"Thank you, come again." Morgana politely said as she bowed to the leaving knights and nobles. Once the door closed she let out a long sigh and dropped her more polite and refined facade. "Fuck I'm tired." She flatly stated as tilted her head back, resulting in her neck loudly cracking. "I wonder how Demetrius is doing." They had grown much closer over the past few days of work. His cooking had improved drastically and he didn't stutter as much as he used to around her but was still the lovable nervous wreck she had grown to adore. She would have loved to keep going in their sexual endeavors but they have had no time recently. She peeked into the kitchen only to see her employee passed out on the mahogany table. Drool dribbled down his cheek and pooled onto the wood. In his hand was a whisk and next to his face was a silver bowl containing a lumpy mix of something Morgana couldn't quite discern. After putting all the evidence together it was easy to figure out he had passed out. She pulled the chair next to him backwards and plopped herself down. It had been three full days since their run in with Irelia and those three days had been horrid.
Irelia must have told everyone she came in contact with about her humble little shop. The amount of new customers exploded into an amount they hadn't been prepared for causing them to pull all nighters back to back. This was the first real break they had gotten since the sudden rush. Which meant she had not time for herself. No masturbating, no pleasure and no fucking. Nothing. And while she was doing a lot better than she originally she thought she would be with all the stress building up inside of her, it was the principle of not fucking that annoyed her dammit! Here she had a perfect candidate to fuck her brains out and she couldn't even use him.
She tilted her head sideways to look at her sleeping employee and for the first time realized how heavy her body felt from the lack of sleep. Her muscles were tense, her legs ached, and her eye lids were heavy. "What I wouldn't do for a rejuvenation potion right about now. Too bad I'm out of breast milk samples. Perhaps I could get Sona over once this has all blown over. I think I still have a lactation potion somewhere around here." Morgana's mouth opened wide as she let out a long yawn while still eyeing Demetrius. She wasn't particularly horny. Just stressed which presented quite the predicament. "Sleep or sex? She mumbled to herself. "Well. There is only one option that will satisfy the audience isn't there?" She said to nobody in particular. She pursed her dark purple lips before slipping under the table to indulge in a fallen angles favorite activities.
Irelia knocked on the large petricite door which echoed throughout the hall. She could hear shuffling inside of the room which only grew closer as the seconds passed. The door slowly opened, and out stepped Karma in a white night gown. "Oh. Captain! I hope you'll excuse my attire, I had not planned to leave my room today."
Irelia stared at the article of clothing for a second before making eye contact. "These aren't yours. You've never worn this style of clothing." The Duchess opened her mouth to answer only for another voice to answer for her.
"That's because they are mine." A powerful voice boomed with a commanding echo following her words.
Karma pinched the bridge of her nose and let out a sigh before looking back to Irelia. "Perhaps you should come in."
She opened the door wider, revealing the Dark Sovereign Syndra lazily laying on the bed in a purple nightgown similar to the one Karma was wearing. The one big difference between the two's besides the color was how much skin Syndra had on display. Her creamy white legs were uncovered along with her ample amount of cleavage. To make matters worse, her gown was basically see through! After staring for an ungodly amount of time at Syndra's breasts, she did notice he nipples pressing against the fabric. "Something catch your eye Captain?" The Sovereign winked causing Irelia's lower regions to suddenly heat up.
"Yes. The fact that you have on no clothing. Please. Go get dressed." Personally Irelia wanted to yell at the woman for wearing something so indecent in someone else's home but she was bound by her word to keep her cool for the time being.
"Oh I am dressed. See my clothing?" She pointed at her body and flashed a grin that was bound to irritate Irelia. And it did. She let out a deep exhale in an attempt to calm herself.
"You are wearing the thinnest fabric possible! That is not clothing! It is cloth! The only real clothing you have on is your panties!" Irelia was on the verge of exploding. Even though it wasn't the biggest thing in the world, it annoyed her that Syndra was doing it during a diplomatic trip.
Syndra raised an eyebrow. "Panties?" Her voice echoed leaving Irelia in stunned silence. She narrowed her eyes as she continued to stare at the Sovereign.
"You're fucking with me aren't you?"
"Language!" Karma interjected.
"Of course I'm not. It's much more comfortable to sleep without them. And if you don't believe me..." she uncrossed her legs, giving Irelia a perfect angle to see up gown at her beautiful, pink pussy. "You can see for yourself." Irelia wanted to say something but kept tripping over her words from a mixture of embarrassment and anger. She could feel her own snatch tingle with every second she stared.
"What is wrong with you! What if someone came in and saw you like this you sl-" Before Irelia's temper could land her in hot water, Karma interrupted.
"While I do agree that you should have some sort of clothing underneath your nightgown, she does have no reason to wear anything since we finished our last meeting yesterday. We shouldn't be bothered by anyone today." A smug smile appeared on Syndra's face. One so cocky that it made Irelia want to punch her but for obvious reasons she didn't. "Now that I think about it, what was you reason for visiting Captain?"
"That's right. I came to tell you about a little sweets shop I visited yesterday. I was going to ask if you'd like to accompany me when I go back today." Karma gave her a warm smile without knowing the true reason as to why she was being invited.
"I'd love t-" Knocks at the door caused her to stop midway through her sentence. The three exchanged glances before Irelia gave Syndra a look that said I told you so. Syndra, in irritation, rolled her eyes before crossing her legs to cover her plump snatch. Karma quickly undid the locks and pulled the handle back to open the door.
Outside in the hallway stood a large knight. He was clad head to toe in metal armor and his sword was firmly strapped to his waist. "Dutchess Karma. King Jarvan the Third requests an audience with you immediately. I humbly apologize for the inconvenience." He said as he knelt down and bowed his head.
"There is no problem. Return to him and tell him I will be arriving shortly."
"Yes Ma'am!" He saluted before marching down the hallway. Karma turned to Irelia with a slightly disappointed face.
