Disclaimer: I do not own My hero academia. This is just something I made for fans of the series therefore, it is not canon! Please support the original series this was based on.

Chapter 1: A Wake-Up Call

Izuku was currently in a stool, nervous and scared, he hasn't developed a Quirk like the rest of his classmates. When the doctor entered the room he sat on his chair and coldly said 5 words that shattered the young boy's heart.

"You should probably give up".

Izuku sat there stunned. Inko then spoke up.

"What do you mean?"

"You see. Your son doesn't have the proper joints in order to inherit a Quirk. Therefore, your son is Quirkless".

Izuku looked down and was on the urge of crying.

'He's wrong. I can't give up. I want this. I need this'.

Izuku was quiet the entire car ride home. When they got home, Izuku ignored everything around him until he got to his room. He sat on his bed before laying down staring at the roof.

'Is this all true? I'm I truly worthless… Quirkless'?

Izuku looked around until one of his "Hero analysis books for the future" caught his attention. He was looking around in his book. He studied their Quirks, skills, and possibilities for being a great hero. A great hero. What made a hero? Izuku went to the computer where he asked his mom to put a video. It wasn't just any video. It was All Might's debut where he saved many people. He put play and watched in amazement once more. When everyone was losing hope when everyone was scared. All Might was there and gave the civilians a sense of peace. His amazement turned into sadness. His mother was at the door watching her young child.

"No matter what could've happened… he saved them all with a smile. That's all I want".

Inko looked up at her son with tears in his eyes as he turned the chair. "Mom. Please tell me. Can I be a hero? I don't want money or anything. I just want to help others. Please. Can I be a hero even if I don't have a Quirk"?

Inko didn't know what to do. She fell into tears and ran towards her son.

'No.' Izuku thought to himself.

"I'm sorry Izuku. I wish things were different."

'No. Mom that's not what I wanted you to say. Please. Mom'.

Izuku then tried to get her away from her. 'No… No'!

Inko finally let go and left the room, leaving a crushed Izuku. 'Why. Why?! Must everyone look down on me! Am I really weak to all of them? Am I really nothing more than a Deku'!

Midoriya looked towards the computer screen. For once, he didn't wanna see All Might's smile. He went to check to see what other videos could take his mind off this sadness. Maybe a funny video, a video about cats, anything. Really, he just wanted to get heroes, quirks, and his own mother out of his head. He was scrolling down waiting for something.

A sign.

He found nothing.

He went to the main website through the recommended and found something that finally caught his eye. He saw someone in the thumbnail hanging on top of a rooftop before jumping. He clicked on the video and was extremely interested.

'Is this a new hero'?

The video was taken place in Hong Kong where three individuals were running away from security. 'What are they doing'.

Midoriya's curiosity skyrocketed. He saw them running on rooftops, doing flips, jumping on edges, and not losing much stamina while at it. Once the video was finished, they were out in the streets completely fine and hyperactive. Izuku looked into the comments. While he didn't know how to read a lot, he understood two words from the person who made the video.

'He's Quirkless…'.

All of them were. He looked up Parkour and freerunning. While some did have Quirks, they weren't really helping them in their physical departments. This was done with their own strength, flexibility, speed, and stamina. Midoriya just sat there in complete disbelief. Until he questioned himself.

'Why can't I be a hero? Most of those people are Quirkless… like me. What's so different. Some may be older than me but, if I practiced like them, If I work hard enough'!

Izuku stood up from his chair, tears flowing from his eyes. "I can be a hero! I don't care anymore! I don't care what anybody says! I will be a great hero like All Might! I will be strong. Nothing is ever going to hold me back".

He was really exhausted. He turned off the Computer and went to his bed. However, before going to his bed, he grabbed a new companion book and grabbed a marker. He titled it "Parkour Training No.1".

~The Next Day~

Izuku didn't feel like himself. He felt that the innocent Deku was gone. There was now a more confident, more angered, and a little less caring boy. However, he still wanted to help people. He still wanted to prove to everyone he can help. He was no longer weak. He entered his classroom looking a bit depressed. He just wanted to get home unti, someone started muttering.

"I heard Midoriya's Quirkless."


"That must suck".

Midoriya was at his limit!

It was now lunchtime. He got his tray of food. He sat alone. He didn't wanna talk to anyone right now.

"Oi! Deku"! Izuku flinched at the name. He knew who the voice belonged to. It was none other than Katsuki Bakugou.

"What is it Kacchan"? Izuku said this with a cold tone. He was already annoyed enough. Bakugou took notice of this and was offended.

"I heard you're Quirkless. You really where just a Deku huh?"

"Like I care, what they say".

Katsuki was really mad now. "Are you mocking me? Are looking down on me Deku?!"

"No. I just don't care anymore. I'm still going to be a hero".

The group started laughing at the green-haired boy. "Ha! You!"

"You don't have a Quirk".

Izuku finally broke.

He grabbed the kid with red-like dragon wings which shocked Bakugou himself. "Wanna say that to my face Fat ass!"

"HEY! Let him go!"

