A/n:Hi guys, it's been a while I think I caught Covid end of March and I was fine for ages. However, I went down hill due to damage to my cartilage around my rib cage. in out of A&E. I'm fine now but just wanted to let you all know this is why I've been off. I hope you are all okay and keeping safe. I'm back at work finally!

So i'm dusting down my keyboard, and getting back to writing. Obviously, I'm working full time now, so will write when I have the time. Plea\se bear with me I have every intention of finishing this story.

Warning: This chapter takes place in Chernobyl please do not take offence and if you think this chapter will upset you then I recommend skipping.

CHAPTER Warning: violence, mentions of kidnap, Death.

Disclaimer: I do not own any characters and no money has been made from this.


Chapter Twenty two

Apex Predator

I have been sleeping for seven moons and now I'm awake

I have a hunger deep within me I can't shake

You see it twists and turns - I won't let it take a hold of me

The time to hunt has come - It's time for me to feed

In this Moment - Hunting Grounds

Seventeen years ago, …

Each step is excruciating, pain scorching her side, with every drop of blood she knows her chances of survival are low. These stupid trials, she lost her brother early on, now her father too. Collapsing, she holds back the sob she needs to do this, to reach the end. In their memory, their honour.

She spots her tent through the trees she only went searching for firewood, did not expect to be attacked. Pushing forward, her knife still shakes in her grip, the end dripping with the blood of the werewolf. A werewolf here of all places?

Landing near her tent, she searches for the first aid, throwing aside her boyfriends snitch, pulling out the anything that fixes the chunk missing from her side. She grabs the vodka dousing her side she screams, her voice filling the whole of Chernobyl.

The pain is intense she passes out, coming to when the night is approaching. The wound still leaking, but the puss is seeping, infected. She cries silent tears, the wound looks wrong, smells wrong. Is it because it was a werewolf, no she has seen bites in books they don't look like this?

What had the muggle said? Contaminated? Radiation? That only affected muggles, right? There had been something wrong with that wolf though. Not fur but more scaly skin as it skulked moved so silently, across the dead grass.

Pain erupts in her arms, the night bringing in the full moon. She feels her blood pulsing, the ground shaking or is all this in her mind. Anger at her family, at her boyfriend who she hit to slow the chasing of the dragon. Left him to die as she jumped. Who were they? She wanted to get to the end, to show them she could do without them, so what if she poisoned their food here and there. Slowed them down, she only needed them for their brains.

In the wood she chokes out a cry, it morphs to a growl, a whimper. Can feel her skin ripping, her body twisting at ungodly angles. Her mouth on fire, her jaw dislocating, she loses consciousness the pain too immense. Her limbs heavy, the sky changing once more. She flinches in the light of the sun appearing.

A bark leaving her jaw as she spots the blade-like hands, nails so sharp it cuts through the shell of her camp. She stumbles landing on something that crunches. She's changed, into some sort of wolf. Why isn't she changing back? The sun is up, why isn't she changing.

The first touch of sunlight burns her skin, it makes her panic she's moving past a water fountain further into the depths of the forest. Hiding from the sun. The smell of blood, she can smell it saliva dribbles from her fangs.

