[I want to thank everyone that reviewed the previous chapter. Just reading your reviews had me smiling for most of the day. You've made that day better for me.

Also, there is a reference in here, it's pretty blatant so I don't think I need to explain it. :) ]

"Sooo, I've got a question for you." Jim said as he watched Sebastian help clear the table.

Sirius looked over to him from where he was washing dishes, magically this time. His eyebrow lifted in question so Jim continued,

"So I know that breaking the magics from Sebastian and myself inadvertently broke the magics on you...but what about the other members of your family?"

Sirius froze, the floating dishes paused, and he blinked at Jim with widening eyes. Plates dropped in a clatter as his hand flew up to grip at his hair and he exclaimed,

"Narssisa and Andromeda!"

In a flash he ran from the room leaving a baffled Jim and exasperated Sebastian. Sebastian turned to look at Jim with a raised eyebrow, arms crossed. Jim blinked wide eyed and looked back.

"Okay...I didn't think he'd have that reaction."

Sebastian only sighed and pointed to the plates on the floor.

"You will be the one finishing this."

"Awww Sebby!" Jim groaned, pouting as the boy left the room after his father.


Within the confines of the Malfoy Manor, specifically the living room, Narssisa watched her husband as he reenacted a very good fish impression.

"Your cousin escaped? From Azkaban? That's...I...I'm shocked." Lucius said when his wife told him the news, his face giving away his utter disbelief at hearing of it. Narssisa only smiled at her husband, gently patting his hand before speaking.

"He's always been a mischievous man but that's what made him so dangerous. Tricksters always finds ways to get away with something or in this case get out of something."

Narssisa then sighed and shook her head with a weary expression.

"There's no telling where he is or what sort of condition he is in. With all the spells around us there's no telling what that old bastard did to him."

"Well...we do know some of it dear."

Narssisa looked to her husband who smiled sadly at her. She knew what he meant and there was no need to say it aloud. Her little second cousin, lost or dead. Alexandria missing or killed, though she dearly hoped she isn't dead. With all the new memories in her head it took her a bit to make connections between them and the things she believed to be true under the spells.

Lucius blinked a few times as a light came to his eyes, a speculative expression grew on his face.

"Narssisa...I don't remember Sirius ever mentioning the Potter boy...the only babe he mentioned was..."


They looked at each other's eyes, both having an inkling of hope shining in them.

"You don't think that-"

Whatever was going to be said was interrupted by a pop and a loud crashed. This was followed by a familiar voice grumbling from their storage closet, which they used for chess boards and the like.

"Bloody hell why do I always end up in here when I apperate?!"

The door opened and out fell Sirius Black, who landed upside down on his back, with various chess boards and other game boxes covering him. With a cheeky wave he smiled at the two of them and said.

"Good to see you again cousin!"

There was a silence before it was broken by a loud slap. A muggle monopoly box tumbled out of the closet and landed on Sirius' face. Narssisa raised an eyebrow at her husband who was red from embarrassment. He looked to her with a grumbled,

"I'm using it to teach Draco about money."

"Sure you are dear." was her response.

Muffled giggles came from the man buried in game boxes as he sat up, rubbing the back of his head embarrassed. Narssisa didn't waste any time going to him as he stood up. Soon enough Sirius was wrapped up in a tight hug with his cousin. Though she did not cry her arms and hands shook with the emotions she was feeling. Sirius sighed and, with a soft smile, hugged her back just as tight.

"I missed you too Sissy."


Meanwhile, in the future...

John came home to find that, once again, Sherlock had filled their home with some kind of magical flora. The living room was currently filled with various pots with different plants, including an African Strangler of all things!

He sighed and thought to himself, 'At least it isn't magical animals this time. Took ages to wash the smell out.'

John put up his coat and looked to the kitchen where Sherlock was currently bent over a microscope. The African Strangler wrapped around his waist.

"Sherlock please get that thing off of you."

"Cleopatra's seedling isn't going to hurt me John, Mrs. Addams said she needs cuddling time."

John closed his eyes and sighed as he pinched his nose.

"Fine, but I want none of these in my roo...Sherlock Please tell me that isn't a Mandrake."

Sherlock turned to look at John, mouth open to say as such but the two stared in silence. With a pout Sherlock mutter a quiet, "Yes."

John groaned and covered his face with his hands.

"I'm too tired to deal with this, get rid of it before it kills someone!"

"It's only for an experiment John, no one will hear it."

John raised an eyebrow with his arms crossed. These were times in which it felt like he was scolding a child.