Six paths of Yaggdrasil.

An : thank you all who followed and favoritad the story, for now at least the story will continue.

Disclaimer :I don't own Overlord.

Chapter 2.

A bloody mess.. This was the first phrase which came into Akotski's mind as he exited the portal. The boy wanted nothing else but to throw out as he looked at what was going around him.

Body's of people, both civilians and armored soldiers, blood was spilling out like water, and the smell was horrible.

But the shinobi knew he didn't have a lot of time.. He fished a kunai out of his storage and without delay or waiting to tell Yume what to do the boy launched forward, his body speed augmented by his powerful chakra.

His targets were the goblins.. Or to be more precise hob goblins, which explained why the small group of soldiers was overwhelmed so easily.

He moved so fast that no one was able to follow him, his kunai slicing the green creatures like butter.

It took several seconds no more for him to finish them, and at the end of it he stood near one of the civilians, the blade red with blood, and all the creatures suddenly toppled down.. It was laughable.

The people around him looked shocked, their eyes wide, Yume stood there smirking at the desplay of power, which wasn't even an ounce of the sages true power.

Akotski stood there, his black hair moving in the wind, his black eyes scanning the entire area, making sure no monster survived. Finally after several seconds his stance shifted, still ready for anything but not hostile.

" Is everyone alright?" the shinobi asked with a frown, he knew of course the answer.. The bodys around them were all the proof he needed, yet he had to break the ice.

Suddenly a cheer rose from the gathered people, smiles started to appear on some while others started to look frantically between the people looking for some of the people.

From the crowd, two soldiers stepped forward, their bloodied weapons and exhausted face made it obvious they fought the damn creatures.

From behind them a man could be seen, his clothes were expansive, and his long blonde hair indicated on his noble heritage.

As they approached the shinobi the soldiers moved to the side, flanking the noble who moved forward.

" Greeting our savior, my name is Augustus Vermillion and I am the minister of finances of the Baharuth empire.. I am very thankful for your help Mr.." he trailed off, waiting for the man to introduce himself.

Akotski smiled as he extended his hand " Uchiha Akotski it is nice to meet you " he said, his mind asserting the information and trying to decide how to get more without looking suspicious. But luck was on his side as the minister turned to him once more " It is a pleasure to meet you mister Uchiha, I don't want to intrude but you look exceptionally skilled.. Are you an adventurer?" he asked.

Akotski blinked.. The term was quite common in the world of video games.. Adventurer was a person who took quests and completed them... Usually the Mc... But what does that term has to do with anything here?

Finally he looked at the man in front of him " I am sorry Minister... But I am not familiar with the term" he answered deciding to stick with the truth.

The man looked surprised " You do not know what an adventurer is? That is quite weird.. But adventurer is a person who signed up for the adventurers guild, they take quests like slaying monsters and so on.. They vary from copper to admantite which are the pinnacle of human power " the man said smiling, but it was obvious he was quite curious of the man.

Akotski cursed his luck... But he had to say something...

" We are coming from the far east " the voice belonged to Yume, who interfered to help him" We came a long way so we don't really know anything about this land " she said it with a sad voice and her eyes cast down.

Augustus felt bad for asking... He should have known it from the moment the boy didn't say anything.." I am sorry for being insensitive... As I understand you probably don't know where you are and what is the Baharuth empire" he asked /stated and without waiting for the answer he moved to explain " There are four human kingdoms in this continent, the Re- Estize kingdom ruled by the king and divided by the nobles , the Slane Theocracy ruled by the priests of the six gods, the Roble holy kingdom ruled by the holy queen and the Baharuth empire ruled by his majesty emperor Jircniv Rune Farlord El Nix, the sole monarch who rules the empire and made it an absolute monarchy. " the man spoke in phatos but when he spoke of the emperor Akotski detected a flicker of fear.

" Those are the human kingdoms... But unfortunately we are outnumbered and outgunned by the demi humans, we are no match for the might of the demons, nor is our longivety enough to gain enough wisdom more than the elfs..." he sighed deeply.

Akotski nodded grimly, his eyes focused as he dissected the information" I understand.. Thank you Minister this means a lot " he smiled.

" If you would whish you could accompany me to the city... I am sure the emperor will be thrilled to meet somone like you " he said with a smile.

Akotski ponderd for a moment, for the moment he got what he wanted.. Namely information... And although he was the leader of the Uchiha, he still needed to hold council on further actions if he wanted to boned with them as a family. On the other hand he couldn't just refuse the minister without a good enough reason, his eyes scanned the area looking for an excuse, when they settled on the corpse of a hob goblin, his eyes widened and a smile appeared on his face.

Turning again to the minister, he bowed lightly " I am grateful Minister... But unfortunately that's won't be possible for now" he said.

The man looked surprised " Why is that?" he asked, obviously intrigued.

" You see my lord, hob goblins never move in a group without a chieftain.. But I can't seem to find any who will be the chieftain" he finished, his voice full of concern.

The man looked surprised, and a worried glance appeared on his face " Will you go find him then for us?" he asked hopefully.

" Will it be worth my time?" the shinobi asked, his eyes loosing their softness, a chieftain was dangerous to a level twenty player maybe... He faught much more than dragons himself.. But it was obvious that for those people it wasn't.. And yet he sends him there, his eyes narrowed.

" Of.. Of course... If you shell slay it we will reward you handsomely" the minister finally answered.

" Very well Minister... I shell go find it... But I want you to understand... I saved you people once... But sending me fighting against your problems is really pissing me off... So you will pay" he said smiling sweetly.

The man gulped, but he nodded, after all it's a win win situation, either the monster is dead or he won't have to pay " Alright... Safe travels to you and good luck in your mission" the blonde said.

" It was a pleasure to meet you minister... Have a good day and travel safe" he finished as he motioned the black haired girl to come after him.


They walked slowly, their eyes scanning the ground closely, making sure they won't miss any piece of evidence for the whereabouts of the goblin leader.

" Akotski" Yumes melodic voice came from the bushes " I found something" she told the boy.

Akotski nodded, as he moved toward his friend " What is it?" he asked her.

Instead of answering the girl pointed to the bushes, which were trumpled under obviously not human legs.

Silently the boy stooped down, his eyes checking the bushes, until he found a small piece of material, which reaked of goblin kind.

" We are on the right way... Let us go" he said quietly, briskly moving through the way which the creature left behind.

It didn't took long from there to find the creatures hiding place, a small cave in the cliffs nearby. With every step the smell became stronger, which made the two shinobi gag.

Before they entered the cave, Yume turned to her leader " Progenitor... Please allow me to finish the filthy creature... No need for you to sully your hand with the like of those" she addressed him.

He laughed quietly, and nodded "alright... But don't go overboard.. This is nothing but a goblin.." he snorted.

The girl nodded and walked in, Akotski stayed outside, leaning his body on a nearby tree.

Twenty seconds later flames erupted from the cave as a high pitched scream of a burning monsters came out of their.

The shinobi face palmed... The girl went overboard.

A second later she appeared, a disgusting head in her hands " Here you go... It's done" she said briskly, a satasfied smile on her face.

Akotski turned to the girl "Really Yume? You used a B rank fire jutsu on those simpletones?... I told you not to go overboard" he admonished her.

The girl looked sheepish " Well..." she started only to be cut by her leader.

" No matter.. Let's go back to the clan.. We have a meeting to attend... We will go to the capital later" he concluded as he opened a portal.

The girl smiled as she moved behind him " If you say so" she said as she entered the portal after him.

End of chapter 2.

Another short chapter... Let's hope it will change...