The three exchanged looks, before looking at Lovino. Something about their happy go lucky grins we're making his stomach turn.

"You're worth about 7 million jewels know right?" Antonio smiled,"with an added 16 thousand."

At that moment, Lovino's heart stopped.

Fear flooded his senses.

His frown morphed into a snarl, "I could call the entire Royal Navy on you. And I'm worth twice that!" Gilbert smirked.

"Quite a fiesty Prince. I swore the rumors said he was a baby." Lovino's ear grew red and he growled.

Francis sighed, "Gilbert there's two heirs. This one is the one who gets the throne. You're thinking of the younger one."

Antonio and Gilbert stares, gaping mouths wide.

"There's two..?"

"I'm surrounded by idiots." Francis cried.

Lovino muttered.

Francis leaned in close, to which Lovino leaned back until he hit the back of the chair. "Why haven't you notified the Royal Navy? Unless of course you did before sneaking aboard~"

Lovino slid the chair back along the floor and stood up, hands pressed against the smooth surface of the table. Antonio smiled, "your eyes are as vast as the sea. Why so empty?" Lovino's eyebrow twitched.

Francis and Gil rolled their eyes. "We got ships to man. I guess he's yours cause it's your ship." Gil groaned, "I would've been rich."

Francis winked, "but I'll gladly take him if you grow tired!" The two slid out the door, letting it close silently. Antonio clasped his hands together.

"Seems I'll have to explain. Either you do as I say here. Or you're not going to last long." He smiled, "I won't be too mean."

"Suck my ruby jewels."

"That's an odd request..?"

"I DID NOT MEAN IT LIKE THAT, DO NOT BE SUCH AN IDIOT!" Lovino shouted, slamming his hands onto the table and leaning in.

Antonio narrowed his eyes, the light in them dimming to create a small glow. "A prisoner shouldn't speak so rudely to its captor. Now, Prince or rather, just Lovino, I formally welcome you to the Ship Maria. Any questions? Oh, and you'll be doing anything cleaning related because I doubt you know anything."

"I can cook, shit for brains."

"Then you'll be a cook too! Oh how nice of you to volunteer!" Antonio walked over, and happily slapped him on the back.

Lovino glared, "May you rot in the sea."

He smirked, tapping the side of his face. "Then I'll take this ship down with me."

For the next week, Lovino assisted with cooking. The cook ended up making him do everything, as Lovino was not half bad at cooking. He slowly learned who to avoid and who to attempt to ally himself with. Half the men on board couldn't even fathom they had a prince scrubbing the deck, which they took all pleasure in messing.

The windy tasted salty, each time it hit Lovino's face. The only sounds came from the crew or the waves crashing against the boat, asking to sink it into the dark depths below. He was cleaning away from the loud and annoying voices of the crew, where the loudest sound was the ocean lifting and bouncing the ship. But nothing was worse than the piercing fire of a ball in the sky beating down, as if to burn everything it touched.

Lovino glared as he mopped the floor, muttering words about the sun being too hot, the crew being too loud or basically anything. "Everyone here is dumb and deserves to be in jail or whatever, hanged."

Two crew members nodded at each other, before the biggest grins rose onto their grimy faces. Lovino's ear picked up there conversation.

"I heard the Captain sent a ransom note. Wants about 10 million jewels for him. Kinda high, don't you think?"

"Quite a pricy Prince. Still curious how he got here. Found him in the storage area."

Lovino grumbled, ignoring everyone to finish and go off alone.