"Well it seems I will not be able to go with you but by all means don't let that stop you." Irelia nodded as she watched Karma move to her bag. She bent over and rustled around in the inside in a search for her traditional clothing. Her gown started to slide up, revealing her legs before going up and over her juicy, chocolate ass. Both Irelia and Syndra couldn't take their eyes away from the jiggling rear laid out in front of them. The way it wobbled and the meat rippled was just so deliciously tantalizing. Finally she picked herself up with her clothing beautifully folded over her forearm.
"Well I assume you two will need to use the shower before your trip so I shall uses the main bath." She smiled before walking to the door.
"Wait! Two!?" She yelled. "I am not taking her!" She stomped as she pointed at Syndra.
"It was only a implication Captain, no need to get up in arms. If you would like go alone the by all means." She said calmly before walking out the door.
"Well I'm sure you don't mind me tagging along. I need some sun anyway."
"You insufferable..." She stopped herself, realizing that Morgana was fine with Karma or Syndra. "Fine. You can come with me." Syndra was a bit taken aback by how easily Irelia agreed to bring her along. She raised an eyebrow.
"Are you sure?" The echo in her voice grew slightly quieter. Irelia only nodded in acknowledgement. "Did you hit you head or something?" The dark mage asked with genuine intrigue.
"Of course not." She took a second to think about all the times they had clashed on the rift. The two had always butted head, said some things and did some things to each other but they were generally harmless. "You know I don't hate you. I hate what you stand for. Your personality does anger me as well but that's besides the point."
"Oh." Syndra was speechless. No witty retort, no insult, no nothing. "Well I'll take a shower and we can leave once I have finished." Irelia nodded once more before laying her back against the wall. Syndra said nothing as she floated into the small bathroom. A small purple ball wrapped itself around the doorknob and pulled it shut behind her. Irelia let out a deep breath before sliding down the wall. Her hands slipped into her blue tights. She gently brushed a finger against her quivering pussy, causing a small, quiet moan to escape from her lips.
"I'm so wet. Fucking Morgana. There's no way this isn't her doing."
Morgana pulled Demetrius' cock out of her mouth. She flicked her tongue against the underside of his tip before a shiver ran down her spine. She let out a small sneeze before looking around. "Who's talking about me?"
Irelia sunk the tip of her index finger into her cunt and slowly began to slide it in and out. She bit her bottom lip to prevent any more moans from bursting from her lips. "It's Syndra's fault too. Her showing off her beautiful body. How I'd love fuck that." She whispered as she slipped a second finger inside. Her walls convulsed around her fingers. She tried to slip them in further but couldn't get them to reach as deep as Morgana's employee had managed to go. What was his name again? David? Dave? Demetrius! That's what it was.
Demetrius' limp body shivered before sneezing, startling Morgana who went completely still. She stared at him, ensuring he was still sleep before going back to sucking him off.
"Oh fuck, this is too good!" She pulled both of her fingers out in one swift movement. She immediately started to furiously rub her gushing lips. Her hips bucked against her hand. She could feel an orgasm building far quicker than she had anticipated. "Fuck! Fuck! Not yet!" She slowly began to slow her hand using all the will power she could muster. Her hand moved to her clit and began to slowly tease it. Her eyes closed as she let images of the previous nights escapades guide her hands in an attempt to raise her masturbating pleasure to ungodly new heights.
Unknown to her, Syndra was also feeling a bit on the lustful side. The hot water soaked her unblemished skin and traveled down her curvy body. Her head swam with uncertain lustfulness. She stared absentmindedly at the glass door that prevented water from spilling onto the floor. The combination of Karma's ass jiggling, Irelia staring at her cunt and a dry period she's been going through was more than enough to make her horny. However, the thing that pushed her over the edge was Irelia saying that she didn't hate her. While it may seem stupid, Syndra had known only hate all her life. Someone saying they didn't hate her was like being told she was loved. It made her feel... warm inside.
She hadn't even noticed that she had begun fingering herself. She shivered in delight as one of her fingers snaked it's way inside of her drenched cavern. Her other hand made it's way to her supple breasts. Her hands lightly groped the tit while her fingers placed with her slowly hardening nipples. "Ngh. Maybe I should just go all the way." A purple ball exploded into existence in a puff of purple smoke. Syndra shakily commanded the ball to move which it did, albeit very slowly due to its commander's lack of concentration. The ball molded itself from a sphere into a shape similar to a cucumber. It hovered to glass and attached itself which caused its purple shape to wobble a bit.
She grabbed one of her toned ass cheeks and spread herself wide, giving the makeshift dildo a straight shot into her drooling snatch. She backed up, slowly letting the dildo fill up her wet cavern. She bit her lip hard enough draw blood. Tiny droplets fell to the floor only to be washed away in mere seconds. Syndra continued to keep moving until her cunt had swallowed the entire dildo. She let out a loud moan which was just barely concealed by the crashing water. Her ass lightly pressed against the cold, foggy glass. She pulled back slowly, before slamming her ass against the glass once more.
She felt her hips move on their own, forcing her to bury the orb into herself. "Oh fuck!" She moaned out. She could feel her legs weakening. The glass shook violently with every smack of her large ass. The glass threatened to shatter from her thunderous blows yet she did not notice. "Maybe I can..." She whispered as she tried to change the angle of her orb. The electric pleasure running through her body caused another lapse in concentration. The orb reacted violently. It pushed off the glass and arched upwards. The resulting change in direction rubbed the end of it against her walls before roughly slamming into her womb. Her eyes rolled back into her head as her lips let out a silent cry of of ecstasy. She shuddered for a few fleeting seconds, but those seconds felt as if it was the best orgasm of all time. Her legs felt as if they were jelly, causing her to fall forward. The ball slid out of her pussy without any resistance. It lingered for a few seconds, still coated in Syndra's juices before fading out of existence. The Dark Mage collapsed onto her knees, her ass still raised high in the air and her content pussy still drooling onto the porcelain floor of the tub. "Perhaps I've spent a bit too long in here. She sighed.
