Disclaimer: I do not own Harry Potter, Loki, or any recognizable characters, places, or things. These belong to Marvel and J. K. Rowling!

Loki of Asgard was wandering the streets of London on Halloween night. He had been exiled to Midgard for a couple of months because of a prank he pulled. While this punishment might seem harsh, it was during an important meeting between some of the people with the some of highest positions in Asgard. While he was walking past 4 Privet Drive, he heard the cry of a small child and went to investigate. What he found shocked him. There was a small child with messy black hair and green eyes wrapped up in a blanket on the doorstep. The child was shivering due to the cold, but Loki could feel the power radiating off the little boy. Loki picked him up and made a decision that would change the future forever: he was going to raise the child to be one of the most powerful magic users of all time.

A/N: This is the first fanfiction I've ever written so I am really excited. Please review and tell me if you guys have any ideas you want to see! Thanks for reading!