Plot: Another day, another adventure for Sonic and his friends. Only this time after stumbling upon a strange blue box they are forced from their home time and place, and begin tumbling through the wider dimensions of Space and Time. All very exciting, except for one small issue... They can't get home.

Authors notes: Like all my crossover stories, this will focus on the point of view of the characters that are crossing over with Doctor Who. Since I think the Doctor is better if stuff isn't written from his point of view.

This is a crossover with a difference as rather than being a straight up crossover I thought "What would happen if I gave characters from another fictional universe the TARDIS?" and after thinking it through I thought why not give it to the Sonic crew? Will the Doctor show up? Maybe. ;)

I was in two minds to even write this story mostly because I don't know if it'll work. But *shrug* we'll treat it as an experiment shall we, dear reader ;) I do have a plot for it and I will write more of it in the future.

I'm going to be using the FanfictionNet phone app to read this story out to me so I can check the grammar and wording. So after each chapter is published if there are grammar mistakes, bear with me. I'll be fixing them in due time. I also have a habit of going back and re-editing chapters to alter the direction or tone of a story. But I'll let you know as the story progresses if I do that, in authors notes. ;)

I'm also a tad rusty with writing the Sonic characters, so please bear with me on that too.

Cheers and please enjoy


Sonic the Hedgehog/Doctor Who

The Twin Ghosts of Gallifrey

By TimeLordParadox

(A.K.A. Ross Pickering)

Chapter 1

Time and Space whizzed past. Glowing lights, stars, galaxies, seconds and centuries of time all passing at once as it raced down the vortex like it was a plug hole. It was out of control. It's pilot lost, and it was running. Just running as fast as it could away from the darkness that tried to swallow it. It had been running around and around the circular vortex for years, centuries maybe. Where it was going, it didn't know. What it wanted, it didn't know. What was it? Where was it? What was its purpose?

It just kept going faster and faster around the loop, trying to outrun the darkness. When suddenly a centuries old component within failed, forcing it to skirt too close to the edge of the vortex and was forcibly ejected from it. As it fell through the void it felt itself burning white hot. It impacted something, and the heat of it was intense, but it barely burnt its surface and eventually the redness faded to black and it knew nothing, and would know nothing for centuries, and centuries, and centuries, and centuries.

Was this death?

Silence, just utter silence. It was almost deadening. The air was warm, yet cool and the sun beat down on her sharply. She sighed deeply as the calmness and stillness of the place just relaxed her. The lake was large but as flat as a millpond, almost like a polished mirror. The place was almost ethereal.

Never Lake held a special place in Amy Roses' heart. She visited here not as often as she'd like, but she tries to whenever she can find the time to go the distance it takes to get here, to this remote place.

As she looked up into the sky she thought back to that day many years ago when she'd finally met her hero, and her boyfriend. Sonic the Hedgehog, her hero. As she thought about her blue boyfriend she clenched her fists and wrapped her arms around her tightly with a scowl across her face. Though he was her boyfriend he didn't act like it. Probably because technically Amy Rose just assumed they were boyfriend and girlfriend because he never actually denied it.

Amy Rose wasn't human. Technically she was an anthropomorphic, pink hedgehog around 15 years old. She wore a red dress and red headband, and on each hand were a pair of white gloves.

She sighed. Her life had changed so much since meeting Sonic. All those years ago she'd met him here during a battle for something called 'Little Planet'. It was literally that, a planet that appeared in the sky above Never Lake only in very special circumstances. The planet was maybe the size of a small mountain when it appeared, but when you landed on it you realised it was a similar size to their own planet, Mobius. It was a strange little planet that held a great power. The power over time.

It had been years since Dr. Robotnik, a crazed scientists, had attempted to tap into that great power. But Sonic had stopped him and sent him to the junkyard where he belonged, freeing the little planet.

Oh, it had been so long ago, and since then Amy and Sonic had gotten closer. Not close enough for her, she wanted to get much, much closer. But Sonic had the problem of being the fastest thing on the planet, literally. He'd speed off at a million miles per hour leaving her in the dust. It's almost as if he didn't want to be her boyfriend. But she just chalked it up to him being very shy. He'd come around to her eventually once he got used to her. But some part of her got the feeling he'd never slow down to her pace.

For years Sonic and Robotnik had done this dance where Robotnik would threaten the world and Sonic would stop him. Robotnik would threaten the world, Sonic would stop him, again. Robotnik would threaten the world, Sonic would stop him, yet again. Robotnik would threaten the world, Sonic would stop him, again, and again, and again.

Amy began to get angry. She felt like she was playing second fiddle to that egg shaped scientist.

Robotnik was a mad scientist who wanted to conquer the world. Why? She didn't know. She didn't care. All she knew is that he was bad and always needed to be stopped. She didn't begrudge Sonic his quest to stop Robotnik whenever they butted heads, in fact she usually helped from time to time. She'd learnt fast that the only way she could become closer to her boyfriend is if she became a part of his adventures.

Sighing she decided to stretch out on the sand, raising her hands high above her head. She let her fingers dig a little into the sand and felt the coolness underneath as she tried to forget about Sonic for a little while.

She began to think about mundane things. Like what groceries she needs to get on the way home, what she was going to watch on TV. If she should by the new album from that band she liked, or the band that was currently popular. She could try to find someone to hang out with?