Irelia was fully engrossed in pleasuring herself. She had slipped both hands into her tights, one for her swollen clit and the other for her drenched snatch. Tiny flickers of thoughts swam through her mind. Was it truly the encounter with the fallen angel that brought her to this? Maybe it was a side effect of the aphrodisiac? Perhaps she was just a closeted slut. The questions lives were quickly snuffed out and replaced by empty thoughts of pleasure. "Fuck I'm close!" She squealed. It was obvious no matter how slow she continued to touch herself she would reach a powerful climax in no time.
The doorknob began to jiggle which managed to snap Irelia out of her trance. "Wait, when did the water stop!" She nearly yelled. She tried to get to her feet but her body refused to move. It was far too focused on cumming to be bothered with Irelia's commands.
The door swung open, releasing billows of steam that hadn't settled. Syndra floated out donning her purple armor she was known for. "Well Captain I assume you are ready?" She turned her head and her gaze fell upon the whimpering mess of a woman. Her eyes followed Irelia's arms from her shoulders to her crotch and quickly figured out what was going on. "Oh..."
"I can't stop! Look away!" She pathetically cried.
"How could I look away from something so...sexy." She hadn't even realized the words she was saying until they were already out in the open.
"Ngh.. Sexy?!" Irelia lost it. She slid off the wall and let her back touch the floor. She raised her hips high in the air, causing the sticky juices that already soaked her clothing to drench her ass.
"Let's get a better look shall we." She reached underneath her dress and pushed her own purple panties to the side. Another dildo shaped purple orb appeared in her hand which she immediately shoved into her sensitive pussy. She tried her best to match Irelia's pace and once reaching it, felt her body shiver in anticipation at a fast approaching orgasm. A dark purple aura formed around Irelia's crotch. A huge tear formed in the fabric, exposing her plump pussy and finally allowing her liquid excitement to pour onto the floor.
"I'm cumming!" Irelia's hips shivered as she felt herself on the cusp of bursting. She dug her fingers as deep as she possibly could in a desperate bid to finish herself off
"No!" Syndra's voice boomed. Irelia's hands were forcibly pulled away from her needy cunt, leaving her closer to an orgasm then she had ever been. Even the slightest breath onto her quivering lips would have been enough to set her off. "You aren't cumming without me!" She yelled as she fucked herself with the orb.
"No Syndra! Please! I'm so close. Too close!" She began to hump at the air, hoping that the cool air would be enough to make her cum.
"Don't worry Irelia. I'm getting there! She said as she squatted down. Her hand was a blur as she pumped the orb in and out of her cunt. Even the slightest movements caused her juices to spill onto the floor underneath her. Even with Irelia's currently fractured state of mind, she noticed that Syndra for once had called her by name. "Fuck! This is it!" She picked herself off the ground and waddled toward Irelia with her purple orb still buried deep in her cunt. Syndra grabbed the underside of Irelia's chin before pressing her lips against hers. The orb in her cunt vanished, allowing her to press Irelia's wet cavern against her own. Their tongues twirled and danced inside of each others mouths while pussies rubbed against each other. Their juices mixed with each others and spilled onto the floor, creating a small puddle underneath Irelia's fat, wet ass.
"Oh fuck. I'm gonna...!" Irelia cried as she broke away from the kiss.
"Me too!" Syndra squealed, her voice no longer carrying a fear inspiring echo. It instead sounded...normal. Perhaps even beautiful. She threw her head backwards as the two woman exploded in each others grasps, their collective juices splattering all over the place. Syndra continued to rub herself against Irelia in an attempt to drag out her orgasm as long as she could.
"Fuck...don't stop!"
"Don't worry. I don't plan on it." She could feel her hard nipples rubbing against her armor with every subtle hump. "I hope you don't plan on telling anyone about this. Otherwise I'll disassemble your molecules and scatter them across Runeterra." She growled, emphasizing her point with a vicious hump which caused the two to moan.
"I won't be able to promise I can't. Especially when I know someone who can fuck you better than I can." Syndra tilted her head slightly which allowed Irelia to see a glint of intrigue in her eye.
"Get dressed and we'll go find out. I'll fill you in on the way."
Morgana bobbed her head up and down on Demetrius' swollen shaft. She felt it slither down her throat every time she moved her head. One of her small hands stoked close to the base while the other played with her employee's full balls. She relished in the feeling of his hot meat pulsing in her mouth with every pump. Every pump caused a small bit of his salty precum line her tastebuds.
Demetrius' eyes twitched. He mumbled something incoherently before letting out a long yawn. His eyes slowly fluttered open. His vision was blurry and his mind was foggy. All he could feel was something warm on his crotch. He looked down and his eyes met with Morgana's. He could see his cock buried deep in her mouth which caused him to pause. His body started to wake up and the feeling of her perfect blowjob began to catch up with him. "Morg?!" His chest tightened and his left eye tightly shut.
Morgana pulled Demetrius' throbbing erection out of her mouth and rapidly stroked the shaft. An innocent smile formed on her face. "Yes sweetie?" She could hear his breathing become heavy as his mind fully realized just how close his body was to an orgasm. She kept his tip a few inches away from her face so she could still feel the warmth it was emanating.
"I'm gonna...gonna..." He tried his hardest to get the last word out but just couldn't. Morgana's tongue caressed her lips as if she was savoring a meal though the innocent smile never left her lips.
"I'm sorry sweetie but I can't hear you unless you speak up." Morgana's pumps sped up once again, ensuring that he wouldn't be able to speak another word. The loud fapping filled the room much to Morgana's liking. She said as she moved one of her hands to the button on her chest. With one hard tug, the buttons exploded off and her massive melons bounced free. "Can you repeat yourself?" She winked at her struggling employee. She cupped one of her large tits as she felt him writhe around in her hands.
"Cumming!" His breath hitched as he felt his balls tighten. Morgana quickly pointed his cock down at her chest and smiled as it swelled in her grip. His cock exploded, shooting creamy, hot cum all over her large knockers. She let out a moan as the white liquid warmed her to the very core. Demetrius' bucked into her hands in an attempt to drain the last of his dick milk onto her.
