Chapter 1

Third person p.o.v.

A figure was walking along in a forest with only one thing in mind 'I gotta keep going and find my brother. It's been ages since I last saw him. I wonder if we can be together like old times?' The figure came upon the edge of the forest and saw a house in the distance. He saw a little rabbit picking flowers not to far away and swished his long tail in delight making the sun glint off it. 'Maybe she can help me. I better change so I don't scare her away.' He closed his eyes and transformed making another glint come off his tail before it shrank down in size. After he finished, he made his way over to the little rabbit making sure to keep a leisurely pace so he won't frighten the rabbit away.

Cream's p.o.v.

At Mr. Sonic's house there was always so many pretty wild flowers that he said I could pick while my mom was at work. He told me not to go to far away from the house and to make sure I wasn't I turned around and saw Mr. Sonic lying down on the roof. I waved at him and he waved back with a smile. My flower bunch was almost complete when I saw something come from the forest. I didn't want to leave the flowers but that shiny object looked kinda strange. 'Maybe one of Mr. Meanie's robots have found Mr. Sonic's house? I should keep an eye on that.' As I was about to pick a rose, there was another light coming from the same spot. 'I really should head back to the house, well if the thing does get me at least i'm in screaming range.' Just then I saw something that I didn't think I would see. The thing was coming right at me and stopped a few steps away.

"Who are you?" I said trying to be brave. The thing was a hedgehog and actually looked a lot like Mr. Sonic, but a little different. Where Mr. Sonic had dark blue fur, dark green eyes and red shoes, this hedgehog had light blue fur, light green eyes and orange shoes.

"My name is Dll, but you can call me D for short. I was wondering if you could help find someone named Exe? He looks a lot like me."

Even his voice sounded a lot like Mr. Sonic's, but whos this Exe person? The only person I know who looks like him is Mr. Sonic? Are they connected?

"I don't know who Exe is but I know someone named Mr. Sonic who looks like you."

"Sonic, eh? Can you lead me to him? I'm sure he would be happy to see me again, I am his brother after all."

"Your his brother?" He nodded. "And you promise not to hurt him or anyone else?"

"I promise and to make sure why don't we pinkie promise?"

"Okay." Was all I said as we pinkie promised.

"Now that is all done can you lead me to him?"

"Sure, right this way" I said as he came with me to Mr. Sonic's house. As we got closer I yelled out Mr. Sonic's name so he would see us coming.


Sonic's p.o.v.

As I was relaxing on the roof, I heard Cream yell out.


I jumped to my feet and looked to the ground seeing Cream walk this way with her flowers and someone behind her but all my focus was on Cream.

"What's The matter?" I said as I jumped down from the roof landing in front of her.

"This guy says he was looking for you." She said while pointing to the figure. My attention went from her to the person standing behind and I felt my heart skip a beat.


"X, I'm so glad I finally found you!"

"What are you doing here? I thought you would never come to visit!" I said as we hugged each other.

"Like I said, I've come for a visit. It's way past overdue anyway." He said hugging me back. As we finished, Cream piped up

"Um, is there something going on here?"

"Cream, can you run in the house and get everyone out here? I want them to meet someone special to me."

Cream nodded "Okay." And ran into the house.

"So, you changed your name to Sonic?" D asked.

"Yeah, I did. You got a problem with that?" I said putting my hands on my hips.

"Not at all." He said coping me. "In fact…" Next thing I know he was on top of me.

"Why don't we wrestle like we used to?"

I smirked and and threw him over my head making him land on the ground with an "Off"'.

We both laughed until everyone came outside.

"What's going on out here?" asked a very annoyed Knuckles

"And who is he?" said a confused Tails pointing at D.

"Guys," I started saying as I was getting up, giving a hand over to D helping him up. "I would like you to meet my brother, Dll." Once we both were standing everyone gasped looking at him.

"What do you mean your brother?" said Amy looking at the both of us trying to see if this was a joke.

"You didn't tell them X?"

"Oh, and what would you like me to say, 'Hi i'm Exe, half demon from the underworld!'" I quickly put my hands on my mouth realizing what I just said, me and my big mouth. I looked over at my friends and their eyes looked like they were going to pop out of their heads.

"Half" started Rouge.

"Demon?" finished Shadow.

"Cat's out of the bag now. Eh, X" D said elbowing me. I glared at him and looked at all my friends. 'No way out of this, guess I have to tell them.' Just as I was about to tell them a boom sounded from the forest and out came the old egghead himself with his army of robots.

"Robots, ATTACK!"

Everything became chaos and robots were everywhere. Everyone was fighting the robots using their tactics. I stopped for a second to take in the scene before me: Amy was using her hammer, Knuckles was punching the robots, Tails, Cream and Rouge were flying above occasionally swooping down to kick the bots on their heads, Shadow was using his chaos spears to attack and D was using spin dash and homing attacks on the robots. Then Eggman got my attention.

"Hey rodent, see you later." next thing I know something hit me that came from him. As I fell to the ground I could hear someone calling my name and some other blurred sounds as well. Then one voice stood out among the others. "Robots retreat, I'll be back for you later rodent." And then all I could see was black.