Author's note: Yay! New laptop=no more posting from my phone! Sad to say I feel like this story is starting to wind down. I have a handful of chapters in mind after this one so we shall see! I've been bouncing various fic ideas off my Manstead stalker...obviously I still plan on continuing the other two Manstead fics I am still working on. Drop a comment if there's a story you'd like to see me write, though keep in mind I hate writing "fluffy" love stories! I appreciate all of the support and reviews. Click that adorable "review" button and leave me some love! (Anxiously awaiting September 25th! I need Med back!)

All through the night, I'll be awake and I'll be with you.
All through the night, this precious time, when time is new.
All, all through the night today, knowing that we feel
the same, without saying, the same without saying

We have no past we won't reach back,
Keep with me forward all through the night
~Sleeping at Last~ All Through The Night~

" Hey beautiful," Will said, greeting Natalie as she entered Will's room the next morning, carrying a large duffel bag.

" Hey yourself," she replied, placing the bag at the foot of his bed then giving Will a kiss.

You need to shave."

" Do you think you can help me clean up?"

" I think that could be arranged," declared Natalie, retrieving a toiletry bag and a fresh set of clothes from the duffel bag. She helped Will into a wheelchair, situating him infront of a sink with a mirror.

" I'm going to let the nurses know I'm taking off your chest LEDS and your pulse ox sticker so no one panics."

" Sounds good," said Will, happy to find his electric razor in the bag. He eagerly began shaving, annoyed by the overgrowth in his facial hair. By the time Natalie returned, his face was clean shaven.

" Looking better already," she commented, giving Will a kiss.

" We could skip that shower," he said suggestively, watching as Natalie went in the bathroom. She ignored his suggestiom, placing his things on the counter then walked over to the shower, turning it on and adjusting the temperature.
" Let's get everything unhooked so your rank ass can get a shower."

" Hey now. I don't smell that bad," Will argued, pulling off his gown, now clad in just boxers. Natalie wrapped her arm around his waist, providing him extra support as he dragged his IV pole into the bathroom. She quickly pulled off his boxers before Will plopped into an empty bath chair.

" Care to join me?" Will asked suggestively.

" You're awful!" she teased, wetting his unruly hair with the handheld showerhead.

" Am I?" he questioned, patiently sitting back as Natalie worked the shampoo into a lather. After carefully rinsing Will's hair out, Natalie hung up the nozzle and grabbed a thing of bodywash.

" Come here," Will demanded, grabbing his wife by the hand and pulling her onto his naked lap. Natalie instantaniously dropped the washcloth and bodywash she held, leaning in to kiss him. Before they could stop themselves, the two began making out, oblivious to the fact that Natalie was now soaking wet. Will reached up and entangled his fingers in her long brown hair.

" You know...we are supposed to be on our honeymoon right now," he whispered, nibbling on her earlobe.

" No hospital shower sex," she responded reluctantly before returning his kisses.
" You're no fun," he replied, deepening the kiss. In the midst of the kissing, Natalie paused.

" Did you hear that?" she asked.

" You're paranoid," replied Will, leaning in for another kiss.
" There's someone outside," she hissed, standing up and turning off the shower.
" So?" he asked, grabbing for a towel.

" In case you haven't realized, you've got a change of dry clothes. I don't," Natalie said in a panic.

" It's okay. I don't mind you being naked while we wait for them to dry," he commented, flashing a mischievious grin. It was at that precise moment that a loud knock sounded on the bathroom door.

Meanwhile, Connor stood on the opposite side of the door. He knocked again, this time a bit more urgently. He knew Natalie had pulled all of Will's monitors, but she was nowhere to be found. After a third knock, the door opened up just enough for Natalie to stick her head out, causing water to drip on Connor's shoes.
" What in the hell is going on in there?" Natalie was silent, her cheeks reddening as she tried to come up with a logical answer. It wasn't until Will exited in dry clothes that it hit Connor.

" Seriously?"

" I dropped the soap and Natalie picked it up for me."

" Do you even realize how filthy that sounds?" asked a flustered Connor. Will smiled devilishly, falling back into bed in an exhausted heap. By the time Natalie exited the bathroom Connor had hooked up all the wires and Will's oxygen again.

" It's not what you think," Natalie argued, running a brush through her hair.

" I don't need nor do I want any more details," Connor argued.

" Why are you up here anyway?" Will asked.

" I want you out of bed, walking this afternoon. At least one lap around the floor, hooked up to a telemetry unit. PT will be up in a little bit to assess you," Connor said, grabbing a pair of gloves. After pulling them on, he carefully removed the bandage that covered the stitches he had replaced the previous day.

" Don't worry. I made sure the dressing stayed dry," Natalie offered.
" I'm more worried about your impromptu makeout session," responded Connor, examining the fresh wound.

" Looks good," he replied, putting a new bandage over it.
" You know, to be fair...I really did drop the soap," Will said, managing to keep a straight face.
" I have to surgery," replied Connor, making a quick and awkward exit. Will turned to Natalie.

" Now where were we?"
" If we start making out again your heartrate is going to spike and will result in your room being flooded with nurses. Besides, I need to go downstairs and grab some dry scrubs. I'm supposed to be on duty," Natalie argued.
" Raincheck?" he asked hopefully.
" You're awful," she responded, giving him a kiss. She found it hard to resist the urge to stay when Will slipped her some tongue.
" I'll see you later." Natalie abruptly left, knowing if she stayed there would be a lot more than kissing going on.

" You look like the cat who swallowed the canary," quipped Maggie when Natalie got off the elevator.
Are your scrubs wet? I thought you were just dropping off Will's things and giving him a bed bath." Natalie's cheeks reddened once again as she grabbed for a set of clean scrubs from her locker.

" Natalie Halstead. Spill it."

" It started off innocently. He shaved his face and then I washed his hair. He grabbed me by the wrist before I could grab the washcloth and pulled me onto his lap. His naked lap. Had Connor not interrupted the makeout session, who knows how far it would have gone."
" You mean Rhodes almost walked in on you?" Maggie asked, following Natalie into the adjoining bathroom.
" Thankfully Will managed to dry himself off, get dressed, and drag himself out of the bathroom while I hid behind the door." Maggie did her best to deliver a scathing glare.
" What? We got married over two weeks ago…"

" Oh I'm not going to lecture you. I'm just imagining how awkward it's going to be the next time you see Rhodes."