"Tell me what to do again and that finger Quirk isn't the only thing I'll break".

Okay. Now everyone in the cafeteria were looking in Izuku's direction. They were all shocked to see what was going on. The innocent looking Izuku, the new Quirkless wonder, was intimating Bakugou and his friends. Midoriya let the kid go.

"Now. Let me eat my lunch in peace. Stop wasting my time". Bakugou wasn't going let Izuku off with just a warning. He grabbed Izuku's lunch at threw it at him. Izuku fell to the floor with tray beside him.

"Don't think you can scare me! I'm stronger than all of you. Especially you Deku! You're Quirkless. You're worthless".

Midoriya couldn't believe it. His supposite friend was looking down on him too. No… NO! This did not please Izuku. Out of instinct, he grabbed the tray slammed Katsuki with it sending him to the floor with a bloody nose. Midoriya jumped on him and grabbed Kacchan by the shirt.

Bakugou sent an explosion to Midoriya's face. A smokescreen was made scaring all the kids surrounding them.

"How did you like that? Huh? Deku"?

Katsuki was quickly silenced. By who? Izuku Midoriya.

Everyone was shocked. Bakugou was bleeding even more, and more, and more! Midoriya kept sending wild punches in his face. He kept screaming which scared everyone.

"I'm Not Weak! I'm Not Weak! I'm Not Weak! I'm Not Weak! I'm Not Weak! I'm Not Weak! I'm Not Weak! I'm Not Weak! I'm Not Weak! I'm Not Weak! I'm Not Weak! I'm Not Weak! I'm Not Weak! I'm Not Weak! I'm Not Weak! I'm Not Weak! I'm… Not".

Izuku stopped for a second. He looked around at his classmates. Some were horrified, some were crying, and some were calling for teachers. Finally, the teachers came seeing Izuku. Izuku looked at his hand then at Bakugou. His hand was covered in blood while, Bakugou was in the ground with blood running down his nose and purple bruises all over his face. He felt his burn before getting up off of Katsuki. He looked at his classmates with tears running down his eyes.

"I… I'm sorry".

He ran out of the cafeteria terrified at what the others would think of him. He hid in one of the bathroom stalls with the door locked crying furiously.

'This wasn't supposed to happen! I didn't like what Kacchan said. I wanted to shut him up! Not almost kill him! This isn't the actions of a hero. Everyone's going to think I'm a bad guy. Everyone'!

It was a silent 47 minutes until one of the teachers found Midoriya crying and looking extremely exhausted. He was called to the principal's office where his mother was waiting.

"Izuku? Are you ok honey? What happened"?

Her response was only silence. The principal looked at his student then at Inko.

"Now from the Phone call we gave you earlier, you know what this is about. Correct Mrs. Midoriya"?

Inko gulped and looked at Izuku. "He couldn't have had a fight. Not my Izuku. He's just innocent… he's… oh my god".

Inko looked at Izuku's Shirt and his covered hand. Not to mention the burn on the side of his head. The principal also took notice in this. "It… It was Kacchan…".

Inko couldn't believe what she was hearing. Her innocent little Izuku actually beat up… Bakugou! Even the principal looked at him in disbelief.

"Everyone found out that I am Quirkless. They were all muttering about it. Kacchan's friends then started making fun of me. So, I fought back too. I couldn't take it anymore. For as long as a remember, they called me weak and when Kacchan threw my lunch tray at me calling me worthless… I snapped. Then, this all happened. I'm… I'm sorry"!

Izuku had tears once more flowing through his eyes. He was later pulled to his mother's shoulder. "Thank you for telling us your side of the story. I'm sorry for what he called you. I'll make sure to put this on his record and a phone call home as well. He is currently in the nurse's office. You didn't do any lethal damage other than bruises and a bloody nose. However, we cannot let this go so, you will clean up the rest of the trash that you spilled. Once you're done, you may go home".

As Izuku finished up, he wanted to go home to his room… Alone. Her mother was extremely worried. One day after being told he was Quirkless and he got into a fight. Izuku was scared but, he looked onto the computer and just looked at the video he left on. He grabbed his notebook and began to write down notes.

"I will be strong. I'll prove it to everyone. I wanna help others. I don't want them to fear me. No more. No more violence for now".

Izuku stayed up until 2:00 AM before falling asleep. On. By the way, this is the story of how Izuku Midoriya will only become the first Quirkless hero… hopefully, nothing bad happens.

~Unknown Location~

"So, this kid viciously beat up a kid. What's so special about this"?

A man in a black trench coat grinned and spoke.

"He fought a kid with an explosion Quirk. The kid himself, however, is Quirkless and has zero fighting experience. He's also been known to keep track of many heroes. Both Strengths… and Weaknesses"

"You now have my interest. Keep an eye on him. He might be helpful to us". "Of course as you wish… All For One".

Author's Note: New story! I don't know where to bring this story. One side of me wants him to go U.A. and then become a Villain. Another part wants him to go to the league then U.A. The second's already been done so,. . . Yeah. Hope you all enjoyed! Follow and Favorite!