"That's it. Let it all out Dmitri." She slowed her hands movements and replaced her furious pumps with long, deep strokes. He weakly moaned, his orgasm died down and the last of his cum dribbled onto her large mounds. She let go of his member, causing it to droop down. "Soft already? Jeez, you are suppose to be young and full of energy." She playfully pouted which made Demetrius smile. He opened his mouth to retort but the sounds of the door's bells ringing stopped him dead in his tracks. "Oh? Customers at this hour?" She snapped her fingers, causing the cum to float up and off of her tits. The buttons redid themselves and tightly bound her knockers in the fabric once more. She grabbed a tiny flask and held it underneath the airborne sperm and let it spill inside.
"What are you gonna do with that?"
"Potions of course." She set the flask on the counter and made her way to front of the shop. Just past the counter was the Dark Sovereign Syndra and Captain Irelia. A smile formed on her face as a few more pieces to a puzzle had just shown up. "Ah, Captain. Sovereign What can I do for you?" The two looked at each other before looking back Morgana.
"I will take more of those oatmeal creampies." Morgana nodded before turning in the directions of the kitchen.
"A plate of oatmeal creampies!" She yelled before turning back. "And for you Sovereign?"
"What can you recommend cow tits?" A large vein visibly formed in her forehead. She had to do this now of all times?
"What did you say bitch? I couldn't quite here you. Trying taking all those balls out you ass before speaking again."
"I suggest you watch your tongue unless you want to be obliterated along with your shop."
"Go ahead and try. I'll ensure you are swimming the darkest river in hell before you can even raise a finger."The two angrily stared at each other for a couple seconds before Irelia stood in the middle of the two.
"How about we calm down for a brief second and go back to ordering food. Maybe even save it for the Rift. "
"Hmph!" The two simultaneously said before turning away from each other. Morgana's large breast jiggled slightly, catching Irelia's attention and distracting her and reminding her of what she had told Syndra. Maybe she could get Demetrius out here quicker if they ordered something that wouldn't take too long.
"Oh! Don't you sell Ionian style sugar cookies here?" Syndra quickly turned around, her eyes wide in disbelief at what she had just heard.
"Wait...you sell...Ionian sugar cookies? Like...actual Ionian sugar cookies?" Her voice was meek and the echo was no longer there. Her voice was smooth and beautiful and carried the weight of her emotions.
"Of course bitc- I mean Sovereign. In fact we already have a batch made." Morgana forced a smile to appear on her face along with a strained laugh. Unsurprisingly another spasming vein appeared on the side of her head. Irelia laughed nervously as she realized she may have helped break the tension.
"I'll take those..." Syndra whispered. She covered a large grin that had appeared on her face and quickly forced her body to settle down. She loved Ionian sugar cookies. They were here favorite things as a kid! It had been so long since she had one that she had forgotten the taste.
"I'll get right on it." Morgana beautifully bowed, before walking slowly into the kitchen. "Take a seat wherever." She yelled from the other room. Irelia nodded to Syndra before walking to the same table she had sat at the night prior. Syndra floated after her, mumbling something while hands soft grazed her cheeks. Irelia leaned forward, her ears twitching slightly as Syndra's whispers just barely made it to her eardrums.
"Ionian sugar cookies! Here of all places! It's been so long. I wonder if they'll be just as good! They have to be right? I can't wait! I can't wait!" It was one of the few times the Sovereign showed her true nature or at least what Irelia guess was her true nature. Just a kid angry at the world that doesn't understand her.
"Syndra, you make want to actually sit down." The Sovereign snapped out of her own little world and looked around before quickly taking a seat.
"How much of that did you hear!?" She snarled.
"Basically all of it. I'm glad you enjoy sugar cookies as much as you do. It's cute." Syndra blushed profusely. She wasn't used to compliments. She was received insults for most of her life leaving her unsure how to react.
"C-c-c-c-cute!?" She stammered.
"Mhm. Cute." Irelia said again, not entirely grasping the situation she was putting Syndra in. Before Syndra could butcher any more words, Morgana appeared from the kitchen carrying a plate with Demetrius closely behind with his own plate. Syndra stared at the dark skin man. He fit Irelia's description but she needed to be sure. The two employees placed the plates on table. Syndra squealed at the sight of the creamy white cookies, shocking everyone at the table.
"Someone's...enthusiastic." Morgana said, unsure if this was the same woman that had always clashed with her on and off of the Rift. Syndra didn't reply with a snarky remark or insult, instead she grabbed a cookie off the plate and bit it in half.
"MMMMMM!" She squealed again. She savored every bite til the very end and swallowed her half. "So goood!" Her reaction proved Irelia was right. She was just like a young, angry kid. But once she got something she wanted, her happiness would outshine any darkness within her.
"Huh. Not what I was expecting today." Morgana flatly stated. "But I'm glad I got to witness it."
"These are amazing. I must give credit where credit is due. Good job Morgana."
"I didn't make these."
"Hm?" Syndra said as if she didn't hear her.
"I did not make the cookies."
"Then who did?" Morgana pointed to Demetrius who meekly smiled in response.
"Oh. And who are you supposed to be." Syndra's finger curled upwards and a dark purple aura began to swirl around Demetrius. Morgana clapped twice, causing the energy to disperse and her Black Shield to encompass Demetrius. "Tch. Always getting the way."
"I must inform you if you harm my employee I will have to kill you."
"And what does he mean to you? Last time I checked, you couldn't stand to be in the presence of mere mortals. Now here you are protecting one."
"Demetrius has managed to satisfy me greatly. Much more so than any other male I've met in my time on this world."
"Oh, so he fucks well. All the confirmation I need." She curled her index finger once more, this time the strength was increased tenfold and launched Demetrius into the air before dropping him on the table. Morgana's eyes widened in disbelief and anger
"WHAT DID I SAY YOU BITCH!" Morgana roared. Volatile energy swirled around her. "I'LL TEAR YOU TO SHREDS!" Irelia appeared behind Morgana and quickly slipped her hands into the fabric clothing her. Her left hand took hold of Morgana's large breast while her right hand snaked it's way down her dress and to her pussy. She slipped three fingers inside of her and quickly pistoned them in and out of her tight cavern. "W-wait...Irelia. Ah...Not there!" She moaned as one of her fingers pressed against her walls.
