If there is one thing that I don't like happening on the fanfiction site, it's when people upload announcements as entire chapters. However, one thing I realize is that it's usually done for a legitimate reason, as is this.
I'm putting all of my RWBY stories and crossovers on hiatus. And here's why.
As many of you may know, Vic Mignogna, the former voice actor for Qrow Brawnwen, has been the victim of some very extreme slander over the internet recently. I haven't been following the whole story, mostly because it shocks me and sickens me to my core, but I know enough. It was mostly stretched, of course, but it was enough to get him persecuted by a number of people. What does this have to do with my hiatus? I'm bringing this up because after the accusations started, Rooster Teeth officially fired him and disowned him without another word. No reasons, no justifications, no nothing. This also leaves him unemployed without much hope of getting another job. This has made me lose my respect for RT and I no longer have any desire to support them. As such, I'm done with RWBY, Red vs Blue, and otherwise. I believe they should have some solid justification if they let go of someone who is being attacked by the public. As such, I can't find any reason to continue An Electric Guitar or restart RWBYtale, which I had previous plans to redo.
I want to let everyone know that I am sorry that I've stopped writing these stories, which you have supported and read so graciously, but I am not sorry for stopping my support for RT. I honestly think that they should be better and that Vic deserves better. He is an honest and good person and he deserves better than to be persecuted and attacked. I understand that I may lose some readers for my opinion, but I cannot, in good conscience, continue supporting RT. I have hopes that circumstances will change and that I will find some desire to at least continue this crossover, but as of now, I simply can't
Once again, thank you so much for your support in this story and I hope you will be willing to support me by checking out my other stories, which I am still working on.
Yours truly, TheMasterWizard.