New chappie Yaaaaaaay. Im gunna be gone for awhile so I wont be able to write anything so today im gunna write as much a I possibly can.

Chapter 7: explanations

Kagome and Inu-yasha stood facing Harry. The only sound in the small alley was Inu-yasha's incessant growling. "um." kagome began once again noticing the broom floating at Harry's side. "why is there a broom floating next to you"

Harry, who had been caught off guard, blinked and looked down at his broom. He briefly thought of stepping in front of it to hide it but the damage had already been done. "um. kagome t..theres something I should tell you." Harry said in a distressed whisper. "but you have to promise that you wont tell anyone else."

Kagome gave him a curious look. "I promise. What is it?" she asked unconsciously taking a step forward as if it would make him talk louder. She didn't seem to notice but Inu-yasha did and he started growling louder.

"er." Harry continued. "its. er. im an uh. witch, I mean wizard" kagome gave him a blank look. "a what?" she asked. "a wizard" Harry said quietly and with a bad feeling in his gut. He wouldn't be too surprised if a ministry official were on his way to send him to Azkaban right now.

Kagome gave Harry a dubious look, and said defiantly, "there's no such thing as wizards" "but there is and I am one." Harry said a little louder. "oh yeah, than if you are a witch."


"fine "wizard" than do some magic for me" kagome said her temper rising. Harry is temper also rising glared at her and yelled "I cant do magic unless I have my wand and someone ripped my bag open and stole it and one of my books and a pair of my underwear. That's why I even took my broom out in the first place so I could look for my wand." Kagome blinked and Inu-yasha who had realized that Harry was talking about him was still growling though slightly less and had turned an interesting shade of red. Harry stood panting and looking mad. Kagome stood staring at Harry blankly for a moment.

Suddenly kagome's face broke out into a smile and she ran up and hugged a surprised Harry, who coughed and looked surprised. "its great to see you again. Where are you staying?" at this gesture Inu-yasha let out another round of low growling and seeing this Harry pulled away from kagome.

"im staying with my uncles sister Ameiya..." Harry was about to continue when kagome suddenly said, "you mean Ameiya Dursley?" "uh yeah.." Harry said slowly. "THAT MEANS YOUR STAYING IN THE HOUSE NEXT TO MINE!" kagome yelled excitedly. "come on you can come to my house, you can ride your broom and ill ride on Inu-yasha's back. Harry nodded slowly still bewildered as to what had just happened.

Kagome ran over to Inu-yasha whom allowed her onto his back but didn't stop growling nor had his face gotten any less red. As soon as kagome was on his back he shot up into the air leaving Harry behind. "Inu-yasha slow down or we'll lose him." kagome yelled against the wind. "good" snarled Inu-yasha so quietly that kagome almost didn't here him and she was about to yell something back at him when there was a sudden gush of wind and something whipped by them.

They soon found out it was Harry on his broom flying slightly ahead of them. "wow he's fast" kagome exclaimed and Inu-yasha started growling louder than before. Kagome started and looked down at Inu-yasha when suddenly something Harry had said earlier had caught in her mind and realization dawned.

"Inu-yasha did you take Harry's stuff out of his bag. Is that who's underwear was on your head." Kagome implied fixing the back of Inu-yasha's head with a piercing glare. "maybe" Inu-yasha growled as he jumped to another building. Kagome than gave one of his ears particularly fierce yank and he stumbled a few feet on the roof he'd just landed on.

"ouch, ok, ok I did I took his stuff." Inu-yasha growled rubbing his ears "I was just curious" kagome gave him an even more piercing look than. "YOU WHAAAAAAAT?"

omg im soooo sorry that was so short. Please r&r and ill write a really long chapter when I get back.