"Oh I see, someone likes to be filled without being stretched." Her hand pinch her nipple, causing Morgana to let out a moan and the energy to dissipate around her. I mean, you're already so wet. You must be enjoying this!" Morgana wanted to say no, but her mewls had already answered the question. "So did you forget to warn me about any side effects of your aphrodisiac?" Morgana shook her head side to side. Irelia sighed, realizing that her unburied desires were her own fault.
On the other end of the the table, Syndra kept Demetrius down using her powerful magic. He struggled for a second before realizing it was futile. "Good you stopped struggling. Now..." She forcibly turned his head with her magic. "Let's see if Irelia was right."
"Right about what?" His voice was racked with fear.
"How good you fuck sweetie." She smiled innocently, not realizing just how similar she and Morgana really were. She placed her knees on the table and pulled herself on top of it. She stopped for a moment and looked down at something Demetrius couldn't quite see at the angle he was at. "I should keep these safe." He watch as the plate of cookies hover from the table they were on to the another. "Now then. Shall we get down to business?" She pulled down her purple miniskirt and pushed her panties to the side. She glided a finger across her wet pussy lips. She held the finger in question above him. "See that. Already wet with anticipation. Open up."
"I said open up. If you want to get out of this alive I suggest you please me. I don't think Morgana is going to save you in this situation." She looked over her shoulder to see Morgana no longer resisting Irelia's touch, instead melting into in. Irelia had already removed Morgana's clothing barring her purple panties. "Huh. Those are the same ones I wear. Weird." She could see Morgana's panties were soaked with her liquid excitement and knew that it was only a matter of time before Morgana became more focused on sex than Demetrius. "So. Open. Wide." He hesitantly opened his mouth. Syndra nodded in approval before tilting her finger slightly. A strand of her juices stretched down and entered Demetrius' mouth. It smeared against his taste buds, providing him a somewhat fruity taste. Perhaps it had something to do with magic. "Well...how does it taste?"
"You will say good, Mistress." Demetrius swallowed loudly. It had only been a few minutes and she was already asserting her dominance over him like he was some toy.
"Good Mistress." She smiled.
"Very good. Now onto you next task." She crawled forward and placed her knees on each side of her head. She hovered over him, her wet pussy dripped down onto his face with every passing second though he couldn't complain with the view he had. Surprisingly the carpet did match the drapes. "Do try your best to satisfy me or there will be grave consequences."
"Yes." Syndra stared at him angrily, waiting for him to continue. "...Mistress." He could feel sweat dribbling down his forehead.
"Good. Begin." She let herself drop down to his face without any real warning. Though she wanted him to do all the work, she was far too horny to wait. She slowly rubbed her pussy against his face, leaving streak of juices spanning from his chin to his forehead. Demetrius' carefully lapped at her snatch. Gently, he brushed against her lower lips which caused the mage to groan with approval. "That's it. Nice and slow." His tongue made its way into her cunt which finally got a reaction out of Syndra. She let out a light moan, and her hips went completely still.
He lifted his head slightly and got as close to her pussy as possible. His lips pressed against her nethers and he began to gently began to suck on her pussy lips. "Oh! You ...ahn...have some...ah...potential!" She was just now beginning to grasp just how horny she really was. Her hands traveled into her armor and slowly began to grope her small tits. She looked over her shoulder hoping to sneak a few more peeks at Irelia and Morgana but instead found a bulge in her new slave's pants. She was taken aback by the size of the bulge but quickly regained her composure. "I wasn't expecting you to be so...well equipped." She stared at it for a bit longer then she had anticipated. "Well. I guess you deserve some sort of reward." She unzipped his pants and released the beast held within. She began pump as if there was no tomorrow.
Demetrius was expecting her to start slow and work her way up but at this rate he knew wouldn't last too long. He tried to match her by doing what he could. He prodded her insides with his tongue but couldn't quite go as far as he thought he would be able to because of the angle Syndra's snatch was at. His tongue brushed up against a crevice in her inner walls. The mage's body tensed up and she let out a long moan. Her hand squeezed the base of Demetrius' cock, forcing the blood upwards to the tip. It throbbed intensely as it's climax began to bubble at the surface.
Syndra felt the vibrations of him saying something and lifted her ass off of his face. The light reflected off the juices that lined his face. It looked as if someone had dipped only his face in a bucket of water. "You better not have interrupted me to complain or else!" She hissed
"No! You are just squeezing and stroking really hard!"
"And what? Are you about to cum or something?" She joked. She looked at his penis and noticed the multiple veins outlining it and the constant throbbing she felt in her hand. "Oh. You are." She looked back down at him and smiled. "Don't worry my pet. I have just thing for this." For some reason, Demetrius did not like the tone she had used. He really hoped Morgana would come to his aid like usual but judging by the moans coming from the side of the table, he was fucked.
Just barely out of his sight was the intense makeout session between Irelia and Morgana. The fallen angel's mental fortitude had finally cracked and she had given in to the pleasure Irelia could give her. She had discarded her panties, leaving her body completely exposed to the elements. The two explored each others bodies. Morgana slowly caressed Irelia's large ass while Irelia played with her juicy pussy. "How about you get me out of this armor so we can really start this show."
"If you insist." She growled. A set of dark tendril erupted from her finger tips. They quickly consumed Irelia for a few second before pulling back and revealing her naked form.
"The hell did you..." Irelia's question was interrupted by Morgana smashing her lips in Irelia's. The force was enough to cause the two to stumble back and fall onto the floor. Irelia landed with her legs spread wide, with one of her thighs rubbing against Morgana's plump pussy while the angels thick thighs rubbed against the dancer's wet snatch. Irelia's hand dug into Morgana's meaty breast. She just couldn't get enough of the feeling of them in her hand. Her leg slid up and down against Morgana's snatch, causing her juices to trickle down her leg. The two pulled away from each other and stared lustfully into each others eyes. "So do you still have that dildo?"
