When Kagome and Sirius returned home, Sirius noticed that Kagome was a little subdued. She went upstairs to pack her bag to return to school that evening. Once she was ready, Kagome went downstairs into the study to watch a movie with Sirius. When Kagome walked into the room, she saw that Remus was already there. At first, she panicked, not wanting to be in the same place as the man she has a crush on. But Kagome knows that Sirius intends to spend as much time with her as possible, so, she steels her nerves and walks into the study.

Both men turn when they hear Kagome enter the study. Remus beams at Kagome, and she gives him a smile that doesn't reach her eyes. He frowns, wondering what could be bothering her. Kagome sits down next to Sirius, who smiles at her and puts his arm around Kagome. Passing the popcorn to Kagome, Sirius picks up the remote and starts the movie. This time Sirius puts on a comedy, he doesn't like that Kagome is so sad and wants to make her laugh.

The movie does the trick. Kagome is laughing throughout the film while Sirius roars with laughter. Remus chuckles as he watches the video, but out of the corner of his eye, he's watching Kagome. His heart flutters as he watches her giggle. Remus is happy that whatever is bothering Kagome has abated somewhat. When the movie ends, Kreacher pops into the study to let them know that dinner was ready. They make their way into the dining room; Kagome gasps when she smells what Kreacher has made.

"What's the matter, Love?" Sirius asks.

"I can't believe it. Kreacher made my favorite dish."

"What did he make," Remus asks.

"He made Oden. Just like my mother used to make," Kagome says and tears up a little.

Kreacher pops into the dining room with the Oden and several other dishes, "Kreacher wanted Mistress Kagome to have her favorite. He goes to her mother for the recipe to make Mistress feel better."

Kreacher had also noticed that Kagome was a little sad that day and decided he wanted to brighten her day in some way. Kagome smiled at the little House Elf and kneeled in front of him. She hugged Kreacher and kissed him on the head, "Thank you, Kreacher, I truly appreciate this."

The House Elf turned bright red and nodded; then, he popped away to the kitchen to clean up. Kagome wipes away the tears that are threatening to fall and stands up. She smiles at the two men that are watching her curiously, "Are you alright, Love," Sirius asks.

"Yes, I'm a little overwhelmed that Kreacher thought to make this for me tonight. I haven't had Oden in such a long time."

"What exactly is Oden," Remus asks.

Kagome smiles at him as she ladles out a bowlful for him, Sirius and herself, "Oden is a type of nabemono, consisting of several ingredients such as boiled eggs, daikon, konjac, and processed fishcakes stewed in a light, soy-flavored dashi broth. Trust me, you'll love it," Kagome says as she sits down.

Remus smiles at Kagome and takes a spoonful of Oden. He hums after he swallows the Oden, "That is so good, Kagome."

"Yes, it is, Love," Sirius adds.

"I'm glad you both like it," Kagome says then eats a spoonful.

After dinner, Kagome excuses herself and goes upstairs to get her bag. It's almost time for her to go back to Hogwarts. Kagome shrinks her bag and puts it in her purse, she sits down on her bed and stares out the window. Kagome sighs and runs her fingers through her hair. At that moment, Sirius knocks on her door.

"Kagome, Love, it's almost time for you to go."

She turns to look at him with sad eyes, "Alright, Sirius; I'll be down in a little while."

Sirius furrowed his brow, he walks further into Kagome's room and closes the door, "Kagome, what's the matter?"

"Nothing, Sirius."

Sirius sits down next to Kagome, "You know you can tell me anything, don't you? I don't like seeing you so upset."

Kagome's grey eyes look into her father's, "It's stupid."

"What is?"

"I heard a rumor that this theā€¦" Kagome bits her lip, "Person that I have a crush on, is in love with someone. I know I should be happy for him, but I can't."

"Are you sure the rumor is true," Sirius asks.

"No. But the person who told me was adamant that it was true."

"Well, I think that if you don't have proper evidence, I wouldn't worry about it too much."

"But what if it is true?"

"But what if it isn't? You're getting upset over nothing."

"I suppose you're right, Sirius."

"Of course, I am. I'm always right," Sirius says with a smirk.

Kagome laughs and pushes her father with her shoulder. Sirius stands up and offers his hand to Kagome, "Come on, Love, it's time to go."

"Alright, Sirius." She takes his hand and stands up.

Sirius puts his arm around his daughter, and they both head downstairs. They walk into the living room where Remus is waiting for them. He stands up when he sees Kagome and Sirius, Remus notices that Kagome doesn't look as sad, but she won't look at him. He looks at Sirius, who shakes his head and mouths, later.

Sirius leads Kagome towards the fireplace; he hugs her tightly, "Goodbye, Kagome, have fun at school and look after Harry." Then Sirius kisses her head.

"Bye Sirius, I'll see you in two weeks."

She lets go of Sirius and Remus steps forward, Kagome's eyes begin to water. She hugs Remus fiercely around the waist, Remus returns the hug, "I'm going to miss you, Remus. Take care of yourself."

"I will, Kagome, you do the same."

She sniffles and lets go of him. Kagome grabs a handful of floo powder and throws it into the fireplace then steps in, "Professor McGonagall's office, Hogwarts."

After Kagome disappears in a flash of green, Remus turns to Sirius, "Alright, now will you tell me what's wrong with Kagome."

"Kagome has a crush on you, and she thinks you're in love with someone else."

Remus' eyes widen, "Are, are you sure?"


"Did she tell you it was me?"

"She didn't have to, I can tell."

"Then you're not certain."

"Of course, I am Moony. Didn't you notice that her attitude changed after Dora barged in here? She must have asked Kagome if she knew who you were in love with. After that, she couldn't look you in the eye."

Remus sat down on the couch, "Oh, Merlin, Padfoot, what am I going to do?"

"Tell her the truth."

"I can't tell her the truth!"

Sirius sat down next to Remus, "Why not? You love her, and she loves you, it's perfect."

"No, you said she has a crush on me."

"She's lying, and Kagome is in love with you."

"How do you know."

"Oh, please, Moony. I've seen enough women in love to tell. Besides, she looks at you the way; I used to look at her mother. You need to tell her, Moony, Kagome is suffering for no reason."

"Fine, I'll write to her."

"Are you mad? You can't tell her something like this in a letter," Sirius tells him.

"Right, you're right. This is something I have to tell her in person. I guess it's going to have to wait until she comes to visit in two weeks."

"Well, not really. Remember the full moon is this week, and Kagome has permission to come to be with us during the full moon."

"Yes, but I don't think Dumbledore will let her come for two weekends in a row."

"At the very least, he might let her come for a few hours to heal you."

Remus brightens, "That's true. I would rather not tell her in my weakened condition."

"Would you rather she suffer for two weeks?"

"No, that's the last thing I want," Remus sighs, "Alright, when Kagome comes to heal me, I'll tell her that I love her."

"Good, Moony, I'm glad. Now let's watch another film. I'm in the mood for a musical."