There will be no stopping her now, she will get to the end. Nothing will stop her in this form, no one can stop her in this form. She will become the most powerful creature to walk this earth. She will use others to get to the end, from there the wish will be hers. The Sleeping Moses will be hers alone.

~~~~~ ADITM ~~~~~

The drink is merely making her buzz, she hoped it replace the numbness. Take away the pain that crushes. Except for every time she downs her drink it merely pulses before disappearing. The memories hurt, agonising in the repetitive motion.

The ice cubes melt in her malt, she's never had bourbon, she does not think she's a fan. She had merely searched for the strongest drink available. Hoped to forget, to join Bellatrix in a drunken stupor. She's not sure what scared her most. The creature or a crying Bellatrix. If anything, she thinks it's Bellatrix admitting defeat.

"It won't help." A hand, calm and gentle caresses her wrist.

Glaring, Hermione hopes to scare the old lady away, her greying hair hidden beneath a scarf. It's a beautiful scarf, prominent in a pattern it takes her mind away from her past.

"Surely, that is enough?" The old lady says motioning towards the half drank bottle.

"I don't think it'll ever be enough," Hermione admits.

"You have ghosts in your eyes," The old lady whispers tugging Hermione from her seat. "My father had ghosts too."

Clumsy, Hermione allows herself to be dragged from the bar, from her drink into the open air. The sun slinking behind the houses, a new evening dawning. As the old lady drags her onwards through the street towards a square. For an old person, it surprises Hermione how strong the grip is, a part of her wonders if this is a trap. The other wonders if she cares, hopes for an end to this.

"Here," The old lady informs forcing them to a stop.

Standing in front of a war monument, Hermione feels a different kind of sadness. A memory dedicated to those souls lost in the search and rescue of Chernobyl. The names, the people laid to rest and those who never found.

"He was a doctor when the plant blew."

"I'm sorry."

"I watched him die, a slow painful death even then he helped others. To the very end, he helped. It is okay to mourn, Hermione."

"How do you know me?" Hermione whispers looking around to see if it a trap.

"I know all who pass through the trials. I am a healer. Just as my father and my forefathers. Although I have the magic to aid me. It is common to see those stumble to our town. The muggles cannot see us. Fear not."

"What do you want?"

"As said, I am a healer, I hope to heal."

"I'm not sick."

"The mind is also part of the body. It is sick, darkness holds you. You could not save that girl."

"Your in my head?"

"It's part of the Moses, I chose to stay. After my family settled here, after the disaster, I went in search of Moses many years ago."

"Did you find them?"

"No, otherwise my father would be alive. I wanted to wish the accident never to happen. Until I realised, I could never save them, they were not for me to save. The people who travel through I could, I could save them."

"So, You're stuck here?"

"No, the Moses is living breathing creature. It grants as does it take. I choose to stay; it chose to let me go. I can leave, at any time."

"Why would stay?" Hermione wonders wiping tears from her cheek.

"Because I can make a difference. I can help. You were bitten?"


"I see, I cannot cure that, I assume that will be your wish, is that why you came here?"

"No, I was bitten during the trials."

"Ah, so what was your wish before?"

"I didn't have one, I didn't want to be here. I was forced it turned into a mutual agreement. I was…"


"My partner in these trials, my wish was to counter anything she wished for, now it's changed obviously."

"her wish remains the same?"

"I don't think so."

"The trials change perspective, it is unusual to meet someone who entered with no wish. I sought you out because you remind me of my father."

"I don't know why."

"Hmm, your answers won't be found at the bottom of a bottle, my dear. It will be found deep inside you. Here drink this, this one is for your friend. Some things are greater than us, Moses is not the end for you. You are destined for so much more; it is time you search for the end."

"That's what we have been doing."

"No, you were searching for the exit, a need to escape, now. Now you must search for the end. A finish, to accept you are here. That only when you are here you must not fail. Cannot possibly fail."

Clutching the potions, Hermione sits at the bench in front of the memorial. Staring at the names, more confused than ever. She drinks her potion under the caring eyes of the healer a satisfied nod.

"Stay here, I will fetch your food. I ask, do not move, despite everything, you must not move or aid. Do you understand? Not until my return?"


"Just do not move, I need you to understand."

Motionless, Hermione nods her acceptance watching the old witch walk away she stares at the memorial. Casting a charm to keep herself warm she watches the wizarding world interact around her, everyone going on as usual. The muggle world forgotten, horse-drawn carriages trundle down the street, she wonders what she should be looking for.

It's half an hour later bum numb, she fidgets as a dishevelled wizard exits a bar. He walks to the curb, hands in pocket swaying with the wind. Hermione wonders what she's meant to be seeing. A witch exits a shop, dressed differently from the locals, wearing similar gear to Hermione. The bag swung over her shoulder; she waves at someone. Except Hermione fails to see who as no one waves back.

Another wave, shouting, as though having a conversation, she talks to an invisible person. Bang. Hermione flinches as the witch is struck, run down by a carriage. Trampled by a horse, she rises from her seat until the healers request filters through her mind. Forcing herself to sit, she watches the crowd milling around the witch, shouting.

It's the man from the bar who remains motionless, shaking his head he returns to the bar. In a blink, the scene is gone, as though there was no accident. No nothing. There's no witch on the ground, no carriage, just the normal day.

A young witch arrives handing Hermione food, books, and a coat. Accepting, Hermione makes the bench her home wondering what else she needs to see. Hours pass, she reads drifts in and out of sleep forgotten by the commuters. Until screaming wakes her, the witch she saw earlier hit by the carriage. The wizard standing by the pub watching, it's the same as before, an exact replay of events.

"Sometimes he tries to save her, she'll still die." The old lady's voice makes Hermione jump. "one way or another she dies in this square."


"The rest cannot see it, only those on the trials. It's a mirage, he exists though, although he has aged over the years."