"I can't wait long enough to go get it. Let more use you mouth a bit longer and we can do this the old fashioned way." She pressed her lips against Irelia's once again and humped against her leg. The two were far too distracted to notice what Syndra was doing to Demetrius. She held one of her purple spheres in her hand which morphed and changed into a small ring.
"Perfect." She whispered. She placed the ring on top of the large tip and slowly slid it down the precum covered shaft.
"What are you doing?"
"You'll see." She placed it at the base before grabbing his shaft and quickly stroking it. She wanted to get him to an orgasm as fast as possible and there were a couple ways to do that. But none were as efficient as a blowjob. "Thank me for what I'm about to do." Deciding it was better not to piss her of while she was holding his cock, he obliged.
"Thank you mistress!" He yelled. She leaned forward, placing her lips against the tip and swirling her tongue around it. Once properly wet, she engulfed the entire thing with her mouth. Her lips pressed against her hand which continued to stroke him. She pulled back, almost letting the entire thing go before plunging back down. "I'm still close! I'm gonna cum!" He yelled. She continued to suck him off as if she couldn't hear his warning. Over and over she bobbed up and down on his volatile shaft and pushing him to his limit. "I'm.." She pulled his cock out her mouth and licked her lips.
"No you aren't." The purple ring tightly squeezed the base of his cock, causing him cry out in pain as his cum was locked inside of his balls.
"What are you doing!" He yelled at her. Syndra's devious smile only widened.
"You didn't think you would cum first did you?" The Syndra's purple aura surrounded the two lifted them off the table. They hovered for a few seconds before being gently placed on the floor. She sat on his lap and started to grind against him. Her soft butt pushed against his cock everytime she slid backwards. Demetrius squirmed and moaned much too Syndra's amusement. She grabbed his shaft and lined it up with her sopping wet entrance. "Consider my present to you incentive. You make me cum and you get to cum. Good luck."
"Wait. Don't!" But it was too late. She had already started to lower herself cock. She forced herself down in one quick movement, spearing herself and causing Demetrius to groan in both pain and pleasure.
"So big! I love it! The real thing is so much better than anything I could create!" Syndra raised her hips until only the tip was left inside of her tight walls. She loved the face of anguish Demetrius was making. So much so that she slammed her ass down against his pelvis as hard as she could just so she could see it again. The tip slammed against her womb and filled her up quite nicely. She let out a loud moan and her juices seemed to gush onto Demetrius' pelvis. He could feel his balls tighten but no release ever followed. It was a hell he couldn't escape. His balls ached as they churned and swelled with creamy white cum. In combination with the pleasure of Syndra's tight wet hole trying to milk him for everything he had made it impossible for him to stay silent. His moans, grunts and groans were both loud and plentiful and only overshadowed by Morgana's.
The angel had switched positions and spread her legs wide. Irelia slid herself forward and pressed her pussy against Morgana's. The two grabbed reach others legs and began to grind against each other. "Oh my god this feels great!" Irelia cried. Morgana moaned in agreement. Her freshly shaven wet pussy rubbing against Irelia's slightly hairy pussy felt amazing. She could feel the puddle of the mixed juices growing underneath her ass. She circled her hips and rubbed every part of her snatch against Irelia's. Irelia rocked back against Morgana, causing her large breast to bounce.
Morgana's half lidded eyes we an indication of what was going to cum, both figuratively and oh so literally. "I'm guessing your about to...ha...cum?" She said while feeling her own orgasm welling. Morgana looked down as a red tint started to form on her face. She hated to admit it but Irelia was really fucking her senseless. "No response. Well mmm, let's see if I can't get one out." She devilishly licked her lips and leaned forward. She pushed Morgana's legs sideways and pulled her closer so that their nipples met. Her new found stimulation from Morgana's clit lightly nudging her own clit sent tiny bolts of pleasure throughout her entire body but it didn't stop her from soldiering on. She grabbed Morgana's hips, forcing the angel to pick up speed with each thrust. She threw her head back, her lavish purple hair flowing as she finally screamed out.
"That's good. But we can't cum yet." She smiled as she pushed back the angel. She pulled her slick snatch away from Morgana's leaving both on a knife's edge of an orgasm. Morgana felt the heat in her core dwindle with every second that passed by of Irelia not grinding against her.
"W-why'd you stop!? I was...I was..." She mumbled as she watched the string of cum connecting them slowly dissipate.
"Because I'd rather use someone as a toy to cum. Especially if that person is doing the same to someone you know." She quickly tilted her head towards the other side of the table, causing Morgana to look in the direction of Syndra.
The dark mage was frantically bouncing on Demetrius was clearly in a large amount of pain from being denied his orgasm. "Fuck! Use your hips more. Really thrust into me!" Syndra demeaned. His hips began to move on their own much to his dismay. He wasn't sure if it was her magic doing it or if it was his body desperately craving an orgasm that it would never get but all it did was cause his balls to strain to contain the massive load building up. "Just like that! Just like that!" She moaned out. Syndra closed her eyes and opened her mouth to let out another moan but felt something grab at the sides of her head.
Her eyes widened as she came face to snatch with Morgan's drooling cunt. "What are you doing! Get your cunt out of my MPHHH!" Morgana thrusted forward and forced Syndra's mouth against her pussy.
"Let's put this annoying mouth to good use. I need to cum so badly so help me out with that okay?" She humped her face over and over until she felt Syndra's tongue rub against her hole. "MMM! That's good sovereign!" A shadow loomed over Demetrius causing him to look up. Irelia crouched above him, her wet pussy constantly drooling onto the stubble that lined his chin.
"Morgana isn't the only one who needs to cum. So if you could..." He didn't wait for an answer, he instead lifted his head as high as he could. His tongue slid inside of her wet pussy with ease and bumped against her inner walls. "Yes! That's so good!" She screamed. She leaned forward and placed her hands on the ground for leverage before forcibly grinding into Demetrius' face. "Oh fuck Demetrius! I think I'm gonna..."
"Me too!" Morgana chime in. "I'm about to..."