Amy suddenly felt a little sad as she realised that she didn't really have any other female friends to confined in her. She was always an oddball with her obsession over Sonic. So much so she'd defend his honour and threatened anyone who bad mouthed him. That was probably the reason she didn't have any female friends, she was too intensely passionate about her favourite subjects.

And again she was on the subject of Sonic.

Suddenly her fingers brushed up against something under the sand. Probably a buried twig or something. But as Amy pulled her hand free it felt like whatever it was had snagged on her glove.

Rolling onto her side she tugged and pulled it free.

It was a long, silver chain of some sort. As she pulled more of it free something popped out of the sand. It looked like a spade, shaped medallion of some sort. It had a very strange pattern on it that caught the light and seemed to reflect rainbows from its surface.

Oh, it was so pretty. The surface was blemished but it looked like it'd look even prettier after a little polish. Someone must've dropped it during a visit and its been sitting down there for years until Amy dug it up. Well, finders keepers.

She wrapped the chain around her neck and let the medallion dangle from it. The chain was so long though, that she'd practically be trailing this thing on the floor. So she wrapped the chain around her neck multiple times so it dangled around her stomach.

It was probably time for the trek back to the bus stop. At least she got something out of this trip other than nostalgia. She walked across the sand and looked back, up at the sky where the little planet would appear. She sighed deeply.

As she walked away she didn't suspect she was being watched.

From the surface of the water a periscope popped up and observed Amy Rose as she climbed up from the shore, into a meadow and walked away.

"Meddling little creature." spat Dr. Robotnik. A very large man of immense weight and immense intellect, if he should say so himself. And he sported a very bushy and rather fetching looking, orange moustache.

Robotnik was a mad scientist, and like all mad scientists, he wanted to conquer the universe. Why? Because it was a challenge. Robotnik had an IQ of over 300 and he got bored so easily with mundane things like super computers, disease cures and zero emission fuels, they were all childs-play to him. So he'd turned his talents to conquest instead of good. Some would say that made him two dimensional, but he didn't care. Unfortunately that meddling little hedgehog, Sonic also got bored easily and always saw fit to ruin his plans before they reached completion.

He waited a long moment to see if any other of Sonic's little gang suddenly showed up. But no, the pink rodent had been alone.

Robotnik admitted he'd nearly had a heart attack when he saw that pink rodent on the shore. He'd feared Sonic had found him before he had the chance to get up to any mischief. Thankfully the girl stayed for a few hours and seemed to be leaving now. Good.

Robotnik, also known as Dr. Eggman to his enemies; their name for him, not one he'd choose himself, polished his mirrored, prescription glasses and set his vehicle in motion again.

There was something at the bottom of Never Lake. He'd detected it the first time he'd came here seeking the power of the 'Little Planet', or the 'Miracle planet' as it was also called, some legends even called it Kasterborous, though what that meant he never found out. Anyway, he'd detected this power before, but he'd never had the chance to investigate it as the power of Kasterborous was more enticing to him.

He'd all but forgotten about it until recently when he passed this way. Kasterborous had not appeared, but that strange energy could still be detected in the lake. He'd assumed it would vanish with the planet, but it hadn't.

That's when Robotnik had ordered his Egg-carrier to land in the lake and sink to the bottom. He named most of his machines egg-something, which is probably why the irritating rodents called him Eggman. Now in the depths of the lake he'd finally found what he was looking for.

There appeared to be some kind of object laying at the bottom of the lake, buried within the bedrock. It must've been here for centuries, when this place used to be volcanically active for this thing to get buried inside.

Activating his Remote Operated Vehicles, or R.O.V.s, he piloted them down to this layer of bedrock and slowly they began chipping away at it. The stone was old and tough, but Robotnik had the patience to carefully remove this artefact from the bedrock without damaging it.

After hours of carefully chipping away at the rock, a slab of rock suddenly fell away and Robotnik could see the object, or a object at least. It was alien to this landscape. A tall, blue, wooden box of a panelled design. The only face of it he could see out of the rock had two windows, and above them was a sign, its words still eerily glowing in the gloom. The sign named this object as a 'Public Call Police Box' and it was written in English? Strange...

At first, Robotnik thought this was some mistake. This object looked far too modern to have been in this area when it used to be volcanic. But when he saw the energy reading spike as the R.O.V. detectors passed over this odd cabinet his mouth split into a toothy grin and he rubbed his fingers together. This machine was clearly alien and was disguised, and he was going to break in and discover its secrets.

To Be Continued...

Authors notes: I know some people want me to update my Mask crossovers with Sonic and Mario. But bear with me please. I'm going through them updating their grammar before I'll start writing for them again.

All feedback and reviews are welcome. Even the ones that say 'delete this story.' Whether I'll pay attention to a comment so blunt is another matter. :P ;)

This chapter is more just setting stuff up for events to come.

I'm not linking this story to any one Sonic Universe, mostly because I'm not aware of every universe, but also because I think I'll have more creative freedom if we just assume its in a continuity of its own.

Kasterborous is a name I've given for the 'Little Planet' just because I think it should have it's own name. There is a reason I've given it that name. So stay tuned folks. ;)