"Years?" Hermione splutters.

"Hmm, this is what happens if you stay in the trials. He is forever trapped here, by guilt, fear it keeps him here. A loyalty perhaps? She still dies, will never stop dying. He creates this loop, sometimes the Moses is cruel."

"What did he do to deserve this?" Hermione asks.

"They were lovers."


"He pushed her in front of the carriage, to get the Moses to himself. He got to the end and made a wish."

"Why is he here?"

"He wished for her to live. We cannot bring back those we love, not even the Moses can achieve that. This is his punishment created by himself. A failure to move on, to leave, greed and guilt. You must not succumb to the trials. Parts of us die in these trials, we lose love ones, we lose ourselves, but we cannot undo what has already crossed. Do you understand?"


"You will, good luck Hermione."

The slamming of the door startles her awake, groggily she stirs neck stiff from sleeping against the window. Tap against the window from the driver pushing the door open Hermione stretches.

"I go no further." The muggle says. "This is where I drop you."

"The middle of nowhere?" Bellatrix says emerging from the car with a frown.

"I go no further."

Nodding, Hermione thanks the driver, something organised by the old lady back in Gomel, aiding them in reaching the outskirts of Chernobyl. The truck reverses, a wave from the driver as he heads back towards civilisation. It was a miracle to even convince Bella to get into the car, something she doubts she will ever achieve again.

They are unable to fly, although the reason not obvious, Hermione decided to agree to the transport. Curious as to why they could not fly she figured they'd work it out on entering the area. A promise there is no wizarding presence here only muggle protection. They will be detected. The urge to tread carefully, not to spend too long.

A few days they can survive, their magic makes them resistant to the radiation, but not immune. Radiation monitor attached to her hip; Hermione checks the map. They move in silence, the buzz of the monitor as they grow ever closer.

They feel a charm as they pass something they were warned about, but nothing to concern them. Just the wizarding world keeping track of traffic into the zone. Bella is striding ahead undisturbed, not realising the impact of the town they are about to enter.

Large apartment buildings loom in front, old buildings with nature slowly reclaiming them. The grass slowly turns to the cracked pavement that is now slowly vanishing. An eerie silence, it feels wrong to step foot in the town.

Bellatrix has stopped in front staring at something on the ground as Hermione approaches. She can see a small part in the distance forgotten, lost. Pausing next to Bellatrix, Hermione stares at the doll on the ground. Dirty, from the ash, it lies forgotten.

Shivering, Hermione shares a look with the witch next to her before stepping over the doll. They move through the streets that have become a forest of its own. Large green trees towering almost as tall as the buildings. Dogs run across where the streets were once, bounding around barking. They pay neither witch attention. They spot wild deer walking slowly through the street they pause to admire the beauty.

Chewing on a bar of chocolate, Hermione peers through a first-floor flats window. A TV, sofa pictures line the wall. Children's toys on the floor, it's sad to view. A whole life left behind; she spots a crib through a partially open door.

"Now I understand," Bellatrix says appearing next to her.

"It's horrendous," Hermione mutters.

A nod from Bellatrix, a simple answer, neither wanting to linger to speak too much. The ground shakes, gripping the building for support, Hermione pulls out her wand. Debris drops from the flat block, forcing the witches away towards the street. Sheltering from the falling brick, wondering if they're in the middle of an Earthquake.

"There," Bellatrix whispers.

Hermione follows the pointing finger spotting the power station in the distance. The view takes her breath away, leaves her distraught. Half of the building collapsed from the explosion, it's when she notices the moving Earth. A creature shuffling beneath the rubble.

Giant in its form, a large scaley leg emerges followed by the towering head. Swallowing, Hermione styands in awe of the large Dragon, she has never seen one so big. Emerging from below the crater left by the explosion.

"Dragon?" Hermione mutters in disbelief. "Did it cause this?"

"Doubtful," Bellatrix replies watching the horned beast shake some of the rocks from its back. "They're not naturally aggressive. Too built up to attract its attention."

"Then why is it here?"

"Radiation," Bellatrix replies simply. "It's a haven for them, I bet there's more around. They should be docile. Makes me wonder though… Was there an explosion?"


"These dragons tend to burrow underground; it might have been living nearby feeding of the radiation. The explosion might have drawn it to the area or…"


"I'm assuming they had containment issues?"

"yes, they thought they wouldn't solve the problem of the reactor because the core was exposed."

"Ah, I'd hesitant a guess, that the wizarding community would have been contacted. They would have brought dragons here in that case, allowing them to feed off the radiation and in return neutralise the threat."

They both freeze as the dragon stops to stare at the witches. Clutching her wand, Hermione wonders if this is it? Are they going to go toe to toe with a dragon, can still remember their last encounter with one? A hand presses against her wrist forcing her arm down, her wand away from the dragon.

"I don't think it'll hurt us." Bellatrix murmurs next to Hermione. "Think it's more surprised we can see it."

"you think?"

"Pretty confident."

Glancing at Bellatrix, Hermione isn't sure she can trust the witch's assessment. Strangely enough, the dragon seems to deem them not a threat before it continues its lumbering journey. A tail dragging across the ground, dogs chase it. Barking, running beneath its feet following it to wherever it's heading.

"How do you know all this?" Hermione asks the witch standing impossibly close to her.

"Azkaban, the library had very little in the way of reading."

She can smell cherries, can smell Bellatrix's perfume the hand still resting on her arm. It sends tingles down her spine, their closeness confusing her. The memory of Heta being killed because she was distracted snaps her out of the moment. The smile slips away at the memory, she steps away from the witch who didn't even to seem to notice their closeness.

Something Hermione noticed early on, Bellatrix a very touchy-feely person. Standing too close, bodies touching in some way. Neither neediness nor a dominance thing, just something that is Bellatrix.

"Come on, let's see where it's going," Bellatrix suggests.