"CUM!" Their muscles tightened and their limbs twitched violently. The two screamed as a torrent of juices exploded from both of their juicy entrances and coating their respective partners faces. Demetrius willingly opened his mouth to catch as much of her cum as possible while Syndra did the exact opposite and tried to turn away to keep her face dry.
"God damn it Morgana! Stop...gah...cumming!" Morgana only responded with a moan as Syndra's lips sent vibrations through her body. It quickly became too much for her, causing her arms to give out, freeing Syndra's head from her vice like grip before toppling onto her ass. Irelia's body followed suit, spasming before falling forward onto her face with her ass jiggling high in the air.
Syndra angrily wiped her face off. She sneered at Morgana before turning back to Demetrius. "I swear..." She angrily mumbled. "Once I'm done with you I'm going to utterly destroy her." She leaned forwards and traced a circle around his chest. "Aren't you excited?" Her hand moved his painfully swollen balls and squeezed them. His eyes widened and his mouth opened to let out a cry of pain yet nothing came for he had no voice left to give. "Don't worry. You'll get to cum. Once I do." She laughed loudly, obscuring the shuffling noises behind her. She had been so focused on him that she hadn't even noticed Irelia move to her side.
"Perhaps we could be of assistance?" Irelia cooed in the Sovereign's ear causing her to jump in surprise.
"I do have to help out my employees whenever they are in trouble." Morgana whispered in her other ear. The two grabbed each of Syndra's tits, causing a moan to pass through her lips. They leaned forward and wrapped their lips around both of her nipples. Syndra let out a shriek of ecstasy, prompting them to continue. Their hands found their way to her clit and began to prod, rub and massage it every way possible.
"Stop! It's too much for me!" Syndra cried. She writhed around in their grasp, her hips viciously bucking on Demetrius cock in her desperate bid for escape. He felt the magic keeping him down weaken ever so slightly but just enough for him to break free.
"Level 18 cleanse!" The purple aura shattered around him, bringing the attention back to Demetrius. He could still feel the ring keeping him from cumming meaning it was far too powerful of magic to be destroyed. The only way to get rid of it would to be to disrupt her focus.
Morgana and Irelia looked at each other before nodding. They shifted positions, sticking their asses out towards Demetrius while continuing to suckle on Syndra's creamy breast. Morgana pulled of her nipple and turned towards Demetrius."Don't worry Dmitri, we'll make her cum together. But in exchange you help us cum again okay?" He nodded quickly and without hesitation.
He quizzically raised his arms. Once he was sure he still had his basic motor functions, he stuck two fingers into both pussies laid out for him causing both of them to tense up. He started to buck his hips with all his might despite the fact of how much it hurt. His fingers became a blur as they pumped in and out of the women's wet pussies.
"Wait! Slow down! Fuck! You're gonna break me in half!" Syndra moaned. Saliva rolled down her lips and the rings power began to waver. She was close. Judging by the throbbing walls of both Morgana's and Irelia's cunts, they were close as well. They rocked back into his hands, spearing themselves with every violent jerk. "Oh God. I'm gonna cum!" He could feel her pussy violently convulsing as she got closer and closer. "I'm gonna cum so hard! I'm cumming! She finally screamed. Her eyes rolled back into her head from the shear power of her orgasm.
Her pussy tightly clamped down on his shaft as her juices erupted onto his pelvis. The purple ring suddenly vanish. The cum contained within his balls was finally forced upwards towards the tip. His body twitched violently and his hips arched, lifting the climaxing Syndra off the ground. Cum flooded into Syndra's womb, quickly filling her to the brim. She let out a moan as her stomach began to slightly swell from the amount of baby batter being pumped into her. Morgana and Irelia continued suck on her tits, the seals their lips were creating only grew tighter as they both approached their second orgasm.
Irelia was the first to give in, removing her lips from Syndra's nipple. "Fuck I can't take it!" She fell to the floor and began to violently rub at her pussy. Morgana was content with his finger. Her hand left Syndra's clit and grabbed Demetrius' hand. She forced him to move at a pace she decided. His fingers drilling her sensitive pussy quickly became too much for her. She bit her lips and shook violently as her silent orgasm racked her body. Irelia's was the polar opposite. She let out a loud moan as her pussy squirted onto the floor and all over Demetrius' arm. The two cunts released his fingers, causing his arms to fall limply to the floor.
Meanwhile Syndra's lower half had gone completely numb. Her insides had been brutally stirred up, her nipples hurt, her clit was swollen and abused and to top it all of the dick she was riding hadn't stopped filling her. Perhaps it wasn't the best idea to restrain someone so affiliated with black magic.
She rubbed rapidly inflating belly. "Just how much do you have left in those balls!?" The dark mage strained out. "You've already pumped so much into me!" Demetrius grabbed her hips and slowly lifted her off of his cock signaling he was indeed done. Cum exploded from her pussy creating a massive puddle on the floor which only continued to grow. She pushed herself of of his pelvis and immediately placed her back against the wooden table. The cum in her belly violently sloshed around, causing her to groan in discomfort.
"Huh. Didn't think it was humanly possible to cum that much." Irelia said in disbelief.
"Well obviously it is!" Syndra snapped before turning as best she could towards Morgana. "What did you do to him?"
"A little potion I gave him had some teeny tiny side effects."
"Tiny!? What about this is tiny!?" She yelled and pointed at her stomach.
Morgana ignored Syndra and stretched her muscles before happily exhaling. "Its been so long since I've gotten to whore out like that." She said as she bent over. Demetrius watched her jiggling butt away side to side as she scooped the clear cum from where Irelia and Morgana were tribbing that lined the floor into a small glass vial.
"A long time? I guess a few minutes without fucking is hard for our little fallen angel." Syndra laughed.
"Says the one who looks like she's 6 months pregnant."
"Fuck off." Irelia and Demetrius looked at each other before breaking into fits of laughter. Morgana walked over to Syndra and shoveled the clear, sticky juices in between her legs into the vial. Her eyes traveled upwards to her stomach.
