. Hariyama's boss is too lazy to show up personally so he sends Hariyama."

He handed her a card. Riolu read it a second before blinking.

"I think there's a typo here…."

"Never mind that," Hariyama said. "Keep us in mind, eh?"

He walked off, leaving Riolu by herself.

"Open doors eh?" Riolu said, lost in deep thought. "Maybe joining that show isn't such a bad idea after all."


Holy shit it's done. Damn that was long.

Hope you guys enjoyed. I decided to go for a more grounded, simple cast than the overly quirky ones I usually do. It does as follows, by student rankings:


Rank 1) Joltik- the pint sized terror

Rank 2) Dragonite- the prideful warrior

Rank 3) Gengar- the kooky class clown

Rank 4) Kadabra- the insecure genius

Rank 5) Mudsdale- the cool headed warhorse

Rank 6) Yanmega- the athletic geek

Rank 7) Jigglypuff- the cheerful gold digger

Rank 8) Electabuzz- The romantic slacker

Rank 9) Pikachu- the overhyped blowhard

Rank 10) Furfrou- the snobby rich girl

Rank 11) Walrein- the old timer

Rank 12) Torkoal- the sleepy powerhouse

Rank 13) Noctowl- the guarded softie

Rank 14) Delcatty- the bait and switch

Rank 15) Bayleef- the stubborn underdog

Rank 16 (informally) Riolu- the selfish warrior

To make it clear, Riolu was the sixteenth competitor. It may be confusing, considering there were technically thirty competing in the entrance exam, but hopefully her agency in this chapter has made her role as the first elimination obvious.

Hope you enjoyed this, guys!