Zed woke up tied to a chair in a dark room the only light were two crappy light bulbs flickering. He was completely restrained and couldn't move he struggled to get free but couldn't. He began feeling a burning sensation on his wrists and arms he realized his arms and wrists were tied up with rope two times and so were his legs. He couldn't talk with the cloth over his mouth. He continued to try but it burned him to much. Just as he was going to try again he heard a voice.

" Well well well... look who woke up." An unknown voice spoke

He walked up to Zed and took of the cloth over his mouth

" Who the hell are you.." he growled

" I'll tell you just wait a few moments zombie" the person said with hatred in their voice

" Again who are you" Zed said growling and talking louder

" Fine I'll tell you.."

" My name is Ryder Anderson I've seen you around and don't understand why they would let freaks like you go to a real school Ryder said

Zed just rolled his eyes

" Oh I've also happen to notice your girlfriend is really pretty and doesn't deserve to be with a freak like you. And I also plan on making a move on her.Ryder said

" You go anywhere near Addison and I'll hurt you and I mean badly." Zed growled

" Yeah I don't think that'll be possible with you tied up here." Ryder said

" Don't touch her!" Zed screamed at him

He struggled against the ropes but Ryder punched him right in the guts

" Don't make the mistake of yelling at me" Ryder said

Zed had his head hung low and Ryder removed his Z- Band

Ryder took Zed out of the room he was in which was the storage shed and put him outside in the pouring rain and let him get soaked as he walked away to the school

" Help!" Zed screamed out

But nobody would hear him in the pouring rain so he just stayed there with nobody to help him

With Addison back at the school

Where is he?!? She thought. She was extremely worried it wasn't like that of Zed to leave and not show up she was starting to panic and she guessed Eliza noticed that because she tapped her shoulder which made Addison jump.

" Addy what's going on? Where's Zed?" She asked whispering

" That's the promblem I don't know where he is." She said whispering too

" Addison did Zed tell you anything before he left?" Eliza asked

" Well yeah he said he was going somewhere and would be back, but he didn't say where." Addison said

" Addison I think we should go look for him." Eliza said

" When?!?" Addison whispered yelled

" After this period. Okay?"

" Okay." She said sadly

" Don't worry we'll find him." Eliza said reassuringly

Addison gave her a small smile before returning to work

After class

" Eliza who are we gonna call to help us?" She asked

" Well Bree Bonzo are in study hall so they can. I can maybe get some zombies, and you can get some cheerleaders. Does that sound good?" Eliza asked

" Yeah." Addison responded

As Addison was walking to get some cheerleaders she was stopped by a tall boy not as tall as Zed a few inches shorter but taller than her at least he had black hair and blue eyes

" Can I help you?" She asked

" Yes you can I'm Ryder Anderson as you probably know." He said

" Yeah from the soccer team. Again can I help you?" She asked a little more anxious now

" Yes, will you go out on a date with me?" He asked

" I have a boyfriend and you of course know him it's Zed Necrodopoulus from the football team and one of the best people ever."

" Yeah but I don't see him also you shouldn't be with a freak like him you should be with me your own kind." Ryder said

" Yeah I don't think so" Addison said trying to walk away but Ryder blocked her and grabbed her wrist and pulled her to him and trued to kiss her but she low kicked him.

Ryder fell to the ground

" Leave me alone!!" She screamed

She turned around and saw Eliza and ran to her and hugged her

" It's okay your okay." Addison calmed down and then Eliza said " That was one hell of a kick." Addison laughed softly and pulled away from the hug.

" Are you ready?" Eliza asked

Addison nodded and they met the others outside.

A/N: So I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter 6 will hopefully be up today or tomorrow hopefully today so I can give you guys two chapters to make up for the absence. Also sorry for that but thank you for sticking with the story. Also a big shoutout to @loveshipper for being such an awesome reviewer and I'm glad you like it!!

So yeah again go check out my instagram account @fanfiction_inspiration_pics or check out my Wattpad account which is @multifangirl_ my stories will also be there too. Also there will be no chapter on Friday January 4th because guess what it's my birthday!! But hopefully a chapter on Thursday January 3rd so yeah I love y'all bye!!