"This is gonna be a bit...well...uncomfortable." She lightly pressed Syndra's large belly causing cum to pour from her stretched slit. She dipped her fingers inside the goop and brought it to her lips. She swirled her tongue around the tips of her finger. "Not bad. You aren't that bad of a cum dumpster Sovereign." She scooped a large dollop of Demetrius' dick cream into vial and quickly stuck a cork inside to keep it from spilling. "And with a bit of unholy fire..." She placed a purple flame underneath the vial. It bubbled for a brief second before going from a milk white to pitch black. "Perfect!"
"What the hell did you just make?" Syndra questioned as she worked on emptying herself of cum.
"Liquid lust." She said with obvious enthusiasm. The three others in the room raised their respective eyebrows at the comment. "It's a base for most sexual potions. Aphrodisiacs, stamina potions, futanari potions, lactation potions, you name it. All of them require Liquid Lust. Its somewhat difficult to make. The cum of three women and one man, all released within 10 minutes of each other."
"So that's why you wanted Syndra!" Irelia yelled in realization.
"Glad to see you are finally putting it all together."
"Damn. We just handed her exactly what she wanted."
"I mean, it wasn't all bad after all." The two Ionians turned towards Demetrius who was holding white take out boxes in each hand. "You still get to take home the cookies." He smiled, causing a warm feeling to burn in the women's chest. He handed the first box to Irelia who happily accepted it before hovering the sugar cookie filled box in front of Syndra. She stared at it for a second before snatching it from Demetrius. Irelia loudly cleared her throat and stared at Syndra expectantly. The Dark Mage rolled her eyes in response but eventually gave in.
"Thank you." She choked out.
"No problem."
"Good to see everybody is all buddy buddy." She said as she drew a similar purple heart on Syndra similar to the one she had drawn on Irelia the night prior.
"What do you think you are doing!?"
"Preventing you from getting pregnant. Though I'm pretty sure you could already pass as a pregnant woman." Morgana snickered while Syndra angrily growled in response.
"Fine keep going." She reluctantly agreed.
"Already finished cutie."
"C-cutie!?" Her face turned bright red with embarrassment and the words that followed only seemed to clog her throat. Morgana smiled before waving it off.
"Just forget I said anything and get out of my store. I'm need to get my lack of ingredient situation figured out by the end of tomorrow. Milk, vanilla, eggs, flour, yeast, chocolate and that's not even close to all the stuff I need plus I need to restock ingredients for potions and GAH!" She suddenly yelled as she violently ruffled her long purple hair. "I have a lot on my plate okay?" Demetrius moved to her side and gently laid a hand on her shoulder.
"Well we will be out of you hair as soon as Syndra...you know...empties herself. Now that I think about it, don't you have a spell or something that can just empty her out?" Irelia said as she placed a hand on Syndra's belly.
"Sadly no. I do have a spell that will hide her stomach from prying eyes and Demetrius can teleport you home from there. You'll be able to...ahem...drain yourself from there." The two Ionians exchanged glanced before nodding. "Good. Give us a few minutes to get prepped."
After a few minutes the two returned. Morgana quickly mumbled the incantations and her eyes began to glow with a dark purple hue. Syndra's cum swollen belly vanished before their very eyes though she could still feel the sloshing of the dark skinned man's cum inside of her. "Will last you all of 24 hours. If you aren't empty by then it its your fault. Get them out of here Dmitri."
"On it!" He responded. "See you guys next time?" Irelia nodded while Syndra turned away from him with a grunt. "Level six teleport!" With a snap of his fingers, the two vanished. He chuckled to himself. "Still got it." Morgana slumped into the nearest chair, causing her bare ass to smack loudly against the wood. She let out a loud exhale which drew the attention of Demetrius.
"Fuck, I'm wiped out." He took a seat next to her and planted a kiss on her large boob.
"You're telling me. I can't feel anything below the belt besides pain." He still had a grin on his face which made her laugh.
"Well we could always do a few more rounds..."
"Please no." Morgana puffed her cheeks out in response.
"You're no fun. I guess we do have more important thing to think about. All those ingredients I mentioned can easily be ordered but the ones I personally need...well those can be a bit more difficult. Blood of the spider god, yordle hair, pure hellfire, milk from a healthy female and flowers from the Kumungu jungle just to name a few." She exhaled before letting out a dry laugh. "Oh how I hate ingredient runs."
"W-well I'm sure I can help!" She smiled and placed a hand on his chest.
"I'm sure you can, now go get cleaned up. You reek!" She pinched her nose and waved her hand around to emphasize her point. "Don't worry, I'll join you in the bath in a bit." He nodded before grabbing the dishes and walking into the back kitchen. Morgana sat on the edge of her seat listening intently. She heard the loud bangs of dishes clattering into the sink before she heard the sound drawn out squeak of her house door opening and closing. She listened for a couple more seconds before she could fully confirm that he had indeed followed her instructions. "Good. No need for him to get caught up in too dangerous of item hunting. Kumungu is off the list. He may be able to get somewhat close to Vilemaw if he can just get through Elise. There is also that hellfire statue in Noxus on the move currently. I think it is sill residing in that bar Riven works at. Perhaps I could call on that favor Tristana owes me and kill two birds with one stone. I could get Sona over here while I'm at it for some fresh milk." She picked herself up and wiped away the sweat accumulating on her brow. "I could really use a relaxing bath right about now." She said to herself as she started to walk towards the door to her home. It would be nice to finally spend time with Demtrius again.
Alright, third chapter down and an interesting crossroad for the story up ahead. But before I head back to drawing board and plan out the next chapter, I'm gonna reply to reviews.
Lord Reyne
No idea what that means but I'm glad you've said it.
Trixie Treat
Eventually I will get to Fiora and Vayne but currently I don't have them set in the current storyline.
You wanted more content, here is more content.
I do love my assests. Glad you enjoy them as well.
I'm having a hard time choosing between doing a Sona lactation chapter or just continuously teasing it forever.
Glad you enjoy it!
Eternal Violets
I'm glad you enjoyed the past two chapters. I'll keep this story going as long as I can.
Gracias amigo!