A/N: I should stop write fluffy but here goes one more. Sorry ahead for any mistakes. They're 16/17 here.
Beta reader: None.
Warnings: Too cute too handle.
Prompt: "I loved your scar, stop hiding it!" and "I would do everything again for you, even if I had to get blind"
Word count: 1,206
Boruto looked himself in the mirror. "Ugh" His blond hair was going everywhere and he raised his fingers up to his right eye where a recent wound shines in red. He carefully touched it with the tip of his index finger and felt the hurt. "AAARGH I HATE THIS."
He start running through his things looking for something to keep him - and basically everyone - from seeing his new feature. It annoys him thinking that he will forever have this mark on his face, and Boruto felt as he will never be as attractive as he once were. A scar was definitely something he was not expecting in his life. He found nothing to hide his face and that just made him get even more anxious. Getting out of the bathroom the white lights of the hospital hurted his right eye that hadn't see lights for a while. It was the first time he removed his bandages by himself and this time was for good. Although, after seeing how he looked like, he thought that the bandages might as well stay longer.
Now he was free from the hospital and that meant one thing in his heart: seeing Sarada. She visited him sometimes but not for how long he wished her to stay. Boruto was missing strongly her, and something inside him knew that she felt the same way. The problem was how to be comfortable around her if he himself wasn't?
"Boruto, are you okay?" A familiar voice called from the door of his hospital room. He turned to look the source of the greeting and green eyes automatically switched to the scar. It will be the first thing everyone will notice now, I'll need to get used to it.
"Yes, aunt Sakura." He scratched the back of this head, ready to make what may sound like a weird question. "Do you think the scar will eventually disappear?"
Sakura sighed and observed his expression before answer. This was clearly important to Boruto. "I'm afraid it's permanent, but you shouldn't worry about it. Under the circumstances you got it, you should be proud. You're a hero." she smiled and got closer to him, placing a hand in his arm. "I'm pretty sure that it won't matter for the ones that worry about you. You're well and alive and that's enough."
Even with her words he couldn't manage to be okay with the mark on his eye. "Thank you, aunt Sakura." Sakura watched while he was gathering his stuff to leave the hospital. "I should get going. Thank you for everything."
"My pleasure. I should be the one saying thanks." When he was close to the door she add one more thing: "Sarada must be home."
Boruto stopped halfway, his mind wondering either he should or not see Sarada right now. He didn't answered Sakura but turned back smiling before leaving the room. Soon he was outside and only then he noticed how much he missed this. The village, the sun, the wind, and even the loud kids running and laughing on the street. He wasn't really paying attention to where he was going and after a while he encountered himself in front of the Uchiha's residence. He couldn't move. Even though agreeing with Sakura about that people probably wouldn't mind his scar, Boruto wasn't ready to let Sarada see it. I can't look bad in front of her. Destiny decided in his place and Sarada opened the door.
"Boruto? You leaved the hospital?" She hurried to him, a mix of happiness and worry in her face. She didn't thought twice before hugging him. "Why nobody told me? I was worried sick." After a moment of surprise and hesitation he hugged her back, trying to avoid thinking to much about the feeling of having her so close. A wet sensation started on his shoulder.
"Sarada, are you crying?"
"No." She answered with a muffled voice. Boruto wanted to look into her eyes and say that everything was fine now and there was no reason to worry anymore, but at the same time he knew she would stare back and him and, again, he wasn't ready. Instead he just caressed her hair and brought her closer, embracing tighter. "Will we stay on the street? Don't you want to come in?" She deadpanned.
"Isn't your father in the village?" Sarada giggled at the question. Boruto was afraid of a specific scenario where Sasuke enter his house to find the two of them alone.
"No, he left to continue the mission while you were at the hospital." They finally broke apart and Boruto turned his head to hide his scar but it went unnoticed by Sarada, who turned and walked to her door as soon as they detached. They entered the house and he noticed he missed that too, being with her with no one around. He hasn't confessed his love for her yet, but they always spent time that way, talking and laughing as the good friends they were.
"I'll make us tea. Sit here and wait." Sarada pointed to the couch on the living room and Boruto did as she said. She came back in no time, one cup in each hand, and wide grin in her face. Placing the cups on the center table and sitting on the couch, she noticed that Boruto was resting his face in his hand in order to hide his right eye but decided to ignore that for now because she had a topic in mind. "I'm so happy you're back."
"I'm happy to be back, too."
Suddenly her face was filled with sadness and rage. "You know, I kinda want to talk about you about our last mission. You shouldn't jump in front of me." She stared the floor, kind of flusttered. "Please don't do that anymore."
"Sarada." He sighed. "You know I'll do it again. I would do everything again for you, even if I had to get blind, even if I had to lost the ability to walk. I promised to be you protector and I'll never go back in my word. If something happened to you and I knew I could have done something I would never forgive myself." During his speech he absentmindly turned to face her.
"Hey, what's that on your face?" he quickly turned back and that attitude made Sarada giggled. "Stop being silly, Boruto. Let me see it again."
After some bargain she finally managed to make him turn to face her and she smiled when finally could stare him. His blue eyes received a new characteristic, something that would always remind her how much he cared about her and would do anything to her safeness.
"Okay, stared enough already?" He motions to hide his face from her again but the warm touch of her hand stopped him.
"No!" she raised her hands till his face and carefully touched the scar. "I loved your scar, stop hiding it!"
"Are you sure?"
"Of course! For me you look pretty handsome." They looked each other smiling.
Seeing her was a great idea in the end. He was feeling well about his appearance again because if she liked the scar, then he liked it too.