~~~~~ ADITM ~~~~~

Sitting, Bella bathes in the sunlight as it slows drops below the horizon. Something she missed greatly when in Azkaban was the touch of sunlight, the heat on the skin. She craved the light, just a touch, she almost crawled into Cissy's garden to feel the first rays of sun on her release.

Bathed in the light, with nothing but the trees around them the chirping of the birds, she takes it all in. The only constant fear that she will lose it all one day. If they lose the war, she will lose her freedom a promise to herself to never let that happen. Never.

Despite the rations, the endless death scenarios she has come to enjoy their adventure because it is theirs. It might have started as her own, a need to fix a past to erase a mistake. It has become something else, created something else. She cannot put her finger on what though, she hasn't had a connection like this in a long time.

For someone to meet her mentally, to have them on the same wavelength. To have them test her, to question her actions, to have faith in her. The one who drives them to make a decision that isn't always the easiest one. A backbone, to not step down when she loses her patience when she gets angry. It's refreshing because they neither fear her nor wish to control her, they merely just accept her as she is.

They argue, bicker like siblings, constantly over pitiful things. They argue till their red in the face, push the other to the end of their tether. A hatred formed their bond, metamorphosed into some strange friendship.

Because she knows Granger has her back and she has Granger's. Despite her jibing, Granger is a very skilled duellist, a capable witch not that Bella would tell her that. Sure, she taught her a few things, but the raw energy was there it just needed morphing. Forming into something that could be used. She'd happily take Granger into the field with her, has taken Granger into a fight, they have won several battles.

Something reassuring that Granger doesn't shrink when Bella's demon comes out to play in a duel when the craziness rears its head. She merely waits, patiently taming the raging monster that there is no more need for violence.

Perhaps Azkaban made her soft, broke parts of her that she could never fix. After all, she's trying to fix a past to save her daughter, to bring her Lord back to his full power and allow the Longbottom's to live. She still wonders about that night, the night the Lestrange brothers attacked the Longbottom's.

While she sat braiding her daughter's hair, wondered if it was the brothers alone or they did have someone with them. Did Rod throw her under the bus just to keep her with him in Azkaban? She missed her nephew's birthdays; became the crazy aunt he cannot look at without disgust. That Neville fears, despises and her daughter very much feels the same. She'd lie if she said it didn't hurt, it tore at her, the chance to fix history. It feeds her a need, but Granger's warning that her wish would not work. Well now it changes things, how can she fix history without saving her Lord? He is the catalyst that led to the event, that changed all their lives.

