Disclaimer: I don't own anything.

Having Allen as her guest is an experience in and of itself.

There was nothing wrong with Allen. In fact, Madame Red loves having him in her home. Her Angel is polite and beautiful with his pale snowy features with his violet grey eyes giving him an ethereal look. And with the new tailored clothes, he looks every bit noble as the rest of them.

Even his bright red red scar across his face, adds to his ethereal look she had been going for when she ordered the tailor to make his clothes.

It's been the best week of her life.

Though his massive eating habit was a surprise with him practically emptying the kitchen's supplies the first night. Thankfully, he finished just before the chef ran out of ingredients and panicked. After that, she knew to give the servants extra money to buy enough ingredients to last each night for dinner. In fact, her chef was absolutely thrilled to make a feast for her new guest with his need to show off his skills and signature dishes.

Madame Red watches happily as Allen enters the music room in his new clothes, consisting of black pants, a black vest to match, a white collared button up shirt, and a tie. He looks so handsome and distinguished, she inwardly gushes. Her Angel is just beautiful! She just knew that all the young ladies would be talking about him when she introduced him at the upcoming balls. It was the Season after all.

"Good afternoon Allen." She smiles, giggling when he finally realizes that she is in the room, before looking sheepish.

"Hello Madame. I'm sorry for barging in, but I didn't think anyone would be here."

Madame Red can't help but smile softly.

"Nonsense, you're welcome to any rooms that aren't locked!"

Even though she has many acquaintances, admires, and relatives, she had been so lonely since the death of her husband, baby, sister, and brother-in-law. She has the servants, but they were originally her husband's, thus were not as kind and open as the ones she had grown up with. She knows they spoke behind her back about her "promiscuous" ways and her career as a doctor.

Many were of the mind that only men could be doctors and work, and women should stay home and take care of the children, especially one of her status, who did not need to work.

Her mood instantly sours at the thoughts her mind as turned to, though she takes care to not let her Angel know. She would have been content in that role, but after the death of her child, who she had loved with her entire heart and soul, sitting around in the empty home of her deceased husband did not sit well with her.

Allen smiles softly and runs his fingers lightly on the grand piano that hasn't not been played in so long.

"Do you play?" Madame Red asks.

"Only one song. It was something my adoptive father taught me before he died." Allen smiles nostalgic.

Madame Red is instantly curious. "May I hear it?" she asks softly. He gives her a bittersweet smile in response.

She sympathizes with Allen. He is a child who lost his parents, and she a Mother who lost her child. It was almost like Fate for them to meet. She knows its only been a week, and maybe that was much too soon to start thinking any maternal feelings, but Allen was just so... so pure.

She wanted to comfort him in any way, even listening to the song that reminds him of his adoptive father.

Allen stares at the grand piano a moment longer before hesitantly sitting down and tuning it. When he plays the song, Madame Red can feel it play through her soul. It was a beautiful song and her Angel's voice accompanying made it even better. She doesn't know when, but a few of the servants came to the music room to see who was playing since no one had played the grand piano in so long.

She knows that she is not the only with tears in their eyes when the song finishes, but she and the others that were nearby clapped excitedly.

"Oh my Allen! That song was beautiful!" Madame Red gushes, wiping away her tears with her handkerchief. She walks over to him as he stands up and closes the piano.

"Thank you." Allen smiles. "I'm glad you like it."

Madame Red gushes, you will definitely have to play it when I take you to visit my nephew Ciel soon!"

Allen blushes in shyness. "Oh. I don't think I'll stay here much longer."

That shocks Madame Red from her musings. "What!? Why not!?" She exclaims. "You are my very important patient and guest!" She has a brief panic of her Angel leaving in the middle of the night, never to see him again. She can;t have that. Her salvation has come through this boy. She must make him stay with her, as she doens;t think she could keep her sanity if he left. He may not know it, but knowing that this Angel is here in her home, is reminding her that she is a doctor not a killer. She needs to repent for her sins but not if her Angel leaves.

"It really is no problem for you to stay here, Allen." Madame Red says gently. She doesn't want to seem over eager and scare him off. It's all about coaxing her Angel. "In fact, I would love it if you stayed awhile, as both my husband and child have passed on. I often get lonely here in the mansion. I have my nephew, but he is much too busy running his family and business to pay attention to me, his Aunt."

Allen visibly struggles with himself to agree or not.

She knows it will take a bit more, but perhaps over the course of the next few days, so as to not over whelm him. "Anyway, why don't you think on it? You're injuries have not yet healed and you shouldn't be leaving when you are not fully recovered."

Allen sighs and nods in acquisition. "Very well Madam Red."

Madame Red smiles happily, her plan slowly working as he escorts her out of the music room to the parlor to enjoy some tea and snacks.