A chuckle from Granger interrupts her thoughts, amused, Bella watches the younger witch play with pixies. As they dance in the night air buzzing around in abandoned outdoor fountain. Watches the witch fill the fountain with water, the dogs edging closer.

Something so simple fills the young witch with amusement, entertaining herself with pixies, with the wildlife. A young puppy emerging from the shadows and Bella intuitively know Granger is already planning on giving her food away tonight. Somewhere a dragon is nearby they had followed it to this clearing.

The creature searching for water, they decided to take vantage point on the top of the stone steps. Away from prying eyes, from any other less friendly creatures. Granger wanting to follow the pixies, amazed by the little creatures. Why was beyond Bella but she neither argued nor stopped the witch.

She forgets at times that Granger is a muggle-born, that pixies still intrigue the witch. When they seem so very normal to Bellatrix. Smiling, Bella watches the scene below amused as Granger huffs up the stairs collapsing next to her near the entrance to their tent. They will have to take shifts tonight, not trusting the town fully.

Arms folded, Granger watches the starry sky, listening to the wildlife pottering around. It's strange to find solace in such an eerie place. She supposes it's because of their magic the radiation tingles them. Filling their cores, too much magic will damage them.

"How old do you think it was?" Granger questions.

They had found an old campsite, incredibly old could feel the magic still lingering. A collapsed tent torn to shreds, nature starting to reclaim it. They spotted a snitch amongst the soil, confirming their suspicions. A wand snapped, an eerie sight to remind them that they are not alone.

"Ten to twenty years? Could be more, why?" Bellatrix asks.

"Just wondered, could you imagine the fear they must have felt?"

She could imagine it, has imagined it, felt it not long ago. She hopes to never feel it again she chooses to take first watch. Not trusting the silence, nor the talk.

"I'll take the first watch," Granger says.

"I've got it."

"Honestly, Bella it's fine. Besides his active now, best to stay awake don't want him to go eating the local wildlife."

"True," Bella concedes they might have some immunity, but she wouldn't recommend eating contaminated animals.

Stretching she tips her drink over their little fire, removing the kinks in her back. She doubts she'll get much sleep tonight. Not with the strange air. A hand grabs hers making her still, stopping her entrance into the tent. Following the slender arm, Bella raises an eyebrow at Granger.

"Want a goodnight kiss?" Bella teases with a smirk.

"No," Granger chuckles with a blush, Bella ignores the pinch of disappointment. "I never said thank you."

"For what?" Bella asks.

"The earmuffs, for the charms. It helps a lot to fall asleep with." She stumbles over the words in a dorky fashion that is oddly cute.

"It was nothing," Bella answers, it took forever and a day to figure out.

The hand remains firm in hers, soft not like she scarred rough hands. No Granger's remains free of dirt, of secrets and blood. Despite her thoughts, Granger is far from a killer, Bella doubts the witch will ever really feel the urge. In some ways, she hopes to keep Granger pure, despite their circumstance she wants to keep these hands smooth.

"Still I appreciate it." Granger's voice is gravelly, her eyes soul searching.

"Your welcome."

She pulls away ignores the flicker of hurt, the sigh of acceptance from Granger as Bella retreats into the tent. Settling on the bed she rubs her eyes, she's becoming soft. The trials are getting to her, it doesn't mean she doesn't want to go back out there and hug the witch. She's always been open with her emotions good or bad.

Towards her later life, she hid her happy emotions the real emotions, but the openness stayed. In interrogation, bed, or general life. Approaching people's personal space good or bad, she always has. With Granger, though the urge to be in her space is something else, she wants to close the distance. To hug, she tries to resist but forgets sometimes. It's natural for her to reach out, even her Lord despite numerous hexes grew used to her actions.

However, she wants to hide this part from Granger, doesn't want to get any more attached than necessary. Friend. The words taste funny on her tongue, she hasn't had a friend in a very long time. Comrades, associates, and lovers but friends? True friends, no she cannot recall a real friend. She craves it, wants to make Granger her friend accept the offer Granger throws her way. The open arms because she will ruin the witch. It is best not to damage her more than she already has.

Friends though? She could be a friend, aren't they already? Yes, she could be a friend. Maybe.

A/N: Stay safe all.